《help wanted - Harry Styles au》Chapter 35
The sound of the keys from a piano filled the house, an unfamiliar tune being played. I glanced around the room, the bed was empty beside me, blanket messily thrown onto the side. I groaned as I let my body stretch, my mind wandered to last night and a smile formed at my face as I touched my lips.
I quickly got out of bed throwing on my underwear and Harry's shirt that was laying on the floor next to me, I brushed my teeth quickly before quietly making my way to the living room where the music was coming from.
Harry sat on the piano bench, his back towards me as his hands grazed across the keys gently. I could hear him humming to himself as he played.
"What are you playing?" I asked, sitting on the arm of the couch not too far from the piano. Harry's head turned to me, a smile displayed on face. His arms reached out for me and his hands scrunched open and close repeatedly, signaling me to go to him. I chuckled at the childish action but walked into his open arms, wrapping my own around his hand and pulling him into me.
"Good morning, angel." He said muffled against my body. "Have a good sleep?" He tilted his head up to face me, I nodded and lowered my head to plant a soft kiss onto his lips. He hummed with approval.
"Come on, I wanna play something for you." He stood from the bench and led me to the couch again, grabbing the guitar that was placed on the stand next to the couch.
"You remember that song I started to write?" Harry asked, I nodded my head remembering the short lyrics he had made up. "Well I finished it.. And I want you to hear it." He grinned.
"I'd love to." I smiled, bringing my legs up on the couch, hugging them against my chest. Harry played a few chords on the guitar to make sure it was in tune. He glanced at me and took a deep breathe, I could tell he was nervous and it made this moment that much more special.
If I could fly
I'd be comin' right back home to you
I think I might
Give up everything, just ask me to
Pay attention, I hope that you listen
'Cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless
I leaned in a little closer, listening to every single word that left his lips as he strummed on the guitar. My eyes shut, letting my mind completely absorb the lyrics and the music.
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
My lips smiled at the familiar words and tune, my heart beating incredibly fast as he sang.
I've got scars
Even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard
But now you're here and I don't feel a thing
Pay attention, I hope that you listen
'Cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless
I opened my eyes, meeting his that were already glued on me. My eyes scanned over his face repeatedly, taking in every curve and crease. I was absolutely mesmerized by the way his lips moved as he sang, the way his green eyes were focused completely on me.
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
I can feel your heart inside of mine
I feel it, I feel it
I've been goin' out of my mind
I feel it, I feel it
Know that I'm just wastin' time
And I hope that you don't run from me
My heart ached at the last words.. I'd never run from Harry. Not now, not ever. The words to the song were so raw, so real. Harry and I have both been through so much trauma. It was hard for either one of us to open up to anyone, yet it was so natural and easy for us to lean onto one another. We were completely defenseless.
His strumming slowed to a stop, I thought he was done but he placed two fingers on my chin, tilting it up and closer to his face. He opened his mouth to continue to sing, this time his volume was much lower, closer to a whisper. By now tears began to form in my eyes, feeling absolutely wrecked by the power in these lyrics.
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
He finished by planting his lips onto mine, holding us there for a moment. Tears fell down my cheek slowly.
"Harry.." I whispered, my eyes locked onto his, vision slightly blurry from the tears. "I love it." I said, a smile forming on both of our faces. "The lyrics.. They're so full of emotion.. so raw.. So us." Harry nodded his head, placing the guitar back onto the stand before scooping me up into his arms.
"I'm glad you like it. It's probably my favorite song that I've written. I just.." Harry took another deep breathe before speaking again. "I wanted to put into words how you make me feel. I know I've said it before, but before you came around I was closed off. I was falling apart, a complete mess after Dani died. I had walls, and nobody could get through them." Harry's eyebrows scrunched as he talked.
"But then... you. You made it so easy for me to let my guard down. To be open to talking about my hurts, my scars. You saw my hurts and pains without me having to say a single word." Harry's arms tightened around me as he brought me even closer to his. You're the only one I'll ever love again. When I'm with you, everything else is a blur. The stress from work disappears. The pain that I've been clinging on to for so long, completely dissolves. Nobody else can do that for me. Just you, Anastasia. Only you." He whispered against my head.
My chest tightened at his words, feeling the tears starting to form once again in my eyes. We clung onto each other for what felt like hours, just hugging each other and whispering sweet nothings to one another.
Harry eventually fell asleep against me, arms clung around my torso as we laid on the couch. My fingers ran through his hair over and over again. I've never felt so safe in my life, so secure with somebody.
After every man in my life has let me down, I've been given this gift from the heavens. I never believed in fate or destiny, the thought that two people were destined to be together out of the billions of people that walked the earth. There's no way that there was one person specifically made for you. The thought alone was bizarre and crazy, just a stupid concept for hopeless romantics. And I am not a hopeless romantic. Or so I thought.
Call it what you will, fate, destiny, a fucking coincidence. Harry is my person. I'm certain of it.
"Do we really have to go back tomorrow." I pouted at Harry who was cooking us dinner.
"Sadly, yes." He laughed. "Can't leave our kids to fend for themselves, now can we?" Harry raised his eyebrow at me.
"I suppose not." I sighed, walking towards him to see what he was cooking.
"Taste." He said, lifting the wooden spoon to my lips, I took a sip and moaned in approval. He laughed, taking a taste of his own.
"Hmm.. Deja vu." I smiled. "Except now, I can do this." I tippy toed so I could kiss his lips.
"Oooo, yes. Do that again." He wrapped his free arm around my waist, bringing me close to him, kissing me again.
"Okay, okay. Enough of that. Finish cooking my food." I patted his butt as I left the kitchen and entered the bedroom. I pulled out my duffle bag and rummaged through it till I found what I was looking for. I lifted up the lingerie set that I brought for tonight, I tilted my head, not sure how to get into this. I laid it out on the bed, going into the restroom to see what state my hair was in.
I wanted to look sexy for Harry, it was our last night alone together and I wanted to take advantage of every moment. I fluffed up my hair a little bit, hoping to achieve a sort of messy but still sexy look. I reapplied my mascara and put on some chapstick to my lips.
I grabbed the lingerie and put it on under my sweats and t shirt, hopefully he'll be pleasantly surprised after dinner.
"Anastasia! Food's ready!" Harry called from the kitchen, I jumped slightly at his voice but yelled back that I would be right out. I took one more look in the mirror and nodded.
"Let's get laid." I said to myself before heading back to Harry.
"There you are, come on let's eat. The night is still young!" Harry grinned, the food was plated already and placed across from each other.
"Looks delicious." I licked my lips before sitting down.
"Yeah, you do." Harry winked at me. Harry's hair was growing out, his hair pushed back and out of his face with a hairband. We ate our food, conversing about future plans for the rest of the year. Harry had a business trip next month, leaving me alone with the kids for a week.
"My mom's death anniversary is next week." I said, my eyes not meeting Harry's this time. I swallowed the food in my mouth and took a sip of the wine. "I just wanted to let you know.. in case I seem off to you." My eyes glanced up towards his, he stopped chewing on the food, nodding his head at my words.
"Do you want to go see her?" Harry asked carefully. My eyebrows furrowed together, his question hurt me, not his fault but completely my own.
"I haven't gone to see mom in 3 years.." I whispered, my head fell, ashamed of myself. I didn't mean to turn the night into this.
"Hey, hey.. It's okay.." Harry leaned forward, grasping onto my hand. "You're okay.. We can see her if you want, and only if you want." Harry comforted me, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.
"I do want to see her.. I just don't know what I'd say. I haven't visited her in so long.. God, she probably thinks I'm an awful daughter." I sighed, a chuckle left my mouth in a sick and twisted way.
"No, I'm sure she doesn't think that. She's literally watching over you, she knows your heart." Harry said, "Everyone mourns differently." I nodded my head.
"Yes. I'd like to go visit her." I nodded again, convincing myself more than Harry. We can all go see her, I'm sure she'd love to formally meet you guys." Harry smiled and nodded at my request. Once we were done eating, we gathered our dirty dishes and put them away in the sink.
"Thank you, Harry." I said, grabbing onto his arm. "For dinner, for this trip, for everything. Thank you for taking care of me." I sighed happily, Harry moved in front of me, his hand cupping my cheek.
"I promise, I will always take care of you, my love." He said, kissing my forehead. "C'mon, let's go for a bath." Harry tugged on my arm, leading me to the bedroom, my heartbeat quickened as we walked.
Okay Anastasia. Get it together, channel your inner beast. What would Tina tell you to do right now? I shook the nerves out of me while Harry turned on the water for the tub. I gathered us some towels and lit some candles as he prepped the bath.
"Oh, I forgot my phone, let me go grab it so I can play some music." I rushed out the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
"Okay, okay. Okay, Anastasia. Here goes nothing." I said to myself, pulling off my sweats and shirt. With one final deep breathe, I walked back into the bathroom, Harry had his back turned to me as he poured some bath soap into the tub, bubbles forming in the water.
He must've heard me shut the door and glanced backwards, before turning back to the water. Then his head snapped back at my body, the closed bottle dropping onto the floor. His eyes were slightly wide, mouth dropped open as he glanced up and down my body repeatedly. I smirked, satisfied with his reaction.
I slowly walked towards him, internally cringing at how stupid I probably look right now.
"Y-You look.. wow." Harry said just above a whisper, "When did you get this?" He asked, his hands finding their way onto my hips.
"Tina convinced me to buy it.. been saving it for something special." I shrugged, the smirk still on my face. Harry pulled me into his body with a quick snap, his lips attached onto mine immediately.
"As hot as you look with this on, I can't wait to get it off of you." Harry muttered between kisses. He quickly shrugged off his own clothes, grabbing onto my ass. Safe to say this getup did the trick. He turned me around and pushed my over the sink, dropping to his knees. He kneaded my butt with his hands before giving it a sharp slap, causing me to hiss through my teeth.
"Mmmm, you look so good like this for me, angel." He grunted, pushing my underwear to the side. "Such pretty lips." He muttered, his finger grazing over my entrance, making me groan at the feeling.
His tongue licked over my pussy, hands caressing and squeezing my ass as he ate me out. I held on to the surface of the sink, trying to find anything to keep me stable. I stood on my tippy toes, chest pressed flat against the sink as Harry pushed his tongue into me.
"Oh, Harry. That's it, baby." I praised him, pushing my ass back against his face. "Such a good boy.." I tested, Harry's always been in charge, but tonight I wanted to test my dominance, see how he liked it. Harry groaned at my comment, his tongue pushing into my entrance before pulling out, repeating his actions over and over.
"You like how my pussy tastes, Harry? You like how warm and wet I am for you, baby?" I continued, Harry moaned and nodded his head. "Be a good boy and put a finger in me." I panted out, moaning instantly when he follows my orders. His finger pushed in and out of me as he continued to keep his lips on my pussy, sucking my folds into his mouth.
"Tastes so good, Ana." He mumbled, licking up my juices. I stood from my position, pulling him up to his feet, before dropping onto my knees. Harry wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he watched me intently. His mouth stayed slightly open as he stared at me put his length in my mouth.
His mouth opened slightly wider as I took him, letting his tip hit the back of my throat. I glanced up at him through my lashes as I bobbed my head on his dick. Praises left Harry's lips as I worked.
"Just like that, baby. Such a good girl, taking my entire length." His eyes rolled back as I gagged slightly on him, saliva was oozing out of my mouth as he began to thrust into my mouth, his hands pulling my hair up in his hands. "Pinch me if it's too much." He said, quickening his thrusts into my mouth. Tears began to form into my mouth as he hit the back of my throat immediately.
"Take it, I know you can take it baby girl. Such a pretty sight to see you slob all over me like this, angel." He grunted, fucking into my mouth. But Harry, didn't come, he pulled my head away from him and picked me up off the ground, wiping my face with his hands. He quickly undid the hooks on the lingerie, letting it fall off my body before we climbed into the hot water.
Harry sat and laid his legs out, letting my straddle his lap. I groaned when the hot water touched my skin, enjoying the warmth it provided for me. Harry kissed my lips softly, before moving onto my neck. He sucked on the skin harshly and I had to pull back.
"Don't leave marks, only here." I pointed to my chest, Harry happily obliged, attaching his lips to my chest, sucking harshly. I moaned at the sensation and was surprised when he slipped his length into me without warning.
My head tilted back as he filled me up completely, I moaned, feeling him nudge my sweet spot.
"Oh fuck." I let out a shaky breathe. Harry chuckled against my skin, amused with my reaction at his sudden movement.
"So warm... Feels so good, angel." Harry's head fell back onto the tub as I began to move against his length, grinding myself down onto him. Harry was smart enough not to fill the water up too much, probably guessing what this bath was going to end in. The way sloshed around us, but thankfully not tipping out of the tub.
Harry's hands gripped my waist tightly, thrusting up ever so slightly into me, matching my movements.
"Look at me." He grunted, my eyes locked onto his as I bounced onto him, wanting to feel him hit my g spot. Both our mouths stayed open, moans and gasps leaving as he pounded into me. My eyes never left his the entire time, whenever I closed my eyes he would demand that I opened them.
"That's it.. ride my cock, Ana." Harry supported my hips as I rode him, I gripped onto the sides of the tub, afraid I'd lose balance. "Fuck I'm going to cum if you keep doing that.." He groaned as I clenched my pussy every time I sunk down onto him. I smirked at him, his face scrunching up, I knew he was gonna let go soon.
"Cum for me, Harry.. Cum inside me, let me feel you." I whispered, not stopping my movements. Harry moaned out as his hips met with mine, pushing me down onto him even harder. Within seconds Harry's head fell back and his eyes were scrunched shut as I felt him shoot his load into me.
I loved watching him come undone, it's a sight I'd never get tired of seeing. His eyes and nose always scrunched up, his mouth parted as the sweet sound of his moans escaped his lips. I stopped my movement, sliding off of his length and letting myself rest against him.
"You did so good, angel." Harry praised me, kissing my shoulders. I nodded and smiled, letting out a deep breathe as we caught our breathes.
"Let's take a shower in a bit.. I'm sure the kids are dripping out of you now." I felt Harry chuckle.
"Oh gross, don't make it weird." I laughed slapping his chest playfully.
"I love you, H." I sighed happily.
"I love you too, Ana." He kissed my head, I listened to his heartbeat as it slowed down. His hands played with the ends of my hair as we sat in the luke warm water. This is my happy place.
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