《Lessons in Devotion》Chapter 18
"Bonsie, Wilbur spilt the other jar of honey," Guthrum said, pointing his finger at the piglet who was scarfing down as much honey as he could before someone ruined his fun by cleaning up the mess.
Bonnie stomped over to Wilbur who didn't appear the least bit intimidated. Reaching down she attempted to snatch the ladle from his mouth. "Give me that honey stick you little son of a-,"
In a sharp turn the piglet managed to yank the ladle out of her grasp and leave her grasping and begging thin air for a save. Which by the way never came. She fell smack on her ass in a puddle of honey, while Wilbur trotted away. Yes trotted, not ran, trotted away with the honey ladle sticking out of his mouth like a damn Cuban cigar. Hali, Blida, and Hilda nearly burst a spleen laughing at her.
Guthrum, ever her hero, came over and threw his arms around her neck. "Worry not, Bonsie. I'll teach Wilbur how to behave towards my favored girl." With that said, he shot off after the piglet.
When he disappeared into the crowd, she nearly gave birth to her heart. Not wasting anytime, she jumped up and chased after him. A couple minutes later, she found him crouched down scolding a disinterested Wilbur who was too busy chewing the hell out of the honey comb on the ladle to care about anything Guthrum was on about.
"Jedi, you can't just run off like that, you almost gave me-," A tsunami of potent mystical energy engulfed her. It wrapped around her so firmly and adoringly her own magic exploded from every orifice on her body to track the source. Ragnar! Damn near intoxicated by the exchange, she looked to Guthrum, "Go back to the trading table. Tell Blida I said find your father right now and tell him I need him down at the market place as fast as he can get here." He stared at her for a second with huge eyes, before nodding once and running back in the direction of her trading table.
Once he was out of sight, she turned to search out the whipping storm of sorcery. Drawn like a ton of metal to a super deluxe space magnet, her legs began to move on their own accord. As always the crowd parted, but she had the feeling this time it wasn't just for her benefit. When the final body moved, and the path cleared, she caught her first glimpse of him.
Confusion rendered her dumb as hell. The sight before her was not the Ragnar who came stumbling back in town years after the Paris raid. No, this appeared to be season one Ragnar.
"By the gods," someone to her left whispered. "Ragnar's but an old doddering man now. Had I not known him before, I'd never believe it to be him."
The hell! Which one of these blind bastards needed bifocals? Ragnar looked good enough to lick clean...twice! As he drew closer, the nattering of the crowd faded to deafening silence. People blended into the scenery until they eventually cease to exist at all, leaving one person to dominate her reality. Ragnar Lothbrok. Someone who should be looking like how death would if it had just climbed out of the grave. Yet, he appeared just as mouthwatering as his sons. And his eyes, the dormant magic in him was so potent it illuminated his already brilliant blues. They burned so bright, one would've thought he was in the middle of a hellified spell.
Soon he stood before her. Towering over her staring into her eyes, but actually seeing into the depths of her. Invading every inch of her space as if the very thought of distance between them offended him. He lowered his mouth next to her ear.
"I've discovered new lands searching for you." He whispered. "Where have you been?"
Before she could even think to question him, they heard a small disturbance behind them. "Let us pass! Move!"
Once again the crowd parted, and the Lothbrok brothers appeared. When they were near, Sigurd tugged her behind him and stood toe to toe with his father.
Ubbe gave her a reassuring look, and then did the same as Sigurd. Ivar slithered into place next to him and Hvitserk on the other side of Ivar. A blend of annoyance and frustration moved over Ragnar's face before indifference masked his features.
"Hello, Ivar," Ragnar said, barely glancing down at his youngest son. His focus still remained on her. "There's no mistaking you."
Sigurd shifted a little to the left and effectively blocked his sight of her. "It appears the people of Kattegat didn't come out to wish there king well. Let me guess. You've all heard conflicting tales and wonder which story is true. Well allow me to aid you in your ponderings. Yes, I'm sure everything you heard is true!" He sized Sigurd up. "So, now I've admitted my guilt, who's going to pass judgement and carry out my sentence? Which one of my sons will do the honors?"
He stared Sigurd in the eyes for a moment. Then he moved on down the line doing the same spiel he did from the show. Screaming at the top of his lungs for them to kill him.
Nearly, making Hvitserk and a poor looky-loo tea sipper piss their pants when he unpacked the bass in his voice. At this point no one knew what to think. Hell, she was still beyond confused by her reaction to him. By the time he pulled out his sword and started waving it around yelling who wants to be king, she was as transfixed as the others who'd only seen this performance once.
However, when he slapped the shit out Ubbe, twice. She hog tied her inner fangirl, ducked Sigurd's hold and slid to her on again off again side. Her magic flared as she glared at Ragnar daring him to hit him a third time.
"Shh," Ubbe turned to cradle her face in his hands and rest his forehead on hers. Ragnar turned and paced away from them a few steps. "I gave you my word, and I mean not to break it, Valkyrie. We will marry upon your return."
He broke away from her, yanked his sword from his scabbard, and followed his father into the circle of the onlookers. The crowd gasped. Ragnar turned to regard him. It was then Bonnie saw the tears shimmering in his incandescent blues and her heart fragmented into a series of puzzle pieces. Their gazes locked for a moment, before he swung his stare to Ubbe. Determination faded from his face and an air of resolution dropped his shoulders. Without a word he walked to his son and pulled him into a hug. Stunned, Ubbe stood there, appearing not to know what to do next. After seconds of deliberation, the sword in his hand clattered to the ground as he returned his father's embrace.
Another disturbance to her left provoked the masses to once again split. This time Bjorn stepped from the crowd. She exhaled a sigh fueled by sheer relief alone. Her body sagged as Sigurd tugged her under the protection of his arm.
"Why have you returned?" Bjorn demanded, folding his arms across his chest as he regarded his father with an unshakable chill she'd come to rely on for her stability.
"I've come for you," Ragnar's iridescent irises rolled from Bjorn to her. "And your brothers."
Bjorn's eyes narrowed as his scrutiny switched between she and Ragnar. "Bonnie, will you ensure Guthrum's and Hali's safe return to my keep, while I speak with my father?"
"Of course," her head dipped.
Before turning to leave she took one last look at Ragnar. The promise in his stare snatched her brain. Somehow she knew, this wasn't the last she'd see of him.
A couple of days had passed since Ragnar's return. Everyone in Kattegat was up in arms. From the relatives of the Wessex settlers to the people in the kingdom he'd abandoned. All wanted blood yet no one had the balls to make the first strike. Emotions didn't somewhat settle until Ragnar ventured out of Kattegat to take a journey through his past. Even her sorcery became somewhat less turbulent than it had been since his arrival. She'd even managed to barricade herself in her keep and snatch a few winks of sleep. Though for an unknown reason, she'd fought her way out of slumber. Almost as if she meant to escape a nightmare, but the ache in her chest and tears on her face didn't seem prompted by fear.
"You called out Ragnar's name while you slumbered," Ivar's voice floated from the pillow next to her. "In a way I've heard the slave girl call out to Hvitserk and Ubbe in the midst of their coupling."
"You're mistaken." She fell back on the feathered pillow. "And how do you know what Margrethe calls out when she throuples with Hvitserk and Ubbe?"
"I've seen them together, I've seen her with all of them," Ivar said with a side of saltiness in his tone.
Bonnie's brows scrunched together. She turned her head to study his profile. "You sound upset she's had all of them. Why?"
"She denies me because I'm different," he said, keeping his gaze trained on the ceiling. "And that is intolerable."
"Margrethe is an artless girl who was probably raised believing, the only treasure worth claiming is the treasure which glitters." She reached over and used her fingers to comb his hair away from his forehead. "You shouldn't hold it against her because her eyes aren't refined enough to perceive a true fortune when its within her reach."
He grabbed her wrist and pressed a kiss into her palm. "I want to have her. Just as my brothers have before me."
"Then may the gods aid you in having her. I hope she's everything you've desired and more." Bonnie snatched her hand out of his grasp. She turned away from him to lay on her side.
"Bonnie, why were you dreaming of my father?" Ivar questioned.
She closed her eyes. "Have a good eve, Ivar. I trust you can let yourself out the same way you came in."
Two risings before Bjorn received word King Harald's ships were spotted three risings time away from Kattegat. Since the revelation, Floki had his newly commissioned fleet moved into Kattegat's harbor. Bjorn ordered the ships to be loaded. He wanted to be able to depart a mere day are so after Harald's arrival. For several hours a day, he had her at his side overseeing every minute detail that went into the packing and organizing of the fleet. Which she normally wouldn't have minded, but since Ragnar's arrival she hadn't been sleeping well at all.
"Are you well, Mystical One?" Bjorn asked, pulling his attention away from the loading of the ship they'd be sailing. "You appear unrested and distracted."
A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. "I am unrested and a little distracted because of it. I've not been sleeping well lately. You know how Wilbur gets if he manages to get into the honey before its time for slumber."
"Ack," Bjorn scoffed, and returned his gaze to the ship. "Why won't you just allow me to slaughter that pig? He's far more of a burden than the meat he'll provide."
"Leave Wilbur be," she yawned into her hand, "You and your brothers aren't any better. All of you stay trampling about on my nerves, yet do you see me attempting to hand any of you over to the butcher?" Bjorn gave her a cursory side glance but remained silent. "How's Torvi? I've not seen her or Asa as of late. Is everything okay with them?"
"She, and the babe are well," he assured as he gestured to one of the men loading a boat further down the harbor. "In fact, they visited Lagertha at Hedeby a fortnight ago. They've only just returned the night before."
Something about Bjorn's admission plucked at her common senses. Torvi kicking back with Lagertha sounded off all types of alarms. She and the queen needed to have a conversation and soon. Her expiration date was on the horizon. If she wanted to avoid it, then she needed to put together a damn exit strategy and she did mean ASAP!
She forced a smile. "My best friend caught hell when she first had her twins. She could barely even spare a moment for herself. I'm glad Torvi was able to take some time."
Bjorn shrugged his shoulders in a, he could care less manner. "King Harald will be arriving on the morrow. I expect you will be here with Torvi, Hvitserk, and I to greet him."
"I'll do my best," she said, purposefully not saying one way or the other. She couldn't stand King Harald when she watched him on the show. He was a jealous, whiney, crybaby who was never appreciative about all he had, because he was too busy counting everything he didn't.
Bjorn turned to give her a get your shit in line glare which would've probably buckled men who ate steel for breakfast but did nothing for her. "King Harald is an honored guess who alliance has allowed us to make this journey. Greeting his ships upon arrival is not a request."
"Did I not say, I'd do my best?" Thunder shook the heavens and lightening sliced through the perfect shade of blue sky.
Bjorn glanced upwards, then back at her with slitted eyes. He whirled to face her full on. "As long as your best has you here standing next to me when King Harald arrives, your best will serve you well."
Unable to stomach anymore of him for the day, she spun around and took her leave without another word.
"The thunder and lightning, either the giants have once again angered Thor or-," Floki claimed the spot Bonnie had vacated only moments before.
"Bonnie's a bit ill-tempered this rising," Bjorn said sparing the boat builder a glance. "She's not been herself since Ragnar's return. Of course, she believes me unsuspecting. Yet, I'm very much in tune with the natural shifts of her disposition."
"Well, perhaps when we sail she'll settle back into herself," Floki said, while peering over his shoulder in the direction Bonnie marched off in.
His head bowed in a nod as he clasped his hands behind his back and stared out at the horizon he longed to meet. "The rising Ragnar returned, he appeared...familiar with Bonnie. Did he mention her when he visited you and Helga?"
"Mention Bonnie?" Floki feigned surprise, which was all the more telling to him. "No, he only spoke of his forthcoming journey to England, and to ask if I wanted to accompany him." He halfway turned to consider Bjorn. "Nevertheless, you said he appeared to be familiar with Bonnie. In what way?"
Bjorn's head tilted a little to the side as he recalled the way his father gazed at Bonnie. The longing in his eyes likened him to a man who'd been denied water even as his throat sizzled with flames. "He looked upon her as if he'd known her in a way no other has." He gave Floki a pointed stare, refusing to say more.
"Well, you know this to be untrue. Bonnie is all but a girl of sixteen summers." Floki tsked, waving off his insinuation of his father ever plowing Bonnie. "There's no logic which would support such thinking."
Bjorn scoffed. "Yet, when has logic and Bonnie ever been known to be faithful bed companions?"
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