《Meet the Kims》Chapter 3
December 21, 8:00 AM, Jennie's brownstone
Jennie silently made her way up the steps, a cup of coffee with two sugars in her hand, just the way Jisoo liked it.
She walked into their bedroom, smiling at the sleeping form of her lover.
Jennie walked over to her and put the coffee down on the side table, and sat down next to her, softly brushing the hair from her face, unable to keep her eyes off the beautiful detective.
Jisoo groaned softly and rolled over in bed.
Jennie felt the smile grow as she slowly climbed on top of her and leaned down next to her neck, gently blowing on it.
"If that's anyone besides Jennie Jane Kim," she grumbled, her eyes still closed, "I have a gun under my pillow."
Jennie laughed and got off of her, sitting beside her in the bed.
"Not very much for protecting yourself when you're tired, are you? What if I had been a burglar?"
"I'd send your mom in to meet him. That would be enough to scare anyone away," Jisoo mumbled, opening her eyes and sitting up in the bed.
"Like anyone would rather choose to terrorize her over you."
Jisoo chuckled before yawning and stretching, throwing the blanket off of her.
"I call the shower first," she muttered, as she got off the bed.
Jisoo looked over at her, her eyes traveling over Jennie's soft curves, dawning nothing but a red teddy. "Unless, of course, you want to join me?"
Jennie reluctantly shook her head. "We can't this morning, babe. I have to go make breakfast, and my parents need to get ready as well."
Jisoo groaned in frustration before she nodded and stood up, and Jennie felt the same annoyance as she looked over Jisoo's outfit. A white wife beater and a pair of boy shorts that showed off her amazingly long legs.
"See something you like, Jane Kim?" Jisoo asked as she walked out of the room, smirking at the young ADA.
"You mean besides your beautiful ass?"
"You mean the ass that my loving, adoring boyfriend Jung Haein only gets to look at?" she said, raising her eye brows in mock confusion.
Jennie frowned before she too got off of the bed and walked out of their room, grabbing her bathrobe and putting it on.
Jennie walked down the stairs, when a terrifying thought occurred to her.
Jisoo knew she and Haein were supposed to pretend to be a couple. Haein, however, had no idea he and Jisoo were supposedly in head over heels in love. How the hell would those two be able to convince her parents they were a couple when one of them didn't even know they were?
Jennie groaned before she walked into the kitchen, pouring herself another cup of coffee and sitting down at the table.
"Good morning, Jennie Ruby Jane," Chaerin greeted as she came down the steps, Seunghyun following.
"Morning," Jennie said, getting up from her seat and going to the cupard where they kept the coffee mugs.
"Do you want some coffee?" she asked as she got down the mugs.
"Yes, but sit down, honey. I think I'm more then capable then getting my own coffee," Seunghyun said with a chuckle as he went over to the coffee maker and taking the cup form Jennie.
"And I'll just have tea, dear," Chaerin said going over to the stove, grabbing the tea kettle before going over to the sink, and turning the hot water on.
Jennie rushed over to her, trying to stop her before it was too late. "Mom, stop! Jisoo's in the sho-"
All three went to a stand still as a loud scream sounded from upstairs, and Jennie closed her eyes in defeat, waiting for the spew of curses she had experienced first hand when she accidently had started the dish washer when Jisoo was in the shower.
"Turn off the god damn water!" Jisoo's scream carried down loud and clear. "Jesus Christ, Jennie! It's hotter then hell in here! What the fu-"
"Sorry!" Jennie shouted back, turning off the water, eying Chaerin apprehensively.
"Good gracious, Jennie Ruby Jane!" Chaerin cried, clutching a hand to her heart. "Does that woman have no morals, no shame? Taking the lords name in vein, and taking like a sailor!"
"Jisoo isn't exactly the most religious woman in the world," Jennie admitted. "And in her line of work, sometimes talking like... that, is necessary."
Chaerin shook her head as she sat down, waiting for Jisoo to get out of the shower before she started the tea again. "Well I certainly hope you've never talked like that, Jennie Ruby Jane. It's a sad day when a young woman of your stature is caught saying such filth!"
"I'll talk to her," Jennie promised, swallowing the fear that would come from this recent argument.
Chaerin nodded in appreciation before Jennie took a deep breath, taking a sip of her coffee, already dreading this day.
Ten minutes later, they heard Jisoo come down the steps.
She walked into the kitchen, her hair wrapped up in a towel, wearing her own bathrobe, still dripping. It seemed like she had wanted to waste no time in getting down the steps.
Jennie slunk down in her seat as Jisoo stormed over to the coffee maker, and stood with her back to it for several moments.
"Chaerin," she snapped, finally turning around, and Jennie let out a small whimper of fear at the look of pure, unrelenting anger in her chocolate brown eyes. "Quick question. When you knocked on the bathroom door this morning, and I told you I was in the shower, and you said, 'okay'. Did you just forget on your walk down here, or were you trying to scorch my skin off?"
Jennie's eyes widened as she looked between Chaerin, who looked completley and utterly in shock as she stood up, her light blue eyes wide and apologetic. "I promise you, Miss. Jisoo, I didn't mean to turn on the water, and I do apologize sincerely."
Chaerin's face broke out into a rather sweet, innocent smile that Jisoo wanted to smack off.
"Sure you do," Jisoo said dryly, sitting down in one of the chair.
"Besides in any case, you should have been done sooner. I mean, those gray hairs seem to fall out much faster then normal color, so you shouldn't have been so long, in any case."
Jennie stood up in a flash, nearly knocking her chair over as she rushed over to Jisoo, whose fists were clenched tight.
"Jisoo, I need your help finding that green outfit I was going to wear today. Upstairs... away from the kitchen knives."
Jisoo glowered down at Chaerin before she allowed Jennie up the steps, her fists not unclenching.
Once in their bedroom, Jisoo slammed the door shut, and began to pace.
"Who the hell does she think she is?" Jisoo growled, pacing, Jennie watching apprehensibly. "Like that shrew has any right to talk about gray hair!"
Jennie swallowed hard before walking up to her, swallowing hard.
"Um, Jisoo."
"What?" she snapped, facing Jennie, a look of pure malice in her eyes.
Jennie took a step back ,swallowing her fear before continuing. "Um... m, my mother would appreciate it if you were to watch your language around her."
For the first time in her life, Jisoo Magdalena Jisoo felt like hitting her girlfriend as hard as she could manage would have been the prefect solution to her problem.
"She what?"
Jennie wrangled her hands, swallowing hard. "She, um... she isn't a fan of cursing all that much, and she would appreciate it if you didn't use curse words when she was in ear shot."
Jisoo shook her head in disbelief. "You're kidding me right?"
Jennie shook her head, slinking back slightly. "I'm sorry."
Jisoo let out a screech of humorless laughter as she threw her hands up in the air. "Why not? After all, I'm lying about my sexual preference, who my girlfriend, oh excuse me, boyfriend is, my political party, why not change my personality as well! Hey, maybe I'll say screw you to my BA in criminal Justice, quit any job altogether and become a housewife like her!"
"Jisoo, stop," Jennie pleaded softly.
"Shit! Oh I'm sorry, shoot! I still got that blond wig in the closet that I had to use in that cabbie rapist case! Maybe I'll slap that back on and she'll start to like my outward appearance. You know, since I'm looking so old with gray hair and everything!"
"Will you calm the hell down!" Jennie shouted, causing Jisoo to momentarily stop her rant.
Jennie took a deep breath before she went up to her, holding her hands in hers. "I'm sorry. I really am, Jisoo. About everything she's said to you and everything she will. But it's eleven more days. Then after she leaves, we can get back on track."
"No," Jisoo told her, her voice ice cold. "Before she leaves, you're telling her about us, about you, and you're going to correct every single lie I'm telling about myself for you! If you don't, then next time she visits, you won't have a girlfriend to lie about! "
Jennie swallowed a retort and nodded, biting her bottom lip rather hard.
Jisoo groaned in frustration, running a hand through her hair. "What's wrong?"
Jennie shook her head, the tears falling down her face. "Nothing."
Jisoo groaned softly before she went up and hugged her tight.
Jennie wrapped her arms around her and buried her head into her shoulder, sobbing.
Jisoo took a deep breath and began to stroke her hair, knowing she was going to say the thing she deserved to hear instead of say. "I'm sorry, Jennie. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that."
Jennie shook her head. "It's my fault. I shouldn't let her talk to you like that. I'm sorry, Jisoo, I swear I am!"
"It's okay, it's okay," Jisoo muttered into her hair. "We're gonna get through this, Jennie, I promise."
Jennie let out a chuckle and pulled away, wiping the tears away from her. "I'm the only woman on the face of the planet who when her mother visits, someone has to say 'we'll make it through this'."
Jisoo chuckled as well before she wiped the tears away from Jennie with the back of her hand before she leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips.
"I'll always love you," Jisoo muttered, kissing her once more. "Even if you do have a shrew of a mother."
"Well that's good to know," Jennie moaned softly, pressing up against her. "Because I'm never letting you go."
Jisoo chuckled before she pulled away, and Jennie leaned forward, itching for more contact.
"You need to get ready. We're supposed to meet the squad at the mall in two hours."
Jennie's eyes widened with realization. "The squad! Haein! Jisoo, he doesn't know you two are supposed to be a couple! You need to call-"
"It's already taken care of," Jisoo reassured her, and Jennie was both pleased and worried as a smug smile grew on Jisoo's face. "You've no need to worry about me and Haein pretending to be a couple today."
Jennie swallowed hard and nodded. "Well that's good, I guess. Just promise to leave your shirt on this time."
"I'm not making any promises," she said with another smirk as she went over to the dresser and beginning to get dressed.
Jennie looked over to her, swallowing her fear and panic before she got into the shower.
Half an hour later, Jennie, her hair dried and dressed, made her way downstairs where she prayed Chaerin and Jisoo had managed to not kill one another... or at least not leave too big a blood stain in her kitchen.
However, when she was close enough to hear the next words out of Chaerin's mouth, she was sure that Chaerin would not survive to see Christmas day.
"I'm just saying, Miss. Jisoo, I think it's wonderful a woman your age not to be afraid in the least to let her true age show. I mean, I myself would never be so bold to let all of my little blots, blemishes, and crows feet stand out, but if you feel comfortable then good for you."
"We should get on our way!" Jennie cried out, rushing into the kitchen, hearing her girlfriend growl at her mother. "Mom, dad, why don't you get dressed and ready, and we'll leave, okay?"
Chaerin smiled up at Jennie and nodded. "Of course, dear. Come, Seunghyun I shudder to think of the traffic four days before Christmas!"
"I'll be right there, darling," he promised, looking over at Jisoo, who was clutching her fork so tight, her knuckles were turning red.
Chaerin nodded before she left the kitchen, Jisoo glaring after her.
Once out of ear shot, Seunghyun turned to Jisoo, an sincerely sorry look on his face. "Jisoo, please forgive Chaerin. I'm truly sorry for the way she's treating you."
"At least someone is," she muttered, glaring daggers at Jennie who just looked down at the ground.
Seunghyun looked between Jennie and Jisoo before he stood up and cleared her throat.
"Jennie Ruby Jane, can I see you upstairs a moment? I want you to help me pick out a tie for today."
Jennie swallowed her fear and nodded, following Seunghyun out of the kitchen, knowing the only time he used her full name was when he was angry at her about something.
They went upstairs, and Seunghyun opened Jennie's bedroom door open for her before shutting it gently before turning to her.
"I'm surprised at you, Jennie Ruby Jane," he scolded softly, making sure Jisoo couldn't hear him downstairs, although Jennie knew Jisoo had figured out what they were talking about. "Letting your mother talk to her like that."
"What can I do? You know just as well as I do what mom wants to say, she's gonna say, no matter who it hurts or who says to stop."
"She's your friend and room mate, Jennie Ruby Jane. You need to stand up for her, even if Chaerin doesn't listen. Do you really think that Jisoo, who if she's anything like you've told us over the phone, is enjoying holding her tongue? Do you realize what a sacrifice she's making for you?"
Jennie sighed and nodded, knowing he was right, not even able to imagine how hard this was for Jisoo, holding her tongue in front of Chaerin.
"I know but-"
"I know it's hard, Jennie," he told her, and Jennie let out a small breath of relief when he used her nickname once more. "Standing up to your mother. Trust me, I've tried and failed for twenty nine years. But to someone like Jisoo, getting knocked down a few pegs like Chaerin is trying to do and unable to defend herself is one of the worst things you could do to a woman like that. You keep this up, and she won't be your friend for much longer."
Jennie nodded in agreement before Seunghyun gave her a tiny smile. "Just think about what I said, Jennie. Now why don't you go downstairs and I'll get ready, okay?"
"Sure, dad... thanks."
"Anytime, honey."
He gave her a small kiss on the cheek before she left the room, her mind going over what her father had just said, knowing he was right, but also knowing to stand up to Chaerin was... impossible. She was Chaerin Kim. You did not stand up to her. You bowed down to her, but you did not stand up to her.
Jennie sighed as she entered the kitchen, to find Jisoo examining herself up close in the reflective coffee pot, gently pulling the skin around her eyes tighter.
"You okay?" Jennie asked softly, standing beside her.
Jisoo said nothing and continued to examine her face, gently pulling the skin tighter.
Jennie wrapped her arms around her, and Jisoo pretended not to notices the blonds embrace.
"After we go shopping," Jisoo told her, not turning around to meet her eyes. "I'm making an appointment for botox."
"You're perfect," Jennie whispered, kissing her neck. "Every single thing about you. Don't change because of what she said to you."
Jisoo ran a hand through her hair, closely examining it in the pot.
"She's right, you know. Last month I found two grays."
"So what?"
Jisoo let out a humorless chuckle before turning around, a sad smile on her face. "I'm almost forty. You just turned twenty seven two weeks ago."
"You're not even thirty five yet."
"Next month I will be. I'm too old for you, Jennie."
Jennie shook her head, "you're wrong."
"No I'm not. You're beautiful, young, perfect... You don't need a middle aged-"
"You're not middle aged!" Jennie shouted, a little louder then she had intended. "And you are a thousand times more beautiful then I could ever hope to be!"
Jennie reached up and kissed her hungrily, her hands slowly moving down the curves of her body.
Jisoo simply stood there, not moving.
Jennie pulled away before looking up at her, moving the hair away from her face.
"Any woman who can make me feel the way you do, who can turn me on with the smallest touch, who can make me scream her name for hours on end, has nothing to worry about when it comes to age. I don't care if you're eight years older, or a hundred. I love you, Jisoo. No matter what amount of what wrinkles you think you have, or what color your hair is, or what age you are. Don't let her get to you, Jennie. I promise you that you are the perfect woman for me, no matter what Chaerin says. Do you understand me? And besides," she said with a playful smirk. "Older women have much more experience."
Jisoo chuckled before she leaned in to kiss her before they heard foot steps descend on the steps.
Jennie, with an annoyed sigh, pulled herself away from Jisoo as Chaerin walked into the kitchen, dressed in a light green blouse made of some kind of silky material and a pair of white pants, smoothing out her light blond locks, .
Chaerin looked over at Jisoo and withheld a grimace. "Oh my, Miss. Jisoo... if you need a little money, all you had to do was ask. You didn't have to look like you just came form the soup kitchen. I'm very generous towards the less fortunate in this city."
Jennie swallowed hard before she stood up from her seat, trying to withstand her shaking.
"Um, mother."
"Yes, Jennie Ruby Jane, what is it?"
Jennie shallowed hard, looking down at Jisoo who looked almost shocked and amazed that Jennie was going to say something.
"I um.. I just wanted to say.. uh."
"Come, Jennie Ruby Jane, spit it out."
"I um... I like your outfit," she muttered, sitting back in the chair, unable to look over at Jisoo.
Chaerin smiled at Jennie and smoothed out the outfit. "Thank you, Jennie Ruby Jane. At least someone in this house has some sense of fashion," she muttered, loud enough for both women to hear.
Jisoo glowered at her before standing up, thinking of the biggest insult she could manage.
"You know I saw Michelle Obama wear that exact same outfit on TV last week."
Chaerin's eyes widened to almost unbelievable proportions, looking down at the outfit in absolute and complete disbelief.
"I, I'll be right back. I just remembered it's after Labor day, and I shudder to think what civilized society would think if they saw me wearing white."
Chaerin all but ran from the kitchen and Jisoo let out a triumphant chuckle.
Jennie narrowed her head in confusion. "When did you see that? I never saw her wear anything remotely close to that."
Jisoo turned to her, a large smirk on her face. "Neither have I."
A hour and a half later, Chaerin changed in a completely different outfit and her old outfit threw in the trash, having said that the outfit was so outdated and unfashionable, you would have to have been an idiot to even consider wearing it now, Jennie pulled into the mall parking lot, and Jennie groaned at the large, massive cars.
"I'm never gonna find a spot," Jennie groaned softly, beginning to look around for a parking spot.
"That's the holidays for you," Seunghyun chuckled.
"Oh relax," Jisoo told her. "Someone's bound to leave soon. And if anything, we can just park on the side of the street and walk."
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