《Meet the Kims》Chapter 7


December 23, 10:15 AM, NY Haein's house.

Jennie woke up sweaty, hot, and tired.

She sat up and noticed that she still had on her jacket, gloves, and boots as well as a heavy fleece blanket, the fire roaring.

Jennie pushed the blanket off of her and stretched, also pulling off her outerwear.

The smell of hot coffee met her senses and she at once rose to go to the kitchen where she smiled at the sight.

Jisoo was sitting down at the table drinking a cup of coffee, reading the paper.

Jennie cleared her throat and Jisoo looked up from the paper and smiled at the ADA.

"How you feeling?"

"A little hot but I'm okay," Jennie answered as she took a seat besides Jisoo.

"Like fever hot or-"

"No, no, nothing like that. Just the fact that I slept with a down jacket, a fleece blanket, winter boots and a roaring fire."

A slight blush broke out on Jisoo's skin as she looked down at the table.

"I didn't want you to get cold."

Jennie chuckled and also looked down at the table. "It was a pretty stupid thing to walk here in a blizzard. But I had to see you."

"It couldn't have waited until morning?" Jisoo asked, trying to pretend that she was once again reading the paper.

Jennie shook her head as she took the paper away from Jisoo. "No. I made the biggest mistake of my life and I was going to do whatever I had to do to fix it."

"You could have died, Jennie."

"So? I might as well be dead then be without you."

"Don't say that, Jennie. You don't mean that."

"Yes I do."

"Stop it!"

They looked at one another for a moment before Jisoo cleared her throat and got up from the table, taking another sip of coffee. "Well whatever. We're both free, and it's done."

Jennie sighed but nodded, avoiding her eyes once more.

She looked around the kitchen, the uncomfortable silence irritating her.

After a few moments, Jennie finally spoke. "So where's Haein?"

"He ran out to do a few errands," Jisoo told her, ignoring her face.

"Like what?"

"Nothing too important. A little Christmas shopping business."

"He told me he was done with his shopping."

Jisoo shrugged, unable to look at her. "He forgot to buy something."

Jennie studied her face for a moment before she chuckled. "You mean he realized he had to take something back, right?"

"Not at all!"


"He took back your gift."

Jennie shrugged, trying to pretend like she wasn't annoyed at Haein. She thought they had been friends even before she and Jisoo started going out, and the fact that he turned on her for this angered her.

"How mature."

"Well you did slap his partner."

"I am sorry about that," Jennie admitted.

Jisoo shrugged. "I've been hit a lot worse," she reminded her, gently rubbing a hand across her left cheek.

"Don't remind me," Jennie pleaded, truly meaning the words, hating the man who had taken control of her lovers' life for a time with such a passion, it made Jennie want to scream at just the mention of his name.

She sighed before shrugging; trying to pretend that it didn't bother her. "It's fine. I didn't get him anything anyway," she said truthfully.

"Yes you did," Jisoo told her, opening her paper and began reading once more.


"No I didn't," Jennie corrected.

"A few weeks ago me and you got a portrait of his kids professionally taken and spent two forty on a large gold frame, and a hundred forty on a eight by ten because you over heard him saying how he didn't have any pictures of them all together."

"I'll pay you back my half," Jennie mumbled. "I don't have my purse on me."

"Its fine," Jisoo insisted, "I wouldn't have asked for the money anyway."

"But that was before we... you know," Jennie muttered, unable to get the words, "broke up" out.

"I know," Jisoo mumbled, unable to look her in the eye.

The two looked down at the table before Jisoo cleared her throat and stood up, going over to the coffee maker. "I'm gonna have another cup and then I'm gonna drive you over to our... your house and grab a few of my things. I'll get the rest when your parents are gone."

Jennie got up from the table and walked over to her, turning her around, making sure she was looking at her. "I don't want you to go."

"I have to," Jisoo said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do. I don't want to do this anymore, Jennie. I don't want the lies."

"I love you, and you love me. That's not a lie, Jisoo."

Jisoo shook her head before turning back towards the coffee maker. "I'm sorry; Jennie, but I can't do this."

Jennie forced her back around, grabbing her by the back of the head and kissing her on the lips, pressing her body up against Jisoo's, nearly bending her over the counter.

Jisoo knew this was wrong. That the kiss would lead to more, and then Jennie's heart would be broken again as she left.

But she couldn't fight her, wouldn't fight her.

Jisoo kissed her back with just as much passion, her hands running through her blond locks, enjoying the sound of Jennie's soft groans.

Jennie moved the kisses to her jaw line before she gently nipped at her neck.

Jisoo closed her eyes and threw her head back, giving Jennie more exposure, their hands exploring the familiar territory, knowing exactly where the other one liked to be touched.

For one moment; their fight, Chaerin, and the lies all disappeared for the detective. Jennie's hands, body, lips against her own was all that mattered.

Jennie quickly moved her hands up under Jisoo's shirt, grabbing Jisoo's breasts, moving the fabric of her bra away.

"Oh god," Jisoo groaned as Jennie all but ripped her shirt off, the two caught up in a fiery kiss.

"I love you," Jennie whispered in her ear as she made a move to undo Jisoo's jeans.

And in an instant, Jisoo was brought back to reality with a thud.

Jisoo sighed and gently pushed Jennie away, ignoring every protesting feeling in her body that needed the blonds touch.

"We can't," Jisoo said looking away from Jennie's hurt face. "I love you more than life itself, but we can't do this."

When Jennie spoke, her voice shook. "Why?"

"Because what if I let it go further? We're still broken up, Jennie, and nothing is going to change that."

Tears made her way down her face but she hastily wiped them away. "But I love you."

"You love keeping your secret more."

Jennie shook her head. "No. Jisoo, that's not true! I would do anything for you!"


"Except tell the truth."

The two women stared at one another for a moment before the sound of the locks clicking brought them both back to reality.

Jisoo quickly pulled back on her shirt and stepped around Jennie, managing a fake smile to greet Haein.

"Is she still here?" he asked, not yet seeing Jennie standing in the kitchen.

"Yeah. We're about to go though. Just having some coffee," Jisoo told him.

Haein walked into the kitchen, shaking the snow from his hair. "It's still coming down pretty hard, supposed to get worse. If I was you I'd leave now, get there before the roads get worse."

"Gee, Haein, are you sure you want me to go?" Jennie asked bitterly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," he said with a smug grin.

"Screw you," Jennie muttered, storming past him to go into the living room.

Haein seemed uncaring as he poured himself a cup of coffee, ignoring Jisoo's glare.

"You're an ass sometimes, you know that right?"

He shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee. "I don't like people who hit-"


"Harm my partner."

Jisoo sighed, going up to him, managing a small smile.

"Haein... you're my partner and best friend, I spend more time with you then I did with Jennie. I would die for you in a heartbeat and not think twice about it because I know you would do the same for me. But I don't need your protection all the time. Jennie slapped me in the heat of the moment because I was about to tell her ice queen mother something very private. But I didn't break up with her because she slapped me. I broke up with her because she would rather slap me then have the truth told."

Haein shook his head in disbelief. "Why did you do it then?"


"If any other girl slapped you, even in the heat of the moment, you would have hauled off and hit them back before arresting them, and they would have been the devil in your eyes."

"No I wouldn't have," Jisoo lied, knowing that he was right.

"Yes you would have. But since you're in love with her, then you think that excuses it for some reason or another, and you know its wrong, Jisoo. It's wrong because she doesn't love you back, as much as she says she does."

"That's not true. I just don't want to deal with the lies anymore, but we do love each other."

"If she loved you so much, would she have really laid a hand on you just to protect a secret she said she was going to tell them in a few days?"

Jisoo looked at him for a moment before she pushed by him.

"Everything okay?" Jennie asked as Jisoo came into the living room, looking sullen.


Jennie watched as she stormed over to the coat hanger where her jacket was and she all but knocked the whole thing over getting it.

"What did he say to you?" Jennie asked, seeing the tears build up in Jisoo's eyes.

"What do you care?" Jisoo spat, thrusting her arm in to her own jacket. "I'm nothing but your room mate, right?"

"Jisoo, that's not true," Jennie said softly.

Jisoo scoffed, pulling her gloves on with such anger, Jennie was sure Jisoo had broken a nail. "Well that's what Seunghyun and Chaerin think. That I'm just your poor, old, straight, republican roommate."

"I was going to tell them-"

"Oh don't give me that bull shit, Jennie! You were never going to tell, so don't lie to me anymore! Save it for someone who cares. You don't love me; I don't love you, so just get the hell out of my life!"

Jisoo reached into her wallet and threw a stunned Jennie a twenty, ignoring the tears in both their eyes. "Call a cab; get your own way home. I'm going out."

She wrenched open the door and slammed it shut, the sound echoing in the silent house.

Jisoo drove around for a few hours, hating the city seed limit, the busy Christmas season, and the other people on the road as well.

Didn't they know she wanted to drive as fast as she could make her little car go? That she was angry, and pissed off, and beyond reprehension.

Move it!" she screamed at the driver in front of her, honking her horn at the man who had waited half a second before driving at a green light.

Jisoo growled before flipping on her siren, feeling a tiny bit better when the cars parted for her.

She drove as fast and as hard as she could go, the adrenaline pumping through her veins, her hands clutching the steering wheel so tight, her knuckles had turned white.

"Who the hell does she think she is?" Jisoo thought, her foot coming down harder on the pedal. "Telling me she loves me after she slapped me for trying to tell the truth about her life! Kissing me like that after I told her we were done!"

So invested was she in her thoughts that she didn't see the large dog run out into the middle of the road.

It was only when she saw the flash of brown fur did she slam on the breaks, yanking her steering wheel as far to the left as it would go, barley avoiding colliding with an expensive Mercedes.

She looked out the window and with a tiny breath of relief, saw the dog run off.

Jisoo took a shaky breath and closed her eyes, flipping off her siren, trying to steady her nerves.

"You need to calm down," she told herself taking a few more shaky breaths before she started driving once more, going the speed limit.

She soon pulled into a convenient store and shut off her car, deciding that she needed something stronger than a few breaths to calm her nerves.

Jisoo got out of the car, putting her hands in her coat pockets.

"What the hell?" she muttered, her fingers encasing around something small and hard.

She pulled it out and chuckled sadly as she looked at the tiny black box that held Jennie's engagement ring.

"Guess I do need that return policy," she muttered before putting it back in her pocket.

She walked in, shivering slightly, the inside of the store being just as cold.

"I know," a voice said beside her. "You think they would turn the heat up in the middle of winter."

Jisoo turned to face who had talked to her and was pleasantly surprised at who it was.

A woman, she didn't look younger than twenty, but not older than forty, with one of the most enchanting smiles Jisoo had ever seen.

Jisoo smiled back at the woman. "I don't know if you're new here, but in New York, the winter is just beginning.

"I just moved here from Texas, so I'll be sure to keep that in mind," she said with another smile, throwing her dark brown hair over her shoulder.

"I'm Soojoo," the woman said sticking out her hand.

"Jisoo," she said shaking it.

The two women looked at one another for a moment before Jisoo cleared her throat and went over to one of the cooler of beer.

"So how long have you lived in New York?" Jisoo asked opening the cooler and pulling out a twelve pack of Light something or other.

"About a month. Figured that six months at the police academy would be better spent in a big city like New York as opposed to a little shit hole town where the most excitement I've seen in my entire career is someone trying to steal a ranchers cattle and they brought a rifle instead of a shot gun."

"You're a cop?" Jisoo asked, her voice displaying a hint of surprise as she went over to the counter.

Soojoo laughed, and Jisoo was surprised at the almost sultry quality of it.

"Yeah. Have been for almost twenty years."

Jisoo looked her over once again, surprised that she had missed almost subtle wrinkles on her face.

"You don't really look old enough to be a cop."

"Gonna be thirty four in three days. I know, I know, at least it's not Christmas Day, right? So enough about me. What do you do?"

Jisoo cleared her throat as she pulled out her debit card to pay the cashier. "I'm a detective, actually, Special Victims Unit."

Soojoo nodded and gave her a small smile.

"That's really admirable. I mean, there's no way I could do that every day. It would get too much for me after a while. The live victims, the children... How long have you been in it?"

"Eleven and a half years."

Soojoo let out a low whistle. "That's a long time. I had an ex who worked SVU out in Austin, and she only made it a year and a half before she switched to homicide."

Jisoo felt like laughing and letting out a scream at the same time.

"I'm sorry what?" Jisoo asked making sure she heard her right before she did either of those things.

"I said I had an ex girlfriend who worked SVU, and she quit after a year and a half."

"Oh Christ," Jisoo muttered, rubbing her temples, forcing a smile on her face, taking the change from the cashier.

"Soojoo... do you mind me asking something a little personal?"


"How much do you, how can I put this? How much do you care about money?"

Soojoo laughed, and instead of being amazed, Jisoo was appalled at herself for even consider liking the laugh that escaped the beautiful woman's throat, hating herself even more for still finding it sexy.

"You were a cop once, you know we get paid jack. I mean I'd like more, but money has never been an issue. I grew up with people who made the same amounts my parents did, and I work with people who make the same amount I do, so it's not like I can look down or anything."

Jisoo took another deep breath, trying to steady her collapsing nerves. "So have you told anyone about you being-?"

"Gay? Yeah. My family, friends, co workers all know. I'm not ashamed of what I am," she said, her voice a little harsher then she had been, and Jisoo knew why at once.

"Oh god, please don't think I'm one of those idiots who hate people like us."

"Like us?" Soojoo asked a hint of confusion in her voice as well. "You mean you're-"

Jisoo nodded and smiled once more. "Gay, and no I'm not joking you, and yes I'm out of the closet."

Soojoo's confusion was replaced at once by a look of seduction, looking Jisoo up and down. "Really?"

She took a step closer looking seemingly innocent. "If you're not doing anything later, maybe you and me could split some of those beers you just bought."

Jisoo withheld a groan, praying for the right answer on the next question, unsure of what she wanted that answer to be. "What about your parents?"

"My what?" Soojoo asked, not fully understanding what Jisoo was asking.

"You're parents. Do your parents know you're a lesbian?"

Soojoo scoffed and nodded. "Are you kidding? They were the first people I told."

"Are you serious?" Jisoo groaned, running a hand through her hair.

"Is everything okay?"

"No. You're perfect!"

Soojoo looked at her in utter confusion. "Yes, I can see as how that would be a problem."

Jisoo sighed. "No I'm sorry, Soojoo, it's just... you don't make a lot of money, you aren't ashamed of being gay, your parents know you are, you're a cop, and you're only a year younger than me. You seem funny, intelligent, nice..."

"So what's the problem?" she asked with a small smirk, taking a step closer to Jisoo.

"The problem." Jisoo took a step back, sighing sadly. "Is that you're not Jennie."


"Ex girlfriend."

Soojoo nodded. "How long have you guys been broken up?"

"Does us making out in my co workers kitchen this morning count if the words were already spoken?"


"Then three and a half hours."



Soojoo looked down at the ground. "So I guess this means we won't be going out anytime soon?"

Jisoo shook her head. "I'm sorry, but... I'm not ready yet."

Soojoo offered a sad smile at her. "It's okay, I get it. I've had my heart broken a few times as well."

Soojoo sighed, smiled one last time at Jisoo before she walked out of the store, leaving Jisoo looking after her.

"I hate you, Jennie," Jisoo mumbled, kicking the wall, and then hating her even more for her throbbing foot.

Jisoo waited until she was sure Soojoo had left the parking lot before she walked out, pulling the coat around her tighter.

In those few minutes she had been in the store, the snow had picked up far worse than it had been that morning, and Jisoo could hardly see in front of her.

She walked to her car, putting the beer in the back seat before she got it, the large gust of wind making her shiver.

The moment she was in the car, she turned the heat on full blast, silently thanking Jennie for getting her heating and cooling system fixed a year ago, and now only had to wait seconds for heat instead of the better part of an hour.

Jisoo began to drive off, her mind flooding back to Jennie, and all the things she had done for her over the two years they had been together, and the year they had actually lived together.

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