《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 35
My eyes flutter open to soft snores in my ear. I smile instantly as I remember everything from last night.
My cheeks heat up as I look at the wreckage surrounding our bed.
The dress I wore last night in pieces on the ground along with my tights.
Greyson's jeans ended up outside of the tent somehow. And the food is splattered out of the picnic basket because Grey hastily pushed off the bed.
I hug Greyson closer to my body as I look up to his face.
Raising slightly I plant a soft kiss on his lips to wake him. When I pull away I see his eyes slowly opening. "Good morning," I smile widely.
His eyes close again to the bright light of the morning sun, but he still smiles. "Morning," he breathes finally opening his eyes all of the way.
Lazily he blinks tucking my messed hair behind my ear to get it out of my face. "I could get used to this," he says softly. His voice still laced with sleep.
I chuckle quietly turning over to my stomach to get a better look at him. Propping myself up on my elbows. "Used to what?"
He smirks smugly placing his hand on my shoulder and running his fingers up and down my arm. "Waking up next to you," He smiles before leaning in next to my ear, "Naked."
Pushing him away my eyes instantly go wide. I drop my head, hiding my face as blush creeps up my neck.
I hear rustling in the blankets and then the sudden warmth of a finger under my chin, pulling my head up.
Greysons sat up exposing his bare chest. "You're too adorable," he coos before leaning in and kissing me.
It's brief but I still get lost in it. "I love you," I mumble against his lips, my eyes opening to look at him.
I smirk once I see the huge smile on his face. "Say it again," he teases.
Biting my lip to suppress my smile, I look up to him through my eyelashes. "I love you," I whisper.
Grey then suddenly smacks his forehead falling dramatically back on the bed. "I'm never going to get sick of you saying that."
I laugh shaking my head.
Suddenly my shoulder is pushed so that I'm laying down, only for weight to appear over me.
I raise my eyebrow as he smiles down to me. "How'd I get paired with someone as beautiful as you?" His voice is soft as he pushes hair away from my face.
"You're so cheesy," I breathe looking down to his lips.
Right now the mate bond is begging me to just kiss Greyson.
Most of the time I want to have control over the bond, but sometimes you just have to give into it.
This is one of those times.
I watch Greyson wanting him to just kiss me. When he makes no action, I growl softly. Being impatient I grab his face pulling it down and meeting him halfway.
He breathes deeply into the kiss as he runs his hands down the side of my legs
As it starts to get more intense and heated Greyson suddenly pulls away abruptly.
I growl pulling him back, though after just one more second of bliss he pulls away again.
Growling again stubbornly I look up to him as his eyes are dark and apologetic.
He smirks at my stubbornness. "As much as I want to stay, there's people waiting for us to get back." He sighs but quickly replaces it with a smug look. "I'm afraid if we keep at this we're going to be here all day."
I roll my eyes but not before my face breaks into a red blush.
I watch as he rolls off of me standing up and stretching.
Laughing, I covering my eyes. "Come on, you've already seen everything." I laugh harder splitting my fingers peeking through them. "Perv," he remarks once we make eye contact.
I scoff throwing the pillow I was laying on at him. He dodges it waving a finger at me, as he clicks his mouth scornfully.
Rolling my eyes I sit up clutching the blanket to my chest.
Sighing I look around this beautifully decorated tent. "I'm going to miss this tent," I find myself blurting.
Greyson looks back to me as he walks to the entrance. "Don't worry, we'll be back tonight. We still have to take it down, and maybe some other tasks." He winks slyly making me roll my eyes once again. "Come on, lets head back," He motions me to follow as he quickly shifts into his wolf.
I sigh slipping out of the blankets finding Grey's back turned to me.
Quickly shifting as I well, I walk to his side looking up to him. "Race back?" He asks, his tail wagging automatically.
"Let's go Hudson, and I can assure you I can beat you," I reply bumping his side.
He growls playfully making me do the same. Though I wasn't expecting him to knock me to the ground and take off running. "That's not fair!" I yell hurriedly getting up and taking off after him.
"I love you!" He laughs as I trail behind him.
Once we get to the pack house I'm right behind Greyson.
So I do what any rational person would do, I tackle him.
We both fall to the ground in a tangled mess. Rolling over each other before I catch myself back in my feet.
Grey stands opposite of me crouched and ready to pounce. "I win," he says.
"There's no way. You cheated!" I say, lurching towards him. He does the same.
We tackle each other to the ground again, rolling and wrestling. Both of us trying to get the upper hand on the other.
Greyson playfully nips my neck making me growl loudly pushing him away only for him to run at me again relaying my growl.
I grab onto his ear making him snarl, pushing me down.
I almost laugh until my chest is pushed and then pinned under large paws.
"I told you, I won."
I push my paw against his face, rolling my eyes.
"We thought something bad was happening out here with all the noise. But it's just you two," a voice suddenly appears to my right making me finally realize how close we actually are to the house.
Seb stands there with his arms crossed, Faye follows giving us a smug look.
"Just trying to show who's boss," Grey links us. I snap at him again getting annoyed. "She's obviously not taking it lightly."
They both snicker at us, walking over with clothes for us to change in to.
Grey finally gets off of me but not before I kick him in the gut, getting a warning growl.
Quickly we shift back changing into the hoodie and leggings Faye gave me.
I walk back out from behind the tree combing my fingers through my messy hair.
"Willa your hair!" Fate screams making me snap my head up.
She comes running to me grabbing my hair in her hands examining it. "Did I cut too much?" I ask still feeling uncertain.
"No! It looks amazing! You look hot," She wiggles her eyebrows.
"She's not wrong," Greyson whispers behind me, kissing my cheek before walking off with Seb.
"See you even get the mate stamp of approval and the best friend stamp of approval."
Rolling my eyes I give her a small hug before we all start walking to the front of the house.
Catching up to Grey I interlace our fingers together as he sends me a small smile. But when we make to to the front I freeze.
I can't help it when a smile tarts twitching upon my lips.
People are outside talking, as kids run and play around with each other. People walking in and out of the house like it's their home. "I told everyone that they could come back to the house anytime they wanted. I guess everyone missed it and that's why there's so many here," Greyson shrugs as we continue to walk to the front door.
"This is amazing, I feel so-" I pause looking for the words. But when I find them I can't help but smile largely. "-at home."
My smile grows when a little boy running with a football squeezes between our linked hands.
We look back to the small boy giggling. He spins around to say sorry, but when sees Grey his face goes pale. "Sorry Alpha! I did-" before he has time to finish his apology Grey walks up to him ruffling his hair.
"You're okay kiddo, go have fun with your friends," the little boy gives him a toothy smile, only noticing his two front teeth gone.
"He's always been good with kids," Faye links me making me look back to her. I give her a bright smile. I can't seem to take it off my face.
Once we make it inside we go to the kitchen where I see Greyson's parents laughing to each other while Koda is sat with Lillie helping her color. Along with a few other people mingling and eating.
"We're back!" Seb yells, getting a running start to sit on the counter.
Faye goes to sit next to Lillie and Koda.
I raise my eyebrows looking up to Greyson. He looks down to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
My eyes go wide when i hear a loud shriek making me look over to Penélope worried. My eyebrows furrow when i see her jumping up and down excitedly. "You guys mated!" She screams happily.
The room instantly grows quiet as all attention is pulled to us.
I go stiff feeling my whole body go red. Everyone's eyes watching us.
She quickly runs, enveloping us in hugs. She kisses Grey's cheek quickly before pulling back.
"You didn't have to tell everybody Mom," Grey whispers making me blush even deeper.
She scoffs waving him off, "It's nothing to be ashamed of dear," she glances to me. "I sort of have the talent of knowing when couples mate for the first time." She raises her eyebrow prancing back to Liam as he just shakes his head at his wife.
Though his smile is priceless. "Penelope," He chuckles.
"Mom what does mated mean?" Lillie innocently. Faye quickly stretches over the table covering Lillie's mouth.
"Something you will learn when you're older," Faye tells her. She suddenly pulls away her hand brushing it on her tight dress, glaring at Lillie. "Thanks for licking me you little brat."
"Then don't be a poopy head," Lillie retorts making everyone laugh.
Her and I make eye contact and her face lights up. She scrambled out of the chair running to me. Little arms wrap around my legs making me look down to a smiling Lillie. "Willa!" She yells making me pick her up in my arms.
"Hey princess," I say giving her a hug.
"Woah woah there. You give her a hug before your own brother?" Greyson asks in disbelief making me laugh lightly.
Lillie just holds my neck tighter as my face smooshes against hers. "She's nicer," she defends sticking her tongue out at him.
"Oh really?" He raises his eyebrow quickly snatching Lillie from me as she squeals.
"Willa save me!" She yells as Grey throws her over his shoulder.
I make I move to get her back, but not before Greyson snatches my waist lifting me off the ground.
He throws me over his shoulder with ease. "Greyson!" I yell hitting his back.
"What am I going to do with you two?" He chuckles.
"You could put us down," I deadpan as all the blood rushes to my head.
"Yeah. What she said," Lillie butts in after I hear a loud smack. She must've smacked him too.
"You guys are too cute," Penelope says quietly.
"Fine I'll put you guys down, we have to make the welcoming speech anyways," he says putting us down to the ground.
"We?" I ask.
He smiles pulling me to him. "Yes, we. It's time for you to become an official Luna."
"And the initiation wasn't enough?" Grey chuckles at my nervous state.
"Come on, it's not as bad as it seems. I'll be right next to you the whole time." He reassures me kissing my forehead briefly.
As I walk to the entrance of the pack house I see everyone following us or walking in front us.
Grey steps before me as I follow behind. I inhale a shaky breath as I hear everyone's voices.
Hiding behind Grey he stops in the doorway of the house.
Panicked I look behind me to find the trio along with Grey's family all watching and listening for him to start. I look to them for help, while Koda and Faye shrug.
Seb takes his finger tracinging across his neck while lipping the words, 'You're dead.'
Well, before Faye punches his shoulder.
"Hello everyone!" Greyson's voice booms loudly silencing everyone instantly. Making me jump and turn my attention to him. "It's amazing to see everyone's faces again, I missed you guys." He chuckles along with everyone else. "Now, you guys haven't been formally introduced yet to your Luna, so I'll her do that herself." My eyes go wide as Greyson steps aside revealing me to the whole pack.
Grey places his hand on my back ushering me forward as I take timid steps. "Hey," He says making me look to him. "You're fine, you can do this," he tells me softly as I give him a small nod.
You got this, we got this. We're the Luna to all of them. All of those people are our people, our pack. Speak to them.
I take a deep breath looking around the crowd "Hi," I squeak making me cringe instantly. Quiet laughter echos in the crowd.
I swallow deeply before Grey reaches and grabs my hand giving it a tight squeeze.
"As most of you know my name is Willa, Willa Anderson. Most of you also probably know that I believed I was a human for most of my life." I nod starting to feel more confident. "Though now that I know I'm a werewolf I couldn't be more happy," I can't help but smile when I hear a few cheers and whistles. "But I can tell you now that I am honored to be your Luna. I can feel the love in this pack and it makes me so happy that I can call this pack my own. That I now can call this pack my family," I finish off with a small smile on my face.
My eyes planted to the ground, I finally look up when I hear a silent crowd.
Did I totally bomb that speech?
My eyes widen when I see person by person start to go down on their knee, kneeling before me bowing their head. "Wh-" I stutter as the whole crowd goes down.
I glance behind me to see everyone else kneeled behind me. Even little Lillie with Liam and Penelope.
When I feel Greyson's hand slip from mine I quickly look over to him. I watch with wide eyes as he smiles to me before looking down, kneeling.
What's going on?
They're kneeling to show you their respect. They respect and trust in you Willa.
I cover my mouth looking to everyone around me. "Please guys, please stand up. I'm just me, you don't need to kneel," I stutter.
But when nobody gets up and stays planted to the ground I burst. I feel my tears stroll down my cheeks as I smile largely.
I have a family again.
I feel arms tightly wrap around me. Sensing it's Greyson I wrap my arms around him, not taking the smile off my lips. "Please everyone, go enjoy the rest of the day. You're dismissed," Grey tells them and like clockwork their heads look up and they all stand up going back to what they were doing before.
"I'm proud of you," He whispers making my hold tighten.
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