《HEIWA ─ Inumaki T.》13 | Back to Kyoto!


"Y/N? Where are we.."


Maki and Okkotsu spare eachother a glance while they follow you inside the school, matching your fast pace. You're silent, palms clenched into fists.

You wouldn't talk, and that alone is a bad thing. Maki rarely sees you get angry and Okkotsu has never seen you get this quiet. Both are nervous. Are you going to take a train to Kyoto?

Maki clicks the roof of her tongue. She grabs your arm, forcing you to stop before you could reach your dorm.

"Y/N, just think-"

You turn to her, brows furrowed.

"Maki, let go." you say, "Let go."

Being the stubborn lady that she is, she stood her ground. Her eyes on you, looking equally upset as you are. Her grip on you tightens.

On the other hand, Okkotsu looked scared. Are you two going to fight or what? And if a fight between you and Maki does happen, what's he supposed to do.

"Eh? What's happening here?"


The tension in the air seems to disappear when the other first years, who you assume had just arrived from their assigned mission, steps in to see what's wrong.

Inumaki tilts his head to the side, wondering why you looked troubled and why's maki grabbing you.

Panda turns to Okkotsu, expecting the boy to explain as the other two seem to be having a.. Moment.

"Hokori's going to Kyoto.." he gulps nervously, "We heard a student went missing and they'd like assistance."

"Kamei's gone." you chime in, Maki now letting go of your hand. You seem to have calmed down.

"Kamei? Your cousin?" Panda ask.

"Co..Cousin?" Okkotsu turns to you. Right. Everyone except him knew who she is.

"It takes two hours by bullet train. Think i can make it?" you ask, looking at your classmates.

Maki scrunches her nose.

"You mean we?"

'Huh?' you raise a brow. You don't recall ijichi saying something about including any of your classmates. Mikami had said that she needed your help specifically.

Maki huffs, rolling her eyes. Are that dense when panicking?

"You think we're letting you do this alone?" she ask, turning her head to Okkotsu, Panda, and Inumaki, silently asking the three to back her up.

"But Geto Suguru. He's after.." you try to reason with her, trailing off when you see Okkotsu raise his hand.

"I'll be more than happy to assist.." he says, "Sensei won't mind, right?"

From beside him, Inumaki says, "Shake!"

"What they said!" Panda's down to help at any time.

Maki then looks back at you, seeing the look of surprise on your face. She smirks, as if proving something to you.

"So? Want our help..?"

And help is what they give.

That two hour travel is one of the most nerve-wracking one you had to endure. Overwhelming thoughts and scenarios clouded your mind the whole trip, as if sharp claws wanting to destroy you from the inside.


That's why the moment everyone had reached the station, you didn't dare wait until Maki had contacted Gojo about where the hell his students are, but instead you made a run for it.

You know Kyoto well. You were raised here.

And soon enough, after fifteen minutes of running out of breath and taking a lot of turns, the five of you are now at the Kyoto college.

"Mikami! Utahime-sensei!"

You call the two women who were talking near the entrance of the college, voice loud and clear for them to hear. Mikami turns to you, the worry in her expression evident.

You see a parked motorcycle nearby with two helmets on the seats. It's Mikami's ride.

"They brought the other first years." Utahime tells the lady beside her, watching as you approach them.

"We'll just inform Gojo later." Mikami tells Utahime.

When you reach them, you're breathing heavily. You place a hand on your chest, feeling your heart racing. Your classmates are quick to catch up with you, Maki and Okkotsu both also out of breath.

"We already have a lead." Utahime says, "There's no need to enter and search the college."

You furrow your brows, "Who is it then?"

Utahime looks at the woman standing beside her, as if asking who should tell you. Mikami sighs, worried about how you're going to react. After all, the person they assume who took Kamei is.. Someone you aren't really fond of.

"Utahime received a permission slip from Sato. He's a relative, so that's why no one thought much about Kamei's sudden disappearance."

Mikami continues,

"Then i came to visit and looked for Kamei. When i told Utahime that your cousin isn't really welcomed back at home, she told me about the slip."

Your breath hitches. Your classmates all stood behind you, staying silent, but is listening closely to what Mikami's saying.

"She's back at the house.. The house?!" you ask, now getting irritated. What the hell are the old people doing now that you're gone?

'And i heard oji-san stepped down from being clan head. That man's irrelevant!' you thought, gritting your teeth.

"You and Mikami-san go ahead." Utahime says, "Your classmates and i will follow."

You turn to your friends, and they all show you a sign of agreement; may that be Maki's nod or Pandas thumbs up. You sigh, having no choice since Kamei's safety is the main priority right now. Mikami walks over to her motorcycle, starting the engine.

"All of you better come." you say, "I'm.. Relying on your help."

"Shake!" Inumaki reassures you with a smile. Okkotsu waves you goodbye as him and the others head inside the college, all of them expecting to be led into a room and discuss a proper rescue plan. Maybe a plan to aid you when things get messy.


Who were you kidding.. Rely on their help? You're sure that Utahime won't let them interfere in any way and that Mikami has already told her about that beforehand incase you do bring friends.

That this is a problem in your family. No outsider could help.

"Y/N! Hurry!"

You rush to Mikami's vehicle- a red yamaha tracer. If she's allowed to spend the Hokori's money, then she might as well buy herself something expensive.

"Where's the kawasaki?" you ask once you got on, putting on her spare helmet which surprisingly still fits you. The woman let's out a chuckle.

"Husband's using it. If i took that, we won't even fit." she says as the engine roars to life, "Don't let go!"

And just like that, both you and Mikami are gone. You felt a little guilty for bringing your friends here when they obviously have nothing to do, but they insisted. It's kind of your fault for not stopping them and at the same time not since they wanted to. They offered their help.

You feel wind almost slap you in the face with how fast Mikami's going. Though she knows how to drive, you're wondering if this speed is even safe. You can't blame her for wanting to rush-her daughter is in danger.

You, too, would break the speed limit if Inumaki was kidnapped.

"Do you know where they kept here?!" you exclaim, squinting so no dust or dirt would suddenly go into your eyes.

"I'm assuming she's sealed inside!" Mikami takes a sharp turn, now getting closer to the house, "Kamei's strong! Her shikigami has the power to tear the house down!"

After driving for five more minutes, you then spot the clan's traditional home. The sight of it made your blood boil-you have a lot of bad memories about this place. The moment you two reach the gate, you're greeted with seven men armed with katanas. Have they been waiting for your arrival?

Mikami stops the motorcycle, brows furrowing from confusion. She hurries you off the vehicle, and she's quick to get off too. You take off your helmet and so does she.

The woman holds out her arm in front of you, as if asking you not to attack.

"Where the hell is Sato and my child?" she ask, voice loud and clear.

"Our apologies, Mikami-san." one of them swings their weapon, "But you're not allowed to enter yet.."

The man says, making Mikami more furious.

"This is where i live! Who the hell are you to tell me when i should go?" she turns to you.

"I'll handle this. Head inside and i should be able to create a barrier so no one else can enter." she says.

You nod.

Mikami faces the other six men. She pulls out a butterfly knife, a confident grin on her face. Her weapon's gifted to her by your mother and although it's nothing compared to a katana's length or range, you believe in her skills. From what you can recall, your shy uncle married a woman who's a force to be reckoned with.

You sweatdrop, Inumaki's face flashing in your mind. Okay.. Maybe the opposites attract thing did come from something.

When you're about to rush past the gates, one of the armed men blocks you. You scoff, easily dodging the katana swinged at you.

You pull his arm that contained the weapon, your knee immediately making contact with his stomach. He coughs, eyes going wide. His grip on his weapon loosens and you snatch it from him, giving him one last kick before entering the home.

You scoff, 'At least fight back!'

You could feel electricity on your arm. You're glad that you managed to grab a katana since you forgot to bring your drumsticks.

When you stepped inside the house, you see multiple clan members and servants whispering to eachother. Some are shocked with your reappearance and some don't even know who you are.

"You there!" you turn to three maids, "Where's Sato?" you ask, eyes on them.

One of them, wanting to act tough and brave, frowns, "Respect your elders! And we're not.. Telling.."

She trails off when you point your weapon at her, her eyes going wide. The two other maids then back away, screaming.

She must be new here to be able to talk to you like that. Anyone in this house, who have stayed long before you left the clan, knew not to mess with you.

"Who are you, you bitch?" you ask, taking a step closer to her, "Do you know who i am or are you insane?"

The woman keeps silent, a hand over her mouth as her eyes start to water due to fear. You're wasting time..

You turn to the other two maids, seeing a face who you recognize.

"Yume-san. Where's Sato?" The woman you called hesitantly raises a hand. She points down the hallway.

"Basement, Y/N-sama.."

You nod, pulling your weapon away from the terrified girl that dared to tell you about respect. You take one last look at her scared face, wondering where her courage and confidence went after being threatened by a blade.

You say nothing, instead you make a run for it and trusted the direction given to you, knowing that no one else has the guts to stop you.

You click the roof of your tongue as you reach the door leading to the basement. You see two men holding guns, their eyes now on you.

This irks you more. You then shout.

"Get out of my fucking way!"

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