《☆Join In☆ | ChanHyunIn》◇ Part 2 ◇
Jeongin bowed to the driver before stepping off the bus. The blue haired boy rubbed at his aching temples as he continued his journey back to the dorm. He was supposed to be at karaoke with Seungmin and Felix, but his brain felt like it was going to explode, and the loud music accompanied by thunderous laughter from the three boys combined just made his head spin.
"I think I'm gonna go back home." the youngest sighed just as Felix had finished his eccentric rendition of Blackpink's Lovesick Girls.
"But we still have another hour in here." Felix whined, that almost irresistible pout playing on his lips.
"My head hurts like hell Hyung. You guys can stay and have fun, I really need to rest. I wouldn't want to get you guys sick or anything."
Seungmin help him gather his things before patting him on the back lightly. "Please get home safely, and message us as soon as you get to the dorm." He said in a soft voice, a look of concern plastered on his face.
"I'll pick up some medicine for you on our way back" Felix added.
"Mm I will, thanks"
It was pretty unusual for Jeongin to get sick, he was usually the one that had to help out his ill Hyungs when they would catch a cold. Maybe it was allergies? Maybe the universe was just telling him he needed to go home? Well whatever the reason it didn't really matter. All the maknae cared about was getting back to the dorm and falling into his cozy comforter for a nice, long nap.
A few minutes from the bus station, he finally reached the dorm, his head basically pounding at this point. Jeongin groaned in frustration as he fumbled with his keys, all while trying to keep himself from toppling over right at the front door. It felt like his skull was being weighed down by a dozen stones.
He decided to take a little break from moving, his head spinning in all different directions. He placed his forehead on the cold metal door and let out a shaky sigh.
"Why'd this have to happen on my day off?" He thought to himself, the cool door in front of him actually alleviating some of the pain from his throbbing head. As he stood there for a few moments trying to convince himself to actually go inside, he began to here.....noises? Coming through the door. He couldn't exactly make out what it was but he didn't really care either way.
The boy finally built up enough strength to unlock the door and go inside. As soon as the door was opened the noise got louder, or at least Jeongin was actually able to hear them. It sounded...erotic. Like moans. Every once in a while someone would speak but his stinging brain couldn't concentrate long enough to figure out what they were saying or who was saying it.
Was someone watching porn?
Obviously that was normal in a house filled with eight sex deprived boys, but the sound was echoing through the dorm, and Jeongin definitely was not in the mood at the moment.
He let out a frustrated growl, throwing his stuff down on the nearby couch, and waddling his way toward the excessive sexual screams. "I'll just ask them to turn it down."
When he finally reached the room, the realization hit of whom the room belonged to. Jeongin could honestly care less what they were watching, but deep down he wondered which of his Hyungs would be so careless as to play their material so loud that it could be heard from the other side of the dorm.
Just before he'd opened the door the noises had stopped, but it was already too late.
He pushed the bedroom door open, a little harder than he intended due to his lack of total consciousness. However, whatever he saw definitely snapped him out of his fog.
Hyunjin was sat naked on top of their also completely bare leader. Both of their bodies were drenched in sweat and their breathing was erratic. The heavy smell of sex lingered in the air.
Jeongin's mouth fell open in complete shock.
That is not at all what he was expecting.
As soon as his eyes met with Hyunjin's his face flushed, more than it already was. He'd completely forgotten about his headache at this point.
The silence between the three was deafening.
After a few moments the first word in what felt like a century slipped through Chan's swollen lips.
Jeongin finally snapped back to reality. He was trying his best to grasp the situation but was failing terribly. Unable to comprehend what the fuck was going on, he did the only thing he could think of.
"I....I'm sorry!" The youngest shouted before slamming the door shut again. He ran to his room as fast as his stumbling legs could carry him and jumped into bed. Maybe this was all just a weird dream. Maybe this never actually happened and his headache was making him see things. "Yeah let's go with that" he thought to himself, trying desperately to fall asleep, hoping he'd wake back up and everything would be back to normal. But unfortunately for him, that didn't happen.
In all of the confusion and severe embarrassment, Jeongin had forgotten to message Seungmin and Felix that he made it back home.
Things were pretty awkward between the boys for the next few days. Or at least it was between the oldest and youngest. Hyunjin was just as clingy and hyperactive as usual around Jeongin, which puzzled the younger immensely. I mean he'd caught them having sex! SEX!! Shouldn't he at least be embarrassed?!
Chan on the other hand was the complete opposite. The two boys were down right avoiding each other. The leader, who was almost always cuddly and energetic around the maknae, couldn't even make eye contact without his face going completely pale. It was weird. Jeongin prayed that the other members hadn't noticed anything.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Jisung blurted out across the dinner table, eyeing the two suspicious individuals. Jeongin almost dropped his chopsticks. Shit they did notice
"What do you mean?" Chan asked in reply with his little awkward laugh that he does when he's nervous. "Nothing's wrong-"
"Bull-crap nothings wrong" Minho cut in, "You used to be basically jumping all over Jeongin, and now you wont even look in his direction."
The youngest sat in complete silence, not knowing what to say. He couldn't possible tell everyone that he caught their leader and main dancer doing the nasty while everyone was away.
Ugh! why did this have to happen!?
He just had to get a head ache. He just had to go back home. He just had to walk in on....THAT!
But that wasn't even the worst part. What really bothered Jeongin the most about this whole situation, was that he couldn't get the image of his teammates shimmering, naked bodies out of his head.
Hyunjin's figure was absolutely beautiful, but of course everyone knew that already. He's like a delicate clay sculpture with his long and slim, yet muscular features. Like an art piece that you would view in a gallery. And Chan; his sweat glistened abs, and the wrecked look painted on his gorgeous facial features as he growled lowly into the empty air was too much to handle. Jeongin couldn't help but remember every little detail that he witnessed. It was intense, and confusing, and completely unexpected. Where they in a relationship? For some reason, the idea of the two being together gave him a bit of a weird feeling, as if he didn't want to accept it. But why? Was he jealous or something? Nah that's impossible. That could never happen.
The youngest tried his hardest to push these thoughts back into the back of his head; he wasn't entirely successful, which just made the conversation being had even more uncomfortable.
On the contrary, Hyunjin found this little situation quite amusing. He let out a small snicker which earned him a cold glare from the oldest. "Maybe they should talk it out," Hyunjin couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared on his lips.
Before Hyunjin could say anything else Jeongin cleared his throat, finally ready to participate in the discussion. "Guys, there's nothing going on, I swear." He glanced over at Chan who was biting his bottom lip, a glint of anxiety in his eyes. Jeongin's ears turned a light shade of pink as he quickly looked away from the older and back at the plate in front of him. "I've just asked Chan Hyung not to be so touchy that's all."
"Hm," the other members hummed in unison, clearly not believing anything he just said.
"Well whatever it is, fix it fast" Changbin chimed in, standing up from the table, leaving his plate and glass where they sat. "You two can do the dishes tonight" the short boy basically cheered as he left the dining area (A/N Finally Binnie doesn't have to do the dishes). The other members quickly following suite, Hyunjin sending a little wink in Chan's direction before leaving to play games with Seungmin.
Chan and Jeongin were left alone with nothing but awkward silence (hehe) and a shit ton of work to do.
The atmosphere was unbearable. Neither of the boys wanted to talk, or even look at each other.
Chan was in charge of cleaning the dishes while Jeongin dried them off and put them away. Every once in a while the younger would glance over at the sink, watching as Chan's large, muscular hands did there work. He couldn't help but notice the soap covered veins that flexed with every motion. Jeongin might be taller than Chan, but the latter is definitely more built.
When he found himself staring for too long he would look away, the redness of his ears darkening as he tried to push those unwelcomed thoughts out of his head. It never seemed to work though.
Chan finally decided to break the suffocating silence before it got any worse.
"Um..." he began, picking up another pair of dirty, metal chopsticks. "Hyunjin and I.....aren't like together together...."
Jeongin let out a relieved sigh as he started putting the plates up into the cabinet.
Relieved? Why was he relieved?
The younger decided to stay quiet, unable to come up with a response. As soon at he'd slid the last couple plates in their spot, he lost his footing, his stupid socks slipping on the tiled floor.
He let out a small squeal as he plummeted toward the ground. Luckily he never hit it.
Chan had caught him just in time, pulling the younger close to his chest. "Fuck... are you okay?!" He huffed, worry laced in his words.
The younger simply nodded. He had no idea why but his heart was beating. Chan's strong arms around him and hard chest against him made his face burn all over. His knees felt weak, like his body wanted to fall deeper into Chan's strong embrace. All of those intrusive thoughts from earlier making their way back to the front of his conscience. What the fuck was going on in his head right now? What is this, a cliché teen drama?!
He stood back up, continuing his task as his leader did the same. "A-anyways" the black haired boy cleared his throat, "we aren't in any kind of.... committed relationship"
Jeongin couldn't come up with a response, he just let the first thing he thought of slip through his teeth, "so you guys just have sex?"
Dammit that's not what he was supposed to say. A heavier blush spread across his features, absolutely refusing to face the older boy.
"Um...y-yeah I guess" Chan chuckled nervously. He definitely wasn't expecting him to say that.
Hyunjin's pretty lucky then.
"What was that?"
"Fuck. Did I say that out loud?!" The younger's face flushed in horror. "N-nothing hyung!" He stuttered, his hands fumbling with the chopsticks that he was trying to put away. Luckily the sink was still on, otherwise Chan most definitely would've heard what he said. Why does he keep saying this shit out loud!!
Chan finished washing the last of the dishes and turned off the sink, turning around and leaning against the counter. He released a deep sigh before turning back to the blue haired boy.
"This.. hasn't changed how you see me as a leader right?"
Jeongin was shocked by the question and the forced smile that appeared on Chan's face. "No no no no! Of course not Hyung!" He stammered putting down the dishes he was drying and waving his hands in the air. "I was just surprised that's all. I didn't think.... and with Hyunjin...and..." his voice began to trail off into a low whisper.
"I really didn't mean for you to think that Hyung, I'm sorry."
Chan almost swooned at the younger's remorseful expression. How could this boy be so darn adorable?
The older let out another heavy breath, this time from relief. "I'm glad," He chuckled lowly, making Jeongin's ears blaze at his smooth voice, "still, sorry you had to see something like that... it's not something you can forget about easily" the two boys laughed nervously in unison, their moods lifting at least a little bit.
"Tell me about it," Jeongin giggled quietly to himself. "Every time I look at you I remember what you looked like all sweaty and out of breath and whatever. To be honest it was kind of ho-..."
Fuck. What the hell was he saying? Out loud! AGAIN!
Chan stared wide-eyed at the youngers response. Now he most certainly wasn't expecting that.
"You....you thought it was hot?" A slight blush tinted the older's cheeks as he tried to contain the small smirk spreading across his face.
Jeongin was as red as an apple. He covered his flaming face in embarrassment, knowing it was too late to take back what he'd said. "Sorry!" He squeaked, he was utterly humiliating himself! Why can't he just shut his big mouth sometimes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." the younger groan, avoiding eye contact with the older once again. The black haired male just snickered quietly at his response. Jeongin rushed to put away the remaining dishes; he really just wanted to curl up and die right now. If he stayed there any longer the rest of his intrusive thoughts might just slip through the already wide open cracks, and that would just be even more of a disaster. And y'know, his plan to finish up and leave faster may have worked if it weren't for his fucking socks sliding across the kitchen floor.
He turned swiftly in Chan's direction, tripping over his own feet, and landing face first into the older's broad chest. In the short moment the younger was close to his leader, he could hear his quickened heart beat, which only made his own race all the more. "You sure are slipping a lot today" Chan chuckled.
At that Jeongin pushed himself away, it felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. "S-sorry..." he apologized nervously. "A-...anyways all of the dishes are done so I'm just gonna go. Bye Hyung!" the maknae rambled before bowing deeply. He turned away from his leader quickly trying to leave the kitchen as fast as he could.
The older's loud, husky demand sent a shiver down the younger's spine. He turned back around slowly.
"We aren't finished talking yet," Chan continued, moving closer to Jeongin as he spoke.
"B-but I think we've gotten everything figured out Hyung so if you'll just excuse me-" He tried to escape but was held back by the other's light grip around his wrist. His heart almost stopped as he was turned back around to face his leader.
The older spoke in his strong aussie accent. Jeongin had no idea what he said but it didn't even matter after what happened next.
Chan caught Jeongin's chin between his thumb and index finger, and before the younger could react he was pulled into a light kiss. He gasped against the other's plush lips. His eyes were opened so wide it felt like they were going to pop out of his skull.
What is going on right now? Is this really happening?
Jeongin practically melted. The strong hands that he'd been fantasizing about made their way to his hips, pulling him toward the hard chest that make him drool, all while his mouth moved slowly against the other's. Was this a dream or a nightmare? He couldn't tell. Either way there was no denying that he was enjoying it.
"Fuck. I'm not supposed to be enjoying it!" The younger basically screamed to himself. He pulled back gasping for air, his face on fire. If this was an anime his nose would be bleeding profusely. "W-w What are you doin-"
"I heard what you said earlier by the way" Chan licked his own bottom lip teasingly. "About Hyunjin being lucky"
Jeongin wanted to die. He wanted to jump into a six feet deep hole and bury himself. (A/N and that's on social distancing)
He internally cursed at himself. Damn him and his big mouth.
He said nothing. He only stared into Chan's eyes, a look of sheer embarrassment on his face. Dammit. If only he hadn't come home early that day. If only he'd just minded his own business. If only this was all just a wack ass dream, he wouldn't be having all of these thoughts. He wouldn't be thinking about his leader and teammate in the way that he was. Fantasizing about them in ways that he shouldn't. Letting his imagination run wild about the things that he wanted them to do to him. And he wouldn't be admitting all of this aloud. Dammit!
Jeongin's eyes began to tear up as he stared at his leader, his mind filling with regret.
Chan jumped back in surprise. It was rare to see the boy cry and he definitely wasn't expecting it to happen now. "What's wrong?" he asked, heart sinking with concern laced through his words. "Fuck did I go too far?!"
"I'm...s-s-sorry Hyung" He choked out between quiet sobs.
The older sighed and pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh Innie," He whispered to the crying boy. "There's nothing to be sorry about. You didn't do anything wrong." The blue haired boy continued to cry into his shoulder, muttering small 'sorrys' against the older.
Chan couldn't figure out a way to make him feel better, I mean half of this was his fault. So he did the only think he could think of to potentially stop the youngers tears. He lifted the younger boy off of his shoulder and kissed him again, and sure enough, Jeongin's tears stopped.
The maknae didn't know what to do. He wanted so badly to kiss him back, feel the body that he'd been fantasizing about against his own. "Are you mad at me Hyung.... for thinking about you like that..." the younger sniffled.
"No, not at all baby" Chan chuckled, wiping the wetness away from Jeongin's eyes. The younger shivered at the nickname, still trying to stop his snotty sniffles. "actually..." He started, leaving the younger a bit confused as he grabbed onto his wrist and lead him out of the kitchen toward Jeongin's and Hyunjin's shared room. Closing the door behind them, the older sat Jeongin down on his bed and leaned down to plant a soft kiss onto his lips. Chan kneeled down in front of the younger, placing his hands on the other's knees as he looked up at the confused boy in front of him.
"When you are having these kinds of feelings, its best to let them out right?" The black haired male smiled up at the other, the corners of his mouth slightly lifting into a smirk.
Jeongin didn't know how to respond. "...W-...What do you mean?"
Chan's grin slipped into a full smirk as he stood up, never breaking eye contact with the younger. He placed a hand lightly on the other's shoulder before speaking again.
"Trust me okay?"
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