《King of the magical Britain》His Inhertiance


After a few moments the parchment glowed a mixture of blue and purple and black writing appeared. Hovering over it both young wizard and goblin read what it said.

Reading trough it both they eyes seem to grow and grow larger with every line at the end of it both were fuming with rage although only Harry's magic was leaking out of him and shaking the whole office and only Ragnarock was awed and understood that next to him stood the future King of magical Britain, so being more experienced and older he composed himself sooner.

" Harry please take a few calming breaths, I myself am beyond angry with these results and equally in awe that you are still alive with these blocks. We will discuss what to do now but we won't leave as it is."

Doing as being told Harry took few huge calming breaths and control over his magic and sit down again "So maybe we should first discuss the blocks and Compulsions as well as the Horcrux first?" asked Harry after a while.

Ragnorock growls just hearing the last word but calmed himself in seconds. " First Magical levels are categorized from squib yellow, orange underage, red/green average, blue above average, white Mage level to Gold Merlin and highest Level. Your Block on your magic is very dangerous because having it blocked so long and so much may cause you early death but fortunately we can take all blocks out and make a cleaning ritual for the potion and compulsion charms. Now as for the Horcrux, I'm sure you didn't here of it, it's the most disgusting art of magic because your are splitting your very soul with an unforgivable act, consequences of it are insanity as well as blood lust, as you can see in Mr. Riddle. Here we have a few option to reconsider. First we can leave it in you and you can be safe but caged by Mr.Riddle, second we can remove it and destroy it completely or remove it and restore its original soul." Ragnarock took a breath after speaking so much and waited until the young man though about all the information's. Harry was deep in thoughts well this is more then I expected but just my luck. So I'm very powerful and the block can be removed, that's a relief. Now the Horcrux of Tom hmm leaving it in me is not an option, knowing what I know of his childhood and Hogwarts years maybe a second chance... looking up at Ragnarock Harry made his decision. " I would like to have these rituals made today and I'm sure it's not painless so I would like to make an second appointment for rest of the issue, you could check my account in that time and it would be ready to discuss then. As for the Horcrux I think we should remove it and if there is a way check if it's the only one and restore his soul, give him a second chance. I can't, won't believe he was a monster even before his insanity." Ragnarock really had to admire the kindness of this human since every other would destroy his enemy and murder of his parents. "Alright. You are of course right Harry the ritual is quite painful with you blocks. After the ritual I would also like for one of my Healers to examine you. Today after our appointment you should go to Knockturn Alley there is a Hotel "the night cat" they don't ask question and are discreet. Tomorrow we will discuss everything else, you can just come at 10 am. and say you have an appointment with me. As for the Horcrux after we remove it from you we can use it for a ritual that will call for all of its pieces to him and then go to the original soul. Now come with me" standing up and going after Ragnarock Harry had many things on his mind.

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