《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 11: Final Battle



"Step on it, Max!" Dani yelled as they sped down the road.

"Are they following us?" Max asked.

Allison turned to look behind them and didn't see anything. "No."

"Good." Max smiled.

Not even two seconds later, Winnie flew up beside Max and glared at him. "Pull over! Let me see your driver's permit." He laughed.

Max didn't move, and kept driving, which made Winnie stretch his hand out and grabbed his shirt.

Dani, Allison and (Y/n) grabbed onto Max and pulled him back and managed to get Winnie to release him for a moment, but he served back over to them.

"Ah, resisting arrest? Stealing my girlfriend? You're in a heap of trouble now, buddy!" Winnie grabbed his arm again, but Max elbowed him off, sending him flying back into the bushes.


Max screeched to a stop in front of the cemetery and they all piled out and entered through the gate.

Allison, Dani, Binx, and (Y/n) ran ahead and Max turned to follow them, but ran straight into the chest of Billy Butcherson making him fall back. Max quickly recovered and pulled out a small pocket knife, pointing it at him.

"Run, Dani, run!" Max yelled.

Allison and (Y/n) each grabbed Dani's hand and pulled her away to safety.

"Billy!" A voice called.

Max turned to see Winnie flying outside the gate. While he was distracted, Billy grabbed Max's arm, and pulled him back, so Max's back was to Billy's chest.

"Billy, listen to me! Kill him if you must. Just bring me that child, that Dani! And my (Y/n). And don't even think about trying to make a move on her again! She's mine!" Winnie threatened.

Billy wasn't listening. He just managed to wrestle the knife out of Max's hand.

"And put some wiggle in it, you putrid, festering sore! Don't dawdle, come along now."

Billy used the knife to cut the stitches on his lips. He opened his mouth and coughed out a bunch of dust and moths. He gasped for air, and looked up and Winnie with hatred in his eyes.

"Wench!" He rasped. "Monster! You fanged, mop riding, firefly from hell!" He shrieked.

Winnie growled in frustration.

"I've waited centuries to say that." Billy whispered to Max.

"Ugh, say what you want. Just don't breathe on me." Max cringed.

"Billy! I killed you once, and I shall kill you again, you maggoty malfeasance."

Billy just waved him off, and relax Max, leading him into the cemetery.


Billy and Max walked further in and caught up with Dani, (Y/n), Binx and Allison. When the four saw them approaching, Dani, Allison, and (Y/n) raised up the giant sticks they were holding.

"Max, run!"

"Look out!"

"Move out of the way!"

The girls charged at Billy, but Max stepped in front of them.

"No, no wait! No! No! He's a good zombie." Max explained.

"Come on. We'll have to hold them off until dawn." Binx said.

Max knelt down next to a duffel bag and opened it. He pulled out the salt and handed it to Allison, and then took out a baseball bat for himself.


Billy lead Dani over to Billy's open grave. "You'll be safe in here." He promised.

"Thank you."

Dani hopped into the hole, and Allison poured a circle of salt around her to protect her.

"Here they come!" Binx announced. "Billy, guard Dani. Max, Allison, (Y/n), spread out!"

Max stood in a protected stance, and swung his bat back, as Winnie floated down near him.

"For the last time, prepare to meet thy doom!"

Max swung at Winnie to try and draw him back, but Winnie just laughed at him.

"You little pest. I've had enough of you."

Max swung the bat again, but Winnie caught it in his hand and wrestled it out of his grip. He then charged forward towards Max, who ducked down out of the way.


Allison and (Y/n) poured some salt into their hands and threw it at Sarah as she flew at her, making her scream and spin in the air.


Winnie floated near Dani, and used his lightening to shoot down a tree branch near her, making her scream.

"Go to hell!" Billy yelled at him.

"Oh, I've been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely." Winnie said casually.

He charged towards Billy and kicked him in the face, knocking his head off, and letting it roll down a hill.


Sarah charged at Allison and (Y/n) again, and they tried to put more salt in their hands, but the container was empty. Allison threw it aside, and they both ducked down as Sarah flew over them.


Dani crawled out of the grave and grabbed Billy's head, and handed it back to his body, which was crawling near it.

"Billy, I think you dropped this."


Allison and (Y/n) ran over to Max and made sure they were all okay, before making their way back to Billy's grave, only to see that Dani was no longer in it.


Winnie yelled and swiped down at Dani, as she screamed, and snagged her around the waist, lifting her onto his broom.

"Bye-bye big brother!" Winnie cackled as he flew by. "Alright, you little trollimog." Winnie pulled out the vile and Dani screamed.

"Hold on, Dani!" Binx yelled, running past graves and up a tree.

Winnie took the cap off the potion and turned to Dani. "This'll teach you to call people ugly! And to say that I'm not good enough for my woman! Open your mouth!"

Binx ran up a tree branch and jumped onto Winnie's shoulder knocking the vile out of his hands.

Max ran forward and caught the vile in his hands and looked up and Winnie, just as he threw Binx off him, making him hit a rock.

"Give me that vile!" Winnie demanded.

"Put her down or I'll smash it!" Max threatened.

"Smash it and she dies!" Winnie threatened back.

Allison and (Y/n) tried to go forward to help, but Billy held them back.

Max looked between Dani and the vile a few times, before quickly putting it to his lips and chugging the potion.

"Max, no!" Dani cried.

"Now you have no choice. You have to take me." Max declared.


Winnie growled, but lowered himself down.

"What a fool to give up thy life for thy sister's." Winnie tossed Dani aside, and grabbed Max by his shirt, rising back into the air.

Max's body started glowing, and Winnie tried to suck out his life force, but Max, pushed his face away, and was hanging off the front of his broom.

Winnie tried to pull him back up, but Max pushed him away, and he almost fell off his broom.

"Hallowed ground! Hallowed ground! Sisters!" Winnie cried.


"Winnie, I'm coming!" Mary yelled, and started flying over, but Dani, Allison, Billy and (Y/n) grabbed the vacuum's cord and pulled her back.


"I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget!" Winnie promised, grabbing Max by the hair.


"Sarah!" Mary called.

Sarah came flying over and grabbed Mary's hand, and soon they were all engaging in a huge tug of war match.

"Let go...now!" (Y/n) instructed.

They all released the cord, and the built up pressure shot Mary and Sarah forward.

The sun was starting to come up, and Winnie tried to suck out Max's life force again, but he swatted him away, and this time, they both fell off the broom and onto the ground.

Winnie fell face first onto the ground, and Max landed a few feet away from him. Winnie slowly lifted his head up and aggressively spit out some grass. He turned his head slightly to the left and spotted Max on the ground. A smirk appeared on his face and he started crawling over to him.

He grabbed Max by the shirt again, and stood up, lifting Max up off his feet, leaving him dangling in Winnie's grasp.

Winnie inhaled deeply, drinking in Max's soul, when a voice screamed at him.

"Winnie, stop!!!"

Winnie paused and turned to see (Y/n) glaring at him.

"No! I can't! I need his life force!" He declared.

"I'm not going to let you do this!" She said firmly.

"Why not?! We can be together forever, just like you wanted." He argued.

"This isn't what I want!" She screamed at him.

"I know you don't like my methods, but I'm only doing it because I love you." Winnie said.

"No you don't! You only love power!" She accused.

Winnie's eyes widened. "That's not true!" He denied.

"Yes it is! I never cared how old you were, or how old you looked. I loved you for you because you were kind and caring. I never cared how long our lives lasted as long as I got to spend it with you!"

(Y/n) walked closer to him.

"You're the one who always cared about that. No matter how much you say you love me, you love your power even more. It's what got you killed in the first place. Even now, you were given the chance to come back to life, but instead of spending that day together, you wasted it trying to brew your stupid potion!"

Tears started flowing down the girl's cheeks as she spoke.

"If you really loved me, you'd stop this! Do...Do I even matter to you...?" She sobbed.

The girl put her hand over her mouth and turned away from him, still sobbing.

Winnie just kept staring at her, frozen in place. Guilt swarmed over him, as he looked at the girl he loved. This whole time, he thought he was trying to help her, but instead he was hurting her. And that was something he promised himself that he would never do.

Winnie looked back up at Max, who was still struggling in his grip. He glanced back at (Y/n), then at the rising sun, then back at Max.

He slowly lowered Max down to the ground, setting on his feet, and released his shirt. He silently stared at him for a second, before turning and walking towards (Y/n).

He walked in front of her, and gently moved his fingers under her chin, lifting her head up, but her eyes remained cast downward.

She blinked, and more tears came out. He cupped her cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe away her tears.

"...Of course you matter to me, my sweet. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me...And...I'm...sorry for all the times I ever made you feel like you weren't."

(Y/n) looked up at him with her beautiful (e/c) eyes, and he smiled softly at her.

"You're right...as usual. I was so blinded by revenge, that I couldn't see that I had everything I've ever wanted right in front of me. And...although I don't deserve it...if thou could find it in your beautiful heart to forgive me...then at least I will have lived my life knowing I did something right for once."

(Y/n) gazed into his eyes, and saw the guilt and the love reflected in them. She gave him a small smile, and cupped his cheeks.

"I forgive you." She whispered.

His eyes grew wide. "Truly? You do?"

She nodded, and smiled wider, which made Winnie smile as well.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, Winnie."

Winnie wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest, and placed his lips on hers. (Y/n)'s eyes widened from the sudden action, but she quickly recovered and kissed him back, just as the sun started to rise higher.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his red hair, while he tightened his arm around her waist, and moved his other hand to the back of her neck to pull her impossibly closer.

Mary and Sarah looked down at the scene below and smiled to each other. The sun rose higher, and the sisters knew that their time had come.

"Winnie, goodbye!" Sarah called, as she exploded into purple dust.

"Bye-Bye." Mary waved, as she exploded into red dust.

Winnie and (Y/n) pulled away from their kiss as Winnie felt himself begin to disappear. He leaned his forehead against hers and gazed into her beautiful eyes, one last time.

"Goodbye my sweet."

Winnie smiled and closed his eyes, as he quickly turned to green dust and disappeared.


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