《Servamp Kuro X Mahiru》Chapter 24






The bell had ring and students were going to school. Each one of them greeted their friends a "Good Morning" and talk about some stuff.

Somewhere inside a building their is a classroom where students chat around in one another specially a specific gree hair student.

"Good Morning Sakuya, Yout staring at the window for A long time, are you wauting for your crush to walk in~?" Ryusei said and teasedSakuya.

"Sakuya-chan is probably inlove~" Koyuki said and smile with sparkling flowers on his back ground.

"No, its not that. The bell already rang and Mahiru isn't here yet." Sakuya said.

"Thats actually odd, Should we call him?" Ryusei said.

"Hmm... We should." Sakuya said.

But they heard the door opened and the teacher walk in.

"This suck, Maybe later." Ryusei said.

"I wonder if he did catch a Cold." Koyuki said.

"Hmm..." Sakuya said and had a worried look on his face.


"His injuries are healing fine and his Vital signs are stable, well except for his heart rate since its really in a Calm phase. Very slow and weak but all in all his okay." A Doctor said as he talk to Misono about Mahiru's condition who he checked earlier.

" Do you know why is he not waking up? " Misono asked.

" Hm... I don't know but maybe its related to a certain Chemical we found in his System. " The Doctor said.

" A certain Chemical?" Misono said.

"Yes, This Chemical is usually used to make the drugs for those people who had mental Illness, maybe thats what altered his brain to command him to wake up. But its okay, Patients like that only sleeps 2-3 days straight." The Doctor said.

"I see, Whoever did this to him made him sure that He'll sleep longer." Misono said and clech his hands.


"Maybe More than sleeping longer. Based from his injuries he was actually tortured, his Physical injuries may heal but his mental capacity may have an painful injuries that we can't heal. You should be ready for it when he wakes up." The Doctor said.

"Tortured?... How can You say Such a thing!?" Misono said a little angry to his family doctor.

"As I said earlier his injuries are results of Physical Abused and that Chemical that I'm talking about its usually used to those people who are victims of a prostitute and human trafficking." The Doctor said.

"I see." Misono said.

"Then, I have to go. I need to talk to your father with some business matter then go to another patient." The Doctor said.

"Thank You for today." Misono said and bow at the doctor.

"Anytime Little Alicen." The Doctor said and close the door.

Misono sigh tiredly.

"Don't worry Misono, Mahiru-san would wake up soon." Lily said who is standing beside him.

"I know, its just that.... Shirota is really a good friend. I can't believe something like this happened to him." Misono said.

"It could happened to any of the Eves. Its just Mahiru-san is an easy target thats all." Lily said.

"You sure looking down at Shirota." Misono said.

"No, I'm not. My apologies If I had. I know Mahiru-san is strong in a different way. To think he was able to make you call him as your friend." Lily said and smile gently.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Misono said and look away pouting.

He knows he was horrible at making friends. He consider Mahiru as his first friend even though their first encounter isn't as nice as a friend could be. But Mahiru treated him well even though he treated Mahiru like he was one of his Servants. In reality, Misono doesn't know how to make friends since he grew up in a family where its always give and take, give and take. You can't ask someone a favor without returning it.


Thats how he know his life, for him life its *with benefits* thats how it is.

But Mahiru wasn't like that. He treat them equally, and smile at them kindly. Thats why he was worried about his friend but more importantly the most person who is affected by all of this is the cat that is laying on Mahiru's hand.

Kuro never left Mahiru's side or transform in his Vampire Form ever since. He only Transform when he needed to eat Lily was the one who bring him food, well its not like Hunger would kill an Immortal Vampire like him. But he can't starve himself or he would lost control.

He can't lost control with his Eve in this state. He needed to have Control all the time for his eve. In this current time, his Eve is everything to him.

He doesn't know what he would do if his beloved eve would die today. He doesn't want to imagine, he can't imagine. Not now.

The bell he keeps ringing inside the abbysal world he is, still rang loud and clear. As long as the bell rangs loadly Kuro doesn't need to worry. Because the sound of the ring is loud, means mahiru is still alive, strong and well alive.

For him if he couldn't here the bell no more that means Mahiru is dead.

And he doesn't want it, He doesn't imagine it.

He can't



Because its unfair.

He loves Mahiru.

And its unfair they just spend Little time together as lovers. He wanted to do more things.

Touch those soft hand

Engulf in the warm hug

To see those honey colored eyes

And most of all to kiss his eve.

He wanted his Eve to be alive.

Then Kuro's cat head went up as he felt a Twitch at Mahiru's finger .

Misono and Lily saw that too.

"Shirota..." Misono said and look at Mahiru who was slowly waking up.

Mahiru on the other hand,

Woke up seeing faint light for a moment. His vision were not clear yet and his body felt like he was tired. Very, very tired.

He blink once and more until his vision cleared up and look to the person who was calling his name.

"Shirota!" Misono said worriedly.

Mahiru groan at that as he felt a slightly dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Misono asked in concern.

"Who... Are... You...?" Mahiru said.

And the three of them were shock with that.

The Black cat jump down from the bed and turn into a Vampire Form and went beside Mahiru. He help Mahiru sat up.

"Take it easy." Kuro said looking at his eve worriedly.

Red ruby eyes met the Calming Honey Colored once.

Mahiru felt a strange warmth seeing those eyes, so thus Kuro. Its like its been a long long time since they saw those beautiful eyes.

But incase of Mahiru, He can't seems to remember where did he saw such a beautiful eyes like that. He... He was captivated and felt like this person is somehow closed to him, very closed.

But he can't remember.

Mahiru still felt weak so he almost collased back to bed until Kuro held him. Mahiru groan and try opening his tired eyes and look at Kuro.

"Stay..." Mahiru said tiredly before his conscious leave him again.

He can't remember, but he knows one thing.

He is safe in those arms and he wanted to be in those arms for as long as he could.

And Kuro, He won't let go. He won't go away.

Even if his Eve doesn't want him anymore, because for Him, His Eve is everything.


Thanks For Reading

Hope you enjoy ☺️☺️☺️

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