《Red Feather (Hawks x Reader)》Not as peaceful as it looks


My days off were coming to an end but this Wednesday was going to be long. I'm not sure why, I can just feel it. Until the end of the day though, my plan was to just go with the flow.

I sat up in my bed and got up to eat. I was aimlessly scrolling through my phone when I saw a notification from a random number. I frowned and clicked on the drop box.

Hey (y/n) it's Megan remember me we used to work together Well I havnt seen u in a while and it was always fun working with u, wanna chill today I can pick u up and we can play video games at my place or smth

I put her name into my phone and contemplated going. It's not like I had anything else to do today. And video games wasn't that hard to do.

Hey what's up! Yeah sure that sounds fun. I'll send you my address in a sec-

I checked the clock and it was twelve ish. I frowned. Turning back to the phone I scrolled up. We had some text history but it was mostly just asking to cover or asking to restock something. Here and there, there was a message asking if the other wanted food.

Yeah. Not much between us.

I wonder if she wants to reconnect because she somehow knows about Hawks and I.

Somehow? You're seen in public an awful lot and there's a good chance people have wondered who you are.

Wait a minute, have they? I wonder if I'm anywhere like a magazine or something.

I opened my phone and looked up recent Hawks news.

"Just load you stupid fucking-"

I heard a knock and it snapped me from my thoughts. Pushing myself off the couch, I wandered over to the door and opened it to see Megan.

"Hey! Sorry for being a little late. Traffic."

"Oh don't worry about it", I assured, "what system do you have?"

We started walking out together and I locked the door behind me after slipping my phone into my pocket. I'll check it later.

The drive over to her house was shorter than I expected and honestly, her neighborhood was beautiful. Very clean and bright.

"So just wondering, why text me all of a sudden? I don't mind or anything, I'm just curious."

She fiddled with her long black hair and bit her cheek thinking. "Honestly I thought you were always a chill person. I've always wanted to get to know you but you would work three or four jobs at a time so I just assumed you didn't have the time."


I chuckled, "Sadly I didn't."

She nodded. "Thought so. But when you handed in your resignation, or well uh, someone else did. It was weird. Honestly I was just gonna let it go but when I was going through my phone and deleting my stuff for storage, I saw your number and I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out."

"Oh cool", I got out of the car and followed her inside.

Her house looked a little creepy, but there were so many plants and cool pictures that it over rode the weird vibes. Like she bought the house someone was murdered in because it was cheap, then tried wholesomely to save it.

She dug through her fridge and pulled out a pre prepared whole roasted chicken and sat the container on the counter.

"Do you want some", she asked cutting off pieces of the breast.

"Yeah that's be cool, thanks."

We played different video games throughout the day. She had a lot. Like a lot a lot. I think that she might have a gaming problem. She beat me at every game we played and I got a few wins here and there but she was just so good at it, that I didn't stand half a chance.

I did end up learning about her though. She has two brothers, she really loves koi fish, she has a knack for basketball, and she's trying to put herself through university.

She took a gulp of the soda in between us and set it back down, whipping her thin lips on her sleeve.

"And what about you? What have-" she jolted in reaction to the game and pulled out of her predicament, "What have you been up to, huh?"

"Oh well, I've got a better job and I don't have to scrounge around for food anymore. I got a decent house, stable job, and I don't have to worry about having my place robbed."

"Oh for real?"

"Yeah", I took a sharp turn in our game, "I mean, my neighborhood wasn't bad bad, but I wouldn't necessarily walk around at night alone."

"Wow that's crazy. Where do you work now", she questioned, taking another swig.

"I work at a hero agency", I replied, grinning.

She paused the game and looked at me with excited eyes. "Really? That's so cool! Which one? What do you do?"

I thought about what I was and wasn't allowed to share. Turning over the thought in my mind, I replied "Hawks agency, I run files and assist with infiltrations where we've been tipped off"


"I'm gonna get some more Pocky", she grabbed the bow empty bowl off the floor, "Do you want some?"

"Ooohh yes please."

"So how dangerous is it? Do you ever see Hawks?"

I turned around and adjusted myself in the bean bag chair. "Well I'm not actually the one doing the dangerous stuff, my partner is. I just update status and I have to be ready to press the backup button. And I see Hawks here and there. We don't really ever talk, more just so I see him around."

Thoughts of the last time I saw him flooded my mind and I pulled out my phone to hide the guilty but giddy look on my face. My stomach felt light when I remembered how he felt me up.

Speaking of which, I had a text from him waiting on my phone.

Hey kid, sorry about the other day, can't do anything around here >:(

I smiled and looked over to see what Megan was doing. She was done making the bowl and now she was making another glass a water.

Sorry about what hm?

I couldn't stop the dorky smile coming to my face.

Well leaving you all hot and bothered of course.

The text got to me more than it should have but I forced my face to stay neutral. I was a little worried that it didn't work as well as I wanted it to.

I can't do this right now I'm at a friends house >:(

What? Don't want them to know about how when I touch you, you turn into a puddle?

My eyes went wide and I tucked my phone into my pocket. Right about then Megan came back with the Pocky bowl. The rest of the stay was kind of uneventful. We just played games and talked, getting to know each other some more.

She drove me home and dropped me off after a short ride. I basically collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep immediately.

I wish I stayed asleep that day though. My alarm harshly woke me up and my eyes strained to see where my phone was. My morning routine didn't differ at all today and I got to work. Today was an "inside" day where Jack did some research and I caught up on paper work.

I sat doing my journal to update Hawks on what Jack has been up to and then I got to thinking. I haven't been any closer to catching the mole than I was months ago. And Jack hasn't been suspicious once. I-

"You okay?"

Jack must have noticed how tense I looked and slid over one of the baby muffins that he had.

"Yeah... I'm fine I'm just- there's a lot going on in my life right now."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Anything that I can help with?"

I shook my head and wiped my mouth. "No I don't think so. Thanks th-"

Just as I finished folding my napkin in my lap and before I could finish, a loud bang went off from behind me and I jumped about a foot in the air. Jack also perked up. We both stood quick as lightning and he grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.

"What the fuck?"

There was about 4 faceless men standing in the doorway in all black with guns pointed in our direction. "Jack Ito, please release the woman and come with us quietly. If you make any hasty movements we won't hesitate to shoot."


"Sir get on your knees", one of the officers roared.

"Ma'am come around the side and please move fast."

Jack looked at me with fear in his eyes while he got on his knees and put his hands behind his head. I looked back at him, frozen in place.

"Ma'am now!"

I was pulled roughly by a thick heatproof and gloved hand. They passed me weather roughly into the hallway where a few people were watching the spectacle. There I saw Gabriella looking at me with shock. She speed walked over to me and helped me up.

"Oh wow they weren't going easy on you. Are you okay?"

I no doubt still had shock written all over my face and I blinked a few times to take a second.

"What the hell just happened?"

"What just-? Huh?"

"I just got tossed out of the room and- wait why are they arresting Jack? Was he the- you know?"

She gave me a slightly judge-mental and confused look. "Uh- you've been writing your reports right?"


"Okay then I don't know what you want me to answer."

I starred at her for a second, letting her attitude slip off me and pretending I didn't hear it.

"So he was?"

"Yes? Did they hit your head or someth-"

I started towards Keigo's office but was stopped by the sounds of Jack yelling and more scuffling, then the click-click-click-click of a taser. I looked back to see big protective suits pushing a beat up looking Jack out of the door. He shot me a look of fear then was dragged away. I was frozen in place until he was dragged out of sight.

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