《Inner Mechanisms- Maki Zenin x Reader》the letter
1. Hopeless Romantic by Swae Lee
2. No Idea by Don Toliver
3. Electric Feel by MGMT
4. You Are the Right One by Sports
4. Blue Jeans by Lana Del Ray
5. Drops of Jupiter by Train
5. Of Lacking Spectacle by Gus Dapperton (you might have to loop/ slow this one but its worth it imo)
NSFW, last chapter :(
Droplets of water stained the paper below you, smudging the blue ink lines into streaks. You hated this assignment and had been going at it for a week now. You had better things to do, the last day of finals were tomorrow, yet here you were, struggling to write a few sentences and unable to focus on your studying.
You tried the peaceful attempt, trying to take the olive branch that Mai had-- just barely-- extended to you and being polite, but that didn't work, only making you feel more conflicted on whether you should offer her any leeway in the face of her remorse.
So you switched to a hostile tone, calling her out for all the horrible things she had done, pouring out your burning feelings about how you wish she could feel how you felt, calling her fucked up in the head, and every other name in the book. As much as you wanted to send it, as much as you hated her, you couldn't. Not only did Mei Mei advise against turning to anger to express your feelings to her, but you didn't want to act the same way she did, or make Maki feel any worse about her sister who she previously loved so much.
But the iron chip on your shoulder had to fall somehow, so you tried to find a balance. Your attempts had left you with nothing but a disturbed conscience, frustration, and a million pieces of discarded paper. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't find the right words to convey what you wanted to say, that you were angry, but wanted some closure, something.
Never in your life had you had a problem with your writing, easily crafting research essays, lab reports, anything that needed you to put your thoughts on paper. But this was different, it wasn't academic, it was personal. Your inability to do something that seemed so simple made you feel incompetent, weak, even if that wasn't true. It was realistic for a person who went through something like you did to have trouble expressing how they felt about it, or even turn to coping methods, at least that was what Mei Mei said. But for you, it was hard to see that outside perspective.
"Hey.. how's it going?" Maki asked hesitantly, placing a hot cup of tea down in front of you. She folded her hands in front of herself, looking down at where your paper sat on her counter. You sniffled quietly as she sat down next to you, picking your face up and gently wiping the small tears off.
"Not good," you half laughed, picking up the cup. The hot liquid was comforting, and so was she. Although you had made progress with Mei Mei, it was still a rocky month having to re-live everything and constantly think about your emotions and state of mind. "I just want this year to be over," you sighed, school-wise and Mai-wise.
"I know," Maki replied, looping her arm around your head and pulling you close to her shoulder as you sipped your tea. She rubbed your back softly, eyes flicking over to your blank paper. "Why don't we switch to studying?" she asked.
"We?" you groaned, side-eying her. She rolled her eyes.
"I'm trying to be supportive," she laughed.
"Okay, then trade the tea for a smoke," you said, sliding the cup over to her.
"Uh-uh, I'm not gonna let you turn out like that," she said, sliding it back over to you.
"What, like you?" She went silent for a moment, raising her eyebrows. You felt bad after the words left your lips, but Maki was lighthearted and didn't take it too seriously.
"Okay, I know you're frustrated, and projecting, so I'm gonna ignore that," she said, giving you a quick nod.
"Sorry," you sighed, placing your head on the counter.
"It's okay," Maki said, reaching over your head to pick up your notes from beside you and place them in front of you. "I'm here to help you, just let me."
"I feel like you're babysitting me," you said, sitting back up.
"Like you didn't do the same for me when I told you about my mom."
"That was different, you needed that, I don't need-"
"You do need help, Y/N. Pretty sure you're the one who told me I don't have to work everything out on my own."
You sighed, she was right, and you wanted to hate her for using your own words against you. "Okay," you sighed, opening one of your textbooks. You carelessly flipped to the second half of the chemistry units you had done with Nanami that semester, it being your last final of the year. Maki helped you go through all of the subjects, sitting with you until it got dark and the only light in the room was from the city lights outside.
"Okay, I think you're good for the night," Maki said, getting up to clean the mess of the kitchen she made making snacks.
"Can we go one more time?" you yawned.
"If you stay up later you're gonna be tired when you get up to take the actual test tomorrow," Maki said, turning on the sink to rinse out your cup. Babysitting, again.
"Okay," you agreed, getting up and stretching out. You left your backpack hanging on the back of Maki's chair as the two of you got ready for bed, before drifting off to sleep.
You woke up with your alarm to the smell of something frying, sitting up as you grabbed your phone and turned the annoying ringing off. You got up, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands, and walked out into the living room. Maki was behind the kitchen counter and flipped a pancake as you went to sit in the high chairs.
"What are you doing?" you asked disorientedly, still trying to wake up.
"Making breakfast, you've gotta eat something before you leave," she said, flipping one onto a plate and sitting it in front of you. It smelled really good, along with the other food she made for you.
"Thank you," you gushed, picking up the syrup. You downed it with a glass of water as Maki sat next to you, eating her own food.
"Oh, also," she said, getting up and walking over to the fridge. She took out a lunch tote, sitting it in front of you. "They let you have a break in the middle right? There's some stuff in there in case you wanna eat it then," she finished, proudly looking down at your confused expression.
"Did you... get up to make all this for me?" you asked. She nodded, food was definitely her love language, you knew that from the beginning. "Why?"
"Why not?" she said, taking your empty plate from in front of you. "I can't be nice?"
"You're acting weird, like, overly hospitable," you replied.
She paused, not saying anything for a while."I just- I want you to see that I can do stuff like this, helpful stuff."
"Why?" you prodded further, tilting your head to the side.
"Because I want you to move in with me," she said, rather quietly. "But I don't know if I fit in your life like that." She walked away to wash the plate, black eyes glancing over to you a few times as you processed what he said.
"Of course you fit into my life," you smiled. "Why wouldn't you?"
"I don't know, but I know you've made a home at your apartment, like you have a good study environment there, so I want you to feel that way when you're here too."
"I do, Maki, thank you," you replied. "And I practically live here already, so I'd love to move in with you."
She smiled as she dried her hands off, walking over to you and giving you a hug. You laughed as she held you a little too tight, picking you up for a second before putting you back on your feet and kissing you.
"I gotta get ready, or I'm gonna be late," you said, pulling away from ber. You pulled yourself together before putting on your clothes to leave.
The test proved not to be as hard as you thought, with Nanami staying true to his nature and assigning you an experiment that tested what you had learned over the year. You snapped your goggles on, pulling the same apron on as always to get to work.
You bid Nanami goodbye as you finished, thanking him for the great year. Squinting as you stepped back out into the sun, leaving the building, you saw Maki sitting in her car with the windows rolled down, waiting for you.
"You have goggle marks on your face," she laughed as you got into the car.
"Yeah, we did a lab," you explained, pulling your seatbelt on and adjusting the A/C. You sighed as the cold air hit your face. If there was one thing about the old university buildings, it was that they weren't equipped for the weather. In the winter they were freezing, and now in the late spring May weather, sweltering. "This sun almost makes me miss the snow," you breathed, wiping a small line of sweat off your forehead. Maki placed her hand on your thigh, the cold of her usual rings and the one you had given her pressing in contrast to your warm skin.
"We have A/C at home," Maki replied, emphasizing the last word.
"We do," you agreed, watching the buildings pass by as she drove.
A few weeks later you were both carrying cardboard boxes from her car to her door, with the help of Nobara, Itadori, and Toge.
"Jesus it's not," Itadori complained, setting the last box down on the counter. Nobara was too tired to even roll her eyes at his remark, plopping down on the couch with her arms spread out. Toge took his place on the floor, closing his eyes as he laid on his back right under the fan.
"I think we got everything, thank you guys," you said, opening the fridge. You took the pitcher of lemonade out that you had made already, knowing it was going to be hot that day, and poured some glasses. Maki helped you pass them out and everyone hastily drank them.
"I need a cold, cold shower," Nobara sighed, her usual all-black clothing choice not benefitting her.
"Is the pool open?" Itadori asked.
"Yeah," Maki replied. "You guys can borrow something from me, Toge and Itadori I'm not sure."
"I live down the street," Itadori said. "I can grab something."
"Sounds like a plan to me," you said. You all made your way down to the pool, happy to see it was empty for the few of you.
Maki walked over to the glass window-wall you had seen covered in snow before, grabbing a silver handle in the middle and sliding it open. The indoor pool deck extended into an outdoor one, giving you plenty of room.
"I cannot believe you live in a nice ass place like this," Itadori said, looking around. All of you fanned out across the deck, placing your things down before jumping in.
Nobara beat everyone in a chicken fight with her boxing skills, with Itadori holding her up of course. they were the life of the party, blasting loud music over a speaker which Maki told them to turn down before she got evicted, and Toge told her not to worry so much as he applied more sunscreen to his pale face.
Everyone stayed until it got dark, the majority of the group passed out on the lawn chairs as you and Maki cleaned everything up.
The party was the perfect start to the summer, or at least it felt like it. As the haze of fun disappeared and the heat lingered, so did your unwritten letter.
After all the frustration you nearly gave up, but opted to ask Mei Mei for more advice. That was what she was there for, right? You placed your phone down on your desk as you called her, placing it on speaker as the ringing buzzed.
"Y/N, how's it going?" she asked sweetly.
"Um, it's okay, I'm feeling fine but I haven't really gotten anywhere on the letter. I just can't figure out how to say all the things I want to say."
She hummed in thought for a moment. "Well, you don't have to say everything, just something. Sometimes short and sweet is the way to go," she suggested.
The advice was helpful, it was much easier to face the hill of a few sentences than a mountain of paragraphs. Not to mention the stressor of school was gone, giving you a few months of free time to write as you settled into Maki'a. She sat on the couch as you sat in the kitchen, scribbling away, before the sounds of you writing and erasing finally stopped.
"You got something?" Maki asked hopefully, chewing a piece of gum. She popped a bubble as you nodded, standing up to walk over to her and handing her the paper. Her eyes scanned over the words as she read it, raising her eyebrows a few times.
"So?" you asked, sitting down next to her.
"I think it's good, really good, but it's not up to me, it's about you."
You took a deep breath, taking it back and folding it into thirds. "Do you have an envelope?" you asked, sitting up on your knees. "I think it's good, and if I don't send it right now I'm gonna overthink it."
"Yeah," Maki said, sitting up. She walked over to the kitchen, opening a drawer and taking out a flat white envelope. You placed the letter inside after zhe gave it to you, licking the edge of the bad-tasting paper before closing it. You pulled up the address of the prison on your phone, pressing your lips together as you saw the photo of the place. You wrote it down on the back of the paper before Maki handed you a stamp, and you stuck it on.
"Okay, now let's go," Maki said, standing up to grab her keys off the hook.
"Right now? It's like, 10 PM, the post office is closed."
"You said you wanna do it now right? And those blue mailboxes outside are still open," she said, spinning her keys on her pointer finger. "And what's wrong with a little night drive?" she said, mostly to herself, as she opened the door for you. You hooked your arm in hers as the two of you walked to the elevator, taking it down to the lobby and heading to the garage where her car was parked.
"Can we take the G-wagon?" you asked, squeezing the muscles of her arm lightly. The summer weather brought short sleeves for Maki, which you were thankful for.
"Sure, why?" she asked, finding the key for it on her ring.
"I don't know, I just like it better. It's kinda like an SUV, I like being up off the ground."
"Gotcha," Maki said, unlocking the door. She opened it for you, helping you step up into the raised car before closing the door behind you. She easily got into the car, her tall figure making it shift as she got in. It wasn't low to the ground as she drove, in opposition to her dodge where you felt you sunk down in the seats, but both were nice.
You held the letter gently in your hands, bouncing your leg as the two of you made your way through the dark streets. They were empty for a summer night, becoming busier as you got closer to the heart of the city. Maki placed her hand on your knee as she noticed your fidgeting, stilling it. Her fingers softly gripped the flesh of your leg as she drove with one hand, turning into the parking lot of the post office. She shifted the car into park, letting you get out and walk over to one of the metal blue boxes.
A soft wind blew across your face as you opened it, dropping the letter in. It was so much simpler than you thought it would be, and it was gone, it wasn't like you could reach in the locked box now and take it out.
As small as it was, it was a relief, and you felt a sense of freedom as you hopped back in Maki's car.
"All good?" she asked as you closed the door back.
"Yep," you smiled, leaning over the console to kiss her. She didn't pull away when you did, leaving the car running as she grabbed your face, pulling it closer to hers. Her hands ran down to your shoulders and your waist, holding them gently as she deepened the kiss, her tongue meeting your own. You breathed shakily as she tugged you towards her, pulling you out of your seat and onto her lap. Your head lightly hit the ceiling, making you giggle.
"You know, this car has a lot more room in the back than my other one," ahe said, gesturing with a motion of her head and her hands ran up and down your bare thighs.
"At least move the car," you laughed, looking out the window to the very visible street outside.
"That garage where I taught you how to drive is like, two minutes from here," she said, reluctantly letting go of you so she could drive.
"You mean the one you got arrested at?" you replied, sitting back in your seat.
"Same thing," she smiled, shifting the car into drive. She got there in about half that time, not even bothering to drive all the way to the top before she turned the car off, climbing into the backseat. She gestured for you to follow her with two fingers, a wide smile on her lips as you climbed onto her lap. She looked up at you happily as your hands fell on her shoulders, her fingers slipping underneath the material of your shorts.
You leaned forward slowly to kiss her, leaving almost no room between the two of you for a few moments before she closed the gap. Her lips met yours hungrily, hands trailing up to your abdomen and slipping underneath the hem of your shirt to take it off hastily. The two of you hadn't had sex for a while, you had just been too busy with everything. But now you had the whole summer with Maki, and planned to make it a good one.
Your hands fumbled to unbutton her belt, not caring about taking things slow. You sat up so Maki could easily slide your shorts off, giving her the opportunity to lay you down on the seat below you. Her lips never left yours as the two of you moved, your hands never getting tired of the feeling of running up and down the divets of her toned back.
Maki pulled away, her long hair hanging over your face as she looked down at you, the black strands brushing against your face. Her eyes watched your expression as she slipped two fingers inside your underwear, lightly tracing your slit. She smiled as your eyes closed, a heavy sigh leaving your lips. Your lips parted even more as she slipped two fingers inside of you, satisfying some of the desire between your legs. She already knew what you liked, enjoying the feeling of your hands threading into her hair as your walls tightened around her fingers.
She leaned down to whisper in your ear, her cheek brushing against yours. "Keep pulling my hair like that and you're not gonna be able to walk tomorrow," she said lowly. You ignored her, continuing to tug her hair lightly as pleasure flowed through your body. You whined softly as she pulled her fingers out, bringing them up to your parted lips and putting them in your mouth.
"Can you taste how wet you are?" she asked, replacing her left hand with her right as she pressed into your pussy. You moaned as she began to finger you faster, the light tracing of your fingertips on her back turning to deeper scratches as your pleasure built. She liked the feeling, picking up her pace. She took her fingers out of your mouth, placing her forearm above your head on the seat you laid on, and the other hand on your waist.
She kissed you as you moaned into her mouth, your hands on her wrist pulling her deeper with every movement. Maki pulled away to look at you, her eyes staring into yours as your face twisted with pleasure. You knew her name on your lips only boosted ber ego, but you couldn't help it. She never took her eyes off you, and you tightened around her fingers as she worked you up.
"S-slower, slower I'm gonna come," you moaned. Maki slowed down as you moved your hips towards her, your hand balling into a fist as you came on her fingers. Maki pulled away as you finished, sitting up and letting you catch your breath
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