《My Love - Pranushka Story》Varsha's Brother


Varun, Varsha flight reached Hyderabad.

When They about to leave, Varun said to Varsha

Varun : So..

Varsha asked with excitement

Varsha : So?

Varun : Good Bye.

Varsha felt sad and angry when Varun said like that, that she except something else

Varun : And Thank you so much, Varsha.If you had not come to the marriage , I would have got bored!!

Varsha replied to him angrily.

Varsha : Thanks to you also for showing me Goa.

Varun : You are Welcome.

Varsha about to leave feeling sad for this and Varun from behind laughing for this, When she about to leave He called her

Varun : Varsha, Wait..

Varsha became happy when he called him back

Varun : Sorry, I don't know how to say this.

Varsha : It's ok, You can say.

Varun : You don't have to feel bad.

Varsha : ok.

Varun : That is..

Varsha : That is?

Varun : My Jacket.

Varsha became shock and asked him

Varsha : Jacket?

Varun : My Jacket is with you,See you forgot to give me back

Varsha : For that only you called me, Back?

Varun : Yes, What you think? Did you except something else?

Varsha became angry and threw his Jacket on him and left that place angrily.

Varun smiles for this and follows Varsha, But Due to coward he missed her.

When Varun searching for Varsha and came out, Outside his Akka(Sister) Poorvi and His Bava (Brother-in-law) Nandu came there

Poorvi & Nandu : Varun!! We are here.

Varun : Akka, Bava.. When you came?

Poorvi : We will tell you later, For whom you are searching that you forgot about us also?

Varun : Akka!!

Varun saw Varsha and about to go there but stopped on seeing someone with her.That is Rajesh (Raj)

Raj : Hi Varshu, What happened? Why you are looking dull?

Varsha : Nothing, Annaya..

Along with him, Poorvi, Nandu also became shock on seeing Raj after long time..


Raj and his friend Ram playing Football in College Ground along with their Friends

Raj saw Poorvi laughing with Junior Boy and asked Ram

Ram : Who is he? Why She is talking with him?

Ram : Raj, You are after her from the day she joined in this college.You have told her I Love you hundred times and she said No to you two hundred times. First Concentrate on your game then Think about her.

Raj : Ok, First I will see about her then I will think about Game.

Raj hit that Junior ,he was badly injured.He said to that Junior

Raj : How dare to talk with my Girl!!

Poorvi became Scared on seeing this, Raj said to her

Raj : How many times I have to tell me!! Whether you like or not, You are mine only.Whether you laugh or cry, it will be with me only. Remember Whether you love me or not, Your marriage will be with me only!!

After somedays, Poorvi got engaged to Nandu whom she loves from her childhood.

Nandu's mother said to Poorvi when he about to put ring to her.

Nandu's mother : Poorvi, This is not not Just Ring, it is our family Fortune.I am handling this to you, Please take care of it.

Poorvi : Ok, Athaya..

Nandu and poorvi exchanged Rings and their marriage was fixed with in 10 Days

Poorvi Friends saw her Ring and asked her

Poorvi Friends : Wow!! Beautiful Ring!! You got engaged.Why you didn't said to us before ?

Poorvi : You all know about Raj right,If he know about this he would create trouble in my Engagement , That why I kept it Secret.

Raj : What is this Poorvi? This is What you have understood me in these years? You said I will create Trouble in your Engagement, You are Wrong.If I know this before I wouldn't create Trouble, I would have killed you?


Poorvi became angry for this and shouted on him

Poorvi : Raj, Till now I said I don't like you.But Just now you proved me that You don't Love me. The man who loves a Girl never want to hurt her in anyway, he wouldn't torture her, He wouldn't threaten to kill her like you did. This is not Love, Raj. Please understand this and leave me.

Raj : I won't leave you and I am telling you again,You are mine only.Give that Ring to me.

Poorvi : No..

Raj : I am asking you again, Give that Ring to me.

Poorvi : I am also saying you again, I won't..

Raj became angry for this and He removed that ring forcely from Poorvi's finger which makes her finger injured.

Poorvi cried for this and felt pain in her hand.Raj threw that ring in Ground even she said not to do like that.


Poorvi is searching from evening for that ring even it became Night she is still searching for that, Her driver said to her.

Driver : Poorvi, Please come to home, That Raj and Gang will come here at this time.We can search ring later.

Poorvi : No,Uncle.My Mother-in-law with so much trust gave that ring to me, But I lost it.I will come to home after I found that ring.

Varun came to College for her Sister Poorvi and became shock on seeing het crying like that in Ground, He came to her and asked

Varun : Akka..What happened ? Why you are crying?

Poorvi : Varun, I lost my Ring.

Varun : How?

On asking this, Varun touched her hand and saw the injury on her finger.

Poorvi cried on hugging Varun and said about Raj.

He became angry on Raj and said to his Sister that he will take care of him , send to her back to home.

When Raj, Ram playing Football along with their Gang.Varun came there angrily and asked them

Varun : Who is Raj, here?

Raj said to Varun

Raj : Me only,What do you want?

Varun came towards him and Hits Him on his head which makes him fall down.

When Raj gang tried to beat Varun and he beats all of his Men.

Varun beats Raj continuously and asked him

Varun : Will you kill my Sister? How dare you do that. Where is my Sister Poorvi Ring? Find it..

Raj can't able to move due to injuries, Ram requested Varun

Ram : Please leave him, I will search that Ring.

Varun gave warning to Raj

Varun : I am leaving you now, But if you again trouble my Sister I will see your End, Mind it.

Varun left that place on saying this.

Raj's Father DGP Srinivas know about his behaviour with Poorvi and left him on saying that he is going away from him along with his Family.

After some days, Poorvi got married to Nandu.

Poorvi Condition to Varun to marry Varsha. Raj know about Varsha love on Varun.

I am so sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy.

Thank You so much for all Your Votes and Comments..

Loves You All..💕💕💕

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