《Meet the Kims》Chapter 6


December 23, 2:30 AM, Jennie's brownstone.

Tears filled Jennie's eyes as she sat on the couch, a cold cup of coffee that Chaerin had poured her much earlier sat on the coffee stand, thinking that Jennie's breathless sobs had been caused by "the completley unprovoked attack," by Jisoo, unaware that it was the absence of Jisoo that had caused her to be upset.

She had called her dozens of times to apologize for what she had done, for what she had said, for throwing away the best thing that had ever happened to her by far. The second time, it went straight to voice mail, but that had not stopped her from calling again, and again, and again until finally the cold robotic voice telling her that Jisoo wasn't available was too much for Jennie.

She threw her phone down and wept some more for the better part of an hour, leading up to now when she simply stared at the TV, tears falling slowly down her face.

She heard footsteps on the stairs and with a tiny click, the light over her turned on the same footsteps walk over to her.

Jennie didn't even bother to look at her father who stayed silent for a few moments before he spoke.

"Have you tried calling her?"

Jennie simply nodded, not wanting to talk for fear of the hysterical sobbing coming back once more.

"What did she say?"

Jennie stayed silent, and Seunghyun sighed, understanding that to mean that Jisoo had either hung up or not picked up her phone at all.

"Honey." He reached out to touch her shoulder, but Jennie jerked away, wanting no one to touch her if that person was not a detective with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Jennie, I know what you're going through, and I know it hurts-"

"You have no idea what this is like."

Jennie lifted her head to look at her father, a fresh batch of tears making their way down her face. "So please don't try to make it seem like you know what it's like to lose your... best friend," she grumbled looking down at the carpet once more, hating herself for not having the courage to admit what Jisoo was to her even now.

Seunghyun looked at her for a moment before he cast his eyes down at the ground, a small smile tugging on his lips. "Jennie, I think we both know that Jisoo is much more then your friend."

Jennie snapped her head up, looking wide eyed at her father. "What did you just say?"

Seunghyun smiled and pushed the hair away from Jennie's face. "I'm your father, Jennie. Did you really think I wouldn't have noticed how close you two were?"

"How long-"

"Since you called us up a year ago and told us that you asked her to move in with you and you were getting a new roommate. Two grown women, both with good living, living together and not having it be romantic? I wasn't born yesterday, Jennie."

Jennie looked down, unable to look her father in the face as she picked a piece of fuzz off from the couch. "Are you going to tell mom?"

"I think you should, but no, I'm not going to."

Jennie managed a weakened smile before she returned her eyes to the floor.

"Are you mad at me?" she grumbled, not really wanting a response.


Jennie bit back a sob but said nothing as she nodded, the tears rolling down her face.


Seunghyun placed a hand under her chin and forced her to look at him.

"I'm mad-" he said with a soft smile. "That you didn't tell us, that you think falling in love is something to be ashamed of, that you would rather let the woman you are so hopelessly in love with walk out your door then to tell us the truth about yourself."

Jennie let out a sob, unable to tell if these were tears of joy or sadness.

"I don't know what to do," she cried, the sobs shaking her body. "She hates me. I don't know what I'm going to do without her."

"Jennie, calm down and listen to me," Seunghyun said calmly and firmly, wiping the tears from her face with a tissue from the coffee table.

Jennie sniffed and looked at Seunghyun who took a deep breath before he continued.

"Did I ever tell you... about Sandara?"

Jennie shook her head, continuing to wipe the continuing tears.

Seunghyun chuckled sadly and looked down at the ground a moment before looking back at Jennie. "I was in my final year of law school at NYU. There was a little coffee shop right around the corner, built for college kids, you know. I used to go there all the time and study.

Well one day, a new waitress was there. A group of local idiots were harassing her, and I basically told them to either leave her alone or they would be faced with criminal charges.

They left, and we began talking. She had just finished her masters in teaching history and , and was looking for gigs in the city. She was just doing this part time until she got a teaching gig. She wanted to be an elementary teacher."

Seunghyun sighed, a small smile growing on his lips. "I fell in love. She was smart, beautiful, made me laugh... she was everything I had ever wanted. On the day of my graduation I asked her to marry me, and she said yes.

When I told my parents... well, lets just say they didn't share the same enthusiasm as I did about her. She was a poor elementary school teacher who came from nothing. They told me I had to leave her."

Tears began to spring in Seunghyun eyes. He didn't even bother to wipe them away. "I did it. Because I was afraid of what my parents would have thought of me. What the high end of society would think of me being with a nobody in their eyes. I told her that it wasn't going to work out, that she could keep the ring, and to never contact me again."

He chuckled sadly as Jennie looked on, completley speechless. "The next day is when my mother introduced me to Chaerin. On paper, me and her were a perfect match. Don't get me wrong, I love your mother," he added, seeing Jennie's eyes widen. "I love her more then life and would do anything for her. But... sometimes I can't help but wonder what my life would have been like if I had the courage to stand up to my parents, to tell them that I loved Sandara and I didn't care what they thought of me."

Jennie sat completley and utterly stunned. The way she had heard it was Chaerin was Seunghyun first and only love, and vice versa. Never before had she ever heard that her father had loved another person, much less been engaged.

Seunghyun took a shuddering breath to calm his nerves before he turned to Jennie, a look of what one might classify as desperation on her face. "Go after her, Jennie. Go after her, and tell her that your sorry, that you love her more then life itself, that you would rather stay single the rest of your life then not be with her."


Jennie let out a sob before wrapping her arms around Seunghyun who hugged her just as tight.

"I love you, dad," she whispered, the tears falling heavily down.

"I love you too, Jennie," he breathed before pulling away, a smile on his tear stained face. "Now get the hell out of here and don't come back without the woman you love."

Without another word, Jennie all but ran to the front door, opening and shutting it, determined to win back the love of her life.

About a second later, she was back, shaking the cold form her hair.

"I ain't going out there without a jacket, it's freezing!"

twenty minutes later, Jennie would not have even considered Jisoo a friend much less the love of her life.

"She can take time out of her schedule to drive the car, but she can't spend ten minutes to pay for the gas," Jennie grumbled, as she and her car sat stranded on the side of the road just past the Queensboro bridge, shaking from the bitter cold.

She had left her cell phone and wallet at home, and Jisoo had dismissed the idea on having Onstar because it was just twenty bucks a month that could be spent on their cell phone or G.P.S. bill.

Despite her situation, Jennie couldn't help but chuckle at one of her and Jisoo's most common arguments, next to leaving the cupboard doors open and the tooth paste cap off.

Jennie sighed and leaned back against the seat and rubbed her hands together, trying to generate some heat through them, and failing miserably.

With a groan, she looked up at the sky, slightly glaring at the roof of the car.

"Is this punishment for me being an ass?"

The large flurried gust of wind outside gave her the answer.

Jennie looked out the window and almost began crying at what awaited her.

She could not see three inches in front of her face the snow and wind was blowing so hard.

She knew shw could wait in the car all night, and probably be found close to morning. If she didn't freeze to death by the time someone came to investigate the stranded car on the side of the road.

Jennie also knew that by car, Haein's house was only two, two and a half miles at the most away from the bridge, and she had been there enough times with Jisoo she could practically drive it blindfolded.

Plus, she thought, beginning to tremble from the cold and adrenalin, her heart pounding, someone was bound to be driving this time of night in the city, even if the weather outside was horrid, and stop for her

"I'll do it," Jennie thought to herself zipping up her coat as far as it would go, putting the hood up. " And besides," Jennie thought as she opened the door, whimpering as the snow hither in the face like a knife, "someone's bound to pick me up by the time I reach Haein's house."

Haein's house, 4:45 AM

Jisoo laid sleeping on the couch, her pillow stained with tears, a fleece blanket on top of her, several empty beer bottles on the stand beside her.

After Jisoo had to physically restrain Haein from going after Jennie for slapping her, Haein had told her she was better off without her, that Jennie needed to work on her own issues before Jisoo could be with her, that Jisoo deserved so much more then what Jennie had to offer.

Even though she had a few beers in her at that point, it didn't sound right to the detective in anyway.

The sound of knocking interrupted Jisoo from her restless sleep, and she picked her head off the pillow, not wanting to get up for the world.

"Who is it?" she grumbled, already feeling the aftermath of the alcohol.

The person knocked again and Jisoo looked at the living room clock and groaned, putting her head back down on the pillow.

"It's almost five AM. Whatever it is, it can wait until morning!"

The intruder continued to knock and Jisoo groaned before she threw the blanket off of her and stormed towards the door.

"You better have a damn good reason to be knocking on someone's house in the middle of the night!"

Jisoo wrenched open the door, her eyes widening, her anger turning to confusion and fear in a heart beat.

"Jennie?" she managed to say, her voice no louder then a whisper.

Jennie was shaking so violently, Jisoo was sure she was going to fall, snow covered every inch of her, and streaks of ice ran down her face as if her tears had frozen.

Jennie opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't even make out one word her teeth were chattering so hard.

"Where the hell is the car?" Jisoo asked, still trying to grasp the concept of why her girlfri- ex girlfriend was on her partners steps in the middle of the night.

"Ra- ra- ran ou- out o- of g- gas," Jennie said, shaking even more violently. "Had t- to walk fr- fro- from t- the bri- bridge."

"Oh Christ," Jisoo muttered moving out of the way, leading Jennie in.

"Come on, lets get you unthawed."

Jennie slowly walked into the house, shaking as hard as if she were still outside.

Jisoo led her into the living room and sat her down on the couch, covering her up with the blanket before feeding logs into the fire place and lighting it with the matches on the mantle.

Jennie felt the warmth from the fire wash over her as if she had just sunken down into a hot bath, and her rigged body relaxed some.

"I'll get you some coffee," Jisoo muttered, but the moment she went to walk away, Jennie grabbed at her, unable to close her fingers around her arm all the way.

"Don- don't g- g- go! I ne- ne- need to ta- ta- talk to you!"

"Jennie, your body is frozen. You need something warm to drink," Jisoo told her, deciding if it would be a safe bet to call an ambulance.

Jennie shook her head, sending the snow everywhere. "No! I ne- need to te- tell yo- you som- something!"

Jisoo sighed but sat down on the couch.

"Will you at least take of those wet clothes?"

"No- not un- until yo- you listen."

"You're going to freeze to death, Jennie!"

Jennie shrugged. "S- s- so. If I can- can't be wi- with you, then I mig- might as we- well be dead."

"Well at least the stuttering going down," Jisoo mumbled before she sighed. "Jennie, listen-"

"Who's down there?" Haein's voice rang out before there were footsteps on the stairs.

"Jisoo, is that you or-"

The moment Haein saw Jennie, his eyes narrowed at her as he stormed over to her.

"Get the hell out of my house now."

"Haein, leave her alone."

"No! Jennie, get out or I will arrest you for breaking and entering."

Jennie stood up, still shaking somewhat and shook her head. "No. I ne- need to talk t- to Jisoo."

"Not on my watch!"

"I made a mistake, but I swear to god that I love her!" Jennie cried, tears running down her face.

"Well if hitting someone is a mark of love, then please let me show you how much I adore you."

Haein took a step a towards Jennie before Jisoo rushed in front of him.

"Touch one hair on her head and I swear to god there's gonna be trouble," Jisoo growled.

"Jisoo, move, now," Haein told her stepping to the right, but Jisoo was right in front of him once more. "

"No. And you're not throwing her out in the cold either."

"This is bull shit! If Jennie was a man who hit you-"


"Same difference! If Jennie was a man who slapped you, would you stop me from fighting."

"I don't know. But I do know that I wouldn't let you throw anyone out in the cold, not tonight."

The two partners glowered at once another before Haein stepped back away from the two women.

"thank you," Jennie whispered, placing a hand on Jisoo's shoulder but she threw it off.

"Just because I'm stopping you from getting killed doesn't mean I forgive you."

Jennie took a step back, evidently hurt.

"But I'm sorry. I love you, Jisoo, I love you more then life itself. I'm sorry I slapped you, and I'm sorry I lied to my parents about us, about you, about everything. But I would rather die then to not be with you, okay, I would spend a thousand years in hell then to let you leave. Don't do this, Jisoo... please."

Jisoo wiped the tears away from her eyes before she turned around to look at her, her heart nearly breaking at the sight of Jennie's desperate look.

"Jennie... you say that you would do all those things, that you would rather be dead then to be without me. But you wouldn't even tell your parents about us because you're afraid of what they would say."

"Jisoo, no-"

"Yes, Jennie, and you know it's true."

Jisoo sighed as she sat down on the couch, Jennie following.

Jisoo turned to look at her and took a deep breath before she continued. "I love you. I love you more then life itself. I can't or won't ever deny that. But I'm not going to spend the rest of my life with someone who's afraid to admit what she is, who can't even tell her parents about me for fear that she'll be embarrassed, who'll slap me as opposed to having the truth exposed. Jennie, it's not fair to me, or to you."

"Jisoo," Jennie pleaded, tears falling down her face. "Please."

"I'm sorry, Jennie," Jisoo whispered. "But it's not fair to either of us,. You should be with someone who doesn't mind the lies or the secrets. But I'm not going to deal with that... no matter what I have to lose. I'm sorry."

Tears ran down Jennie's face who forced herself not to sob in front of them.

She hastily wiped the tears from her face and nodded. "Will this make you happy? Us breaking up?"

Jisoo shook her head. "No. It will make me miserable. But I'm not going to subject myself to the lies anymore."

Jennie sighed and nodded. "Fine. If you think its for the best then there's nothing I can, I guess."

Jisoo offered a weak smile, knowing it did nothing for either of them. "Thank you, Jennie."

Jennie made a move to stand up, but Jennie put a hand out to stop her. "Where are you going?"


"How are you getting there?"


Jisoo shook her head. "No. Not in this weather, not at night. I'll drive you home tomorrow, and I can pick up my stuff then."

"I'm fine, Jisoo."

"No you're not. I don't care if we're broken up or not, I'm not letting you kill yourself. You'll sleep here tonight."

"It's Haein's house, and I'm sure he doesn't want me spending the night."

Both women turned towards Haein who said nothing but crossed his arms.

"Haein," Jisoo pleaded softly, desperation heavy in her voice. "Don't do this."

Haein sighed and nodded. "Fine. Jennie, if I have to cuff you to the couch, you're staying here."

Jennie groaned but laid back on the couch, surprisingly tired.

"I'll take that coffee now," she muttered, her eyes closing.

Jisoo nodded and got off the couch to go into the kitchen, Haein following.

"She hit you," he muttered as Jisoo got a mug out of the cupard.

"She slapped me and was under a lot of stress," Jisoo said as she poured her a cup of coffee and put it in the microwave.

"So if I went off and slapped you as hard as I could because I was stressed, you would be telling me it wasn't my fault?"

Jisoo stayed silent as she got the creme out of the fridge.

"Jisoo, you're not answering because you know I'm right. She did that to you, she lied about you, she did all those things to you, and you still want to be with her. You still love her."

Yeah I do!" Jisoo snapped, slamming down the container and turning around to glare at him. "I love her, okay. I love her beyond anything and I would die for her and nothing will ever change that!"

She hastily wiped the tears away from her eyes and pulled the cup from the microwave. "We're done now, alright? It's over between us. But sorry if I'm not going to throw her out into te ice and snow because she's my ex."

Haein sighed and said nothing before walking out of the kitchen, pausing at the doorway. "I'll sleep in Inna old room, you can sleep in my bed, okay?"

"Thanks, Haein," she muttered as she poured the creme into the cup.

Haein just gave a quick nod before he left, not looking back at her.

Jisoo put a sugar in the cup before she brought it out, smiling at the form that met her.

Jennie was already asleep, the fleece blanket wrapped firmly around her, her hair falling in her face.

Jisoo went over and gently brushed the hair from her face.

Jennie moaned softly, "Jisoo," she grumbled, her eyes still closed. "I'm sorry. Jis- Jisoo."

She grumbled something else unintelligible and rolled over on the couch.

Jisoo kneeled down and put the coffee cup on the stand next to the couch and leaned in before softly kissed her on the top of her head.

"I love you," she muttered into her hair, enjoying the sweet scent that she had the pleasure of inhaling for the last year.

She pulled back, allowed her eyes to feast on her for a few moments before turning away.

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