《Her story (Britain x France)》Chapter 5


((Sorry I died for a while, I'll try to update more often))

I remember some time after the meeting I was pacing around the main hall contemplating this new information, sure I've conquered land in the past but those were already established countries. This "New England" was going to be the death of me, heck it's my son and it's not even named after me!

I remember in my anger and frustration I kicked over one of the bins nearby sending it down the hall. It kinda scampered along the ground passing Portugal who had to skip jump over it as to not get tripped. France was with him to help him keep his balance, she asked if he was ok and I remember wishing I had another bin to kick right into his red face.

"BRITAIN BE CAREFUL, you almost tripped your best friend" she yelled at me, her beautiful voice and accent like music to my ears. I know she wasn't happy with me but I could help smile at her words. And like the pushover she was making me into I instantly apologised

"Oh um...it's ok Britain?" Portugal said sounding more like a question then him accepting my apology

"Oh well look at the time! My people need me to um... STUFF, BYE" Portugal added before running out of the hall leaving just me and France, she walked over to me and placed a hand on my right shoulder, using her left hand to hold my chin up to face her "now Britain, I know your stressed but maybe you not kick bins at friends ok" she said to me, he English braking a bit as she has probably never said that sentence before

"Your right" I mumbled and she gave me a beautifully warm smile. France gave me a small pat on the head and walked off, I felt my face grow warm, she just loves to remind me of how short I am, everyone does, but I'm not growing red with anger like with everyone else, I felt warm and happy.


Like I was possessed I turned to see her about 20m down the hall, I had no control over me as I stuck my arm up and called her name, I was scared as I saw her turn to look at me, "Yes Britain" she said kindly

"Would you like to go to dinner with me" I asked, surprisingly not stuttering at all

She just looked at me shocked but smiling "I'd love to", that caught me off guard, I've none her for a few weeks to a few months now and I thought she would be afraid of me being to forward to soon, looks like I seemed to have nailed it.

That is till an evil thought crossed my mind, 'she thinks it's just as friends you dumb cunt, why would she agree to an actua-"

"It's a date then I'll pick you up at 6 on Friday!" I yelled while waving her goodbye, she returned my wave and left with a smile, I stood there smiling with my face burning waiting for her to turn the corner, when she did I kid you not I jumped and clicked my heals

I was more like America then I'd like to admit in my youth

I raised home and as soon as I got home I checked the time, from memory it was about 10pm so I decided it would be best to just go to bed, I removed my jacket and dirt befor I grabbed the door handle to my bed room, throwing but clothes onto the couch I turned the door handle and entered the room

I undid my belt, closed the door and started to remove my pants when I looked up and screamed, there was a fucking rooster on my bed. I just looked at it as the rooster picked at its feathers "umm"


I slowly approach the bird, when it was me it stood up and walked over onto the end of the bed. When it did this I saw a note on its ankle, I grabbed the note and it read.


Britain wrote that line and realised he can't remember word for word what the note said, he stood up and walked over to his cupboards. Opening the doors her searched through old boxes till he found the only message

He held it up and smiled, a single tear rolling down his face as year read the name on the front with a small flag next to it


He wiped his tear and re opened the message, he sat in the floor and started to read it

"Dear Britain

I just wanted to let you know I'm excited for Friday, you called it a date right? If you mean that and seeing as its you and your usual very serious and honest then I'm looking forward to it more, I love spending time together. I'll see you Friday afternoon for a lovely dinner, regardless where you take me I just can't wait to spend time with you again

Love France ♥️"

Reading that made Britain start to cry, he missed her so much and all he wants is for the love of his life to come home

He sat there all night just looking through all these small things that to him were priceless

(FYI She didn't use an emoji she drew a heart on the letter herself also sorry this is kinda shorter the. The others)

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