《Harry Styles One Shots》Texts to each other



yes, babeeee?

can you do me a favour?

anything for you

can you run out to the shops to get ice cream and rent a movie that DOESNT HAVE super heroes or zombies, monsters, robots, guns, you do know that I can go on forever, right?

but what's wrong with superman or Ironman? There the best, but seeing you want a good movie, ok, fine, but, but, I have to get a movie with ironman in it for next time.

fine :) Don't forget the ice cream, somehow you always forget about it

no I don't!

yes! You do!

oh shush, I'll get the things now, see you soon, I love you xx

Ha! You just admitted that you always forget the ice cream haha! I love you xx

This is why I love you xx

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