《King of the magical Britain》The portraits and wards


The tour lasted a whole hour, the Manor was so big. It has a huge Ballroom, an informal parlor, a formal parlor, a library, a training room, a potion lap, a classroom, a Master-bedroom, a Nursery, 10 guest room's, a living room, a family room, a study/Master study and a few cupboard. Outside it had two Greenhouses, an Owlery, a forest, a lake with some fish or other, stables with magical horses, a flower-garden attached to the formal room and a quidditch pitch. Here is so much room and all what I need. Thought Harry eating dinner. After he took a quick shower and when to bed, he fall asleep as soon as his head touched the Kissen.

2nd, August

The next morning after eating the morning routine and eating breakfast Harry went to the family room where there were all family portraits. Going in he touched the wall and all portraits woke up from they slumber. Standing in the middle Harry looked as most portraits shouted questions at him finally one of them told them to be quiet. " Hello child. My name is Charles Fin Potter and who may you be?" Realizing it was his Grandfather that spoke he smiled softly and bowed lightly "Hello Grandfather. My name is Harry James Potter. I just took the Lordship and I'm 16 years old." The portraits were quite shocked with his age because that means his parents were either dead or unable to be Lord and Lady. Charles took control once again. "Hello Harry. Could you fill as in what happen to you as well as what's happening in the world right now? You shouldn't be Lord for a few yeas yet." Nodding and summoning a chair to himself, Harry made himself comfortable and began his tale " you see Grandfather 16 years ago..." and so he told about the war, his parents death, the prophecy, his childhood, Hogwarts years and now his discovery's when he came to the bit about the Valkoinen Family he had to stifle laughter at the gaping portraits. After he finished there was a still silence for a whole minute before outraged shouts came "how could they live you with such monsters" "hiding your heritage from you, outrageous!" And so on finally having enough Charles shouted once again "enough" and everybody went silent. This time it was his wife that spoke Dorea Amelia Potter neè Black "my dear you suffered quite enough. After hearing you life story it's sounds to me like somebody manipulated your whole life. But that should end now. You have all these portraits here that were not only lords before but teachers, Auroras, healers, politicians and so on. We will teach you with you eidetic memory that shouldn't be a problem. You should as well contact these you trust especially Sirius. Now you should go to the study there we have another portrait and renew the wards around the Manor as well as starts with you letters." Harry hearing his Grandmother had a point went to the Master study were his grandparents were already waiting. "Now son, behind the blue vase you need to touch the wall and it will take some of your blood after that it will open a small compartment with a red crystal and a book. The crystal is the focus you could say of the wards you need to touch it with both hands and say *I Harry James Potter Lord of House Potter renew the wards at my home, so moe it be*" Harry did just that after he spoke the needed phrase he took the book and looked trough it, noticing it was a book with names who were allowed trough the wards. Taking the quill next to it he started to cross out names like Dumbledore, Molly, Petiegrew. And adding names like Luna and the twins. After that he took his place behind the desk.

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