《An Unknown Bond [Zeldris x OC]》Ch. 6 - True Powers
Chapter 6 - True Powers
Meliodas has left with Zaneri a couple of minutes ago and silence has surrounded us ever since. I went to sit down again and waited here for something to happen, when Arthurs red hair appears in my vision. "Lady Yami" he speaks up and sits down next to me.
"Arthur..." I mumble, not knowing why he's here. "I'm sorry I haven't told you about my true powers." Arthur is one of the few people that knew about my powers from begin on but I never told him where they're actually coming from. He just expected them to be magical in some way and I wasn't supposed to tell him or anybody else.
"I don't care about where your powers come from, Lady Yami. You're still the same person than before to me."
His kind words touch me and I pull him in a hug. "You are really destined to do great things" I say happily and see the young king blush.
"Now, what are we supposed to do whilst Sir Meliodas is in there?" Gilthunder asks, now that the silence is finally broken.
I turn around to face everyone who's left over. "There are only two ways to defeat the Ten Commandments. Every demon is just an obstacle because the Ten Commandments are who lead them. A commandment can be removed from their wielder if that person gives their consent, which I highly doubt will happen, or if they are left powerless, unable to fight or die. The commandment makes them really powerful but their ordinary demonic powers are still very strong. I fear that we will have to fight to the bitter end even then."
"But haven't you just said the commandments can only be removed if we leave them unable to fight or dead? So how are they supposed to keep fighting if we hit them that hard?" King asks.
"You mean that we better kill them instead of just fighting them, right?" Gilthunder mumbles.
I don't look at him as sadness fills my eyes just thinking about it. But I fear that this is my point.
"That is why we all need to train our powers" I say. "That's why we are here."
"You will enter the cave in groups of two and find an individual opponent there" Jenna says. "You have to leave your weapons here. Use your head to discover your true powers."
3rd persons
"Jenna" Meliodas laughs when he comes back from his trial.
"Meliodas" she answers as she turns around to face him. "Seems like you passed your trial."
"Had any doubts?" he giggles.
Zaneri appears right behind him. "Zaneri, has he learned to controll his emotions?" Jenna asks and Zaneri shakes her head. Meliodas takes a look around and cuts Jenna off before she can ask further. "Where's the rest?"
"They're training their powers" Jenna says.
"Shit" I mumble as I fall down onto my knees. A strong pain goes through my body, so strong that I can hardly stand it.
"Lady Yami!" I hear King shout my name before he attacks the monster again that we're actually in the middle of a fight with. "Are you okay?"
"It's... Meliodas..." I breath out painfully. I feel his suffering and pain, his despair and fear, as well as this incredibly strong anger that then breaks out of him. His trial. I can feel all the pain he's going through, again and again. I was never able to feel his suffering when he wasn't right next to me, so why now?
Tears form in my eyes as I can barely stand what he's going through whilst I see King fighting against the monster, trying to keep me safe. I wonder why he's being so protective when he wanted to kill me not that long ago, when I scream out in pain as I once again feel Meliodas' pain, unable to stand it anymore. The pain is so unbearable that I bend over in pain and can't move at all.
What kind of trial is that?
King gets hit by the monster and lands hardly on the floor. I mutter his name and try to stand up to help him but my body is too weak. Meliodas' pain is too much to take.
The monster raises his arm, ready to hit King when the pain is gone suddenly. I jump back onto my feet, run in front of King and block the monsters attack. "Don't you dare" I growl and kick the monster so hard that it flies back a few meters. "You'll not hurt my friend!" I shout and feel a new power escaping my body, straightly hitting the monster before it vanishes. I turn around to King and reach out my hand to him. "Are you okay?" I ask.
He looks at my offer and nods, ready to fight again but then sees that the monster is gone. "Are we already done?" But another one appears.
"Not just yet, I believe."
King and I walk out of the cave sometime later and high-five each other. It seems like he has made up his mind about me and we surely beat this monsters asses together. I see Meliodas stand next to Jenna and Zaneri and run up to him to wrap my arms around his neck, tears begin to roll down my face.
"Now, now" Meliodas says as he rubs my back. "Who's going to cry here?"
"I felt it all" I say as I can't calm down myself and Meliodas keeps me in his arms to comfort me whilst I burry my head in his neck, letting the tears flow. Eventually, I calm down and pull away from him. "You have passed your trial, right?"
I look at Jenna and Zaneri and already know he has passed. "I'm so happy" I hug him again and hear my friend giggle.
Everyone else comes out of their training, too just shortly after.
"Sir Arthur, what's on your head?" I ask surprised as something similar to a cat sits on his head.
"A mistery" he shrugs and I can't help but giggle.
"Well it looks cute on you" I say and he blushes once again. Merlin just shakes her head at this unfamiliar view.
"Sir Meliodas" Gilthunder says the moment he comes back out of the cave as well. "Have you gotten your powers back?"
"I'm about to" he giggles and I look at him with disbelief.
"Tell me, Zaneri. Did Meliodas give up on his emotions?" Jenna asks her younger sister.
"He hasn't" Zaneri answers.
"What do you mean, he hasn't abonded his emotions? Are you saying there's a chance he might get consumed by rage again and go berserk?"
"There's not" I whisper certainly, mostly to myself. Meliodas is so much stronger than I am and if I was able to get my power under controll, so is he.
"Right now, what exists inside him isn't the blazing wrath that sends him on a rampage, destroying everything in his sight, but a wrath that will consume everything silently, like a deep sea. He has now complete control over his rage."
"Why so poetic, Zaneri?" Meliodas giggles. "Now, can you restore my power?"
"You haven't changed in all the years" Jenna scolds. "To be honest, I want to tell you 'no way!' but I have no choice." Jennas magical scepter appears and she says words none of us but Hendrickson and Zaneri can understand. A huge goddess amber appears above her and Meliodas. I take a step back and push Arthur behind me to protect him.
"Sir Meliodas' power is inside that?" Hendrickson asks in awe.
"It was really difficult to get it in there" Merlin says, her arms crossed.
"Please, step all back" Jenna says and we do as we get told. "Here we go, Meliodas" she then says and breaks the amber with another pair of words we don't understand. Darkness surrounds us. I feel my own demonic powers growing stronger inside me whilst the Holy Knights look at the sky all surprised.
"I know what you're thinking" Jenna says. "But it's not the darkness of the night. It's Meliodas' power."
I look at Meliodas' power and then at him as he looks up to the darkness when it suddenly rushes down on him. King gets blown away by the strong wind and the Holy Knights hide behind a rock to not get blown away, too. Only Merlin and I stand firm because we are able to withstand this enormous power. I hold tight onto Arthur so he doesn't get hurt or blown away.
The darkness around us begins to get smaller and I can see his former demon marks before the power flows into him completely. Everyone looks at the Captain nervously whilst I stand there in awe. I've almost forgotten how strong he is.
"Is he still the same?" Howzer asks carefully when everything is over.
"What do you think?" Meliodas asks and giggles, bringing a smile on my face. I look at King to see his reaction but it seems like any doubts have left him.
"Are you okay, King?" I ask Arthur that still looks at Meliodas in awe. "Of course" he says and then waves me a smile.
"Merlin" Meliodas says. "Now, as they know about me" he states to everyone before turning to the magician again. "Can you send me over to the Ten Commandments?"
"Meliodas!" I exclaim furious. "You can't seriously think about it!"
"What do you mean 'They know about you'?" Howzer asks.
"Just as you are able to feel the powers of other warriors, we demons also feel the power of our fellow warriors. If Meliodas' power was already clearly noticeable for you, the Commandments felt it all the more. A power so strong does not go unnoticed. Not at all for the leaders of the demons" I explain but then grit my teeth. "But what Meliodas is up to now is just plain stupid."
"After everything you and Lady Yami have told us, that's suicidal!" Gilthunder says in shock to Meliodas. He's surely worried about his friend.
"It's not that I can't" Merlin says, completely ignoring our worries and objections as she faces the Captain. "But there is one thing - Once I teleport you, there'll be a slight delay before you can be teleported back. In other words, Captain, you must survive for more than ten seconds on your own."
"Makes about 2 seconds for each command. That's just the time I need" he smirks. "Let's do it!"
"Meliodas!" I once again say worriedly. "Don't do that!"
"Very well" Merlin says as she's still only following Meliodas' lead. They haven't changed in all these years.
Then, Meliodas is gone.
"Merlin, is there a way-" I begin but Merlin lifts up a floating sphere.
"Already ahead of you" she says as we all surround the crystal ball to watch Meliodas. "He's too far away to hear him though" she says but it doesn't matter. I have to be sure Meliodas is doing okay.
I see him walking up to where the Ten Commandments must be at as Galand jumps in front of him, blocking the way. I see them talking before Meliodas begins to batter him and after a quick movement with his secret treasure, Galand is bleeding everywhere and falls down unconscious. The other Commandments stand there in shock because it took Meliodas only a few seconds. A small smirk forms on my friends lips as he just walks past Galland, towards the Commandments. Meliodas opens his mouth and I see who he's talking to. Zeldris.
I stumble back in shock and begin to feel dizzy. "Lady Yami!" Arthur exclaims when he notices and he puts his arm around me to support me.
Of course...
Zeldris had been the second in command. And when Meliodas left them, Zeldris became first in command. That is only logical.
Nonetheless, I am so overwhelmed by the realization that I almost lose the ground under my feet. My thoughts are a complete mess and whilst I continue to look into Merlin's sphere, I can only look at Zeldris, while the pain in my chest seems to crush me and I forget about the danger Meliodas is in.
"Only ten more seconds" I hear Merlin say. I look at Zeldris, who's getting angrier and angrier. He then jumps down and lands right in front of Meliodas. His eyes look at his brother with hatred as he draws his sword.
"No!" I exclaim in shock and hear everyone catch their breathes.
Meliodas appears right between us just then.
We all stand there in shock, looking at the blonde haired boy.
Realization hits me finally. "You incredible idiot!" I scream at Meliodas and hit him with so much power that I send him back a few meters. I hear Howzer whistle in recognition.
"She surely has some powers."
Everyone looks at me surprised as Meliodas is just doing his face again.
He jumps back onto his feet and joins us again but I just continue to scold at him. "What were you thinking?!"
"I just went to say Hi" he smirks and I punch him once again. But this time he's prepared and blocks my fist by wrapping his hand around it. "Alright, alright, alright, save your powers" he says and pushes down my hand. Tears form in my eyes from anger and the fear I had felt as I hear steps behind us. I turn around and see princess Elizabeth running towards us. "Meliodas!" she shouts and he turns around with a smile.
"There you are, Elizabeth." What just happened is already forgotten for him.
"I'm sorry, it took me a while to get changed" Elizabeth says as we all look at her new outfit.
"I like it!" Meliodas says and puts his head under her skirt but I pull him back immediately.
"Have some manners!" I scold.
"Has your power been restored, Meliodas?" the princess asks as she has just missed everything and Meliodas nods with a smile.
"How did your training go?" he asks her.
"Right" she laughs. "I failed."
Meliodas' face drops completely and I can't help but giggle at this unknown sight. "You failed?"
Now Elizabeths cheeks turn red. "I failed."
"Completely?" he asks and she nods.
"Meliodas" Gilthunder steps in. "You said you did greet them. How did you do that?"
"What, what. I just warned them that if they did something stupid, we'd beat them up."
"What did you think picking up a fight with them?!" Kings shouts at the Captain. "Now they know about our existence!"
"You moron!" Jenna scolds.
"Moron. Should've thought about that one" I mutter.
"Right now, Britania is teaming with nations and towns. They can raid them more efficiently if they split up. That thought will definitely cross their minds."
"So you're splitting up the Ten Commandments?" Arthur asks.
"As long as they're all in one place, frankly we don't stand a chance. Myself included" Meliodas continues explaining.
"But Meliodas-" I try interrupt him but shut my mouth again. He's right. We don't stand a chance when they're all in one place. They're too powerful. "So what are we gonna do?"
"After regaining their strength, they will try to overthrow the kingdom" Meliodas begins and I can already sense what he's up to.
"So we have to find them first to be able to fight them" I say and Meliodas nods.
"And protect the king. If the kingdom falls, we will have basically lost" Meliodas says. Elizabeth covers her mouth in shock as she realizes that her father and the kingdom are once again in danger. Meliodas looks at her and then at the others as he continues. "People will lose their hope without a kingdom. That is why we need to make sure that Liones stays safe as good as possible." He then turns to Elizabeth once again and smiles at her encouraging. "I promised you, Princess Elizabeth. I promised to help you. Don't forget about that."
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