《Fixing Stitches (Mike Schmidt x Reader)》Hospital


I look around and see that you aren't in your house. I panic a little as I frantically look around the room and realise that next to me is Mike. 'Oh that's right, I'm staying at Mikes'

My breathing dies down now and I feel safe again.

I snuggle up under the blankets and check my phone. It was about 11:00am. I decide to get up and grab a snack.

I hop up and trip over something, falling face first onto the floor. I tried to be quiet but object I tripped over screeched and scratched at my ankles.

I was trying not to wake Mike, but I failed miserably.

He practically jumped out of bed.

"Wah, who's there" he mumbled

He looked around the room and sees me on the ground with a Persian cat wrapped around my legs.

"Ah Persian no!" Yelled Mike

I let Mike pick up the white fluffy cat that was tangled around my legs. He cuddles it a bit then sets it down on his bed.

"I didn't know you had a cat!" I say, startled

"It's not mine it's Dolls"he said "I'm looking after him while she's away"


"Well, today we have to go and check on Jeremy" Said Mike

"Oh yeah" I realise

I got your clothes and took them into the bathroom, took a shower and got dressed into (F/C) long shirt, long track pants and a jumper.

I walked out and let Mike have his shower. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV and to my surprise my favourite show was on. Mike walks out of the bathroom about half way through the episode in long pants a blue jumper and a blue beanie. We decide to take the car to the hospital since it has been raining.


•••••••••••••••••Time Skip••••••••••••••••

We walk into the hospital and ask to see Jeremy Fitzgerald. The nurse says he's in the 5th room on the 2nd floor. We thank the nurse and head on up. We find room 5 and we're about to walk in when I realised that it would probably be better for Mike to go in first cause they are so close.

"Mike!" Yelled Jeremy

"Hi Jer" Mike said sitting on the bed next to him.

"Hi Jeremy" I say as I pull up a chair next to the bed

"y-y/n" He smiled

Jeremy told us a story about how the doctors and nurses kept coming in and asking what happened and he had to keep telling them that he didn't know.

"So how's the leg?" You ask

"W-Well m-my knee i-is dislocated and t-the sh-shin is pretty b-broken" he said as he pulled back the blanket revealing a big cast on his skinny leg.

"Oh, Jeremy does it hurt?" asked Mike

"O-only when I-i try to m-move it" he says

Mike and I stayed there for a few hours talking to Jeremy and it was really fun. I could that he was starting to get tired so I gestured to Mike to wrap it up.

"So, Jeremy" said Mike

"Y-yeah?" He yawned

"Since your coming to live with us for a while I should go get your stuff right. Just send me a text of all the things that I should pick up from yours ok?"

"Uhh, t-that's n-not going to b-be a g-good I-idea M-Mike" he said

"Why?" He asked

"M-my dad is s-still m-mad t-that I s-snuck out a-and he t-thinks y-your a b-bad i-influence and I-i don't w-want y-you to g-get hurt" he whimpered

"I'll be fine" said Mike as he ruffled Jeremy's hair

"Just fine"

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