《✅ Little Ollie's Daddy |The Phantom Series #1| [DDLB] [MXM] [MPREG]》Chapter 19


Stefan's Manor, 7:00 PM


"Why isn't he waking up? It's been two hours, Isaac!" I raised my voice in panic and fear, as I stare down at my baby, an IV drip on his wrist and an oxygen tube connected to his body to ease his breathing. I ran my fingers through my hair frustratedly, as I bit my lip nervously, afraid that my baby won't open those beautiful eyes again.

Isaac lifted his face and threw a sharp glare at me as he checks Oliver's vitals. "If you don't keep your voice to a minimum, I will throw you out of this room," he threatened so I kept my mouth shut and slid on the chair next to me, my legs and feet tapping on the floor, the repetitive motion helping me ease my nerves.

Dammit! This is all my fault. Why can't I do anything right?

This is not how I wanted our day to end. We were supposed to enjoy ourselves shopping together, maybe see a movie, then end the day with a fine dinner. How did it go so wrong so fast?

For the past hours following Oliver's runaway, I have been digging my brain, trying to remember every minute details that may have caused Ollie's outburst and his conclusion about my love for him fading. I bet my life that it won't ever happen and nothing seems to come into mind. Because every day, my love for him just gets stronger and I fall every single moment. Be it the sound of his laughter, or the way he sulks and glares, he is just so adorable that I can't help but be captivated.

The way he worries himself over me, and how he does his best to also take care of me is just making my heart warm and giddy. When it comes down to it, it seems that we both worry about the same thing. I'm scared that he doesn't love me as much as I do, and that he could leave me if I don't pay attention.

Conquering our own insecurities doesn't happen in just a snap. It's a process, and recognizing and accepting that you are insecure is the first step. No matter how resolved I am to risk it all for my baby, there's still a small nagging in the back of my mind, scared of the pain that will befall me if Oliver choose to leave me.

He did that today and the pain was excruciating.

How can I face tomorrow if he's the reason why I now wake up with a smile and a good mood? Today's incident just further proves how much Oliver crept into the deepest part of me; how much power and influence he has over my heart.

That realization got me almost consumed by my anxiety. Should I really pursue a relationship when I just keep on anticipating when will it end? Should I chase Oliver and give him an even greater control over me-- the power to break me and crush me to tiny pieces? Will I go down the path where I will be hurt a thousand times painful than before, as uncertain as I am about his feelings about me? Knowing he can just leave me easily like what happened earlier without explanation?


I took a deep breath and held Oliver's hand as I scanned his pale face. The answer I came to was a resounding .

Yes, I'm willing to fight for him. I'm willing to get hurt over and over again despite the warning signs and my insecurities; not because I'm a masochist or anything. Probably because I am madly in love, but most importantly, it's because Oliver Pines is worth it.

He is worth every single scar, bruise, and pain. He deserves every single blood, sweat, and tear from me. He makes me feel alive, electrifying every nerve ending in my body. He makes me feel thrilled, like having my foot on the edge of the cliff.

He is the storm that stirs my every emotion, making me feel all of the extremes, from being happy to sad in the next. He never bores me because every single syllable and every single word he utters calls my attention. He is stirring every instinct that I have, as I experience all of these emotions that I never thought existed within me.

How can I let go of the one person who made me realize how wonderful it is to be alive? I choked my sobs as I shut my eyes as I clasped his hand tight, praying that my baby opens his captivating eyes, so I can prove to himself how much I truly love him. How much every part of me is in his command.

"Please, baby boy. Open your eyes. For daddy."


I am conscious but my eyes and my body refused to respond.

There's this crippling fear inside of me, I'm scared that if I opened my eyes, everything will be gone. That reality will strike me hard and destiny will just be sipping tea as they both laughed at my desperate attempt to escape loneliness and find the love I've been longing for.

Should I face reality or indulge some more with the happy memories I created with Stefan? What will I do if Stefan did not return for me and just walked on, leaving me heartbroken and crushed? Can I survive that kind of reality? A reality where my parents and the love of my life left me?

Just thinking that kind of empty life is stabbing my heart a thousand times, the pain unbearable as I let tears freely flow, and the sobs rang throughout the space I am in. Is life really worth living knowing that I will be alone again? Subjected to my relatives' harassments and evil plans?

Does it mean that I have to move again? How long do I have to suffer for their greediness?

Giving up right now sounds good.


I snapped my head up so fast I thought it might break when I felt Oliver's hand trembling, as soft, tiny sobs started to fill the room. I don't need to tell Trevor and Devon to get Isaac because they were out of the room in a flash, the sense of urgency present in their footsteps.

A piercing ache went through my chest when Oliver's sobs turned louder as confusion starts to invade my mind while I try to keep panic and anxiety at bay. I need to clear my head but each sob my baby makes just makes it hard to do so, as his panting gets heavier and his tears wetting the pillow holding his precious head.


I slid to the side of his bed and ran my fingers through his soft curls, hoping to soothe a little bit of his pain somehow. "Baby boy...I'm here. Please, open your eyes for daddy. Can you do that? Can you open your eyes for daddy so we can finally spend time together and go shopping? Please baby boy... Daddy is hurting so bad. Pl-please...let me see that beautiful hazel orbs again..." I begged as my voice became softer, until the sobs I have been holding poured out, my eyes closed as I rested on his head, kissing his hair as I muffle my cries.

I don't know what to do anymore but hold onto him like I'm going to lose him. Because I already did today and the fear of rejection when he opened his eyes is what scares me the most.

All I can do is bite my lips as I try to mute my cries, but was unsuccessful as soft sobs still find their way out of my mouth, my head now tucked in the junction of Ollie's neck and shoulder, his now calm and steady breathing easing the anxiety that's about to take over my entire being.


Desperate pleas and soft sobs made their way to my ears, as my mind tries to remember the owner of that familiar voice. His voice full of sadness and fear sent a pang of hurt to my chest, and when I felt the familiar warmth embracing my body, my tears flowed even more.

This is not a dream. He is real. Stef is real, and he is with me, and I am hurting him because I left him without explanation; even though I made my resolve that I won't let my worries hurt and take away the chance I have at love. That I would treasure the present and not succumb to the uncertainties awaiting our future. But when it comes down to it, I just hid and ran when things got serious.

My cowardice almost cost me a great man and that is something I will regret my whole life. The trepidation and the terror I felt when he turned his back towards me gave me the scare of my life. Then I realized that I was being so naive, thinking that I could actually live without Stefan by my side, showering me with his unconditional love and support.

I almost threw that away. How could I be so stupid?

Stefan won't leave me. He won't hurt me, and if he did, unintentional or not, I know there's a good reason for it. I just need to read between the lines and understand why he does things like that but I won't let that time come. I will make sure that we tell each other our worries and we discuss every argument. Because that's what having a relationship is, with trust as its foundation.

Now, carrying those realizations, I felt my heart lightened. I am ready to surrender my entire being to Stefan Alexandrei, without reservations, and without hesitation. If I get hurt in the end, so be it.

At least I can say to myself that I loved a good man, and though I will absolutely have a hard time--almost next to impossible-- finding another who can surpass what I felt with Stefan, the memories I spent with him will be enough to keep me surviving.

I felt my lips twitch into a small smile as I slowly opened my eyes, blinking several times to adjust my blurry vision, the top of my daddy's head slowly becoming clearer as I finally adjusted to the light. I tried to move my hands but it seems that Stefan wrapped his body against mine, his arm locking my torso in place, while his leg is over mine possessively.

The tightness of his embrace just reflects how terrified he is to lose me, just like what he confessed last time. Yet I left him without pause. It was like mocking his effort and himself when he confessed his raw emotions and insecurities to me. Without even a side glance, I just strode out of there, like I abhor daddy's existence.

But that's not true. Fear got into me, but never again. Never.

With my free hand, I took off the oxygen mask and swallowed to moisturize my dry throat as I spoke in a raspy tone, making me wince. "D-daddy." He flinched and slowly untucked from the crook of my neck, the hesitance present in his motion. When he finally looked up and our eyes met, I burst into tears, the love and fondness in his eyes ever visible.

It never faded. Instead, it has gotten stronger and fiercer. "I love you, Daddy," I whispered as my trembling hands cupped his face and claimed his lips, pouring every ounce of love I have for him. He stiffened for a few seconds, and after realizing what was going on, he kissed me back like I will disappear if he didn't.

The intense love we have for each other overwhelming us, not noticing the audience we had in the last ten minutes. When things got a bit hotter, with daddy slipping his hands downward, fondling me, we heard the door being shut, but we just continued expressing our love for each other.

A soft moan slipped out of my lips when daddy started nibbling my lower lip. His rough groans and his need for skinship just burned my body to a new level of heat, as we both touched each other's body, satisfying our need for that skin-to-skin contact.

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