《Keeping up with Kamila》• WAP (wine and pizza) •



: I am in awe of you 😩

: answer your phone right now istg


: I'm in trouble 😈

: where's Gigi


: the other side of the boat DUH

: Kamila is basically a hadid at this point




"Kamila Angelina Jenner"

"Uh oh I must be in trouble if you whipped out the full name"

"Uuh you think, we are supposed to be best friends why was I not invited on your little vacation"

"Because it's just me Gigi and Bella I didn't think you'd want to come on a girls trip"

"Well you thought wrong were are you all now"

"My house in Hawaii"

"Okay I'll see you in a couple hours"

"Wait Anthony what are you doing"

"I'm about to get on a plane and I'm bringing friends"

"And by friends do you mean"

"Yes I mean Chris and Sebastian"

"Finally you've been hiding them from me for to long"

"Shut up kam I'll see you soon"

"Okay bye love you"

"I would say it back but you went on vacation with out me...asshole"


I hung up the phone with Mackie and laughed, I had been best Friends with Anthony since high school he was in my sister Khloe's grade at school he had tried to date her but she rejected him, I found it funny and we've been friends ever since.

Me Bella and Gigi where laying out on beach towels on the front of a boat we had hired the sun was setting in front of us washing the clouds with faded yellows and pinks.

"Was that Mackie" Bella turned to look at me raising her sunglasses.

I nodded "yeah he's flying out with Chris and Sebastian"

Gigi laughed "looks like this vacation just went from relaxing to chaotic real quick"

We all laughed, the three of us had originally gone on this vacation to relax after the stress and pain of New York fashion week, although fashion week was always fun it was incredibly tiring so we had decided to take a two week trip out to my vacation home in Hawaii which we did fairly often.

I can't believe she had the nerve to go on vacation without me, i always invite her when I go away and what's worse I had to find out through instagram.


"Chris, seb go pack your bags we're going to Hawaii"

Chris and Sebastian where both sat on my couch watching a football game when I walked back in to the room after I had taken the call in the kitchen.

Chris frowned at me "why the hell are we going to Hawaii for how long"

"You know Kamila Jenner right"

Sebastian nodded "yeah she's your friend right"

"Yes and she went on vacation with Bella and Gigi Hadid, and we are going"

The two shook their heads and laughed, Chris then stood up grabbing his keys "alright well I gotta go home and pack then"

"Thank god you said yes i already booked the flights" Sebastian sighed "well I guess I don't have a choice then, send us the flight details we'll go home and pack"

The pair left my house and I went to go and pack my own bags.

Sebastian was sat in the passenger Seat of my car as we pulled up outside Chris's house, we watched as he wheeled his suitcase out side throwing it into the trunk of my car before climbing into the back.

I drove us all to the airport we border the plane, first class obviously. Sebastian looked over the edge of his seat at me "How long is this flight again"

"It's only about 50 minutes maybe and hour"

Chris laughed "that's not to bad then we'll be there before 10pm"

I nodded "exactly am which means clubbing in Hawaii" the three of us laughed before the air hostesses gave the safety talk and the plane took off.

I had left Bella and Gigi back at the house and driven our rental car up to the airport to get the three boys.

I stood infront of the arrivals gate, luckily the paparazzi hadn't found where we were vacationing yet so I didn't have to deal with them at the airport as I waited.

I was stood there for a few minutes when the doors opened and people started walking out, I saw Mackie first and he grinned at me.

"MACKIE" I went over and threw my arms around him as he laughed.

I let go of Anthony and turned to Chris and Sebastian who were stood next to him "hey I'm Kamila nice to finally meet you both"


Chris smiled at me "yeah it's weird we've never met before Mackie talks about you a lot"

"Yeah well he's been hiding you both from me" i elbowed Mackie and he rolled his eyes shoving me slightly "I was not hiding them"

I raised my eyebrow at him "sure you weren't babes"

"Anyway come on my cars out front"

The three followed me as I lead them to the car Sebastian looked to Mackie "where are we actually staying"

I turned around walking backwards as I spoke to him "just wait and see you'll love it" I smiled and spun back around.

By the time we reached my house it was dark and everything had been lit up. I stopped the car and they all got out looking up at my home.

Sebastian grabbed his suitcase from the trunk and then looked back to the house "jeez this is your house"

My house was modern, windows were all along the sides, showing the views of the private beach behind it.

"Well it was my dad's but she never uses it any more so I now use it" I smiled leading them all up to the front door. we walked inside and Bella and Gigi came over from inside the kitchen.

Bella smiled "Mackie it's been awhile" she hugged him and so did Gigi

Mackie then turned to Sebastian and Chris, "Sebastian Chris this is Bella and Gigi, Bella and Gigi this is Sebastian and Chris" the four smiled exchanging greetings.

Mackie turned to me "come on then kam show us our rooms"

"Umm two of you are gonna have to double up I only have five bedrooms one has two singles"

Chris and Sebastian nodded "we'll double up Mackie can have his own room"

Mackie grinned "good" Sebastian and Chris rolled their eyes making me and Bella snicker.

"Come on then I'll take you guys up" I lead them upstairs to their rooms leaving then to unpack and settle in, before heading back downstairs to join Gigi and Bella who had opened up a bottle of wine.

"Got to love a good bottle of wine" I laughed Gigi poured each of us a glass, we clinked our glasses together before taking a sip.

Anthony, Chris and Sebastian all came down and walked into the kitchen, I got up "do you guys want a glass" they all nodded so I grabbed three more glasses from the cupboard and Gigi pooured the wine into each glass, finishing the bottle.

"Have you guys eaten dinner yet" I asked, I was hoping they hadn't because we had been waiting for them to get here before we ate dinner.

Chris shook his head "no have you"

Bella stood "No, what should we do, we could head to one of the restaurants downtown or we could order a pizza"

I secretly hoped that they would all want to stay in and order pizza I was not on the mood to go out.

Sebastian sighed "can we order a pizza I'm way to tired to go out"

Anthony and Chris nodded in agreement "sounds good"

"What pizza does everyone want" I asked getting up to grab my phone to call for the pizza.

Gigi and Bella wanted Hawaiian as usual, which is gross pineapple does not belong on pizza it's gross, Chris and Anthony both wanted meat feast and then me and Sebastian wanted pepperoni, we all decided to get three large pizzas with the different toppings everyone wanted and then share.

I ordered the pizzas as Chris opened another bottle of wine while we waited. Once the pizzas arrived we all sat around the coffee table in the living room, Bella chose a movie and we all ate pizza drank wine watched a movie and talked for what felt like forever.


Posted by Anthony Mackie:

oh he knew what he was doing with that caption


this is why Mackie is my favourite person ever

okay but anyone else see the people tagged that's one strange group of people


not really Anthony and Kamila have been friends since high school

I swear that's not what WAP stands for

who doesn't love WAP wine and pizza 🤤


they all now what their doing

: please she is such a mood

: there's no other way to live



: we're all a lil drunk


: A LITTLE you mean ALOT

: I've never wanted to be a pizza so badly in my entire life

: I want whatever Bella's having


: don't we all

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