《Destiny Untold》Chapter 10


Maddox scowls at his Gamma, feeling unreasonably irritated at his timing. Looking at the clock he sees he is actually right on time for their scheduled meeting. He was the one who lost track of time, too lost in the essence of Amara to pay attention to what was going on around them. If he had, he would have heard Min’s approaching footsteps.

Before Amara walked in he had been getting some information together for it. After she stepped in though, whatever thoughts he had about pack business had been shoved to the back of his mind. All he could feel, and see, and taste, was her. Rolling his shoulders to release some tension Maddox stubbornly ignores his still raging cock and goes to sit in his chair. The Alpha tries to reign in his annoyance but the stupid knowing smile on Min’s face is not helping in the least. I was so close.

"You planning on grinning like a moron all day or can we get started?" Maddox asks gruffly. His short tone would normally cause people to shrink away. On Min, it only seems to add to his amusement. "Come on man! you know I'm just messing with you. Admit it Mads, you're probably glad I came in when I did".

Looking at his lifelong friend, Maddox lets out a sigh. His Gamma may be a pain in the ass but he is an incredibly perceptive pain in the ass. "Maybe...it doesn't really matter".

Min leans back making himself comfortable "You decided to keep some distance between you and Amara. Allow her the freedom to gradually get to know the pack. To get to know you. Are you regretting that?"

Maddox absentmindedly scratches at his bear and gives the question serious thought. He has to remind himself of the reasons he had for doing so. He may have the occasional impulsive streak and aggressive tendencies when he knows what he wants. On the whole, though, Maddox prides himself on being a man, an Alpha, who thinks things through from every possible angle.


He has waited a long time for Amara, which is something she isn't even aware of. He had chosen to keep his distance for a reason. Before, when that meant waiting years while not even being in the same pack, it wasn't easy but he had the patience and conviction to see it through. Now that she is here and so close... it's a very different story.

"I don't regret it. My reasoning is still valid but fuck does he birthday need to hurry the hell up” Maddox grumbles but there is a playfulness back in his eyes and the tilt of his lips. The fire scorching through his veins has dimmed to a simmer and that is how it better damn well stay for now.

Min chuckles and shakes his head “I don’t envy you brother” is his reply before delving into the information he had been gathering for Maddox. It is time to focus on his duties for the day. He manages to keep his mind mostly clear as he works but there is nothing to distract him once he is in the shower, vividly envisioning where things could have gotten earlier with his hand gripping his shaft and her name on his lips as he paints the shower wall with the evidence of his need for her.

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