《Maki Harukawa x female reader ❀》18
It's finally morning. Time for what they've all been planning.
Everyone's at the dining hall.. except Kaito.
"Is Kaito here yet?" Tsumugi asks
"Well he's late! He'll just have to catch up! Is everyone ready?" Himiko says
They all agree that they're ready, Maki doesn't have her Electrohammer, but it's not a big deal.
"Ah, one more thing. Last night I scouted the hangar, and I saw that she's being kept in the bathroom." Shuichi adds
"Yes, the bathroom is the best place to lock someone up." Tsumugi confirms.
Then, everyone leaves. All determined and ready to fight.
"Maki, I need to tell you something quickly." Shuichi says
"No time. Just hurry up and get to the hangar." Maki says, without even looking at Shuichi, she just walks away.
Shuichi's a little confused at first, but she's probably right. And plus, Y/n can tell it to her herself once they all get her out. He makes his way to the hangar.
Once he gets there, Maki throws the Electrobomb, and the shutter opens.
But what they see inside..
The hydraulic press.. shut.. with blood pouring out of it. Two shoes are next to it, also drenched in blood.
The body discovery announcement plays.
"The.. body discovery announcement.. does that mean.. someone's in that press!?" Tsumugi gasps
"The only people that were in the hangar at the time were Kokichi and Y/n.. so it must be one of them." Keebo says
"B-But.. we haven't seen Kaito today either.." Himiko trembles
"Kaito can't be in the press, he'd have no way of getting in here in the first place.. he probably decided to not come at the last second. And there's shoes here.. whose are these?" Keebo asks
They're unmistakably Y/n's. And everyone can see that.
"No.. it's.. it's not possible.." Shuichi looks pale and horrified.
Monokuma appears and does his usual rambling, and hands out the Monokuma file.
"The.. killing game.. will continue.?" Tsumugi says
"If the killing game is still going, that means the mastermind is still alive." Maki says, she doesn't even seem sad.
"If Kokichi is still alive.. that means.. the one dead over there is.. Y/n.!?" Himiko yells
"No.! It can't be.! She can't be dead! It has to be some sort of lie!" Shuichi exclaims
"Calm down." Maki says, looking ominously at him. "I've seen so much death already. It doesn't bother me anymore. You should be used to it by now."
"Used to it.!? What are you talking abou-!"
"More importantly.. wheres Kokichi?"
"He ran away! Obviously because he's the culprit! We have to split up and look for him.!" Tsumugi says
"Wait.. we have to stay.. we don't know that Y/n's the one in the press.. we have to explore all the possibilities."
"So you're saying Kokichi's in there? Then why is the killing game still continuing? And don't even try saying it's Kaito. He never came in here. Even her shoes are there." Maki seems like she wants it to be Y/n.
"They could have just taken shoes from Y/n's dorm to make it look like they came from her." Shuichi's desperate to prove it.
"No. These are the shoes she was wearing. She only wore the same shoes, the ones with no laces, and these have no laces in them." Maki says
"..." Shuichi looks down
"..If Y/n was alive.. why wouldn't she have shown herself yet?" Tsumugi says. "She's the only person who can be in there.."
Shuichi looks at the Monokuma file. It doesn't help at all, it just says the victim is unidentifiable.
Maki scoffs after reading the Monokuma file too. "It doesn't matter what the Monokuma file says. We already know who the victim and culprit are."
"Wait, it's too early to decide that.. it's true that all the evidence points to Kokichi killing Y/n.. but.. there's still a chance that something else happened." Shuichi objects
"..Wether someone else came in, or it was a suicide, it doesn't change the fact Y/n was the victim. It's just who killed her." Maki seems set on the fact Y/n is dead.. why? "I'm not going to help investigate."
Maki turns around and leaves without saying anything.
Keebo leaves as well.. the Electrobomb must be affecting him a little.
Shuichi decides to start investigating. Something's not right here, so he has to figure it out.
He goes up to the control panel to try and see the crushed body, but it doesn't work. The wire's been cut, as Shuichi's inspecting it, he sees something in the corner of his eye. He looks down and sees some clothes scrunched up into a ball. He picks them up and unfolds it, to see.. Kaito's coat.
'Kaito was here.. but what does he have to do with this.? Did he.. No. Kaito wouldn't do that, especially not to Y/n. This just makes it more confusing. Where is he?' Shuichi thinks, but he can't figure anything out.
He continues to look around, he goes into the bathroom, there's a blood splatter on the wall and blood on the floor. He also sees a piece of paper in the corner. It's a note, in Y/n's handwriting, it's just her writing that she knows everyone's going to come soon. She seems like she's genuinely excited and happy for it. But of course, it didn't happen. Does this rule out it was a suicide?
After Shuichi's done with the hangar, he decides to finally go and check Kaito's dorm.
"Kaito? Are you in there?" He rings the doorbell multiple times, there's no answer.
He goes to try and open the door, but he sees blood on the door handle, and drops of blood on the floor. Either something happened in the dorm, or there's something inside.
"Hello?" Shuichi says again, but louder. He puts his ear up to the door to try hear anything. But nothing, again.
It's too late to try and get in, it's time for the class trial.
"An Exisal!?" Shuichi exclaims, Monokuma said he would bring out the actual person who survived.
"What!? Why is there an Exisal here!?" Himiko shouts
"Whoops, my bad. Looks like I gave you guys a scare, huh?" The Exisal says, but.. it's Kaito's voice.
"..Kaito?" Maki says
"There was a lot going on, so I just hid in an Exisal and kinda dozed off." 'Kaito' says. "So, that's why I'm late. Anyway, what's going on guys?"
"Hold on.. Kaito's here.. but where's Kokichi-" Tsumugi says
"Stupid! That was just a lie!" The voice coming from the Exisal switches to Kokichi's, and it jumps over the trial room to stand behind Kokichi's podium.
"Huh!? If it's you, then show yourself!" Shuichi yells at him.
"Eh, this is more for self defence. If I showed myself, little miss cranky pants over there would kill me, because I killed Y/n! Or did Kaito kill Y/n? Who knows!"
"You're just trying to confuse us. Anyone could be in that Exisal! We have no proof of who's the victim or killer yet." Keebo says
"Well.. I brought proof!" The Exisal takes out a camera. "Good thing the murder was recorded, so we can clearly see that bratty bitch dying! The camera's even taken from her own lab, ironic, right?"
"Nyeh!? What did you say!?" Himiko says
"Alrighty then! Let's watch it!"
A large monitor comes down from the ceiling, and it turns on, showing a video. It starts with the hydraulic press, and Y/n lying in it. There's already blood on her head, and a clear wound in her stomach. The press closes, more and more, and when it's just showing her arm, the press stops for a second, then crushes her. Blood pours out everywhere.. it's awful.
They continue the discussion. Everyone except Shuichi is convinced that it's Kokichi. Even though they know Kaito was there at some point as well.
"The third party.. is Maki." Shuichi says, with no expression.
"..What?" Maki says
"The Electrohammer proves it. You were the only person without one this morning. You stole an Exisal and infiltrated the hangar, using the crossbow from your lab. We just have to find out what happened-"
"Why? Why are you doing this.? Why are you getting in my way?"
"Yes. I was the third party. But I'm not the culprit, because the crossbow isn't the murder weapon.."
"No. The crossbow was the murder weapon. On the video, you can see there's a wound in Y/n's stomach, the same size as the arrow. That would be fatal, not to mention the arrows were poisoned, so no matter where it hit her, she'd die."
Maki doesn't answer to that, she just goes silent.
"..Maki, do you have a rebuttal.?" Keebo asks
"W-Why are you staying quiet!? Say something! Is it because.. you're the culprit?" Himiko says.
"There's no way she is! Cuz.. why would she kill Y/n?" Tsumugi exclaims
"Maki.. please, tell us the truth. She wouldn't want this.. you know she wouldn't."
"...Earlier.. you said you had to tell me something. What was it?" Maki asks, ignoring him.
"When I went to scout the hangar last night and saw Y/n, she told me to tell you something, she said that she was proud of you, and that she never lost faith in you or any of us.."
"..." Maki thinks for a second. "I'll tell you what happened.. it's my responsibility to do something about the mistakes I made."
She sighs, then starts explaining what happened.
"Once I got into the hangar, I was just expecting to see Kokichi in the main area, but I saw both of them. And they looked like they were fighting, except Kokichi had a knife, and Y/n was backing up against a wall. So I shot him in the back with an arrow. I wanted him to confess about everything he'd done, but it was useless, he was just being his usual self. I went to go shoot the final arrow.. but he knocked my hand as I did.. and I ended up shooting Y/n instead. She started crying and screaming loads.. so I panicked and ran to get the antidote from Shuichi's lab."
"..Why didn't you have the antidote on you at the time?" Shuichi asks
"I just wanted to use it to get the information from Kokichi.. I was going to kill him from the start. But because of that.. I killed Y/n instead."
Nobody else dares comment on anything.
"After I got the antidote, the hangar was shut, I went to the bathroom window and tried to give the antidote to her there, but Kokichi stole it, and drank it. She told me to go.. so I did. There was nothing I could do. I heard her screaming when I was running away.. that's when I made up my mind. I would do whatever it took to kill Kokichi, in exchange for all of your lives."
"So.. that's what happened.." Tsumugi says
Shuichi knows that's not all to the story. Kaito was there, he has something to do with this.. he just has to figure it out.
"That's why.. Y/n is alive, Kokichi is the one who died, and Kaito killed him." Shuichi says, after a long debate of trying to solve everything.
"..Haha! Seriously? Wow, you think I'd die that easily? You're wrong.! Y/n is the victim. We all saw it. Kaito just showed up trying to help her, but he was too late and got all moody about it and hid in his dorm!" The Exisal says, with 'Kokichi's' voice.
Shuichi knows that Kaito's in there, but he's still pretending. Why? He decides to take another approach, lying. So he does.. and Kaito eventually cracks.
"..Stop it.. that's enough." The Exisal says, but this time, it's Kaito. The top of the Exisal opens, and he climbs out of it. "You guys were about to get it wrong.. and you'd all be punished, and I can't let that happen."
"It.. really was you.." Tsumugi says
"Sorry for tricking you guys.. I'll explain everything. But for now.. it's voting time. I'm the culprit, alright!?"
They all vote for him, and it's correct. He killed Kokichi.
"..Why? Why did you do it.?" Shuichi asks sadly.
"Well, I didn't really have a choice.. I did it to save Y/n's life. If I didn't, he would have killed her. I'd never be able to live with myself knowing I could've done something. So I did. He said he wouldn't kill her if I helped with his plan, because he asked Y/n to do it, but she said no.. and he hit her head into a wall until she got knocked out."
"..What was his plan?" Keebo asks
"It was to end the killing game. Turns out he wasn't the mastermind.. he was just.. lying. We should've known.."
"..You knew you'd be executed.. so why? What was in it for you?" Maki looks down.
"Haha, I thought you'd understand. I know you'd do the same, right? It's better me dying than her. She has more to live for." He looks at Maki.
Nobody says anything.
Kaito explains more about Kokichi's plan, about why he did it, everything really.
"Finally.. I need to apologise to Shuichi."
"What? Me?"
"To be honest.. I was jealous of you. Because you were always saving us, y'know? Your detective skills saved us, and I just got frustrated."
"I was only so confident because of your help.. don't worry about it Kaito. It's alright." Shuichi smiles a little.
"Okay, now everything's cleared up.. last thing before I go.. Y/n's in my dorm. She's pretty badly injured, but she's okay. And Maki, make sure to tell her.. you know." Kaito hands the key to his dorm to Shuichi.. then before they know it. He's gone. Just like all the others. During the execution, some debris flew at the group, it hit Keebo on the head, knocking off his antenna thing.
There's nothing left to do but go to the dorms, so they do, everyone but Keebo, who just went to his lab.
They all stand behind Shuichi as he unlocks the door to Kaito's room.
"Y/n.? Are you in here.?" Shuichi asks, and when he looks inside, he sees her sitting on the floor, she's covered in blood and clearly hurt.
"Y/n.! Are you okay!?" Tsumugi gasps
Y/n nods silently.
Maki rushes up to her and hugs her tightly. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.. I thought I killed you. I thought I'd never see you again.. and it was my fault." Maki sobs
Y/n just smiles and chuckles. "It doesn't matter.. all that matters is that we're both alive."
"..Why don't you hate me?" Maki pulls away and just stares at her. "I don't get it.. why!? I've never done anything for you! All I do is hurt you!"
"..." Y/n looks down sadly. She then looks at Tsumugi and Himiko standing behind, Y/n smiles again. "I don't think there's anything you could do that would make me love you any less than I always have."
"..Do you actually mean that?" Maki asks
"Yeah.. I promise Maki. I don't want you to worry.. no matter what, I'll love you until I die."
Maki leans in and kisses her. Tsumugi and Himiko look shocked.
"Did.. did they just.!?" Tsumugi says
"..I'm kinda confused.." Himiko mumbles
Maki pulls away and stands up. "You need to treat the wounds.. come on." She holds out a hand, Y/n takes it and stands up, then they both walk out.
"..What just happened.?" Tsumugi asks
"Uhm.. I guess they don't mind anymore.. they've been together since after the second trial. Only me and Kaito knew." Shuichi says
"Wait.. wait.. it all makes sense now! I was always wondering why they would run off together.. and you guys always sounded like you were hiding something!" Tsumugi sounds like she's just figured out all the secrets of the universe.
"I'm still confused.." And as Himiko says that, there's a loud explosion outside, everyone rushes to see it, and they see Keebo.
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