《Meet the Kims》Chapter 4


"Jisoo, I refuse to let you buy that for her!"

"Haein, she'll love it! It's a gift that's not only stylish, but fits her personality exceedingly well."

"Jisoo, put that down, or I'm putting in a partner transfer!"

With a sigh, Jisoo put down the tall, pointed black hat she had come across in "Lids" and walked out, huffing angrily, Haein following.

"If I had told her Sarah Palin wore it, she would wear it in a heart beat and be exceedingly grateful," she grumbled, sitting down in a near by bench, setting her bags down beside her.

Haein followed, setting his own numerous bags on the marble floor before turning to her.

Jisoo sighed, running a hand through her hair before placing her head in her hands. "I'm never gonna find her a gift. It's impossible! We've looked everywhere!"

"Jisoo, come on," Haein told her, gently rubbing her shoulders. "You're making this so much more difficult then it has to be. What do you think she needs?"

"A tombstone?"


"Well I don't know!" she snapped, glaring furiously at him. "I know nothing about this woman besides she's rich, and was in the national dog show and took second place! How the hell am I supposed to get her a gift?"

"Okay, there's something," Haein offered. "She likes dogs. Why not get her one of those crystal dogs? You can even get her a boxer like Fluffy."

"Do you know how much those cost? Sorry, but the ring is the only thing I can afford to put on credit."

Jisoo sighed once more, the situation looking much more hopeless by the second.

"How about jewelry? That's always the logical choice for any woman. Nothing big or extravagant, but a nice little one hundred dollar necklace."

"Yeah. And the moment she opens it up, I can just hear it now. 'Oh my, thank you Miss. Jisoo. I'm sure this will look amazing as a trash lid lifter'," Jisoo said, her voice uncannily resembling Chaerin's. "I don't understand why I have to get anything for her. She's gonna hate it no matter what it is."

"She will not," Haein said, unable to meet her eyes. "I'm sure she'll love it," he muttered, once again unable to even look at her for fear of giving away the lie.

Jisoo glowered at him before she stood up, taking her bags in her hands.

"Come on. We promised to meet them for lunch," she grumbled before she perked up.

"Hey! What do you think about-"

"No gift cards to McDonald," Haein interrupted, getting up from his seat as well.

Jisoo groaned, another idea having been shot down just as quick as the pointed hat before that, the jelly of the month year long subscription before that, and a huge chocolate Hershey kiss that Haein had suspected was more for the giver then the receiver.

They walked to the food court in silence, Jisoo trying desperately to think of a gift that Chaerin would like before they saw DongGo and Minkyu sitting at one of the tables, a pile of bags surrounding their table, a large thing of cheese fries between them.

They walked over to them and without so much as a hello, Jisoo slunk down in the chair opposite Minkyu, letting her bags droop to the floor, not even caring if DongGo and Minkyu saw the contents inside them, a large pronounced frown on her face.

"Merry Christmas to you too," Minkyu muttered, looking to Haein for an explanation.


"Shut up," she mumbled, slowly siding down in her seat even more.

"We're having a little Christmas gift crisis," Haein informed them, taking his own seat across DongGo.

DongGo nodded in what appeared to be understanding. "Ahh yes. I understand completley, Jisoo. If you must know, I like red heads, tall but not taller then me, and not to big a hole because then it just doesn't feel as real. Also-"

"For the last time, no one is going to get you a blow up sex doll! It's just wrong!" Minkyu snapped before turning his attention to Jisoo, who was unable to hide her smile.

Jisoo sighed before sitting up in her seat. "I can not for the life of me find a gift for Chaerin. I mean what do you get a person you completley loathe?"

"I have this problem with DongGo every year," Minkyu told her with a supportive nod, ignoring his partners cold glare. "Just do what I do. Ask her right out, 'I'm spending X amount of money, what do you want from me?' Save you a whole lot of panicking and worrying."

Jisoo nodded before she saw Jennie and her parents walking towards them, several bags in their hands, Jennie looking like she was looking at any means to escape Chaerin's chattering.

Noticing they were walking closer, Jisoo leaned up against Haein, and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Jisoo smiled as big as she could as she struggled to look like she was enjoying being embraced by someone with such strong muscles and not a hint of softness, trying her hardest to ignore Haein's cologne and instead imagined it was Jennie's expensive perfume she was inhaling.

Making sure Chaerin and Seunghyun were looking at them, she looked up at Haein and pulled his head towards her, kissing him full on the lips, running a hand over her cheek, wanting nothing more then to pull back from the scratchiness of his five a clock shadow.

"Having fun?" Jennie asked, a hint of bitterness in her voice as she approached the table, Chaerin and Seunghyun following, Chaerin glaring such daggers at DongGo, it was an amazement he didn't drop dead at the table.

Jisoo pulled away, still looking up at Haein, smiling. "I always have fun when I'm with my man."

Haein chuckled and leaned down and gave her another quick kiss on the lips before looking over at Jennie, his eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Jennie, you okay?" he asked, seeing her glare daggers at the two of them as the three sat down on the other four person table DongGo and Minkyu had dragged over and placed beside theirs.

"I'm fine," she growled, turning away from the two of them.

Jennie closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath before letting it out again. She repeated it twice before she re opened her eyes, forcing a smile on her lips.

"So how was shopping?" Jennie asked, unable to look at the still embracing Haein and Jisoo.

"Fine, got most of what I needed done," Minkyu answered quickly before anyone could say a word. "How about you, Jisoo? You got everything you need?"

Jisoo took a deep breath before turning to Chaerin. "Actually no. Chaerin, I was wondering-"

"Oh there he is!" Chaerin interrupted joyfully, clapping her hands together before waving at someone in the massive crowd.

"Kai!" she cried, and the others looked at one another in confusion before looking into the crowd, trying to figure out who she was calling to. "Kim Jongin, over here!"


The moment he turned to look at who had called his name, they all knew at once who Chaerin had shouted to.

A man, no older then twenty five smiled a huge, beaming smile, full of the whitest, most perfect teeth any had ever seen. His face nearly flawless with a strong chin and a small dimple in it, his brown hair laid perfectly shaped and styled on top of his head, wearing a suit that knew had to cost at least nine hundred at the least, his leather shoes just as much, his light blue eyes completing the look of sheer perfection.

As he got nearer the table, Chaerin stood up and the smile grew even larger.

"Kai! How marvelous to see you again!" Chaerin cried happily, taking his hands and kissing both of his cheeks.

"Wonderful to see you too, Chaerin, darling!" he said, kissing her back in the same manner.

When he spoke, Jisoo noticed that his dazzling smile never once was hid.

"Sit down, Darling, sit down!" Chaerin told him before sitting down herself, leaving just one open spot; right beside Jennie.

"Everyone, this is Kim Jongin, an old friend of mines son," she explained. "Kai, this is Jung Haein, Minkyu, Kim Jisoo, and my husband Seunghyun Kai lives in Manhattan as well," she said, uncaring that she had skipped over both DongGo and Jennie.

"Pleasure to meet you all, I'm sure," he said with a small bow as he sat down beside Jennie.

Chaerin's smile grew larger as she motioned over to Jennie. "And this, is my daughter Jennie Ruby Jane."

"Nice to meet you," Jennie said, sticking out her hand for him to shake it.

Kai grabbed it, but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his mouth and kissed it softly.

Jisoo hated him with a passion.

He grinned at her once more, although his brilliant teeth were much less pronounced this time. "Forgive me for being so bold, Jennie Ruby Jane, but I must say, your mother did your beauty no justice what so ever over the phone."

Jennie blushed and looked down at the table, a shy smile on her face.

"Thank you, Mr. Kai."

"Please," he said, his voice lowering some as he leaned closer to her. "Call me Kai."

A small snap caused both Kai and Jennie to look up and saw that Jisoo held one half of a plastic fork, while the other one laid on the table, narrowing her eyes at the two.

"So, Kai, why don't you tell me more about what you were telling me about last night? About the senator calling you for advice? Chaerin said, uncaring of Jisoo's action.

Kai turned from Jennie to the rest of the group, a large cocky smile on his handsome, seemingly perfect face. "Well, after being top of my class in Harvard in political science, I have lots of political heads call me up for advice, you know. And last night, the Governor of Virginia, I'm on great terms for him, by the way, we played golf a few times a month, actually calls me up and asks my opinion on a law that their thinking of passing! Of course, I couldn't just let the old man suffer, and I just had to give him my insight."

Jisoo didn't listen to a word he had said, and instead looked at his hand that seemed to be moving closer and closer to the back of Jennie's chair.

"So you're a politician?" Jennie asked leaning in closer, seeing Jisoo's glare out of the corner of her eyes, unable to hide a smirk.

If Jisoo could play that game with Haein, then maybe she would know how it felt when Jennie did the same to this man.

Kai nodded. "Well Senior DA for the DEA at the moment, but soon to be judge, the Governor, then president."

"Don't you think that's a little too unrealistic?" Jisoo asked, not even attempting to hide the poison in her words.

"I don't think so at all," Jennie said, her voice laced with a hint of seduction. "I find it fascinating, to be honest."

Kai chuckled, and Jisoo growled slightly as Kai's eyes casually looked over Jennie's body, the body only Jisoo got to look at.

"Lets keep our eyes on the faces, okay?" Jisoo snapped, glowering at the two.

Jennie ignored her and instead leaned in closer to Kai, a flirty smile on her lips, one recently only used for Jisoo.

"I don't mind it one bit," she lied, feeling the hair on the back of her neck prickle while Kai leered at her.

Seunghyun cleared his throat loudly, making Kai turn away from Jennie, ignoring hate filled glare.

Kai smiled his large, overly perfect smile at her once more before putting his arm around Jennie's shoulders, and it pained Jisoo to see Jennie slightly cringe, but did nothing to throw him off.

"I have a grand idea," Chaerin said, smiling at Kai and Jennie, seemingly ignoring the exchange across the table from both Jisoo and Seunghyun .

"How about you two go off and say, do a little shopping, get to know one another a little better?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Chaerin," Jisoo said, getting a much approved nod from Seunghyun "Jennie, why don't you hang out with me and Haein the rest of the day? You can bring your parents too," she added, making sure Jennie knew the lengths Jisoo would go through so that Jennie would not have to spend time alone with this guy.

"I like that idea," Seunghyun said with a nod. "And I'm sure Mr. Kai has better things to do then hang around the mall with a girl he hardly knows."

"On the contrary," Kai said, flashing what he believed to be a flirty smile at Jennie. "I would love nothing more then get to know this beautiful, beautiful woman."

Jennie blushed and looked down at the floor and Kai stood up, his hand out to her.

"Shall we, Jennie Ruby Jane?"

"It's Jennie," Jisoo grumbled loudly, but it went ignored by both parties.

Jennie looked up from the floor and nodded, taking his hand. "We shall."

Jennie stood up, casting a rather smug look at Jisoo before the two began walking away.

"Wow," Haein breathed, looking at a completley stunned Jisoo.

"Chu, you okay?"

All Jisoo could do was nod at fear of shedding tears, unable to turn away from Jennie.

"Well, Seunghyun," Chaerin said, seeming to ignore Jisoo's sadness. "I say we get back to shopping. There's no way on earth I'd be able to eat the food at this horrid place. I can smell the indigestion. Lets go, darling."

Seunghyun nodded before he got up from the chair and walked over to Jisoo, leaning closer to her, speaking so low only she could hear him.

"He's not her type."

Jisoo managed to tear her eyes away from the spot she had been looking at to look at him, completely and utterly bemused.

Seunghyun gave a curt nod before following Chaerin, leaving the detectives alone once more.

"Damn, Chu," Minkyu chortled. "Your girlfriend is cold."

Jisoo turned to glare at Minkyu who cowered slightly under her gaze.

"I can be colder," she snapped before she got up from her chair and stormed away, leaving her bags with the group.

Jisoo walked fast, not caring who turned and stared at her, but knowing that she had to get to Jennie.

Luckily, she spotted the two of them inside a clothing shop, their backs turned to them, and Jisoo was outraged to see Kai's hand on the small of her back, inching closer to her ass.

"Hey!" Jisoo shouted out, storming up to them as they turned around to face her, Jennie letting out a breath of relief when she saw her, pulling out of Kai's touch.

"Get your hands off her or you're gonna be spending Christmas a falsetto!"

One look at Jisoo's face told Kai that him that she was not joking in any manner what so ever.

He hastily moved away from Jennie as Jisoo came up to them, glaring furiously at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are grabbing her like that?"

"I didn't touch her in any inappropriate way."

"No, having your hand an inch away from her ass is what exactly?"

"Really, Miss. Jisoo, must you use the English language in such a crude manner? I mean I know you are highly uneducated when compared to me and Jennie Ruby Jane but-"

"Listen, you worthless, spineless, incompetent low life piece of shit! I may have to take that crap from Chaerin, but I sure as HELL will not take it from you. One more word like that, and I will arrest you for verbal assault."

Kai narrowed his eyes at her before turning to Jennie. "Come, Jennie Ruby Jane. I suddenly feel much too high class for this place."

He reached down and took her by the hand, only to have his hand jerked away from Jennie's.

"I told you not to touch her!" Jisoo snarled. tightening her grasp on Kai's wrist.

Kai wrenched out of her grasp. "Let go of me, you pathetic ingrate! You're breaking my wrist!"

"Touch her again, and that will be the last of your problems."

Kai narrowed his eyes at her, his fists balling. "Do not threaten me, you little bitch."

A smug smile lit up Jisoo's face as she crossed her arms in front of her. "I just did."

Kai took a step, leaving no space between the two bodies.

Jennie forced herself in between them, more concerned of Jisoo getting arrested for giving Kai a special type of surgery for Christmas then Jisoo being intimidated.

"Jisoo, why don't you just calm down, okay?" Jennie pleaded, pushing her away from Kai, desperate to get the two away from one another.

Jisoo turned her glare from Kai to Jennie. "You're telling me to calm down after that guy just treated you like that? Jennie, you're my-"

"Room mate and best friend," Jennie interrupted, a look of pleading on her face, "yes I know. But this isn't the time or the place for that."

"No, instead I should just sit back and watch some guy grope you in public! Jennie, you're pathetic if you think that you should have to put up for this for your mother!"

Jennie narrowed her eyes at Jisoo, stepping away from her, evidently hurt. "No, instead why don't I watch you make out with Haein in the middle of the mall every three seconds!"

Jisoo opened her mouth to argue back when Jennie turned back to Kai who had a smug grin on his face that Jisoo wanted to slap off.

Jennie grabbed Kai's hand and turned back to Jisoo, nasty sneer on her otherwise beautiful face. "Let's go, Kai. Jisoo, please, get back with Haein. I would hate for you two to stay away from one another for long."

They began to walk away, Jisoo looking after them, desperately trying to hide her tears.

Several hours and a very, very uncomfortable car ride later, Jennie pulled into the drive way, avoiding the eyes of her lover.

Jisoo had made sure to avoid all forms of contact with Jennie, including the numerous phone calls she had gotten from her at one point.

When it was time to leave the mall, Jisoo, pissed that all of her and Haein's bags would not fit in the same trunk, was forced to go home with Jennie, who had avoided speaking to Jisoo the entire way home, much to Chaerin's delight.

The moment the car had stopped Jisoo slammed the door open and shut and went inside the house, slamming that door open and closed as well, wanting nothing more then throw the tiny black box in her coat pocket away.

"I think she's mad," Chaerin said, a hint of joy in her voice that she could not be bothered to mask.

Jennie said nothing to her mother and instead popped the trunk and got out of the car, trying to shove the earlier events from today out of her mind, hating that she had treated Jisoo like that, allowed some stranger to talk to her like that.

But at the same time, she could not force the image of Haein and Jisoo touching and kissing out either. It was like a scene in a horror movie that kept on playing rewind, each time more horrendous in her eyes.

Seunghyun followed Jen to the trunk, gathering his and Chaerin's bags in his arms.

"Talk to her, Jennie," he whispered to her so that Chaerin didn't over hear him. "She deserves it."

"Dad, just leave me alone," Jennie grumbled, taking the last of her bags and storming off towards the house.

Jennie, ignoring the sounds coming from the kitchen, headed right up the stairs and into the attic, putting the gifts down a little more harsher then need be.

She went back downstairs and into the kitchen, letting out a sound of disbelief as she looked at Jisoo.

"Oh that's nice," she said dryly, seeing Jisoo take a big swig of brandy straight from the bottle. "Get drunk while my parents are here during the holidays, when you have court tomorrow."

Jisoo glowered at her, slamming the bottle down on the counter. "I'm not getting drunk, Jennie. I'm just having a drink. Is that a crime now? Maybe you should call up Kai and ask him. He is after all, gonna become the next president of the United States, so he would know."

"Or maybe we should call up Haein. That is if he can pull his tongue out of your throat long enough to answer when he gets here."

Jisoo glared at Jennie. "Do you think I actually enjoyed that?"

"Judging by the fact you two were practically having sex in the mall, yeah I'd say you were!"

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