《Servamp Kuro X Mahiru》Chapter 25


Kuro's cat head went up as he felt a Twitch at Mahiru's finnger.

Misono and Lily saw that too.

"Shirota..." Misono said and look at Mahiru who was slowly waking up.

Mahiru on the other hand,

Woke up seeing faint light for a moment. His vision were not clear yet and his body felt like he was tired. Very, very tired.

He blink once and more until his vision cleared up and look to the person who was calling his name.

"Shirota!" Misono said worriedly.

Mahiru groan at that as he felt a slightly dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Misono asked in concern.

"Who... Are... You...?" Mahiru said.

And the three of them were shock with that.

The Black cat jump down from the bed and turn into a Vampire Form and went beside Mahiru. He help Mahiru sat up.

"Take it easy." Kuro said looking at his eve worriedly.

Red ruby eyes met the Calming Honey Colored once.

Mahiru felt a strange warmth seeing those eyes, so thus Kuro. Its like its been a long long time since they saw those beautiful eyes.

But incase of Mahiru, He can't seems to remember where did he saw such a beautiful eyes like that. He... He was captivated and felt like this person is somehow closed to him, very closed.

But he can't remember.

Mahiru still felt weak so he almost collased back to bed until Kuro held him. Mahiru groan and try opening his tired eyes and look at Kuro.

"Stay..." Mahiru said tiredly before his conscious leave him again.

Kuro then look at his eve worriedly before sighing tiredly. "Meduksei..." Kuro said and settle his eve back to the bed gently.

"What just happened?" Misono said, it seems he wake up from the blank state of Mind when Mahiru woke up earlier asking who are they.


"Maybe he was just too tired to recognized us. Afterall he just woke up." Lily said.

"I know that.. I'm glad that he woke up but he went back to sleep again." Misono said.

"Sleep is essential you know." Kuro said.

"I don't want to hear from someone who likes sleeping so much!" Misono said in annoyance.

"Shall we go and have breakfast? You didn't eat this Morning since the doctor came here early." Lily said.

"I guess. Your not coming sloth?" Misono asked.

"no, Go ahead. I'll stay near him." Kuro said and changed back to a cat and went back to same position as before. Afterall his beloved eve did asked him to stay.

Misono sigh and then existed the room together with Lily.

"I'll bring Nii-san something to eat." Lily said.

"I'm still worried Lily, What if Shirota forgets...? What should we do....? It really bothers me..." Misono said concerned.

"we don't know for sure that he really had forgotten. Don't worry, everything will turn out okay. Afterall, we manage to survive what happened to us currently because of Mahiru-san right? I'm sure it will turn out right." Lily said

"Are you always this positive? ." Misono said.

"I'm just a person who doesn't like to worry, afterall I was created to be that way." Lily said sadly.

"I see, but could you pls pull your shirt up and stop exposing your shoulder and chest!! 💢" Misono said.

"Ah~ But Stripping is Good you know. Its just show how beautiful am I~" Lily said.

Well ever since they went to Check on Mahiru this morning Lily's clothes were already down exposing his Shoulder and Chest. But Misono didn't say anything since he was worried about Mahiru. But now the Lust pairs are alone he had a chance to scold his Servamp.


"Pull your clothes up before I'll throw a book on your face!" Misono warned.

"No! Pls not my beautiful Face~" Lily said.

And Misono sigh tiredly.

They walk on the hallway into the dinning room somewhere.


Kuro on the other hand, was also bothered by that question.

" Who are you?"

Does his Eve really lost his memory?

Does his eve can't remember a thing?

If so, What would Kuro do?

What would he do if his Eve doesn't remember?

Would his Eve shoo him away?

Or would his Eve hate him?

He would hate you and you know it.

Ah, His demon cat appeared again.

"No! Mahiru isn't like that!" Kuro argue.

"How can you be sure~?, afterall he doesn't remember you." The demon cat said and Kuro look down sadly.

"No Mahiru won't abadon me...

His not that type of person, beside he did say he love me. " Kuro keep telling hisself that but deep down he was afraid that this words will be opposed.

"Again? How can you be sure~? Afterall your just a stranger to him. He also doesn't remember the fact that he loves you and how how you love him right? And I wonder how would he react if he finds out that your a true monster~." His demon cat said seems happy.

Kuro forgot about that, he Forgot hoe he was born to be a monster.

To be a hideous monster who everyone feared.

He forgot that he shouldn't exist.

He only exist to bring pain,

To cause trouble

He is...

He is...

A monster who he kill his own creator.

Who kills

Who take lives

"Get Away From me! You monster!" Mahiru in his abyssal Word said full with fear and hate...


That what he is...

"Yes, Thats what you are~" The demon cat said and he successfully bring Kuro back to abyssal world of darkness. A world where he enjoy seeing fear and Scared Sleepy ash trembled.


Thanks For Reading

Hope you enjoy ☺️☺️☺️

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