《Lessons in Devotion》Chapter 19
"Queen Aslaug, please reconsider leaving. Your death will break him, irrevocably," Bonnie pleaded once again for third time since she'd come to the great house to talk sense into the queen about abandoning Kattegat in favor of remaining among the living.
Queen Aslaug spun around on the wooden stool in front of the Viking Era version of a vanity mirror. "My death will transform him into the strategic warrior you'll need him to be. It'll lend fury and focus to a passion which now is only listless in its blaze. I have seen it!"
"I've seen it also, and this will ruin him. It'll fracture your family." Bonnie hissed in a lowered tone. "If they're divided then we can't stand. And if we can't stand how the hell are we supposed to rise?"
"My faith is in you, Bonnie," the queen said, her eyes wide and earnest, "and I have no doubt you'll find a way to repair what my death will have broken."
Margrethe simpered in with her eyes trained on the ground. "Your ale, Queen Aslaug."
"Thank you, Margrethe." The queen wave a dismissive hand. "Anywhere over there will be fine."
Margrethe bobbed her head in a nod, and then placed the golden chalice on a small stone table near Bonnie. Once the task was complete she made a quick exit. When they were alone again, she opened her mouth to continue pressing her case. But a hint of obscure sorcery wafting from the cup agitated her mystical energy. Her brows buckled and her face crumpled. Did this bitch really just try it with her standing there? She walked over and picked up the offending chalice.
"What's wrong?" Queen Aslaug questioned coming to her feet.
Bonnie shook her head, as she waved her hand over the rim of the cup. Ancient sorcery seeped from her palm, and then slithered into the cup. Moments later the liquid began to boil and fizz until her sorcery emerged encasing a dark sprouting root which appeared to be dripping blood.
"Bloodroot," Bonnie and the queen said in unison.
Bonnie fixed her gaze on Queen Aslaug. "Have you noticed any occasional visions, familiar feelings since I've bound your foresight?"
"No," the queen shook her head. Distaste twisted her mouth as she stared at the root still floating inches above her cup.
Scrutiny narrowed her gaze. "Well do you believe this is the first time someone has placed bloodroot in your ale?" She questioned doubt coloring her tone.
"I wouldn't know," The queen shrugged. "I haven't drunk any ale since you liberated me of my visions. I've only been pretending to partake. You wouldn't believe how many tongues loosen around an intoxicated woman."
"Well, continue on with your performance and I'll place a protection spell on you, and the boys. I'll also cast a turnabout spell," she said, while allowing her energy to incinerate the bloodroot.
"Who do you believe-," Queen Aslaug began.
"Margrethe," Bonnie said without even allowing the queen the courtesy of finishing her question. "She's a witch. Not a very powerful one, but I can feel active mystical energy radiating off of her just the same."
"Queen Aslaug, second meal is prepared and waiting on the great table," Asta said from the entrance of the queen's room.
Queen Aslaug nodded to Asta and turned to Bonnie. "Please join us for dinner."
"I'd love to, but-,"
"Margrethe serves us," the queen said with a stare so sharp and pointed it would make the end of a katana appear blunt in comparison.
"I'd love to," she restated.
Aslaug gave her a smile bred from gratitude before looking to Asta. "Please make another place ready between Ivar and Ubbe."
Bonnie and the Queen followed Asta from the private quarters to the great hall. The boys were already seated at the table. When they noticed her with their mother each of their faces brightened a degree. Even Ivar's, who sat at the head of the table with Margrethe seated next to him. She was hand feeding him things from his bowl. Bonnie's face dropped. There wasn't any damn telling what Margrethe's twisted ass had been using to poison her boys.
Ubbe stood and tugged her into a hug. "I didn't know you'd be joining us," he said, before helping her into the seat next to Ivar, "We've not been in each other's company as of late. I'd begun to think you may have not truly forgiven me."
Wasn't this some Jerry Springer shit? His side bitch was sitting right at the table practically riding his brother's lap and he had the nerve to be questioning her forgiveness.
She side-eyed Ivar and Margrethe and Ivar raised a chalice to her. "Skol!"
"Give me that," she snatched the cup from his hand.
Opening her senses, she allowed her sorcery to search for hints of mystical energy. Yet nothing supernatural piqued her notice from Ivar's tumbler. Curiously, she sensed wisps of magic radiating from Ubbe's, Hvitserk's, and Sigurd's cup. Sigurd she wasn't worried over. Since he'd chosen her and they'd become one he had immunity to all forms of supernatural energy she didn't ordain. Still when he lifted his chalice to his mouth she shook her head. Without question he placed it back on the table.
Ubbe reached for his cup with a frown on his face. Bonnie, however, grabbed the tumbler before he could wrap his fingers around the stem. Margrethe squirmed in her seat, but unable to move from the death grip Ivar had on her hand.
She really needed to school him in the art of seduction through hand holding. From the corner of her eye, she saw an annoyed expression cross Hvitserk's face as he lifted his cup to his lips.
She turned to straight face the hell out of him. "Why?! Why does it always have to be like this between me and you?"
"W-what?" He sputtered as his gaze darted around the table only to find everyone staring at him.
"Don't what me!" She yelled code switching before anyone could say Bonnie from the Falls. "Clearly, something isn't right with these drinks and instead of you trusting me you'd rather drink poison, while probably hoping I'm the one who'll die."
"Poison?" Ivar questioned turning whiter than Margrethe's hair.
"I'm overexaggerating," Bonnie said, waving Ivar off as she continued glaring hole's in Hvitserk. "It's probably some weak ass love potion. Something you don't have to worry about because she doesn't like you enough to wanna be bothered with you going from zero to stalker on her." She looked to Asta who's mouth was practically running over from all the tea. "Go get the ale tankard used to fill those cups." Asta nodded and disappeared through an entryway leading off to the storehouses.
"No, no, no," Margrethe sobbed to herself. "She made me do it."
"Who are you speaking of? Are you responsible for tainting our ale?" Ivar snapped, slamming her wrist down on the table.
Ubbe straightened. "Ivar!"
"Really, Ubbe?" Bonnie questioned with a cocked brow.
"He's hurting her without cause," Hvitserk added, the ever co-signer for Ubbe's behalf.
Bonnie leaned forward to get him smack dead center in her sight line. "Hvitserk, I will literally take you out to the center of town and kick holes in you until I get tired." Sigurd and Queen Aslaug snorted. "Who the hell certified you as his hype-man, anyway? You should just shut up. Ubbe clearly doesn't need you bearing witness for him every time he finds himself in a conflict."
"I was only saying-," Hvitserk began.
At that moment Asta came back followed by two large men carrying a large tankard of ale. Bonnie's face wrinkled. She didn't even have to lift her hands to sense the mystical energy wafting from the tankard. By this time, Margrethe started openly bawling. Ignoring the sobbing at the left of her, she scooted away from the table and rose.
Before she approached the table she allowed her sorcery uninhibited reign. Golden mystical energy seeped from her pores casting her body in a gilded glow. Asta and the men who carried the vat sounded as if they were struggling not to swallow their tongues. Seconds later, the wooden top blew off the barrel. A piercing shriek sliced through the air as a large obsidian tarry root shaped like a person floated from the vat followed by a thick clotty dark red fluid that had the stench of rotten fish and dead roses.
Ivar slapped a hand over his nose and mouth. "Oh Odin's eye! What is that?"
"The key components for Margrethe's love potion," Bonnie said, not even attempting to suppress the grin ripping her face in half. "Mandrake and her woman's blood." Her mocking stare skipped to Hvitserk. "Go on, drink up, Hvits. Weren't you just dying to chug that good-good down a few moments ago?"
"Alright, Valkyrie, you've had your humor at Ubbe's and Hvitserk's expense. The smell and the screeching is more than a little distressing." Sigurd said, taking his cup and pouring the contents on the floor.
She allowed her sorcery to decommission the magic fueling the spell. The mandrake fell silent. Moments later the root smoldered. Blazing bright until not one inch of darkness remained. When it was no more than glowing ash it floated from the hall through the open door. As for the menstrual blood, she allowed it to drop back into the vat. Her gaze then swung to regard Margrethe who was huddled in her chair leaning as far from Ivar as possible.
Slowly, she strode to the end of the table. The closer Bonnie drew the louder Margrethe whimpered.
"Perhaps we should allow her the opportunity to-," Ubbe began as he stood.
"You'll not interfere!" A voluminous voice vibrated from Bonnie's chest. A voice which didn't altogether belong to her.
"Perhaps-," Hvitserk started, but Bonnie sliced the rest of his sentence from his mouth with a sharp cut of her eye.
"What is wrong with you both? She's clearly been possessed with evil spirits," Ivar said, staring down his nose at Margrethe.
Bonnie's eyes rolled. "Oh hush, she's your girlfriend. One would've thought you saw the signs." She said deciding to take the petty road.
"I merely plowed her," Ivar said, casting his gaze away from hers.
Margrethe's head swung from side to side harder than an over worked Japanese hand drum. "You did not. His prick-,"
Ivar picked up his eating dagger. "I will relieve you of your tongue through your throat if you utter another word."
"What of your prick, Boneless?" Sigurd managed to say through snorts of laughter.
Ivar's grip around the blade tightened and Bonnie refused to let it get that deep. "Sigurd, I'm working here," Bonnie said, without sparing him a glance.
"Many apologies, Valkyrie," Sigurd said, amusement thoroughly saturating his tone. "Please, hand down your sentence." He stood and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Will I be enforcing the verdict?"
"Sigurd!" Queen Aslaug snapped. "I'll have no bloodletting at the great table."
Margrethe skittered from her seat. She took refuge in the space behind Ubbe's back and the great table. This pissed Bonnie dry. Why the hell did she look to him as a protector? Without pause, she rounded the table in pursuit. When she made it within a foot of Ubbe, he raised his hands to halt her approach. Hvitserk moved to stand next to him.
"Bonnie, this isn't necessary. It was just a love-," Ubbe began.
"Move," she said, not the least bit interested in whatever argument he thought to put up on Margrethe's behalf.
"It was her! She bewitched me and made me place those things in the ale." Margrethe spewed from her hiding place behind Ubbe. "She wants you all to fall in love with her so she can become queen of Kattegat."
"She lies," Ivar and Sigurd said at the same time.
The last straw came for Bonnie when Ubbe and Hvitserk exchanged glances like they were actually considering the lunatic's ridiculous claims. Rage thundered through her as her sorcery tore at every piece and part of her to break free.
"Move!" She lifted her hands and snatched her arms apart.
Ubbe and Hvitserk were forced apart. An unseen hand held them in place so they couldn't come to Margrethe's aide. The little fool's eyes darted from left to right to assess her protector's position. When she saw no help would come from them she attempted to run, Bonnie called to the magic inside of Margrethe to halt and she froze.
"Kneel!" The prehistoric voice bellowed from the depths of Bonnie's lungs. The weak energy within Margrethe forced her to her knees. "Your disrespect towards me has crossed every line and boundary. You have sullied my name with the filth of your words, told untruths on your most high, and you have dared to work inferior tainted spells on my chosen. Now you will be made to answer for your crimes against your Supreme."
"Yes!" Queen Aslaug came to her feet.
"Nooo!" Margrethe struggled against the hold of her magic. Defiance sparked bright in her eyes. "You lie! My goddess is the Supreme of all supernatural things. You're just a witch! Like the dark woman who dwells in the woods."
"Hmph, may your punishment be poetic in its appeasement of justice and fitting of your offense." Bonnie lifted her chin, and then stared Margrethe directly in her eyes. Connecting with all the things supernatural in nature which linked them. "Margrethe, since you deny me as your most high, then I no longer recognize you as a daughter under my dominion and take from you what's explicitly mine by my birth right, supernatural, and natural law to give." Margrethe's eyes bucked as full understanding set in. Bonnie raised her hand palm up. "Come to me."
The command in her voice provoked a deluge of lavender mystical energy to gush from every available orifice of the crazy slave girl. Wisps of sorcery poured from her eyes, mouth, nose, and the wide pores on her skin. It shot to Bonnie, rolling itself into a tight orb of energy that fit within the palm of her hand.
Once vacated of its former host's body, Margrethe sagged to the ground. Tears drenched her face in a salt water mess. "I'm s-sorry! I didn't know goddess. She told me you were just a witch, I didn't know!"
"And now it doesn't matter. You're no longer my responsibility. May the mother of nature do with you as she will," Bonnie blew on the floating orb hovering above her palm.
The energy erupted into hundreds of twinkling starry like lights. In a move reminiscent of a comet, the sorcery shot from the great hall and soared toward the heavens. To rejoin the reservoir of untapped magic.
Asta and the store house workers knelt before Bonnie with their faces angled at the floor. Ivar watched her with a calculating gaze, while Sigurd's expression remained unchanged.
Queen Aslaug's features were locked in a severe expression as she nodded her approval. "May your will be done, Supreme."
Ubbe and Hvitserk just looked confused as they struggled against the force that held them in place. Bonnie waved her hand. The energy barrier released them. She wasn't at all surprised when they both ran to console a sobbing Margrethe. They both showed her who they were that day and where they stood and that's a lesson she wouldn't soon forget. With her head held high, and not sparing anyone else in the hall a glance, she took her leave. Sigurd led her out, with a guiding hand at the small of her back.
Bjorn watched King Harald's fleet of ships dot the outline of the horizon. Their where nigh fifty ships which would be sailing into their harbor within the turn of the hour glass. Elation should've been the sole emotion which dwelled within him, yet anger dominated his emotions. And his bewitching Mystical One shouldered the blame. For instead of standing with he and his family to receive King Harald and his brother, she'd shirked the duty in favor of the gods only knew what. Her lack of disregard for something so meaningful to him blazed an inferno within his chest.
"Hvitserk, did you not speak to Bonnie of me wanting her at the harbor when the sun reached midpoint in the sky?" He asked, peering passed Torvi's not so subtle eye rolls to lock gazes with his brother.
Hvitserk shifted his gaze to him, and then back to the horizon. "I attempted to do so. Yet, when I visited her keep she told me she'd set me to flames if I placed another fist upon her door." He swallowed, and the knot at his throat rode the wave of the movement. "Due to a misunderstanding of our actions, I doubt I'll ever be well received by Bonnie again."
Curiosity momentarily subdued his growing agitation. "What did you do?"
"I lent my support to Ubbe as I've always done," Hvitserk said. A twinge of confusion tainted his words.
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