《The Omega Uchiha》Chapter 2


The morning after Christmas, Deidara woke up with a banging headache after over drinking on the previous night. Although he lacked restraint when drunk, Deidara was never one to forget his words or actions so at the forefront of his memory was the kiss he planted on Itachi Uchiha.

"Oh Lord..." Deidara cried out, disappointed in himself.

Remembering that Itachi had stored his number into his phone, Deidara quickly went through his contacts and deleted Itachi, wanting nothing more to do with him. As much as Deidara found Itachi charming, he hated his foul tongue and underwhelming character which is why Deidara didn't feel embarrassed or regretful at all for kissing Itachi. He was actually glad he hadn't made that mistake with someone respectable. Tired, he closed his eyes and drifted back into a deep slumber feeling at peace knowing that he no longer had to put up with the insufferable Itachi.

A few hours into his sleep, Deidara was awakened by loud knocks on the door. He put on a baggy hoodie and scrambled to the door, opening it in a fit of anger without thinking to ask who was knocking. He was mortified to see Itachi standing at the other side of the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Deidara yelled impatiently.

"I told you to message me and that if you didn't I'd assume the worst. You didn't message me... so I assumed you were hurt or worst dea-"

Deaidara slammed the door in Itachis face.

"Open the door" Itachi instructed firmly.

"Go away." Deidara responded.

"If you don't open the door I'll- "

"Are you threatening me?!" Deidara shrieked in a higher pitch than usual, reopening the door to get a good look at the cynical Itachi.

"Yes, I'm threatening you. Let me in"

Deidara conceded, seeing there to be no other way to get rid of itachi than to hear him out.

"You can see I'm perfectly fine, thanks for the ride yesterday... and sorry for kissing you. If that's all then I think you can go now" Deidara apologised softly and genuinely however Itachi completely ignored this, eager to receive an answer to his burning question.


"Did you really use to like me or was that just the saké talking? Itachi asked Deidara as he stared intently into his eyes.

"What does that matter now. The past is the past" Deidara responded emberassed as he avoided Itachis gaze. Itachi moved closer to Deidara.

"Answer the question. " He commanded. Deidara felt a very strange inclination to obey Itachi, it was assif regardless of wether he wanted to or not, it was impossible for him to refuse Itachis commands.

"I did." Deidara answered feeling vulnerable and controlled. As soon as he snapped out of this trance Deidara was consumed by rage.

"What did you just do to me? Did you release your pheromones to subdue me into submission? Why couldn't my body stop itself from heeding your command?" Deidara bombared Itachi with consecutive questions whilst slamming his chest with ineffective punches.

"Please, calm down. I wouldn't use my pheromones for something that petty" Itachi clarified as he restricted Deidaras motion.

"So then why did I .... Why couldn't I?" Deidara thought aloud.

"We could be fated mates" Itachi explained to Deidara who was still in a state of shock.

"I've heard enough." Deidara said sternly changing his tone of voice.

"I'm just trying to make sense of the situation" itachi responded unwavered by Deidaras tone. Deidara was too overwhelmed to continue this back and forth, he took a seat on his sofa and buried his head into his thighs.

"Hey..." Itachi called out worried.

"If we're really fated mates then this is a big problem." Deidara,who had now calmed down,vocalised.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha, how could being my fated mate possibly be a problem?" Questioned Itachi who was genuinely outraged by Deidaras response which he viewed as ungrateful.

"Your a piece of shit. That's why." Deidara responded aggressively scowling at itachi as he got up from the couch and began to walk away.

Itachi grabbed Deidaras wrist and pulled him inwards.

"I tried being nice to you since your a worthless omega, but you've crossed the line now-"

In a fit of rage Deidara slapped Itachi leaving one of his cheeks red and bruised.


"You think because your an alpha or because your rich you can talk to people any way you want? Don't ever touch me again... just leave.. just leave me alone" Deidara yelled. His voice began to shake near the end of his sentence and tears began welled up in his eyes. Itachi noticed Deidaras hands were trembling and felt instant regret for the way he had so roughly handled him minutes earlier. He acted inappropriately as he had rarely been challenged or opposed by anybody in life making this a new experience for him.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you or grabbed you like that. It was wrong of me" Said Itachi as he came to his senses. As guilty as he was feeling, he found the cute face deidara was making pleasurable.

Deidara who was both slightly embarrassed and hungover slammed his head into Itachis chest. Itachi wrapped his arms around Deidaras waist which provoked another interesting reaction. Stunned, Deidara pushed against Itachis chest but still Itachi refused to let go.

"What are you doing?!" Deidara shrieked

"Holding you..." Itachi patronised.


"Your so slim. It's cute."

Itachis actions in contrast to his previous ones and harsh words confused Deidara.

"You must be bipolar!" Deidara concluded as he wriggled out of Itachis grip.

Itachi held onto his bruised cheek which served as a constant reminder to him that he had mistreated somebody he only intended to be kind to.

"I think I like you..." Itachi came to a realisation and didn't think to keep it to himself. Admittedly, this confession somewhat flustered Deidara.

"AaI don't think you know what it means to like somebody. Have you ever even dated before" Deidara replied.

"I've had girlfriends, I even dated this one girl for two whole weeks. But I'll admit I've never been with a man. I never even considered that I was gay but Im attracted to you so I guess I am" Itachi rambled.

"By dated you mean slept with?" Deidara confirmed.

"What's the difference?" responded itachi evoking a sigh from Deidara.

"So when you say you like me, you mean you want to sleep with me?"

Itachis gaze drifted away as he contemplated Deidaras question intensely.

"To an extent yes... but I mainly want to get to know you better" Itachi responded honestly.

Deidara didn't know what to think of this sudden unexpected confession from his childhood love. This would've made the younger him so happy however his current self was feeling uneasy. He couldn't deny that he was attracted to Itachi and felt unusually bonded to him however this was all clouded by the fact he hated Itachis character and didn't know if he could ever grow to accept it.

Deidara grabbed Itachis phone and logged in his number, remembering that he'd recently deleted Itachis number.

"I'm not so easy that a measly confession would change my opinion on how crazy you are. For the last time I'll ask you to leave. Don't contact me until you've sorted it out." Deidara said knowing fully well Itachis nasty attitude would never change.

"That being said... I'll be waiting for your call" Deidaras tone softened.

Itachi took this as a victory, believing Deidara to also like him resulting in a mischievous grin . He trailed kisses from Deidaras cheeks to his neck causing Deidara to quickly jump away.

"Stop doing things like that without warning!!" He yelled

"It's your fault, you keep making cute faces."

Deidara ignored Itachis ignorant comment and pushed him towards the door. He struggled since Itachi was considerably heavy and he wasn't the strongest of men due to his omega frame however without so much as a goodbye Deidara successfully slammed the door in Itachis face.

Itachi couldn't help but laugh, finding everything the petite blonde did irresistibly cute and funny. He went home after spending longer than expected at Deidaras house with a new plan of action to win over the blonde.

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