《King of the magical Britain》Money, Investments and Vaults


I'm sorry for the long chapter but I didn't want to broke it up in the middle.


After the Will's were read Harry had a single tear flow on his cheek and one thought in his mind They loved me. My parents loved me and are proud.

Finally after a moment of silence he spoke "please execute the Will and I would like two copies of it, I will send one of them with my letter to the DMLE. Now about my accounts?"

Shifting some of the paperwork Ragnarock spoke up "of course, of course. You are filthy rich, the Potter Family Account took some interest over the years. Here is a list of transactions since you parents death, it's quite the sum of money but even so it didn't make a dent in yours. What should we do with it?"

Looking the list over Harry noticed that since his parents death the Order of Phoenix was paid for whatever reason, not only that but his friends were paid to be his friends although that he already eavesdropped before the last feast at Hogwarts. Ginny and Molly took some money as well not to mention Dumbledore.

Getting angry again but thinking rational he said " I will be taking it back but not now, for now I want be the only one with access to the accounts. Also I want my trust vault closed and the money transferred to the main vault. What about Investments?" Ragnaorck nodded his head and make a few nodded and gave a few papers to sign. Taking yet another list he read out loud " you have 15% shares in Flourish&Blotts that go to Mr.Lupin, 25% shares in the H&H Apothecary that go to Mr.Snape, 30% at Madam Malkin's, 10% at a Quidditch company, 5% in Beauty Pallor and 45% in the Daily Prophet. But your mother has also Muggle shares in 15% Microsoft, 5% Apple and 20% Adidas. Would you like to change something?" Harry wasn't as shocked hearing his mother invested in Muggle companies. " yes. I would like to own the Daily Prophet I am fed up with they slender and work policy. Also I would like for you to contact Frederick and George Weasley, I'm sure they now nothing of they Family betrayal and make with them a silent partner contract. They are brillant at what they are doing and they business will blossom. I would like to invest in them and have 20% share as silent partner." The goblin gave a nod and again took some notes. "Now about your account manager, the previous one was already punished for his overlooks. I will be for now on be taking his place. What would you like to do with the Heir Black vault and the Valkoinen as well as Royal?" Harry made a confused face for the last vault since he didn't now why there were two different ones, so he asked " first for the Heir Black I would like to not touch it as I'm sure my godfather will have kids even if adopted. As for the Valkoinen, well just leave it for now since I'm sure is full of gold and there are investments as well. Although I would like to visit it after I visit the Potter one. What is the Royal vault?" Nodding in understanding Ragnarock took the Black file on side again. " very well. As for the Royals vault is a vault only royal family can use and it's more the vault of official King and Queen, for the history of rulers and for emergencies of the subjects. The Valkoinen vault is more privat for the family, the whole family." Now that made sense to Harry since Being King is a job even if it merges with the private life.

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