《Soulmates Yoongi x Reader》{12 Fansign in Busan pt. 3


{12 Fansign in Busan pt. 3

Your POV

After what seemed like hours you were still alone in the small office. Even though it had only been an hour, you thought the event must have surely ended by now. You sighed and continued mindlessly scrolling on your phone. What if he never shows up?

After another 30 minutes you heard sounds coming from the hallway, you put your phone away and nervously looked at the door. Your heart was reacting too, well not your heart, his, the second heartbeat was getting louder. So you knew it must be Yoongi who had made the sounds. You first heard footsteps in the hall getting closer and then they stopped right in front of the door. Your heart was pounding and so was Yoongi's. Then the door handle was pushed downward and the door slowly opened. Yoongi stepped inside the room and carefully closed the door behind him. He turned around but didn't move forward and just looked at you from a distance. Not saying anything. There was an awkward silence and the two of you just stared at each other. You didn't know what to do, one part of you wanted to run towards him, hug him and never let go. Another part of you told you to stay put, you didn't even know the man that was in front of you, how was it possible he was affecting you this much. It was ridiculous.

H-h-i-i'' The two of you stuttered together which resulted in another awkward moment followed by silence.

Yoongi was the first to break the silence again.

''Look,'' He sighed, ''I've never even wanted this to happen.''

Even though you had always thought the same this comment hurt you, infuriated you, but you didn't understand why.

''Well, at least we have something in common,'' You replied sarcastically and folded your arms in front of your chest. Yoongi looked taken aback for a moment, but then continued.


''It's just because I am a famous Kpop idol, just being seen with a girl can turn into a whole scandal, which can ruin an idol's career.'' Yoongi took a few steps towards you and looked at you with sadness in his eyes, ''It's not like I never wanted it to meet you, just not now.''

When he said that you felt guilt rushing over you, he had a point you had seen it before idols at their top of the career who after a scandal with a girl got so much hate they spiraled down. Your reasons for not wanting to find your soulmate were a lot more personal and selfish. However, now that you had met your other half, you were intrigued by him. No, not just intrigued, you were attracted to him and you wanted to get to know him. It hurt you that apparently, he wasn't feeling the same. Is was so confusing to feel so many emotions at the same time, anger, hurt, attraction, guilt, love. Love? Was it love that you were feeling?

''So, what do you want to do?'' You asked raising an eyebrow, ''Ignore it and act as it had never happened?''

''Yeah, pretty much,'' Yoongi replied shrugging.

Your face went blank and you stared at him. The thought of never seeing him again frightened you just as much as being with him forever.

''Won't that be like, bad for us or something?'' You asked him thinking back to your sleepless nights the previous weeks.

''What? No,'' He said laughing a little, ''I don't think that is how this whole thing works.''

His little laugh sounded like music to your ears, everything in you wanted to close the small space between you and hug him, but you couldn't, you couldn't do that. You hated this feeling, you hated him for making you feel this, this wasn't you, you would never hug an unknown man. You grabbed the edge of the table, to keep yourself from closing the small space between you.


''You sure?'' You asked uncertain of the whole situation, obviously, he hadn't been affected by the bond like you had been the past few weeks.

''I'm sure,'' Yoongi answered, ''We might be able to feel each other heartbeats, pain, and emotions but it's not like we need each other's presence to stay alive or something.''

You felt relieve wash over your body, at least that meant you hadn't completely lost your freedom. Maybe now that you both had met face to face the nightmares would be gone, that would also mean the doctor had been right and the two of you had half bonded. It would explain why he had not been affected by the soulmate bond the past weeks. He might have just not been aware of it. Then if that is the case maybe you could continue with your life, but now that you had met him was that still what you wanted? This man-made you feel like you had never felt before, the euphoria you had felt when the two had first touched. It had been so amazing. The feelings you felt now, just by looking at him, were amazing. It felt so good, like the two of you were meant to be.

''So, what are we going to do now?'' You asked him, somewhere you wanted him to change his mind. That he would say that he wanted to be with you, get to know you.

''Go home,'' He said shrugging.

Even though you weren't sure of your feeling for him, you felt disappointed when he had said that.

''Just like this?'' You asked furrowing your eyebrows.

''Yeah, what else?'' Yoongi replied.

''I don't know,'' You clenched your fists and shook your head, ''I don't know what to do with this whole situation.''

''I- Just-.'' Yoongi had trouble finding the right words, '' Let's just meet again in a few years.''

That was it you couldn't take this anymore, these conflicting feelings of hate and love for the same person were too much to take in.

''Fine!'' You said angrily, ''I'm going then.''

''Good,'' Yoongi replied.

You looked at him ones more and then started walking towards the door. Was this it? You thought when you placed your hand on the doorknob.


Back with another update!!!

Did you expect this to happen? What do you think is going to happen next?

Oh btw, what do you guys think of the length of the chapters? Are they okay? or are they too short? I keep them about the same length every time but I don't know if this a good length.

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