《help wanted - Harry Styles au》Chapter 36
1 month later
Positive... Postive, postive, positive.
My heart raced as I stared at the results. This can't be happening. It wasn't supposed to be like this. My life was just starting to look up, and now this? What was I gonna do.
"Don't look so down." Mommsy said beside me, a smile on her face but the pain hiding behind it was still very evident.
"Mommsy, you just told me you have cancer. I think the way I'm reacting is pretty reasonable." I frowned at her, my eyes glanced back at the lab results she gave me. "When did you find out?" I looked back at her, she sighed and took a seat next to me on the couch.
"3 weeks ago." She muttered out. My jaw dropped at her words the papers fell out of my hands and onto her coffee table.
"3 WEEKS. Mommsy why are you just now telling me?!" I raised my voice, hands balling up into a fist.
"Because I knew you would react like this!" She scoffed, hands gesturing to my tense body. "I am okay, I've lived a wonderful life. If the Lord decides to take me home, I will go with a joyful heart." She smiled at me. I have no idea how she is so calm right now.
Tears formed at my eyes, mommsy was my rock, my cornerstone. The thought of her leaving me was enough to break my heart.
"When do you start treatment? You're going to do treatment right?" I raised an eyebrow at her. She let out a long sigh before responding.
"I don't want to.. But I knew that you would insist. Bunny, I have lung cancer. I could try to fight is as much as I want but let's face it.. I'm 80 years old, my body is weak.. and tired." She spoke sadly. "If you really want me to, I'll go through chemo. But if I'm being honest with you, I don't want to. I want to live the the little life I have left with you, with the people I love." Her hands grasped onto mine as she spoke.
"I don't want to be poked with needles every day, I don't want to lose more hair than I already have. I want to be at peace with my body, I want to rest. I love you, Anastasia. You are my everything. I'm sorry that I have to put you through this." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breathe. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her.
"Don't.. Don't apologize. This isn't your fault.. But we're gonna see this through. We're gonna get through this together. I promise." I kissed her forehead.
"I gotta go, Mommsy.. But I'm gonna look over these pamphlets you gave me and then we can talk about the best course of action we can take, okay?" I asked, getting everything together and sliding them into my bag.
"Let me know when you get home, okay? I'll come over this weekend okay? Love you." She kissed my head, walking me out to the front door. I waved goodbye, calling out a quick "Love you." Before pulling out of her driveway.
The drive home was excruciating, I drove in complete silence. My brain could hardly wrap itself around what I just learned. I tried to process the information, tell myself to be logical, don't overthink it.
"You've gone through too much, Anastasia. Don't let this be something else to add to your sorrows." Mommsy's voice played through my head. How could I not let this affect me?
By the time I got to the house, my brain was fried. I felt numb, I didn't know what to feel or think, I felt broken. I shut off the car, grabbing my stuff before entering through the garage door. Harry must've heard the door shut because I could hear him announce my entrance.
"Mommy's home!" Harry cheered to the kids. Everyone ran from the kitchen to the garage door to greet me. Harry's face instantly dropped as soon as he saw mine.
"What's wrong?" He was quick to approach me, putting his hands on my arms trying to get me to focus on him. I didn't say anything. I pulled out the results of Mommsy's labs and handed it to him. Before he could even take a look at what I put in his hands I walked past him and straight to our bedroom, wanting to be alone for just a little longer.
I dropped my bag onto the floor, stripping myself of my clothes and climbed into the shower, turning on the hot water. I took a deep breathe, letting the water run down my body.
It's been a while since I've felt like this, completely lost. Hot showers usually calm me down, it helps me think through my thoughts. Helps me relax.
I took deep breathes trying to calm down, don't think about it too much I kept repeating to myself. I yelled in frustration falling onto the shower floor, bringing my knees up to my chest, tears fell from my eyes relentlessly.
Sobs escaped my lips as the hot water rained down on me. I broke. My grandma, the only one that's always been there for me, is going to die. And there's nothing I can do about it. I sat on the shower floor for what felt like hours. Eventually a knock sounded through the bathroom, I didn't say anything, just kept my head down and knees tucked in my arms.
I heard the door open and close, a silhouette appeared at the shower door.
"Anastasia.. You've been in there for an hour.. please.." Harry pleaded. When I didn't say anything Harry opened the shower door, shutting off the water before squatting down to my level. "Look at me, Anastasia." Harry called, my head slowly turned to his, my eyes blood shot.
"Come on, your skin is bright red from the water. Geez." He mumbled to himself, grabbing a towel off the rack before wrapping it around me pulling me up to my feet and bringing me into his body. He didn't care that I was drenching him and his clothes, he didn't care that I wasted tons of water for me to cry in the shower.
"You're okay.." He whispered into my ear, rubbing my back softly. He guided me to my vanity, sitting me on the chair in front of the mirror, I glanced at myself and winced at my appearance. My hair was dripping water, eyes were red and puffy as was my nose. Harry was right, my skin was a bright red from the beating it took from the hot water.
"Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Harry said from behind me, staring at me through the mirror. He kissed the top of my head before walking to the closet, coming back with one of his t-shirts and a pair of my underwear.
"Thank you." I said quietly as I pulled on his t-shirt and my underwear. Harry hummed, grabbing a comb and combing through my tangled hair.
He continued to hum softly as he combed through my hair, I stared at his face as he did so. His eyes were soft, his face scrunched slightly every time he encountered a knot in my hair. Once we were done he pulled me to my feet, pulling all my hair to behind my back.
"Much better." He grinned at me through the mirror, causing a small smile to finally break onto my face.
"There it is.. There's that beautiful smile of yours." Harry whispered, kissing my cheek softly.
"Where are the kids?" I furrowed my eyebrows realizing he's been in here taking care of me.
"I dropped them off at the neighbors for a little bit. I knew I had to take care of you." Harry said simply, I frowned thinking he put me before the kids.
"Don't do that. They're fine. They love Mrs.Linda. She gives them cookies and they like her poodle." Harry chuckled, I nodded, letting myself relax.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Harry asked, referring to mommsy. I didn't, I most definitely did not want to talk about it. But I knew I had to.
"I don't know what to do." I said simply, we moved into the living room, settling on the couch. "She doesn't want treatment." I sighed.
"Did she say why?" Harry asked, pulling a blanket over the both of us.
"She said she doesn't want to go through the pain of chemo, she's ready to let go. She wants to spend the time she has left comfortable and happy." I repeated what she told me.
"Is that such a bad thing?" Harry asked, his eyes glued to mine. "I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, I just want to understand what you're thinking." Harry added in, not wanting me to assume he wasn't on my side.
"I get it. I understand where she's coming from. But.. the thought of her dying. I wouldn't know what to do." I explained. "You already know this, but she's the only family I truly had growing up. She took care of me. She's the only one that took care of me. Now I want to take care of her and she doesn't want me to." I frowned.
"She gave me these pamphlets to go over, just to give me a peace of mind I guess." I shrugged, looking through the small stack of pamphlets. "Am I a bad person?" I asked, looking up at Harry.
"For wanting her to go through the treatment.. I know it won't be easy.. But if It'll save her life.." I trailed off, realizing how stupid I sound.
"You're not a bad person." Harry said almost immediately. "You're a worried granddaughter. Reacting how any other good granddaughter would react." Harry rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.
"Do you want my opinion?" He asked, cautiously. I nodded my head, knowing his next words were probably going to be words I didn't want to hear. "I think you should fulfill her wishes." Harry said softly.
"I know.. I know that's not what you want to hear. But if the cancer is as bad as it says it is, why would we put her through even more pain than necessary?" Harry said, backing up what mommsy was saying to me. "It's gonna be hard.. But think about all the good happy memories you could have with her, not tied to machines. Look, she's not my grandma, so obviously I can't even imagine what you're thinking. Whatever you and mommsy decide, I'll support you both however I can." Harry wrapped his arm around me, bringing me into his chest.
"You're right.." I sighed. "I'll talk to mommsy.." Although, it's not what I want. I want mommsy to be happy. I want her to love the life she lives, and I most definitely don't her to resent me for forcing her to go through chemo.
"I'm gonna go get our kids, wanna reheat dinner? It's probably cold by now." Harry got up from the couch and pulled me up with him. I nodded my head before sauntering off to put some sweats on before he came back with the kids.
There was lasagna sitting on the kitchen island, I preset the oven to warm the dish. The kitchen was a mess, very evident that Harry was the one that cooked. I shook my head before piling all the dirty dishes into the dish. I wiped down the counters, glancing around the room.
I looked at the calendar, Harry's business trip was next week, Pen had a checkup tomorrow. I finished wiping down the counter, tossing the cloth into the laundry room.
I ran back into the kitchen to the calendar. Today's the 7th. I'm late.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. How did I not notice I was almost a whole two weeks late for my period. My eyes widened as I ran to our bathroom, I dug through my cabinets, tossing around the different bottles of medicines, band aids, tampons, wipes.
Pregnancy test.
I stared at the box in my hand, my heart beating incredibly fast in my chest. Should I take it? I should take it. Right?
"Anastasia!?" Harry's voice erupted into the house, the kids babbling along side it. I froze, shit.
"I'm in the restroom! Bad diarrhea!" I shouted back.
"Gross." Harry shouted with a laugh, I quickly locked the bathroom door before ripping open the box. Okay, Anastasia. Just pee on the sticks.
I sat on the toilet, pulling out the two pregnancy tests from the boxes, before peeing on them. I put the lids back onto the tests, flushing the toilet and tucking the empty box away back into the cabinet.
Three minutes. Three minutes.
Three minutes felt like 2 hours at this point, I was losing my mind as I stared at the tests, pacing back and forth in the bathroom.
Two weeks late, it's happened before. Nothing too crazy, I couldn't be pregnant, I'm on the pill. I'm probably just overthinking everything, right?
My phone buzzed in my pocket, my three minute timer going off. I shut my phone, closing my eyes and taking a deep breathe.
"Whatever happens, I will be okay." I said to myself. Opening my eyes and glancing at the tests in my hands.
A gasp left my mouth, my hand shooting to cover my mouth from letting any noise escaping. Pregnant, holy shit I'm pregnant. With Harry's baby. Fuck I've got to tell Harry.
I took a deep breathe, wiping my eyes from the tears that formed, this is good news. Right?
Harry's already mentioned wanting more kids in the future.. But this soon? We're not even married, we've only been together for 8 months, shit. Is he going to be happy?
I shook the nerves off , sniffling my nose and taking a deep breathe again. I shoved the tests into my pocket before joining the rest of the family in the kitchen. Everyone sat at the table, waiting for me.
"Woo, sorry. Don't know what happened to me." I chuckled, taking a seat in front of Harry. "Food looks great, by the way." I nodded at Harry.
We ate our food, Penelope told me all about what they did today while I was away at Mommsy's.
"We played in the backyard! Daddy pushed me sooo high on the swing! I felt like I was flying!" She laughed excitedly. "Danny was running and he tripped, that's why he has that booboo on his knee. But he's okay! Daddy gave him ice cream to make him feel better." Pen rambled on and on.
"Are you okay?" She stopped her rant and tilted her head at me. I nodded my head with a smile.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I smiled at her. Oh, I don't know, you just found out your grandma has cancer and oh yeah. You're fucking pregnant.
"You seem distracted." Harry answered for Pen, he too could sense my wandering mind. I shook my head, taking another bite of the lasagna.
"All good." I nodded, Pen shrugged and continued to talk but Harry's eyes studied my face.
We finished dinner and Harry got the kids ready for bed while I cleaned the dishes and put away the dry ones. I hummed to myself as I cleaned, letting myself relax for once today.
I smiled, thinking about the little tiny human that was in my stomach. I'm going to be a mom. Sure it's not ideal that it happened this soon.. But this is a good thing.
"Okay, are you finally gonna tell me what's got you all distracted?" Harry entered the kitchen, helping me put away that last of the dishes into the cupboards. I didn't say anything, I just reached into my pocket and pulled out the tests, placing them into Harry's hands.
His eyes widened, as soon as he caught sight of what it was. He brought the tests up, his mouth slightly parted. his eyes darted from the test to my eyes repeatedly. I chuckled, a smile on my face. I bit my lip slightly, not being able to tell what he was feeling at the moment.
Harry placed the tests on the counter, scooping me up into his arms, placing me to sit on the kitchen island while he settled between my legs. His lips met mine, his hands tangled in the roots of my hair. I smiled, knowing this was a good reaction.
"You're pregnant." He breathed out, a huge grin on his face. I nodded my head.
"We're pregnant." I corrected him. "Harry, we're having a baby." I laughed, I've never seen Harry smile this wide, the dimples on his face deep as he pulled me into his arms tightly.
"Oh my god, we're having a baby." He laughed, happily.
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