《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 10: Kidnapped



Allison and Max flipped through the spell book to see if they could help Binx, still not noticing the the beam of golden light coming from the book.

"Oh, listen to this. 'Only a circle of salt can protect thy victims from thy power.'" Allison read.

They were interrupted by a screeching noise, as Binx jumped on the book, closing it, making Max and Allison jump in fright.

"We were just trying to help you." Allison explained.

"Well, don't! Nothing good can come from this book. You got it?" He scolded, before scampering off.

"Maybe we should go." Max quietly suggested.

Allison nodded in agreement. They placed the book down on the stairs that lead up to the tower, and exited the room.

Max poked his head into his parent's room and peeked in. "Mom? Dad?" He called, only to receive no answer.

"They're still not home. That's weird. Must be having a great time." Max shrugged.

"I don't know. Something's not right." Allison confessed as she made her way downstairs, Max following after her. "I'd feel a lot better if we had some salt while walking home."


Max hopped up on a step stool and opened a top cabinet and dug around, before pulling out a container of salt.

"Salt." He announced, and dropped it for Allison to catch.

Max hopped off the stool, and looked at Allison, who was reading the container.

"What's it say?" Max asked.

"It says, 'Form a circle of salt to protect from zombies, witches, and old boyfriends'." She joked.

"And what about new boyfriends?" Max asked.

Allison's smile slowly dropped as she gazed at Max. The two slowly started to lean in, their lips centimeters from touching.


The sudden noise made the two jump back. Max glanced upstairs, where the noise had come from, and then looked back at Allison.

"Dani." He said.

The two races out of the kitchen and clamored back up the stairs.


They burst into Max's room and didn't see anything unusual. Dani and (Y/n) were still seemingly under the covers.

Max took a step forward, and Allison grabbed his arm.

"Max, the book is gone!" She exclaimed.

Sure enough, when they looked at the spot where they left it last, it wasn't there.

"I'm telling you, something's weird." Allison mumbled.

Max was starting to get worried, and made his way over to the lump in the bed.

"Dani, (Y/n), wake up!"

Max pulled back the covers, and Sarah's face popped out at him.

"Trick or Treat!" She hissed.

Max backed away, and Allison let out a scream. Max's closet opened up, and Winnie and Mary came out.

Mary was holding a sack in one hand that had Binx trapped inside it, and her other hand was over Dani's mouth.

Winnie had the book in one hand, and his other was covering (Y/n)'s mouth.

"Looking for this?" Winnie asked, holding the book up.

"Or this?" Mary asked, gesturing to Dani.


Winnie chuckled and opened the book sending a ball of light at Max, hitting him and knocking him down.

The siblings all laughed, until Allison started spinning around, and shaking the salt around her.

"Salt." Winnie sneered. "What a clever little white witch. But it will not save thy friends. No. Come sisters. The candles magic is almost spent. Dawn approaches."

Winnie walked off, dragging (Y/n) along with him, as her muffled voice yelled at him to let her go.

They walked up the stairs to the tower and used their magic to blast a hole in it, and flew away, taking (Y/n), Binx and Dani with them.

Allison coughed and waved away the dust from the explosion. She climbed up the stairs to see the Sanderson Siblings shrinking in the distance.

"Dani! (Y/n)! She yelled.

Allison turned back towards Max, who was lying on the floor moaning in pain. She stuck her arms underneath his armpits and helped him stand up.

"Are you okay? Come on, get up."

"Where's Dani?" Max groaned.


(Y/n) was sitting in front of Winnie on his broomstick, and he had his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders, so she was squished to his chest.

"Winnie, don't-!"

Winnie cut her off with a glare. "I've had enough from you, my sweet. You've done nothing but try and stop me. Can't you see I'm doing this for us? I told you if you didn't want to help me, then I would make you, and that's what I'm going to do. So I suggest you just sit there quietly, before my patience with you completely runs out, and I tell Mary to throw that little brat off her broom." He hissed.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, but put her head down and didn't say anything, for Dani's sake.

Winnie looked down at her and nuzzled his cheek in her hair.

"Now, now my sweet. You may be angry now, but you'll forgive me eventually. I'll have an eternity to wait."

Winnie turned his head back at Sarah. "Use thy voice Sarah. Fill the sky. Bring the little brats to die!" He ordered.


"Dani? (Y/n)?"


Allison and Max climbed up the stairs, and looked out of the hole the witches made. They could hear Sarah's voice in the distance and looked down at the road, and saw a bunch of children walking down it, seemingly in a trance.

"Hey!" Max yelled to them. "Hey, you guys! Don't listen to her! Hey, up here!" Max waved his arms to try and get there attention, but they didn't stop.

"Max, Max! I figured it out!" Allison announced.

Max stopped yelling and turned to look at her.

"Winston said, the candle's magic will soon be spent. And dawn approaches. The Black Flame Candle only brought them back for this one Halloween night. And unless they can steal the lives of children, when the sun come up they're dust."

"Yeah, but how can we make the sun come up? They've got Dani, and (Y/n). We need a miracle." He sighed.



Sarah landed outside the cottage and stepped off her mop, before slipping inside the door.

"The children are coming!" She announced proudly.

"Well done, sister Sarah." Winnie praised, as he read his spell book and Mary tended the cauldron.

Meanwhile, Dani was grunting and trying to break out of the ropes that tied her to a chair, and Binx was still stuck in a sack and was hanging over the fireplace.

(Y/n) was tied up to one of the wooden beams and gagged, so she couldn't try and persuade Winnie to not make the potion. He always did have a weak spot when it came to her.


Max pulled the car out of his parents driveway and began making his way to the cottage, trying not to hit any of the children that were wandering down the streets.


Mary and Sarah were busy taunting Jay and Ice while Winnie stirred the cauldron.

"Soon the lives of all thy little friends will be mine. And I shall be young and handsome again forever." Winnie declared, and moved away from the cauldron to read his book.

"It doesn't matter how young or old you are! You old your soul! You're the ugliest thing that's ever lived! You'll never be worthy of someone like (Y/n), and you know it!" Dani yelled at him.

Winnie bent down towards Dani and growled at her. "You...die...first..." he whispered, and continued to glare at her as he walked back over to his cauldron, taking one small glance at (Y/n).

Soon the smoke from the cauldron turned green and Mary came over and scooped some up onto a spoon.

"'Tis ready. Pry open her mouth." Winnie ordered.

"Gladly." Mary smirked.

"Dani, don't drink it!" Binx yelled from inside his bag.

(Y/n) told her not to as well, but because of the gag, it only came out as muffled.

"Shut up, you!" Winnie snapped at Binx.

Mary and Sarah tried to pry open Dani's mouth while Winnie held the spoon. Dani kept her mouth zipped up tightly, except to bite Mary's finger.

"Ow! She bit me!" Mary whined.

Dani also stepped on Sarah's foot, causing her to groan in pain. Winnie came over with the spoon and Dani zipped her mouth shut again. The spoon was inches away from Dani's lips when Max dramatically burst into the cottage.

"Prepare to die! Again." He declared.

The three siblings paused, and looked up at him.

"You!" Winnie growled. "You have no powers here, you fool!"

"Hollywood!" Jay yelled happily.

"Maybe not..." Max continued, ignoring Jay. "...but there's a power greater then your magic, and that's knowledge! And there's one thing that I know, that you don't."

Winnie huffed. "And what is that, dude?" He mocked.

"Daylight savings time." He said confidently.

"'Daylight savings time'." Mary repeated with a chuckle as Sarah was wheezing with laughter.

A bright red light shined through the windows of the cottage illuminating everything. The Sanderson Sibling's smiles fell, and they began to panic and shrink back in pain, thinking that it was the sun rise.

While they were distracted, Max untied Dani, and (Y/n) and grabbed Binx off the fireplace, just as the siblings dramatically collapsed into a heap on the floor.

"Hey, let me out of here!" Jay yelled.

"Help, help. Hey! Hollywood, help us out here?" Ice asked.

Max just smirked and grabbed his shoes back off of Ice's feet.

"Tubular." He said, and kicked the cauldron over, spilling the potion.

"Come on Dani, let's go."

Max and Dani ran out of the cottage when Dani stopped in the doorway.

"Max, I wanna see her turn to dust." She whined.

Allison whistled to get their attention, and she and (Y/n) stood next to the car, gesturing to the headlights to show that it was just a trick.

"Pump it!" Dani yelled.

They all piled in, and Max sped away from the cottage.


The Sanderson siblings opened their eyes and looked around, realizing that they were not dead.

"I am alive!" Sarah announced, happily.

"Damn that boy! He's tricked us again!" Winnie grumbled.

"Oh, you're right, you're always right."

"It's my curse. That, and you two. Get off me, you thundering oafs!" Winnie snapped.

Winnie, Mary and Sarah all scrambled up off the ground, and Winnie turned to the Black Flame Candle.

"Look. The candle's almost out. And my potion. My beautiful potion." Winnie whimpered, before noticing some of it was still left.

"Look, there's just enough left for one child. Get the vial!"

Sarah held a vial up and Winnie poured the remainder of the potion into it.

"What joy. What luck. This is perfect for that little towheaded brat!" Winnie declared.

"We have a child." Sarah said, gesturing up to Ice and Jay.

Mary threw open the cottage windows. "And look, Winnie. More children are arriving. Come on in."

"Winnie, Winnie. We'll make more potion, because we have the book!" Sarah reasoned.

"We haven't the time. Besides, I want to get that little rat-faced kid that called me..." Winnie paused and grimaced.

"Oh, don't even say it." Mary told him.

"Ugly?" Sarah finished.

Winnie whimpered and looked down.

"Oh, honey. I know." Mary consoled.

"She really hurt my feelings." He whined.

"She's jealous."

"She said I wasn't good enough for (Y/n)."

"(Y/n) is lucky to have you."

"She doesn't even know me."

"I know."

Sarah held up her arm and Winnie used it to wipe his nose.

"You know, (Y/n) and I always talked about maybe having a child one day. And now I think I'll have one...on toast!" He declared and he stomped towards the door of the cottage, Mary and Sarah running right behind him.


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