《King of the magical Britain》House Elf's


Arriving at huge metal gates Harry looked around and touched the gate feeling a little prick at his finger realizing the gate took his blood. Then the gate open and he saw a huge beautiful Manor. The Manor was Big and the Forest around it as well. There were a few animal around and a lake in the distance. Going in the Manor doors open themself and Harry heart a pop, before him was an older looking female elf " hello Master Harry Potter! I so happy Master returned! I searched for Master so long but something blocked Master against Diddi. What can I do for Master?!" Harry noticing the elf was excited raised his hand "firstly I would like to know you and the rest of the elves." Nodding her big head the elf snapped her fingers and five more elves appeared " I's sorry Master I should do it sooner. I's head elf Diddi. From right to left it is Nana she is cooking, Tutu is ground keeper, Mimi is Nanny, Fil and Dil is cleaning. What are Masters orders?" Looking the elves over noticing they weren't dress too poorly but still not like Harry would had like he remembered Dobby and called him. "Dobby!" only after a moment the existence and hyperactive elf appeared "great Master Harry Potter sir! What kann Dobby do for you?" Smiling softly Harry began so that all elf would hear him " Firstly Dobby I would like for us to bond. Is that alright?" Dobby had tears in eyes and was nodding his head very fast "then I Harry James Potter swear to be caring and fair Master for elf Dobby and bond him to the Most Ancient and Nobel House of Potter" Dobby answered smiling "I House elf Dobby accept the bond and swear loyalty and to be good elf for Master" they glowed a feint yellow and the bond was in place. Now Harry began with the rules " Now. Dobby will be mine personal elf. I will give you rules you have to obey. 1. You are forbidden to punish yourself, if you think you did something wrong come to me or the head elf and we will be giving you a punished if you truly deserved it. 2. You are to take care of yourself, sleep eat and take rest as much as needed. 3. You are allowed to mate and reproduce with whichever elf you want but I would like to meet them before and know which family they are for. 4. You are to wear a uniform that you can sew yourself with some good material and in your chest there is to be the Potter Crest, yours Dobby needs to have also the Valkoinen Crest. You represent my house and you need to looked like it. Now I would like a tour around the Manor, dinner in an hour, the Master bedroom must be prepared as well as two guests room, Dobby I would like for you to pick up my Garderobe as well as my new trunk and someone needs to prepare the owlery for when Hedwig finds me." With that the elf's got to work and Harry to explore.

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