《☆Join In☆ | ChanHyunIn》♧ Part 3 ♧
Jeongin hiccupped from the slight shock of the new situation.
"You heard me," Hyunjin giggled at the younger's response, finding his scared expression irresistibly adorable. He glanced between the two boys and gave Chan a little wink, to which the older responded with an eye roll. "Let me join in." He finished.
The younger stared at him blankly for a moment. He wanted to join them? As in continue.....with three people?! Is that even possible? How does that work? A billion questions swarmed Jeongin's mind. He's never even had sex before, but now his first time would be with two people at once? He looked over at Chan, who looked slightly annoyed, then back to Hyunjin who was excitedly awaiting a response.
"U-um...." Jeongin could barely come up with a response. Now he knew how the other two must have felt when he barged in on them doing the deed..... This was beyond embarrassing.
"You aren't....mad are you?" He blushed cutely, giving Hyunjin an innocent expression like he was sorry.
Hyunjin swooned at the younger's adorable demeanor. His cheeks and eyes were puffy from crying earlier, and his hesitation and slight confusion just added to his innocent persona. How could he possibly be upset at such a cute boy?
As a matter of fact, Hyunjin couldn't get over how effortlessly adorable Jeongin was. The blue haired boy was just too stinkin cute! He just wanted to squish his little cheeks- although, Hyunjin couldn't deny the fact that he wanted Jeongin, in more ways than one. As much as he wanted to hug and cuddle the younger boy, he couldn't help but wonder what Jeongin would look like underneath him, whimpering and writhing in pleasure; that innocent appearance of his completely ruined. Chan and Hyunjin were both aware of how the other felt about the maknae. It would be impossible not to know when Hyunjin was constantly flirting with him and Chan had hearts in his eyes every time they would interact.
"Of course I'm not mad at you, Innie... But," The blonde responded as he licked his lips. He leaned closer to Jeongin, their faces only inches apart. "I am kind of sad that you didn't let me have you first."
Hyunjin placed a sly hand on Jeongin's thigh, making the younger boy shiver. "I've wanted you for a long time Innie."
A quiet gasp escaped Jeongin's throat at the close proximity. The blush he had once sported reappeared on his features. 'Wait... he wanted me..? Hyunjin and Chan.....both thought the same about me?' he thought to himself, heart racing in his chest as he tried to look anywhere besides Hyunjin's sinister eyes. The thought of both of his Hyungs having dirty thoughts about him made Jeongin blush like crazy, and also a little embarrassed. What kind of things did they think about him?
In his attempt to avoid eye contact, Jeongin glanced down at the blondes plump, pink lips that were newly wet from being licked. He didn't want to admit it, but the amount of times he'd thought about kissing Hyunjin's perfect lips was immeasurable. He bit down on his own bottom lip as a few of his dirty fantasies resurfaced. And this time, he didn't try to push them back. I mean, they all wanted this, there's no point in hiding it anymore right?
Hyunjin leaned in further. At this point, the two boys' noses were nearly touching. He noticed where Jeongin's eyes had landed and let a smirk stretch across his face. He could tell the closeness was having an effect on the younger which only made him want to see more of his cute little reactions.
"Ahem.." Chan coughed to catch the two's attention. "I'm still here you know."
He was leaning against the wall at the other side of the bed, arms crossed with a slightly annoyed expression. "Can you please explain why you decided to interrupt us, Hyunjin?"
Jeongin noticed the slight change in his leader's tone. It wasn't his regular soft voice, he was more.....demanding. It made his heart race, faster than it already was. Hyunjin's smirk stayed put, however it wasn't as dominant anymore. It was more smug, like he was getting exactly what he wanted.
"It's not fair to keep him all to yourself Channie."
Jeongin gasped silently at Hyunjin dropping the honorifics. He glanced over at Chan, looking for a reaction, but there wasn't one. Maybe they're close enough that they don't need honorifics?
Chan clicked his tongue with a deep chuckle. "Not fair, huh?"
The blonde moved away from Jeongin and crawled over to Chan on the other side of the bed, confidently climbing into his lap. Jeongin stared wide eyed at the scene in front of him. He was amazed at how comfortable the two were with each other. He was also surprised at how Chan kept a straight face in such a suggestive position. Jeongin wasn't even the one doing it, but his cheeks were a bright red.
"Won't you share with me Channie?" Hyunjin hummed with feigned innocence, staring deep into the older's dark eyes with a little pout playing on his lips. He lifted a hand to the side of Chan's head and began fiddling with the shell of his ear to which the older responded with a short sigh.
Jeongin noted how Hyunjin's demeanor changed when it came to Chan. The way that Hyunjin flirted with the two boys was completely different. With Jeongin, Hyunjin acted like he wanted to eat him up. On the other hand, with Chan, it was like he completely dropped the 'dominant' act and became a bit bratty. The blonde was like a switch that could easily be flipped.
When the leader didn't respond, Hyunjin tried asking again. He leaned in close to Chan's ear, speaking so that his cool breath made contact with the sensitive feature. "Please Channie," he asked in sort of a whiny tone. "I promise we'll all feel real good." He gently nibbled onto the older's ear while massaging the other one with his fingers.
The leader groaned lowly and rolled his eyes at the request; He knew that Hyunjin wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. Hyunjin had learned pretty quickly how to get Chan to do basically whatever he wanted. He thought it was cute that his ears were so sensitive and would often rub them, bite them, and lick them just to see his leader's reaction. And more often than not, if he kept at it Chan would agree to whatever he was asking for; partly to get him to stop but also because the pleasure he received from it put him in the mood.
'Guess I'll have to have Jeongin to myself another day.' The oldest sighed silently to himself.
Chan turned to the blue haired boy without even responding to Hyunjin. His expression turned more serious as he completely ignored the blonde who was bouncing on his lap in victory.
"Innie, are you okay with this?" The leader asked sternly.
Though it was unintentional, Jeongin couldn't help but think how sexy Chan sounded with such a serious tone. But back to the question. Was he okay with this? Was he willing to lose his virginity to a threesome with his bandmates?? Things were already awkward when he walked in on them. What if something happens and the situation just gets worse? What if he doesn't like it? .....What if it hurts? All of the crazy questions from earlier swarmed Jeongin's brain as he asked himself for a proper answer. Of course he wanted to do it! Chan and Hyunjin had been the cause of his sexual frustration for the past week for crying out loud! Adding to that, the way Hyunjin was moaning with absolute euphoria the day he caught them made him wonder just how good his leader would really be in bed. They must have a lot of experience and he knew that neither of them would ever do anything to harm him......It probably wouldn't be too bad right?
Honestly, the idea of it made him kind of excited. He stayed silent for a few moments trying to come up with a good response. Jeongin's silence, however, made Chan a little concerned. He forced Hyunjin to stop his little dance before they got an actual answer.
He sighed. "You don't have to if you don-"
"No!..." Jeongin interrupted him, startling the two older boys.
"I-I mean..... I want to..... I want to do it so.." He mentally cursed himself for coming off the wrong way. His face flushed with embarrassment and excitement as the situation fully registered in his brain. They were really going to do this.
The air in the room stilled as the boys processed the new situation. Jeongin parted his lips slightly to speak again, but before he could he was pushed back onto the bed by an overly excited Hyunjin.
"Are you sure Innie? Like, really really sure?" He squealed, biting his bottom lip in anticipation.
Jeongin glanced over at the newly abandoned Chan and back at the blonde on top of him. He nervously nodded his head. He was positive that he wanted it, but saying it out loud was just embarrassing.
"Y-yeah." Before he could say another word he was cut off by a pair of soft lips meeting his own. Jeongin stiffened from the shock for a moment, hesitantly accepting the older's advance. The kiss quickly became sloppy and aggressive as Hyunjin pushed his tongue into the younger's mouth almost immediately, letting the wet muscle explore every corner.
Jeongin quickly noticed the difference between Chan and Hyunjin's kisses. Hyunjin's was more forceful and...wet, which the youngest didn't mind one bit. The concept of being pushed down and taking what he was given was new to him, but he was enjoying it so far. On the other hand, Chan was more passionate and slow. Chan was extra careful to take things easy on Jeongin since he had barely any experience. Jeongin found the contrast fascinating.
Hyunjin wasted no time in escalating their little session. He sneakily slid a hand along Jeongin's leg, caressing it softly, slowly inching his way toward the most interesting parts. The youngest wiggled underneath him, quickly becoming aroused by the sensual petting. He found himself subconsciously rolling his hips ever so slightly in search of some sort of friction, lightly grinding himself against the older's thigh that was between his legs.
Chan, who'd already been forgotten about again, huffed as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. Watching Hyunjin trying to take control was quite amusing to him, especially since he knew just how submissive the blonde could be.
"You really have no self control, do you Jinnie?" He chuckled evilly, getting up to kneel right behind Hyunjin.
A loud slap echoed through the room. The impact of the Chan's hand against Hyunjin's ass caused him to jolt forward, moaning into Jeongin's mouth. Jeongin's eyes shot open and his mouth opened slightly in shock, breaking the kiss. 'That sounded painful...'
Hyunjin bit his bottom lip hard as he moaned through his teeth. It felt so fucking good. It made him happy that Chan clearly paid attention to what he liked. His half-lidded eyes welled with arousal as he stared down at the youngest.
Chan could tell by Jeongin's expression that he didn't know how to process what just happened. He chuckled knowing full well the effect that he had on the blonde. "Don't worry, Innie" He hummed to the youngest, grabbing his attention. "He loves it." He smirked before initiating another smack to Hyunjin's rear to prove his point, a little lighter this time though. The blonde nearly fell forward, wanting to fully submit to his leader, but he held himself up. He was trying to look at least a little bit dominant in front of Jeongin, but was clearly failing thanks to Chan's advances. Not that he was complaining. Like Chan had said, he was loving it.
"Go get the stuff, babe." Chan instructed as he smoothed a hand over the blondes abused asscheek. Hyunjin bit his lip as he grinned down at the boy below him who was still nervously glancing between the two older boys. Things were finally getting started. He hummed in response to Chan before lifting himself off the bed and heading to his side of the room in search of something.
Jeongin was going to ask what 'the stuff' was, but Chan didn't give him the chance before he spoke again. "Come here Jeongin." the leader directed, voice softening a bit when he spoke to him. He sat back on the bed and patted his thighs, gesturing for Jeongin to sit with him. The youngest hesitantly obeyed, crawling over to place himself between Chan's legs. The blush on his face only darkened at the action. It's not like he's never sat like this with Chan before, but the given scenario gives it a whole different feeling.
Jeongin jumped slightly when he felt Chan place a soothing hand on top of his head. The younger let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding as he leaned into his leader's palm. Chan cooed at the cute boy. He was like a little kitten that wanted to be petted. The soft moment was quickly cut short when the oldest spoke again.
"Have you ever done this before, baby?" He asked softly, combing his fingers through the blue locks.
The nickname made Jeongin shiver under Chan's touch. The smooth voice that could quickly change from harsh and demanding to soft and affectionate within seconds was riveting.
"N-no..." He squeaked, a little ashamed of his lack of experience. He was glad that the oldest couldn't see his blazing cheeks in this position.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Chan laughed sweetly like he knew exactly what Jeongin was thinking. He pulled the younger closer so that he was now laying against his hard chest. "That just means I get to have you first" he whispered into the blue haired boy's neck. Jeongin squirmed at the sensation of the cool breath on his warm skin. His neck was surprisingly sensitive.
Jeongin stopped moving almost immediately when he felt Chan's growing erection pressing against him from behind. Obviously it was natural in this sort of situation. He didn't want to admit it but he'd noticed his own jeans becoming uncomfortably tight. Still, Jeongin was a little shocked- as well as a bit proud -that he was partly responsible for his leader's arousal. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a voice from across the room.
"Channie, we don't have any condoms..." Hyunjin stated, his head buried under his bed as he continued to search just to make sure there really were none left.
'So that's what he was looking for' Jeongin thought to himself as anticipation built inside of him..
"Damn" Chan cursed. "I forgot that we stopped buying them..."
At the beginning of the two older boy's little arrangement, they of course wouldn't think twice about using protection. It was a must. It was much easier to clean up afterwards and figured it was always nice to be safe. However, as time passed the two realized that they felt way better without the stupid rubber mechanism getting in the way. They'd both been tested, and it's not like they were sleeping around with anyone else. Yeah it was annoying to deal with later but that didn't bother them when the pleasure outweighed the consequences. (A/N Don't listen to me. Always use protection kids.)
With Jeongin though, they didn't want to make him uncomfortable, especially if it was his first time.
"That's fine," Chan sighed, leaning forward to place soft kisses along Jeongin's nape. "I guess we just won't be able to go all the way. But don't worry Innie, we'll make sure you still feel amazing."
"O-Okay" Jeongin stuttered cutely. Chan's choice of words made him want to both laugh and crawl under a rock. 'How can he talk about stuff like this so calmly without getting embarrassed?'
The younger lightly bit his lip as the older continued to pepper little pecks on his neck. Meanwhile, Hyunjin finally got up from the floor, walking back toward the bed with a bottle in his hand. Jeongin could only guess what that was for. Hyunjin stood right in front of the other two, placing a knee on the bed right between Jeongin's legs and leaning down to softly kiss the boy below him. They parted quickly and he gave the younger a little smirk. "Are you ready, Innie?" Jeongin nodded with a short sigh. He knew his bandmates wouldn't do anything he didn't like or that made him uncomfortable. There was absolutely nothing to worry about. With that thought he built up a bit of confidence in himself. There was no reason to be embarrassed or nervous. All he had to do was enjoy the moment.
"Yeah....I'm ready"
Jeongin trembled under his hyungs' touch; he was basically trapped between them. He gripped onto Chan's thigh as he leaned his bare back into the other's warm, shirtless chest. The younger's head was thrown back onto Chan's shoulder as he moaned shakily into the air. Chan took the opportunity to caress the younger's torso, being sure not to leave any spot untouched. He especially let his hand linger around Jeongin's firm tummy, which Jeongin seemed to enjoy.
Hyunjin, during all of this, was hard at work. He was knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed, both hands holding Jeongin's knees apart as the younger bucked his hips upward into Hyunjin's hot mouth. Jeongin couldn't bring himself to look down. The sight of his length sliding in and out of the blondes plump, wet lips was just too much.
Hyunjin was taking his time. He'd pull off almost completely, swirl his wet tongue around the head a few times, and sink back down. Jeongin shuttered with every bob of Hyunjin's head. His breathy moans began to fill the empty space of the bedroom as well as wet, sloppy sucking sounds.
Before he could get too loud, Chan swiftly covered Jeongin's mouth to silence his noises. "Innie," He growled lowly into his bright red ears. "You have to stay quiet, baby. Don't forget that everyone is home right now." Jeongin shook with every word. Knowing that they could be found out at any moment was strangely exciting. He moaned in response to his leader, the sound being muffled by the strong hand still pasted over his face. He didn't know why, but being forced to stay quiet by Chan made his heart race. He liked it, a lot.
"Are you excited Innie? Knowing that you have to stay quiet?" Hyunjin hummed, still stroking Jeongin as he twitched in his hand. The latter merely choked into Chan's palm, hands grabbing desperately at Chan's thighs, and eyes closed tight and beginning to water with tears of arousal. He trembled with every stroke of Hyunjin's palm and every caress of Chan's fingertips. The pleasure he was feeling in that moment was the best he'd ever felt, and they were just getting started.
Hyunjin peared up, noticing the way Chan's veiny hands looked covering the younger boy's face. He unintentionally let out a small whimper at the sight as he clamped his thighs together.
'Fuck. I want him to do that to me too...' He thought to himself as he bit his lip. 'But let's help Innie first.' With that last thought, Hyunjin leaned forward again, reattaching his lips to the head of Jeongin's dick. He felt a twitch against his palm and that just made him want to pleasure his adorable dongsaeng even more. Hyunjin sunk all the way down the length, earning a strangled moan from the youngest. Fuck, Jeongin's little noises were music to his ears. He picked up the pace, trying his hardest to bring Jeongin closer and closer toward orgasm.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Kingdom of Tyr (Original)
This fiction has been concluded as of the end of Book 1, the portion of the story posted here. There will be a complete rewrite as a separate fiction in the future to make the system more consistent and add more to the world while expanding on the events within this fiction. This rewrite will begin eventually, posted as a separate story. Colt, twelve, is walking home from school when he's approached by another boy dressed oddly, who asks him - theoretically - about living in another world. After asking some information about the theoretical other world, Colt says he'd probably prefer to live there, to get away from the problems he has on Earth. Once Colt confirms that, he finds himself in an abandoned city, the other boy revealing himself to be a god, who then offers to train Colt until he can stand on his own and live by himself. After a couple of months, the god sends Colt off for greater training, to learn to use both Aura and Mana, with his only instructions being to return every now and then to visit, and to make friends and have lots of fun. This story follows Colt, a boy named Tyler he meets in the new city, and their journey to growing stronger, having fun, and striving to beat each other. Note: this story is not intended to be professional-quality, and it does draw inspiration from many sources. That said, it is its own story, in its own world. It has never been and never will be edited. It will also have multiple PoV's, starting somewhere after Chapter 8.
8 141 - In Serial25 Chapters
Accused: The KC Warlock Weekly, Book One
My name is Levi. I’m a journalist, I’m autistic, I’m bad at magic, and I swear I didn’t kill her.Research for the paper usually falls into a few basic patterns. Someone in the city says there’s a troll under Buck O'Neil Bridge, or they’ll call just so a friendly ear will listen to them complain about a pixie infestation.That sort of content carries me through slow news weeks. It’s rare that I uncover a murder.Being framed for murder, though? That’s a first.With the Wizard’s Council hunting me for a crime I didn’t commit, I’ve got no choice but to solve the murder and clear my name. If I don’t unravel this case, nobody will, and I’ll go down for it so hard I might never see the light of day again.
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Shadow and Silver
Having recently arrived on the continent of Thayet, Lillianna has been traveling north towards uncharted lands. What starts off as a journey to explore unknown lands might end up shaping the course of history. With the land on the precipice of war, what consequences will the actions of a single mage have on its people and perhaps even the whole continent. Author's Note: The main character is a lesbian, just a warning in case that is not your thing. It will not include any explicitly sexual content, however romantic interaction between two women will be described.
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Just Your Average Isekai
a guy gets hit by truck-kun and is reincarnated into another world. after learning why he was summoned he said "No" and got thrown out. now he has to figure out how to live without the help of others.
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Before the Calamity
This is the story of Link and Zelda and their travels together before the Great Calamity hit. It's the story of their relationship and adventures, some which are seen in Link's recovered memories. Also, it's an AU where Zelink is actually like..... a thing before the Calamity. {Breath of the Wild Zelink; lots of spoilers}I do not own The Legend of Zelda, it belongs to NintendoCover art is mine!
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The King's Little Omega
Vincenzo Rossi is the most feared Mafia Lord to ever walk the planet, but he's also the King of Alphas in the supernatural world. At 25 the Wolf Demon Hybrid has been through a lot. At 18 his mate rejected him when he first met her, she was terrified of the rumors she'd heard about him. Against the Moon Goddess' plans. Fighting the insanity of being mateless, ruling the world, and being a great leader has started to take a toll on both Vincenzo and his wolf Ace. Ever since then he's been ruthless and cold-hearted towards everyone. He was suppose to take chosen by now but he refuses, he believes he should suffer this fate alone, causing him to become the biggest playboy of all time. Liam Parker is an Omega wolf living in the Lotus Pack. He's shy, and a nerd. Typical guy. Being the omega is hard work, his scent is calming, and he is meant to bring peace to his pack. Liam turns 18 soon and is hoping his mate is his human best friend, Titus. He also comes from a long line of white wolf omegas.Mature Language and Adult Scenes. SmutSome name changes have been done. Once this is done, I'll recheck and rewrite it. Be sure to like and comment. Most pictures are from Pinterest or GoogleI do not know Italian so all scenes that have it are just from online. If it's wrong, please let me know.
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