Kuro x Mahiru Chapter 2


Kuro's pov

As I was walking the streets to get Mahiru a birthday​ present, I sorta have a problem, the problem is I don't know what to get Mahiru.

I once thought to get him a new mop, but then I thought he won't want something like that for his birthday, so know I'm out here just wondering around.

The thing is I was so deep in thought I bumped into someone I looked and said " oh... I'm sorry I didn't see you their" I said only to see Sakuya.

Sakuya looked down to me and said" oh... Kuro it's okay, but what are you doing out here for anyway".

As we sat their while I'm explaining myself he turned to me and said" Do you want some help" he said he asked I slowed nodded my head, he leaned down and wispered in my ear.

As I was walking back home I looked down at the gifts in my hands I really hope Mahi likes them.

As I slowly opened the front door and looked through to see no one I closed it behind me, as I checked Mahi's room I slowly opened his door to be met with a sleeping Mahiru.

I walked back to the kitchen to get started on the cake and wrapping.

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