《Fixing Stitches (Mike Schmidt x Reader)》Helping Jeremy


Mike pulls up at Jeremy's house.

"Wait in the car" he tells me

"Please be ok" I say

"I'll be fine" He reassures me

Mike takes a deep breath and walked out of the car and up to the front door. I can see what's happening since Mike parked quite close to the front of the house. He hesitated before knocking on the door.

A small woman opened the door. They talk for a bit and Mike walked in. He comes back out with a box and a suitcase of Jeremy's stuff.

Suddenly, a man grabs Mike by the shoulder turning him around. He pushed the lady inside and shoves Mike outside. There was a lot of shouting and pointing. Mike had put the stuff down and was yelling too at this point. I was cringing in my seat, hoping nothing bad would happed. I stood corrected as suddenly, the man punched Mike square in the face which knocked him back down the steps and onto the concrete walkway.

Mike wasn't moving, why wasn't he getting back up. I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped out of the car and ran to Mike. I got on my knees and leaned over him. He was unconscious and had a black eye. The man grunted and slammed the door as he stormed inside. What the fuck just happened!? I try to drag him back to the car and got halfway there when he began to gain conciseness.

"Oh my god your awake" I say with a sigh of relief

I sit him up and let him gain some level of consciousness before talking anymore.

He touched his eye and winced in pain.

"Ahh owch! What happened?" He asked

"You just took a great punch" I explain "I think you hit your head on the path, you were unconscious. Just don't move that much you might have a concussion."


I help him up and into the back of the car where he lay down. I turned on the air con and put all the air vents that were in the back onto him as he was burning up. I go back for Jeremy's stuff. Then I realised that the box that Mike was carrying was full of manga and anime that was neatly stacked in volume order. I smile and load the stuff into the boot of the car.

I hop into the drivers seat and drove us home. Mike would sometimes mumble some nonsense to himself.

'Poor guy' I thought

I arrive home and help Mike upstairs. I lay him onto the couch with a few pillows and a blanket. I grab a bowl of warm water and a cloth. I sit next to him for the rest of the day as we listened to calm music. He would mumble things to me but I couldn't really understand him. Luckily Mike and I both had the night off tonight so you could just sit with him all night. I watched him sleep for a bit. He was so cute when he sleeps. I got up and grabbed a quick snack and when to the bathroom then came back to change the cloth. At one point, the water got cold so I had to go change it. I sat back down and started to doze off a bit but immediately woke up when you heard a phone buzz.

It was Scott texting Mike

Scott-Hey Mike haven't seen you in a

few days how've you been.

I replied (don't ask about the password or anything)

Me-Hi Scott it's Y/N, Mike and Jeremy

both had a bit of an accident

lately and might not be at work

for some time.

Scott-what happened?

Me-Jeremy broke his leg and is in

hospital and Mike has a

concussion so I'm looking after


Scott-oh no I can come and help

Me-you have the night shift though

Scott-oh yeah I'll come over tomorrow

then ok?

Me-Ok I'll put your contact in my



Me-see ya

You sigh and look at Mike "what am I gonna do with you?' I thought



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