《King of the magical Britain》First meeting of the Lord Goblin


Our young protagonist appeared in the hall of Gringotts with his trunk in one hand. Looking around he noticed little costumers what was good for him since that means less chances of being recognized. Going to the nears teller he bowed then showed his letter and said "May you family be healthy and body strong Master Teller. I have an appointment with Lord Ragnarock." The Goblin looked shocked since not many wizards follow or know about they costumes but composed himself rather quickly and answered " May you day be profitable and you magic strong Lord Potter, please come with me" they went trough a few turns a bit deeper then the normal costumers and they account managers finally arriving at a large brown wooden door, the teller knocked three times and went in announcing Lord Potter and his appointment.

Harry walking in looked around the large office noticing the rather simple decoration but not less worthy of someone of Lord Ragnarock's station. On the walls were a few sharp weapons and a few books shelves and of course there was a huge amount of paperwork. Finally noticing the Goblin stand behind the desk he bowed "May you day be profitable and you will unwavering Lord Ragnarock" straightening he noticed shock in the Goblins eyes but nothing more "May you magic be strong and you Enemies at your feet Lord Potter. I must confess I didn't except you to know about our costumes. Please have seat we have much to discuss." Harry taking a seat and not wanting to waste time started right away " Lord Ragnarock thank you for the letter. I know Goblins don't like to beat around the bush and waste time so I will be blunt with you. First why do you address me with the Lord title? Second what letters didn't I answered? Third I have a few questions about my account and who can take money from it as well as if it is possible for me to be emancipated?" Not having to wait long for the goblin to gather his thoughts noticing as well the approval in his eyes he began " well Lord Potter-" "please Lord Ragnarock just Harry will do" - of course, if so then just Ragnarock as well. As I was saying to you first question the Potter family is one of the longest line in the Wizarding world therefore an Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter since you are the last of you line you are Lord Potter but we should make a Inheritance Test to be sure you don't have more. As for the letters since the death of you parents we send you monthly statements of you accounts not only that but we wanted to speak a few times with you about some eh.. irregularities but you never answered any of them instead we have a few from you magical guardian. As for the last questions we will be speaking about you accounts, because you have more than one, as well about these irregularities I mentioned, you technically are emancipated since you were 14, you just need to sign a few thing even without it you would be automatically emancipated when accepting your lordship. We should first make the test then discuss it after we will speak about the accounts and whatever else you would like, agreeable?" The goblin looked at the young man across from him seeing the bruises as well as his Garderobe I will have to ask him to see our healer, he isn't like I expected for him to be, arrogant ignorant and stupid instead he is respectful quiet knowledgeable and not ignorant of his own free will, I can work with him. Giving the young man the parchment as well as a ritual dagger " please drop 7 drops of your blood on this parchment and wait a few moments, the cut will heal itself." Harry taking the beautiful and sharp dagger did a little cut and dropped exactly 7 drops and looked fascinated at the parchment, his gut feeling with unease.

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