《Hoops •LaMelo Ball•》State baby (3 of 4)


" Aye y'all ready to get to the game ?" Denise said coming out.

"Who you tryna look cute for?" Zo said. She was wearing some cute jeans rolled up with a red and white stripped Polo on. She added white huraches and had her hair half up half down.

"My side hoe." She joked.

"Don't play." He said as we opened the door seeing the team already making there way to the elevator.

"Boo!" I hear form behind me. I scream and get unbalanced and fall to the ground.

" I got that on video!" Gelo said laughing.

"And the worst boyfriend award goes to LaMelo Ball." I said.

"Thank you thank you." Melo bowed as he acted like he was in front of a crowd.

"Boy shut up."

"You sure you really want me to." He said seductively.

"Positive." I said my heart skipping bout a whole 5 beats. He pushed me against the wall.

"Make me then." He whispered in my ear.

I kissed him just so he would stop making be feel helpless. It's was long and we didn't even stop to take any breaths.

"Okay Melo get you some then!" O said looking back at us from his place in the front of the group. "But stop all that dry humping lovey dovey shit we got a semi to win."

"You know you'd be all up on Nessa if she was here." I said my face still red and my heart still beating fast.

"You right." O replied with his hand on his chin.

We make our way to the team bus and I sit comfortably in-between Melo and daijon. I had my head in Melos shoulder and I started recording us. He was looking out the window. He looked down at the phone and Quickly put his head in my head of curly hair.

"Y'all better win. Cause we already know Mater Dei gone win they game." Coach heavens said as we got into the gym.

"What's this teams record?" Melo asked putting his ball bag down.

"They lost 3 games." Coach said.

They began doing warm up and lay ups. Melo practiced his lay up packages as well as his handles.

"If you don't cross somebody up today melo I'm disowning you as my brother." Zo said. I'm allowed to sit on the bench because coach put me on the roster as a another sports physical therapist person and Zo is allowed because he's ... lonzo ball.

"Dead ass same." Gelo said as I wrapped his ankle.

I sat in the bench and went through my comments as the boys warmed up. I rolled my eyes as the stupid ones but can across one. I kinda struck a nerve as it read

with that purity ring on your finger we all know you and Melo ain't did it yet. Better give it up for someone comes along and beats you to it.


I really have been thinking about it lately. Not because melo is pressuring me to do so but because I know what are girls willing to give him. I hate that I'm getting in my feeling when I'm suppose to be supporting my boyfriend.

"You good?" Melo asked coming over to me dribbling his basketball.

"Yeah." I say unconvincing.

"Who you trying to convince me or yourself." He says as he usual does when I tell him nothing wrong.

I don't want to put all my girly problems on him right before a game.

"You because I know there is nothing wrong with me" I leaned back in my chair. He took my arm and basically picked me up with one arm. He dragged me out the not so far gym doors and dropped my crunches on the floor .

"What's up?" He asked.

" I don't know ..." I said even though I do know.

"You do know."

"Well I was reading my comments..." I started before he cut me off.

"Ah hell comment reading never ends well." He said making me laugh a little. "What did it say?"

"with that purity ring on your finger we all know you and Melo aint did it yet. Better give it up before someone comes along and beats you to it."

"They ain't have to say all that." Melo said agreeing with my thoughts.

"But the thing is I've been think about it. And I know you love me but is that really enough. Like I know you teenage boys, my brother was once one and so we're his friends and his friends had broken up with plenty of girl cause they didn't have sex with them." I said. " What if you decide you want to go back to Victoria cause she will give it up unlike me?"

"First off you only a freshman so even if you didn't have religious beliefs and you gave it up at this age that would be kinda unpleasant." Melo said speaking the truth even though he lost his last year. " Two I would would never break up with you."

"How do you know this? We can't tell the Future."

"Cause I obviously love you and two you bring another form of discipline to my life. Yeah da makes us work out on regular but when I don't feel like it you don't make me like dad does you tell me some encouraging words that makes me want to put in work ." Melo explained. "Another example is with homework and going to class. I wouldnt come home and do my homework if it weren't for you coming to the house and sitting next to me at the dinning room table."

"True." I said agreeing with him


"Even when you don't get picked up by Gelo and you go with Mary. When mom says I can stay home I tell her no because with don't want you disappointed in me you my girl and I want to be the best I can be. Plus I like that you not easy. If I wanted easy I would be with Victoria but I'm not cause I need you in my life you support me and love me. And I know that our relationship isn't based off sexual intent but actual love."

"I love you boyfriend you always make everything better." I said being mushy.

"I love you more. Why didn't you tell me when I first asked?"

"Because one I'm a girl and we don't do that and two I didn't want to stress you with my problems before a big game."

"Please babe. If there is anyone's problems I want to be stressed with it's yours."

"Mmhm please boy." I said laughing and crutching my way back into the gym.

"What's so funny?" Zo asked.

"You're face." Melo said using a child like comeback.

"Sit yo noodle head ass down somewhere."

"Y'all be hating on the hair know damn well y'all wish y'all could have it." He said shaking his head slightly making his bouncy curls move.

"Aight guy we are about to start. Starts you know who y'all are." Coach Haven said. All the guys huddled up and listened to there coach talk about the game plan.

"Anything to add?" Coach asked me . I was kinda like an assistant coach I guess. I always give them pointers and stuff but right know I can't believe how they are playing.

"Y'all are playing like trash. Yes y'all may be winning but only by the skin of y'all teeth to be honest. Y'all O you have to pass the ball when you get the rebound stop dribbling you know yo long ass can't do that. Melo why the hell you chucking up stupid shots? Scott stop throwing the long balls so fast and hard, Gelo can't catch them all the time. And gelo , when Eli passes the ball you have to catch it and y'all are playing no type of defense." I said listing everything wrong since coach Haven is just saying everything they doing right. They are doing good but they are doing a lot wrong and they need to know it.

"Melo stop just swiping at the damn ball bro. Put your body in front of them instead of swiping and moving out the way. Gelo as big as you is you need to be getting those rebounds on offense. O and E stop tryna dunk on everyone it's okay chill out." I look at each one of them. They nod there heads knowing what I'm talking about. "Y'all are doing good but I know y'all can do better."

"Y'all do wanna bet Mater Dei am I right?" Gelo said speaking up.

"Yeah." They all said in unison.

"Then get y'all act together and win. We have two whole quarters to win this. Let's get it."

They all yelled loudly getting hype and stretching to stay warm. When the whistle blew they went out there with intensity in there eyes.

"That was a great speech. I can tell they respect you even if you are on of there peers." Haven said not looking at me.

"They know when I'm being serious and when I'm playing around. They know I just want the best for them."

"I can tell and I want to thank you for helping me out they can be hard to deal with sometimes but you know how to get them settled down."

"Yell at them like dogs." I said laughing. " They act like animals sometimes so treat them like they act."

We watch the game to see that the boys are applying everything I said. Melo has already gotten two steals Gelo is getting the rebounds and O and Eli are doing there jobs both offesively and defensively.

"Okay E I see you with the spin move." I yelled as he jogged back to our side of the court. He saluted me, half paying attention.

We are up by 20 now and we have 10 minutes left.

"Coach are we going in?" Daijon asked coach Haven.

"Ask Kaylee." Will and daijon both looked at me.

"That cool." I said. "Will you in for quan and daij go in for O since he keep asking me for water and I keep saying no."

"So are you like the coach now?" Andre asked me as the boys subbed in and out.

"No I'm more of a personal motivational speaker." I said looking at the clock ticking.

"A motivational speaker that coach haven let's make important decision?"

" Something like that." I said laughing.

"We won! We won!" Melo said speed walking to the side lines.

" Thats what the score board says doesn't it?" I said laughing as melo picks me up and spins me around.

They go shake hands with the other team and come back. We all go sit under the hoop as coach haven expresses his happiness.

"Don't get to big headed cause we got one more game." I said.

"Damn kaylee can we at least have a little bit of happiness?" Quan asked in a joking manner.

"Now where is the fun in that?"

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