《Keeping up with Kamila》• the beach bitches •


I woke up stretched across the living room floor with my legs drapped over Chris, I sat up to see everyone else also asleep on the floor.

We had drank a lot of wine last night we must have fallen asleep. I slowly got up carefully stepping over everyone, sneaking into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I chopped up some fruit and threw it into a bowl before heading out back to eat on a sun lounger on the back deck.

I sat watching the distant waves roll smoothly across the shore as I slowly ate my breakfast. I heard someone so I turned to look up, Sebastian must have just woken up I could see him in the kitchen making himself some toast.

He must have felt me looking at him because he turned around and smiled, grabbing his toast and coming to sit with me outside.

"Morning" he smiled before sitting down the lounger beside me, his couldn't have woken up long after me his voice was still deep and groggy.

"Is everyone else still asleep" I asked taking another bite into a piece of kiwi Sebastian nodded "yeah I don't even remember anyone falling asleep"

"yeah me either" me and Sebastian chucked and he pointed inside with the corner of his toast "but from the three empty bottles of wine on the side I'm guessing we drank quite a bit"

I shook my head looking down "yeah I'm never drinking wine again" Sebastian laughed we fell into a comfortable silence as we both watched the waves while we are our breakfasts.

* * * * * * * *

After I finished my breakfast I went up to my room to get ready for the day I threw on a bikini, some shorts and a tank top before heading back downstairs.


By the time I got back downstairs everyone else had woken up and were all dressed eating breakfast around the kitchen island.

"Right kam now your here we can talk about what we're going to do today" Anthony grinned at me as I walked over sitting down with everyone else.

Bella took a sip of her water "we could always just go down to kamila's beach"

Chris's mouth dropped "you have your own beach?"

I shrugged "I mean it's a private beach that came with the house so sort of yeah"

Anthony clapped "well that's that sorted then"

Bella smiled "we're going to the beach bitches" everyone erupted into laughter before tucking back into their breakfasts.

After everyone had finished their breakfast we dragged a few sun loungers down the the secluded beach, setting them all out in a row.


: stunning

: I'm stuck in an office building so I'm living vicariously through them right now

: so no photo creds then 😒 typical


: aww so sorry 😢 just kidding get over it babes

: this post made me realise I'm in desperate need of a vacation

: she hangs out with marvel actors for two days


: wrong we've been friends for ages

: I am groot


: I am Steve Rogers

: well if you aren't the prettiest peach ever 🥺😩


The sun was at its highest point beaming down on us as we all laid out on sun loungers. I let my arm dangle over the edge swirling the sand beneath my fingertips.

I started to get hot laying on the lounger so I stood up "right anyone coming for a swim" I got nothing in return expect a bunch of incomprehensible grumbles.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the beach and into the sea, the shallow waves were warm but as you got deeper the sea cooled, it was refreshing.


I swan around for a little on my own until I looked up to see Anthony and Sebastian running towards the sea each trying to knock the other over.

Sebastian reached the sea first diving in with a huge splash, he surfaced and turned to look at Mackie before laughing at him, "did you seriously think you could beat me" Mackie rolled his eyes and I laughed.

Mackie pushed his arm around sending a huge splash over my head "zip it Jenner" I grinned at him before floating onto my back throwing my legs up and kicking the water infront of Mackie splashing him over and over again.

He grabbed my ankle and yanked it, making me go under water, I came back to the surface and shook my head, Sebastian and Anthony just laughed "okay Anthony just nearly drown me why don't you"

He laughed "ugh yeah I will...serves you right for splashing me" I rolled my eyes laughing at him.


: 😍😍

: Sebastian needs to become a photographer




: no way it was a one time thing


: sure it was 😉

: marry me Kamila


: hold on let me ask my mom can I?


The sun had started setting colouring the sky with a deep orange glow beaming down on us. I sat up from the sun lounger resting on my elbows.

I looked beside me to see Sebastian passed out asleep on the sun lounger next to me, I don't know why but I hadn't realised how handsome he actually was, I mean he looks like one of those Greek his carvings in museums.

A chilled breeze came up the beach ghosting my legs, I pulled my knees up to my chest and turned to see Sebastian waking up, be yawned stretching out before smiling at me.

"How long was I asleep?" He sat up rubbing his face

I shrugged "not sure I didn't notice you were asleep until like two minutes ago" he nodded laughing slightly.

A few hours later I was in my bathroom straightening my hair, we had all decided to go out for dinner tonight instead of staying in again.

There was a knock at my bathroom door, "it's open" I called out I turned to look at the door as it opened Gigi walked in smiling at me.

"Can I borrow your brown lip liner mines gone missing?" She sighed, I swear if there was ever a person that could loose anything and everything it was Gigi.

I nodded "yeah it should be in my makeup bag over there" I pointed to the bag in the corner of my bathroom Gigi walked over and found the lip liner.

She stood next to me on the mirror lining her lips as I finished straightening my hair, she was about to say something when Anthony burst through the door "can you two hurry up we're starving"

I laughed unplugging the straighteners, "yeah yeah calm yourself we're coming"

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