《Inner Mechanisms- Maki Zenin x Reader》valentines day
Itadori and Nobara got out of her car, a half-hour late to your group hangout for Valentine's day. Nobara wore a cute outfit, a black leather jacket with a dark red top and loose black jeans. "What happened to you two?" Maki asked.
"Yuuji saw a squirell in the road and insisted on stopping to help it," Nobara explained.
"She amost hit it! And it was a family of squirrels, they would've gotten run over if I didn't," he protested. You all laughed.
"Oh, alright," Maki said, taking your hand.
"So what's the plan?" Nobara asked, stepping off the street she parked on and onto the curb of the sidewalk.
"I was thinking we could grab food from this Hispanic food place, my neighbor told me they have really good empanadas there and I brought a few blankets so we could have a picnic by the river," you smiled.
"That sounds great, thanks for planning all this," Nobara said.
"Of course," you smiled, opening the door to the restaurant. It was a small place with a few tables and a handwritten menu that was obviously made by someone artistic. The decorations were traditional and made the place look beautiful.
"It's so much warmer in here," Itadori shivered, coming through the door with his hands hugging himself close as the door closed with a ring. "You don't think it will be too cold for a picnic?"
"No, it'll be fine," you replied.
"This is not fine," you said through chattered teeth. You all had been sitting down on the blanket for about a minute, and a cold wind was already ripping by. The four of you packed up quickly grabbing the blankets and bags of food before running back to Maki's g-wagon. You piled in as she started it, all shivering as she rushed to turn the heat up. It was big enough that you all could put the middle row seats down, using them as a table as you sat on either side. You felt like you were back at freezing soccer tournaments, bouncing between cars when you weren't playing.
"This is so good," Itadori said through a mouth full of food. Everyone hummed in agreement, the warm food helping you warm up as you finished it.
Makileaned over the driver console, clicking the radio on as the sound of strong wind ripped against the windows. More than a Woman played over the speakers as you all enjoyed the song, laughing and talking. You all spent hours in the back of her car talking until it started to get dark.
Having class the next day, you went your separate ways after a while.
It was pretty empty for Valentine's day, considering the bad weather the day brought. News reports playing over the radio warned people living by the river about a storm blowing in and the water overflowing over the barriers. It became dark and stormy on the day that was meant to be filled with light and love. The two of you drove over the bridge as you approached her apartment, seeing all the dark water below stir back and forth violently. The tires of the car splashed water against the window as Maki took a turn, the street starting to flood. "It's starting to storm," Maki said, looking at you as she sat at the last light before she reached her building.
A large crack of thunder shook the ground as Maki parked in front of the building, helping you out of the car as both of you scurried under the awning of the front door. You shivered as you pressed the intercom button, waiting for the buzz of the door unlocking.
You made your way up to her apartment, taking off your coat and shoes while you turned the heat up on the thermometer, before settling under a fuzzy blanket on her couch. Maki climbed in with you after locking her door while you turned the TV on.
"You have a Wii," you said excitedly as she wrapped her hands around your waist. "We could play Mario Kart."
"Orrr," she said, kissing your neck. "We could play something else."
"Uh-uh no way," you said, leaning away from her. "It's freezing, I'm staying right here under these covers."
"Okay," she agreed. "We can play, but I'm kicking your ass."
"Yeah, right," you said, getting up to grab the remotes from the TV caddy.
The two of you didn't even notice the whistling rainstorm turn to snow as you played, the flakes coating her large windowsill and the outline of the city. The wind blew the light snow into a blizzard and turned everything outside white.
Maki's eyebrows furrowed as you beat her again, for the fourth time in a row. She blamed the distraction of you sitting between her legs as you fidgeted with the controller.
"You would think a street racer would be good at this," you laughed, turning your wrists to turn your car on the screen.
"I'm letting you win," Maki said. You shook your head as she turned towards you, kissing you lightly. You raised your eyebrows at her as she pulled away.
"Suree," you replied. "Let's bet on it then, I want five bucks."
"'kay, you know what I want if I win," She said, trailing her hands down the side of your waist.
You agreed, and for once she beat you. Maki took the controller out of your hands, placing it to the side of you. She kissed your neck gently, with your back pressed to her shoulder and her hands splayed out on your waist. They slowly dipped lower as she left hickeys on your neck, slipping down to the end of the casual red dress you had worn for your date. Her fingertips trailed from the outside of your legs to the inside, snaking up to the apex of your thighs as she pushed them apart.
You let out a shaky exhale as she left her hands lingering teasingly while she continued to kiss you. Finally her fingers trailed across your clothed cunt, working you up to where she wanted you to be. You shifted slightly as she applied the most pressure to your clit, making you choke on your breath. You were sensitive to each of her movements, shivering under her touch and making her smile. Her pace was slow and dragged out, she was barely touching you, and somehow the light grazes of her fingertips did more for you than straight on pressure.
You leaned back into the crook of her shoulder, tilting your head back. Maki held your jaw with her free hand, making you look at her. "More, please," you breathed, reaching a hand down her wrist to try to pick up her pace.
"Like this?" she asked, pushing your underwear to the side.
"Yes," you gasped. Her fingers trailed up and down the gathering wetness, from your clit to your entrance. You moaned as she started to apply more pressure, but her strokes were still slow and dragged you. She was taking her time with you, and you didn't have the patience. "God, Maki," you rasped. "A little faster, please."
"You keep telling me what to do and I'm gonna stop." You whined, keeping your hand where it was on her wrist but not prodding her any further. "You can wait, we have all night," she smiled.
She liked teasing you, seeing how you unraveled under her touches, and begged her to continue. After a while, it was starting to get overwhelming and she relived you, pressing to fingers into you. Your fingers flexed against her wrist as she did it, a dragged out moan coming from your lips. "Fuck," you rasped, closing your eyes. She curled her fingers inside of you, making you curse again.
"You like it when I do that, yeah?" she asked as if she didnt know the answer.
"Mhm," you hummed. Her thumb met your clit, making you moan as pleasure crept its way up your body.
"Pretty," she smiled, watching you fall apart in front of her. She let go of your face, letting you relax and using her hand to easily shift unzip the back of your dress. You didn't even notice, you were in a haze of pleasure, your orgasm approaching.
She pushed the straps over your shoulders, sliding it down and leaving you in the dark green set of underwear you had worn for her, it was her favorite color. You didn't get much time to show it off as she unhooked it, sliding your bra off and replacing it with your hands.
Choked-out moans left your lips as she kept fingering you, your arousal dripping around her fingers and just allowing them to move faster. "Close, I'm close," you moaned, eyes fluttering closed. "Can I-" you were cut off by your own little gasps, losing your composure.
"Look at you, asking for my permission," She smiled. "Yes, come on my fingers," she spoke against your neck. You were overwhelmed with pleasure, the teasing and the wait just made it feel better. She trailed her hand down to your stomach, placing it there to keep you still.
Maki licked her lips, pulling her fingers out of you as you came down from your high, cleaning them off with her mouth like she always did. "Taste," she said, pulling at your lip with the tip of her finger. You obliged, taking them into your mouth and sucking them off gently.
She picked you up before you even had a chance to catch your breath, laying you down on the couch. Maki kissed her way down your body, hooking her fingers in your underwear to pull them down. "Maki," you sighed. She pulled your hips towards you, placing a kiss on your cunt.
"It's Valentine's Day, I'm not done yet," she said, looking up at you.
"I have class tomorrow," you sighed, feeling her slip your legs over her thighs.
"I'll make it quick, as much as I like to toy with you," she said.
"Fine," you obliged, smiling at her. She kept her promise, making you finish in a few minutes.
"Again?" she asked.
"We're getting snowed in, so fine."
You tapped her head after the second time and she stopped, finally letting you catch your breath.
"Seems like we're gonna be stuck here for a while," Maki said, turning around over the couch to look out the window. The wet rain turned back to icy snow, this time with larger flakes flowing by. "We could watch a movie, or cook something, or- let's go swimming," Makisuggested. She was always very nonchalant after the two of you had sex.
"Swimming?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
"Yeah, it's not thundering, and the pool is grounded anyway."
"I don't have a swimsuit," you said, watching as she stood up.
"You don't need one," she said, taking your hand and helping you up. She picked up your discarded underwar, making a note to herself to buy you more, and handing it to you. "Wear this," she said.
"I cant get chorine on those, they were expensive," you pouted.
"Skinny dipping," she smiled.
"No way," you laughed. "I think I have a change pair in my bag." You wrapped your dress around yourself, picking up your bag from the kitchen counter aand changing into a plain black set.
Maki gave you a t shirt and shorts before she hastily lead you out the door, dragging you down the hallway and to the elevator. The two of you took it to the ground floor, stepping out into the lobby. "Mr.," she called, getting the attention of the famillar lobby man behind a desk. "Is the pool open sir?"
"Should be," the grey-haired man replied.
"Thank you," she said, squeezing your hand tightly and pulling you down the adjacent hallway. You shuffled behind her as she approached a glass door, opening the silver handle to a large pool. The smell of chlorine radiated from the blue water, filling the humid room as you entered. The small grey tiles on the floor were dry, the water still with undistorted black floor lines since no one was there. One wall was full of large wide-paned windows, the other with shelves of tables. The closing of the door behind you echoed through the room as Maki took her shirt off, following with her shorts and leaving her in her underwear, a pretty sight. She jumped in the water with a loud splash, making water land at your feet where you stood at the edge of the pool. Maki rand her hand back through her wet hair as she emerged from the surface, water dripping down her face.
"You coming?" she asked, wiping her face off and shaking her hair out.
You pulled your shirt over your head, kicking your pants off after. Maki grabbed your ankle as you finished, making you shriek as she pulled you into the water.
"Maki," you laughed, wiping your eyes off as you stood up. You splashed water in her face before you leaned against the wall behind you, propping your elbows up. Maki stood in front of you as you looked up at her, smiling.
"Do you swim here a lot?" you asked, moving your legs around.
"Yep," she responded, placing her hands on your shoulders.
The lights flickered for a moment, before cutting off, leaving the only source of light as a dim streetlight outside. You could see the outline of Maki's figure, but not much else, as the lights in the rest of the building were out as well.
"The power went out," you said, holding onto her arms. You couldn't see her, but you could feel her pick you up and hold you close. "Should we get out?" you asked, eyes blinking as they adjusted to the darkness.
"No, we're good," she said, wrapping your legs around her waist. Her hands ran up and down your legs as you looped your arms around her neck, resting your head on her shoulder.
"This is nice," you mumbled, feeling the water move around your lower thighs as Maki turned slowly. "Like that float therapy shit."
"Pretty sure you're supposed to actually float for that," Maki laughed.
"Pretty sure it's supposed to be contactless too," you said, leaning back to look at her face.
"Sorry, no can do," she smiled, leaning in to kiss you.
"I'm so glad I got to spend today with you," Maki said, placing you back on your feet. "I don't even know what I was doing last year, maybe I was out or something."
"You don't ever miss that?" you asked, sinking down lower into the warmth of the water so only your head was poking out.
"No, you weren't there," she replied, doing the same. "Are you cold?" she asked.
"A little," you admitted, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"I can turn the heat up," she offered, jabbing a thumb over her shoulder.
"Turn.. the heat, up?" you inquired, pausing on each word.
"In the pool," she answered. You weren't even surprised.
"How much do you pay to live here?" you asked, watching as she turned to climb out of the pool.
"Mm, I don't know," she shrugged, opening a small glass case and turning the dial up.
"You don't.. know?"
"Nobara does all that stuff for me, I pay her since she's really good with numbers and shit."
She hopped back in, this time dipping in slowly so she didn't splash you. "What about your like, net monthly income?"
"I think like 100,000 dollars, maybe 2."
"Your- you mean yearly, right?" you stammered, looking at her in disbelief.
"No, I'm pretty sure I get like 50K in my account every other week. I checked last week because I wanted to buy a mod for my car." You let out a small, short exhale at her. "What, I told you I had money, right? And- and don't think I keep it all, whatever I have leftover goes to Children of Inmates and places like that."
"No, I know that I just thought you were 'I have a tech company rich' not 'I own seven houses rich'"
"Is that- bad?"
"No, no not at all I just genuinely didn't know."
"And I only have one house, the next one I own will be with you," she smiled.
"You move fast," you laughed.
"Well obviously not now, but you were the one that said we have plenty of time left in our lives, right?"
"Right," you said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. The water had finally warmed up, comforting you as it pressed against your skin.
You leaned back in the water on your back and spread your arms and legs out. Maki did the same, staring up at the ceiling. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as you relaxed into the water underneath you, and felt the weight of your body dissipate across the surface. You couldn't hear the whistle of the blizzard outside as your ears dipped beneath the water, blurring everything.
Your peace was only interrupted when you had been in the water too long, making the taut skin on your fingers wrinkle and the rest dry from the chlorine. You sat up, the sound of disturbed water pouring down your body. Maki saw your figure sit up, doing the same.
"You wanna hop out?" Maki asked.
"If thats okay, its getting late," you said, making your way to the pool ladder. Maki watched you get out, enjoying the view of you in your underwear before you wrapped a towel around yourself. She followed you out, shaking her hair out that caused a couple of water droplets to fall on you before she dried herhair off as you pulled your shirt back on. Maki gave you a look as you wrapped the towel around your neck and she pulled her clothes back on.
"What?" you asked, kicking your flip-flops on.
"Pants?" she asked, looking at your shirt that fell just above your ass.
You laughed. She didn't laugh, so you pulled the shorts in your hand back on before you left for his room.
Maki ran a bath for the two of you, settling in the water with you as her hands wrapped around you from behind, letting the hot water surround the two of you.
"Happy Valentine's day," she said, kissing you on the cheek.
"Happy Valentine's day."
Mini chapter, im feeling so tired from school but i wanted to publish :)
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