《King of the magical Britain》The unwanted marrige contract


Ragnarock looked at his client and was quite hesitant to say something about the issue he needed to broach. Clearing his throat he began "hmm.. Harry I need to discuss with you one more urgent issue. Until now since you didn't officially sign your emancipation your magical Guardian was Albus Dumbledore and he signed a marriage contract for you with Ginevra Molly Weasley. You are to be wed om her 16th birthday." Looking up he saw new rage and disgust in Harry's eyes, waiting for him to calm down he told him about his options "lucky for you, you have three options. The first one: go with it, but I know you wouldn't choose this one, the second one would be to null and void it since you became emancipated in 4th year even if not officially magic accepted it and so he couldn't do it not to mention the made himself your Guardian illegally. And the third would be not only void it but replace you name with someone's else." at end Ragnorcks grin didn't bond well for anybody. Harry thinking it over I'm disgusted with even the idea of marrying her, not only I'm I gay but she is a slut. Maybe a little bit of revenge but who would want to marry her.. finally he said " I think just null and void it but don't throw it away just in case she became unbearable I can blackmail her into marrying someone even if nobody would see her as more as only broodmare and nothing else. Now I think for today we discussed almost everything, ah! What about my Wizengamot seats?" Ragnarock was impressed Harry remembered or knew about them and looked through his papers " the potters have 2 seats and Dumbledore has them as proxy and of course as future King you could just disband them." Maybe that would need to be done but maybe I could merges monarchy with democracy somehow... noting that thought in his mind he replied " I wand my Potter seats back and I will sit in them for are while before deciding what to do with the Wizengamot. Now if there isn't anything more I would like a portkey to both the Potter Manor and Valkoinen Castel." Ragnorck nodded stood up " both you rings are automatically portkey you just need to say out loud the names. Now may you life be long and magic bless you, my Prince" he bowed at the end. Harry stood and bowed as well " may the goblin nation always prosper Lord Ragnarock" and he walk out of Gringotts with the intentions of going shopping.

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