《An Unknown Bond [Zeldris x OC]》Ch. 4 - Merlin and Arthur
I watch Zeldris doing weird movements with his arms before he pulls me into a hug. I close my eyes and inhale his scent and feel the warmth of his body, when he begins to shake me suddenly. My eyes flutter open and I realize it was just a dream, once again about the New Years Eve in the demons castle. Meliodas leans above me and stops to shake me the moment our eyes meet.
"Meliodas.. What's up?" I mumble as I try to wake up but when I see how determined he looks at me, I shoot up in a sitting position, causing our heads to collide. "Ouch" I mumble and let myself drop down backwards.
"Why, Good morning to you too" Meliodas says as he rubs his head whilst I sit up again, this time way slower. "I need you to do something."
"What's it?"
"You need to get Merlin from Camelot. We will need her very soon."
"But if Merlin is aware of the power, shouldn't she already be on her way?"
"I think she would be here then by now, don't you think?"
"Why me though? Not that I don't want to help you out, Meliodas."
"Because you're the only one else with demon powers" he looks at me as if I'm completly stupid. "And you know where Camelot is at."
"Okay. Tell me about your plan. I'm sure you have one."
"I need go and see Jenna and Zaneri. They still have my powers."
"You want to go to Istar?"
"As soon as possible. I want you and Merlin to meet me there." By the look on his face I know how serious he is about it all, so I nod.
"I'm on my way."
Meliodas nods at me thankfully and leaves the room. I quickly refreshen myself and follow him downstairs just to see Elizabeth cleaning the tavern. "Princess Elizabeth, you sure don't need to clean up the mess we made" I say and hurry up to her, taking the cleaning utensils from her.
She looks up at me with a pleased smile. "Lady Yami, please, I don't mind. There's just so less I can do for Sir Meliodas and the others."
"And she's not working alone!" I hear an unknown voice and when I turn around, I see a small pig cleaning the floor from the leftover food with its tongue.
That voice didn't come from the pig, did it?
"Oh my gosh! The piggy can talk!" I exclaim after moments of staring at it.
"Why does everybody freaks out about it?" it mumbles but walks over to me. "I'm Hawk, Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal" he introduces himself proudly.
"I did not know an Order like that does exists."
"Because it does not" Meliodas says bored whilst he cleans the bar. "It's all made up in his mind."
Hawk acts like he didn't hear what Meliodas had just said and I chuckle. I then head to the door, ready to leave the tavern, when I feel Meliodas' eyes on me, looking all worried. I turn around to face him and see that it's taking him everything to stay strong for Elizabeth and his friends but I can't help but feel sorry for my friend and the worries he must be feeling. I can't help but rush over to him by hopping over the bar and pulling him in a tight hug. He's all surprised at first but then he closes his eyes and returns the hug by putting his arms around me as well.
"I'm really happy to see you again" I say and hope that it looks like he's the one comforting me and that his friends don't suspect anything. I fear that his friends will loose hope when he shows any kind of fear or weakness.
I hop over the bar once again and look at Elizabeth that is standing right next to me. "Make sure to keep an eye on the Captain whilst I'm away. I'll be back real soon."
"But you have just arrived, Lady Yami" she says. "Are you leaving already?"
"Please call me Yami only" I say to the princess. "There's something urgent I need to do but I'll be back in a heartbeat." I turn to a table on where Bans head is resting on, still sleeping and punch on the table loudly. "Fox Sin Ban! Time to wake up! There are things to do."
I look at Meliodas once more and hope that he will have the guts to tell his friends the truth today.
"Indeed there are" Ban says, being awake right instant. "Captain, I'm sorry but I have to leave for a while."
◊ ◊ ◊
I have reached a nearby forest a short walk later and turn around to take a final look at the Boar Hat and then check my surroundings to make sure that I'm alone. What I'm going to do next is stupid and risky but time is running out for us and there's no faster way to get to Camelot than flying. I take a deep breath and swing my arms, changing them into purple wings and take off to the sky, ready to get Merlin.
4.000 years ago
"That's so unfair" I mumbled and watched Zeldris and Meliodas fly around together whilst I could just sit on a bench and watch them.
"Don't be sad, Yami" Estarossa said.
"I sure am the only demon that's unable to fly. So tell me, Estarossa, how am I spuuposed to not be sad?" I complained. Estarossa just sighed, probably not knowing how to cheer me up. I looked at him and then at his brothers, nodding my head towards them. "Join them" I said because I didn't feel like talking about it any more anyway.
Estarossa nodded and spread his wings, flying up to his brothers that were training and was probably glad to be out of this situation.
And even though their training was for their killing and destroying to get even better, I watched them flying around in awe. It looked so easy and graceful but my wings wouldn't even spread.
Suddenly, Meliodas landed next to me. "Don't be upset" he said and the demon mark on his face became lighter, like always when he talked to me. It was like a power button he could switch on and off.
Zeldris landed next to him only seconds after. "It's your turn to train with Estarossa" he said to Meliodas, who nodded and gave me an apologizing look before flying up to Estarossa.
Zeldris looked at me pitiful but I didn't blame him because I just felt as pitiful. He was about to join his brothers again but then turned to face me once more. "Your wings will spread, you know?" he said and my head shot up at his sudden kindness.
"I'm feared they won't."
"That's your biggest problem. A demon shouldn't have any fears."
"Too bad I'm only half a demon, I guess."
Once again, I saw the despite in his eyes as I mentioned my humanity. I haven't seen anyone disliking the human race as much as Zeldris did and his gaze reminded me whenever I mentioned it. His look softened then and he folded in his wings and sat down next to me. "Your wings will never spread if you're giving up already. You're just partly a demon so who know... they'll just spread in a different way to a different time, I guess."
I thought about his words and was fighting my inner battles, as always. What's the point in my powers growing stronger when all they're there for is causing nothing but suffering to others. I wasn't ready to do what Meliodas, Zeldris and the others did yet I knew they were probably just waiting for it. I managed to finally look up into his black eyes as I tried to read him. How came that he was ignoring me in one second and then started being all nice to me in another? "Meliodas tries really hard to help me but nothing happens..."
" How about I try to help you" Zeldris said. He stood back up and grabbed my hand, dragging me away from his brothers but always checking if they would notice.
I couldn't help but laugh as Zeldris dragged me through the castle. "Where are we going?"
Zeldris turned around and faced me with a smile, catching me off-guard because that has never happened before. But I regretted following him shortly after because we stood on the roof of the castle and were up so high that I couldn't really see the ground anymore. "What are we doing up here?" I tried asking him as brave as possible.
"Just remember to not have any fears" Zeldris said as he suddenly pushed me off the roof.
I fell down the castle in high-speed and fear filled my body. I felt my inner demon power going crazy and trying to break free and go berserk but I wouldn't let it happen. There was surely barely any damage I could have done to the castle but I haven't trained for the past 1.000 years for nothing. I could controll them. "
Just remember to not have any fears" I repeated Zeldris words and tried to fold out my wings as the ground approached.
"NO!" I screamed as I could see the ground just meters away from me and my wings still weren't there. They wouldn't spread!
I covered my face and closed my eyes, ready to hit the ground and die as I felt a body wrap around me and saving me. I opened my eyes again to see Zeldris with his wings out, flying upwards with me in his arms. "Don't worry, I've got you."
I land in a forest nearby the kingdom Camelot and fold my wings back in. The flight was pretty good for the long time I haven't used my wings. But I should walk the rest of the way before anyone sees me. The distance is short enough to get there within the next hour.
Despite the circumstances, I am looking forward to returning to Camelot. I haven't been here for such a long time when actually, it used to be my home for a while.
But only minutes later, I hear painful moans nearby and rush over to where they are coming from but I freeze when I see who's laying on the ground, waiting for help.
Hendrickson. He's alive.
I stand in shock above the man that seems to be badly injured and really weak. His eyes slowly open as he becomes aware of my presence. They're filled with pain and worries and even a hint of fear. I want to walk away from him and let him suffer for his sins but there's no sign of any demonic power inside him.
"They're here" Hendrickson breathes out with his last bit of energy. "The... The Ten Commandments are back." Then his eyes shut as he passes out.
"I know" I answer, more to myself, and close my eyes for a second as a wave of sadness hits me. I'm not ready for this upcoming war but there's no way out.
"Alright then" I mumble and pick up Hendrickson, carrying him on my back to the kingdom.
I call out for help the moment I enter Camelot and people rush towards my way. Luckily, most people have only heard about Hendrickson but never seen him and no one recognizes him. I'm not sure if they would help him in that case. "I need to see Lady Merlin!" I tell then people around me and am immadiately brought to the castle, where they finally pick up Hendrickson from my back and place him in a bed. A nurse comes inside and takes care of his injuries but leaves only minutes later. I stay by Hendricksons side and watch his unsettled breathing and get scared he might not make it. The door opens again and I turn around to see Merlin joining us.
"Merlin, please tell me you can save him!"
Merlin walks over to us and looks at Hendrickson. Her expression is as emotionless as always. "Now, that's interesting" she says and begins to check up on him.
"There's not much to worry about" she says after a while. "He just needs some rest. His injuries are no more than superficial."
With a final glance at Hendrickson, I lift my gaze to Merlin and nod thankfully. "Seems like my abilites haven't fooled me" she says the moment our eyes meet and refers to the Ten Commandments.
So she felt their espacing!
"I fear the day this will happen" I answer and know that I need to follow her, so we both leave Hendricksons room.
"I guess the captain is on his way to Istar by now" Merlin says as we reach her own staying but I get distracted by the red haired boy in the room, already waiting for us.
"Arthur!" I breath out suprised but then remember he probably doesn't even remember me. He was still a child when I left the kingdom. "Excuse my manners, King Arthur. You probably don't remember me as surely some time has passed."
I walk over to him to introduce myself but he smiles at me widely already. "Lady Yami! How could I forget about the only person being scared of her own magical powers even more than I was about mine" he laughs. I laugh as well and embrace the young man in a hug.
"I'm glad you didn't forget about me" I say. "But your powers haven't even revealed, have they?" I ask and lift my gaze to Merlin. She shakes her and and Arthur does the same just a second later.
He looks down to his feet. "I fear not."
"Don't worry about it" I say and ruffle through his hair. "They'll surely come to you soon enough."
"Arthur" Merlin says as she begins to grab a couple of things. "I'm feared we have to leave the kingdom for a while."
"But Lady Merlin, we've just came back a couple days ago."
I put my hand on Arthurs shoulder and pull him closer. "You're not gonna take him with us, will you?" I ask Merlin worriedly. Arthur is still a child! He can't fight in a war like this!
"Istar is a good opportunity for the king to train his magical powers" she says coldly and I feel Arthur looking down on the floor again as he feels ashamed of not having found his powers yet. I sigh and let go of the young boy. There's no meaning in arguing with Merlin. And maybe she's right. He needs to become stronger for the upcoming battle, too. I'm feared the Commandments will not just try to take over Britania.
"Lady Merlin, Lady Yami, what's going on?" the king asks as he can sense the tension in the air.
"It's time to go" Merlin says once she's done packing but the door opens at the same moment and Hendrickson walks in.
"Lady Merlin, please let me join you."
I look at Hendrickson in shock.
How's he back on his legs already?
"You sure have a strong will, Sir Hendrickson" Merlin says but then nods. "Your request can't be taken down." She then looks at the three of us to check if we're ready and I ask Arthur: "Are you ready to fight again, young king?"
"I'll do whatever is necessary" is the last thing he says before Merlin teleports us to Istar.
"Lady Merlin" Meliodas giggled and dragged Yami into a weird looking building.
"Meliodas" she greeted him rarely impressed by his rude and childish behaviour. "I haven't seen you for a while."
"I want you to watch over someone."
"What do I look like to you?" she asked annoyed. "A babysitter?" But then turned around as she felt an unknown source of power.
"That power-" she began but got cut off by Meliodas.
"She's still not in full controll of it."
"Don't you know how dangerous this is" she muttered and looked at Meliodas madly."Bringing her here..."
"Merlin, Merlin" Meliodas said and sat down on a chair, putting his feet on her table as he looked barely impressed by Merlins cold and annoyed attitude. "Don't you worry a thing. She's in good controll of it by now."
"Yet here she is."
"You're aware I can hear the both of you" Yami complained and sat down next to Meliodas. "Lady Merlin, what my best friend is trying to say is that he's the only teacher I had but we're not experts when it comes to living in the humans world. It seems to be that you're the only one who can help me before I cause any new damage. I hate to admit it but I fear that this could happen."
Merlin took a closer look at the girl next to Meliodas. She looked the same age and even though Merlin would have never admitted it, she liked her style, wearing all black. But there was more - that power she could feel inside the girl felt enormous. If she really was that strong, Merlin had to help her control it.
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Mark of the Fool: A Progression Fantasy
After his parents died, Alex Roth had a plan: become a wizard. Through hard work, he was accepted into the world’s greatest university of wizardry—but fate had another plan. On his eighteenth, he is marked as one of his kingdom’s five Heroes, chosen to fight the land’s great enemy. But his brand is 'The Fool', worst of the marks. Rather than die or serve the other Heroes like Fools in the past, he packs up his little sister, his childhood friend and her cerberus, then flees for the university in hope of refuge, magic and to unravel the truth about his land’s evil. There’s one small problem: The Mark tries to ruin magic while enhancing skills outside of divinity, combat and spellcraft.… …that is, unless he can learn to exploit the hell out of it.*****This the first time I am writing a web novel type story, and I hope you like it. I like progression stories and I've always wanted to try and write one like a few of the web novels that inspired me.Updates Tues-Wed-Thur-Fri-Sat.There are currently 20 advanced chapters on my patreon as a thank you to patrons.Join us on discord! https://discord.gg/A4M3CzfWBnChapters will be roughly 2000-2500 words.[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]***Rating: This story is kind of like a PG-13 movie. There'll be gore and some swearing but not much beyond that. If that changes, I'll warn you. Tone: Tone will be a mix of some action-adventure with excitement, comedy, slice of life elements and mystery. I won't be going too dark with this story. There will be mentions of war, some death, grief and violence.MC: MC is analytical/rational with emotions. He is mostly in control of those emotions. MC will progress in power, eventually becoming very strong. When that happens, I'll add the Strong Lead tag.Fights: Fights will be detailed.***Stuff this story won't have:- Extreme grimdark content - Murderhobo plots - Edgy, anti-hero MC - Pacifist MC - Harems
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