《Maki Harukawa x female reader ❀》8


She watches the video on the tablet she found in her room once she got back. It's a video of her family back home. Apparently one of her siblings found her computer and looked through the theories of unsolved serial killings, they got inspired by them and tried some stuff out on the rest of her family. 'But what stuff? Graduate to find out!'

She stares at it for a second. Is this true.? She wrote theories about some.. pretty awful things. And her sibling was always.. 'inspired' by stuff.

She decides to ignore it. It's probably one of Monokuma's lies to confuse everyone. But how did he know about her family? And how did he even know about what's on her computer? She prays that's all he managed to find on her computer..

She goes to the dining hall, like usual, everyone is there. They seem to be in the middle of discussion.

"Morning Y/n.. did you get a video too?" Tsumugi asks

"The.. motive thing? Yeah. It was so weird.."

"We were just talking about the fact that they all got mixed up.. I wonder why they'd even do that.." Shuichi says

"Huh? Mixed up?" Y/n raises an eyebrow

"We all got different people's motive videos.. did you get.. something else?" Ryoma says

"I got my own.. it said 'Y/n L/n, The Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist's motive video' then had a video of my family."

"But.. why'd only you get your own.!?" Kaito says.

"Maybe it was just a coincidence.. it didn't seem like it'd be any different from the rest of them.. family is a common thing to use as a motive.. not like.. I don't know.. I'm actually an heir to the throne of some random European country." She chuckles

"Ah, Y/n, If you do not mind, I would like to ask what were you doing last night? Your dorm was in shambles, I doubt you could've slept in there at all." Kirumi says

"I was up all night cleaning it.. it's not perfect but it'll do."

"Aww man.. come on! I did all that hard work just for you to clean it!? You didn't even have a romance plot.." Kokichi says

"Leave her alone. The videos don't matter. As long as nobody shows each other them, nothing will happen.. I'm going back to my lab." Maki says, and then leaves

"Why is she so focused on not letting anyone in there.?" Shuichi says

"Whatever it is.. it's clearly important to her.. so we should just leave it alone." Y/n says

"Nyeh.. I wouldn't anyway.. she's pretty scary.." Himiko says

"Don't worry Himiko! There's nothing to be afraid of.. not as long as I'm around!" Tenko says


Everyone seems to forget about the motive videos and moves on.

Himiko and Angie announce the magic show they have planned, it seems fun! Y/n doesn't show it, but she's actually really excited. Who doesn't love a magic show?

They all split their separate ways. Y/n spends most of the day in her dorm, just trying to make sure everything is as good as it can be.

Later in the day, there's a loud banging on her door. They didn't even use the doorbell.. it must be pretty important.

She opens the door to see Shuichi and Kaito outside, looking horrified.

"Y/n! You gotta run! He's about to come over here!" Kaito says

"What? Who?"

"There's no time for questions! He's gonna kill us all if you don't run!"

Y/n sees behind Kaito's shoulder, she sees Gonta, going to each dorm. He looks.. terrifying.!

She decides whatever's happening, there's no doubt Gonta could easily take out Y/n with a single hit.

She follows the two outside.

"Why does he look like that.!? What happened?" Y/n asks

"We don't know.. we just know he's really determined to get us all for something.. there's no way of stopping him, so we should just hid-" Shuichi says, but stops when Gonta comes out of the dorm building.

"Stop hiding! Gonta is sorry.. but is for your own good!" Gonta says

Y/n just ditches all common senses and makes a run for it towards the school. Kaito and Shuichi yell after her but she continues running, once she starts running she can hear Gonta's footsteps behind her, now she's started she can't stop, so she runs straight into the school, through the hallways and up all the stairs.

"S-Stop running!" Gonta says, she ignores him

She gets to the final set of stairs.

"Maki.!" She yells as she goes up the stairs as fast as she possibly can


She makes it up them and dashes to where Maki is, outside her lab of course.

"It's.. It's Gonta.! He's gone.. crazy or something.. we have to hide!" She pants in exhaustion.

"Gonta.? Is he.. trying to hurt you?" Her tone changes to very sinister, a mix of that and angry.

"I don't know!.. Just hide.. he's coming!"

Before they can go anywhere, Gonta turns the corner.

"Gonta is sorry for scaring you.. but I have to!"

"No. I don't know what you're trying to do.. but I'm not going to let you. Do it to the others.. I don't care. But do not go anywhere near me, or Y/n." She gives her famous death glare, it seems to even scare Gonta a little.

"M-Maybe Gonta can let you go.. but.. he said.. 'Get as many as you can.. no matter what'.. Gonta is sorry!" He suddenly charges straight at Y/n, before he even gets anywhere near her, she collapses onto the floor, unconscious.


"Uhm.. Y/n? Are you okay? Y/n.?"

She opens her eyes to see Shuichi looking down over her.

"..What.? Ow.." She rubs her head and sits up. "What's.. going on?"

"We're in Gonta's research lab.." Tsumugi says.

Not everyone is in there, just a handful of students.

"Oh.. I remember now.. Gonta chased me around.. then I passed out.."

"The same is true for the rest of us. We were all seized by Gonta and brought here." Korekiyo says

"But you're the only one that got knocked out.." Tenko says

"Why did you have Gonta kidnap us.?" Keebo asks Kokichi.

"Nee-heehee.. he's so simple minded.. I just told him that you all hate bugs and are trying to get rid of them. He started crying and said he was gonna make you love bugs.. or something like that. So welcome to the Insect meet and greet!"

"You tricked Gonta.. why!?" Tsumugi says

"I thought you'd all like to have a motive video screening party! I wanna see all your videos, so we can all binge them together!"

"Is it because you want the killing game to continue?" Y/n asks

"Ding ding ding! Correct! It'll be much less boring, don't you think?"

At that moment, Gonta walks in, he looks like he's back to normal. Angie and Himiko also come in.

"Aww man.. I was just about to take a break as well. I had just finished all the prepwork.." Angie says sadly

"What's the meaning of this.?" Himiko asks

Gonta explains why he couldn't get Miu or Kirumi.. he doesn't say anything about Maki though.

"Right.. well! I've got to go run some errands.. if anyone tries to escape.. show them how great bugs really are." Kokichi says

"Got it!" Gonta smiles happily, blissfully unaware that he's being used.

"Hmm.. it's 9pm now.. I should be back by nighttime. Have fun everyone!" Kokichi leaves

"Okay.. now it's time for fun insect meet and greet.!" Gonta says

Then all hell breaks loose.

Bugs fly everywhere... any surface you touch is covered in bugs, bugs crawling all over everyone.. in everyone's hair.. all those horrific things.

Y/n shrieks and clings onto Shuichi, mostly just using him a shield.

"H-Hey.! You're getting- Ow!- All the bugs on me !" Shuichi says

"I-I'm gonna be sick.!" Y/n just replies with that

"Don't be sick on me.!"

"I'm.. trying..!"

This continues for a whole hour. The nighttime announcement plays, but Kokichi never comes.

Another hour passes, Y/n probably swallowed about 10 bugs. She prays they don't have poisonous venom in them or something.

He finally comes back.

"Ugh! There are bugs everywhere! How nast- I mean nice.!" Kokichi says

"You said you'd be back by nighttime! But it's already 11 pm!" Tsumugi says

"Sorry. I got sidetracked. But here they all are!" Kokichi holds all the motive videos and puts them down onto the table.

Everyone complains for a bit, then Keebo shows Gonta a recording of Kokichi saying he tricked him, but Kokichi still manages to convince him its not real.

Shuichi goes up to Y/n and whispers. "They're distracted, come on..!"

Y/n nods, she gestures to the others and they all get the idea, Tenko grabs the videos and they all run out.

"Oh god.. I hate bugs.. so much.." Y/n says once they finally get out.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm never going in that room.. ever again.." Tsumugi says

"..How do we give back the motive videos properly?" Tenko asks. As if on cue, Monodam appears, he takes the videos back and says he'll give them to the people they were originally with.

The group walk back down to the courtyard. They're all extremely worn out.. that whole experience was pretty stressful.


Maki comes from out of the dorm building and goes straight over to Y/n. "..What happened? Are.. you hurt?" She says it in her usual emotionless tone, but she still seems concerned.

"It was torture.. I almost threw up all over Shuichi."

"What did he do? If he hurt you I will kill-"

"Wait! Don't kill him! It's not Gonta's fault.. he just thought it was an innocent 'insect meet and greet'. It was Kokichi who tricked him into doing it."

"I should have known. I'll kill that brat one day."

"..I'm worn out.. it's the magic show tomorrow as well. I'll be honest, I'm so excited."

"..I won't be coming. I'll be in my research lab."

"Ah.. I get it. Well, I'll make sure to tell you all about it. Also, thanks."

"..For what?"

"I don't know.. I'm just.. I'm so happy. You make me really happy, Maki, so thank you." Y/n chuckles, and pulls Maki into a hug.

Maki flinches a little, she clearly doesn't know what to do, but doesn't push away.

Y/n pulls away then smiles, she goes into her dorm.

Y/n's smile seemed so.. caring. The opposite of me. Something about her smile makes me feel butterflies. I've heard people talk about this feeling.. but I've never actually had it before.. not like this. They talk about it like.. love. She's.. a girl. I shouldn't be feeling this way anyway, let alone about a girl. Whenever she laughs it makes me feel warm inside. What's wrong with me.? Do I have feelings for her? That's stupid. Especially in this situation. We are in a killing game, falling for someone is idiotic. But.. then again.. it's Y/n.

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