《Shades of Red |Karl Heisenberg x child reader|》Episode 16 || New Ends
(Y/N)'s POV
I waited behind Heisenberg, my hands behind my back. He knocked on the door.
There was a voice from inside and he looked at me. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Is it to late to leave?" He looked worried.
Before I could say anything the door opened. Ethan stood behind it, a gray tint to his face.
"Oh, it's just you... come in I guess."
As the door opened fully my breath caught in my chest. Ethans right hand was gone. A few fingers on his left were missing.
"What... what happened to you?"
He turned back for just a second as Heisenberg closed the door behind us, then sat down on the small couch in the living area.
"Don't wake Rose..." He said, not answering my question. His head softly pressed into the wall.
"Ethan, what happened...?" I tried to get him to look at me but he kept his eyes shut.
"I'm dead. That's what happened."
My breath caught in my throat for a second time since we got here.
Finally I took a good look at his arm and hand, the skin was completely black.
"I've seen dead bodies. You're definitely dead." Heisenberg spoke, a grimace on his face.
Before she spoke up I heard her footsteps from around the corner.
"He's telling the truth... He's special. Ethan... shouldn't be here, but I'm glad he is."
Heisenberg sat on the edge of the coach, his blueprints and the whole reason we came here forgotten.
I stuttered out a few words but I couldn't make a complete sentence.
Mia stood infront of the TV now, a tired look on her face that matched Ethans.
"A few years ago, I died. I don't know how I'm here but it's because of that megamycete... and now that it's gone I don't know what's going to happen to me. My whole body is made of that mold..."
I looked towards Heisenberg for help but his eyes were on Ethan.
"I mean... that fucking explains some things I guess."
It felt like there was a knit in my throat, I didn't know what to say. How to respond to someone telling you that they were dead.
"Anyways... I guess that enough about that. What are you two here for?" Ethan asked as Mia sat down next to him.
"Oh, well-" He shuffled through the stack of papers he had -"You don't have to, but we're all going back to the village... rebuilding it. Making it a real home."
"Here-" Heisenberg handed one of the blueprints over, but I couldn't see which one -"I... I mean we wanted to know if you would come with us. Help us rebuild and maybe your family could live there."
Ethan held the paper in his left hand, between the two of them. Her brow furrowed, but it looked like Ethan had a smile on his face.
"We could never. It's dangerous for Rose..." Mia looked expectantly at Ethan, waiting for him to say the same.
"I don't know... maybe it could be good for her. I mean we could have them babysit, give us a little rest."
Mia crossed her arms and leaned back into the coach.
"I can make you a new arm too, if that would make you feel any better...?"
Ethans eyes lit up and a smile tugged at his lips. "Mia... please, I think this would be good for us. Besides they helped get Rose back."
Mia was standing again now.
"Ethan! I can't believe you. They are the reason Rose was gone in the first place!"
She all but ran down the small hall, towards the rooms. After a second I heard a door slam and a child crying.
"Mia!" He stood up, motioning us to stay, and went down the hall after her.
Heisenberg sat on the coach in Ethan's place, while I still stood there like an idiot.
Slowly I sat down next to him, finally getting over my shock from the whole meeting.
"So... this is going well."
Heisenberg laughed at my sarcasm as he shuffled through the blueprints.
"Basically what I expected. Well aside from the whole being fucking dead thing...I just wanted to give them the option, I don't actually expect them to come."
I nodded but I wasn't really paying attention. The hushed voices from the other room had caught my attention.
"You're trying to send Rose back into that madness? What is wrong with you!"
"Mia... I'm not saying we have to stay forever, just maybe for a little while. Help us get back on out feet and help them at the same time. Then we can go anywhere you want."
Heisenberg nudged me, bringing me back to his conversation. "Hey I was talking to you, kid. Anyways... I was hoping to have a different layout maybe separate the factory from all the other stuff... like rooms and a whole little house."
I nodded looking down at the blueprints, it just looked like scribbles to me.
Ethan came out, his fingers running aimlessly through his hair.
"You're going to have to come back... we'll talk about this later. Rose just woke up and Mia is- well... You're just gonna have to come back later."
He pushed us impatiently out the door and shut it behind me.
Not even seconds later he opened it again. "Were you kidding? About making me a new arm?" He asked in a hushed tone.
Heisenberg shook his head and an uneasy smile crossed Ethans face.
"I'll talk to her... don't worry"
Again he closed the door, leaving us in the hallway not knowing where to go next.
I looked at Heisenberg, not sure what was next.
"Well... We've got some work to do, come on kid."
With that I followed him down the hall back to his blueprints covered room.
Heisenberg's POV
It'd only been a few weeks but we were almost ready to leave. Alcina had a new and improved castle layout, Ethan had a new arm, and the Winters were coming back to the village with us. Though I'm not quite sure how he managed to convince Mia...
Now it was just the matter of actually building everything.
I walked into the almost full cafeteria and spotted the kid at a table with everyone else.
"Heisenberg! Come over here!" The kid called, alerting everyone that I was there.
Without a word I sat down, everyone was having a final meal before we take off, but I guess I missed the memo.
"How's everyone? Ethan-" I nodded at him -"How's the arm?"
His face lit up in a grin, moving all his fingers in a wave.
"We all are almost ready to leave. You need to eat, though." Alcina pushed her tray towards me but I slid it back.
"I'm good, Alcina, really. (Y/N) brought me a plate earlier. Now who's ready to go home!"
I stood motioning everyone out the door. The girls were bundled up, and looked kind of reluctant to leave their food, but the followed. Mia, Rose, and Ethan were the last to follow.
Everyone followed me out towards the air craft, almost the same one we had arrived in. Two figures were standing next to it. A woman and a man.
As we walked out the woman approached us, the man climing into the cockpit.
"The captain won't be joining you, but we'll be making sure you arrive at your destination and get settled in. Get comfy, it's a long ride."
She climed in the pilots seat and the two of them got ready to take off.
All of us piled in, taking almost the same seats as before, except (Y/N) wasn't taking up three seats.
"Get some sleep... its gonna be a while." I told the kid, getting a hit of déjà vu from when Alcina told me the same thing.
"I'll be fine, besides I wanna look at the view." They pointed out the small window, as we took off, the view of the military base below us.
I handed them a blanket anyways and put one over myself. Though I wasn't sure I would need it.
The kid nudged me awake, and by nudged I mean elbowed me in the ribs.
Quickly I wiped my face and found ourselves in an almost empty aircraft. The doors were open but I could barely see anything outside.
"You're the last one off, now come on." They pulled me out into the worst sight I could have imagined.
We were all standing in the middle of the village. Where the maiden statue once stood, now it was nothing but loose dirt and broken buildings. A huge crater sat where the main battle was held.
Alcina knelt in the dirt. A slow tear dripped down her face.
Moreau seemed completely stunned. Donna and Angie hung their heads, never had I seen Angie so quiet.
The girls held hands under their swaddle of blankets, a silent pray floating around.
Ethan and Mia held hands in the back of the group. The little Rose held tightly in Mia's arms.
I felt a rug at my arm and turned to see the kid. A reassuring smile on their face.
"Where do we start?"
|Time Skip|
With the help of some of the Chris' soldiers we were able to set up pretty quick.
Quickly being almost a year...
Most of the village houses we completed, while Dimitrescu castle, the Reservoir, and the Beneviento manor were all done.
The factory was the last to be built.
Surprisingly villagers moved in rapidly, as if nothing ever happened here.
None of the new people were frightened by our appearances or abilities and we were grateful. We helped wherever, whenever, and whoever needed it.
I built everything for the better. No dead bodies and no soldats. Only nw houses, vehicles, and the brand new roads along the country side.
Alcina helped me the most, with her being a tall ass. Moreau spent more time with people now, teaching kids to fish, and having movie night with the villagers.
Donna and Angie threw doll shows and entertained children, which was the happiest I've seen those two in a while.
As for the kid, they spent time helping the Winters. Spending more time with Rose, than with anyone else.
I didn't know what to do with myself. Everything was right. Everything was going right. We were happy.
Sitting in the half finished factory, I had a drink in my hand. A cup of tea, surprisingly, made by one of the kids from the village.
It was eerily silent, without the groan of machines around me, but I couldn't be happier.
I knock came from the door, that didn't have a door on it.
"Can I join you?"
I nodded and the kid sat down in front of me. The small table handcrafted from wood.
"This whole thing feels like a dream." I waved my hand around aimlessly, motioning to nothing at all.
"Yeah... a good dream, but look- I've been thinking. Well I was talking with Ethan and Mia and they're gonna be leaving the village soon... and I kinda wanted to go with them."
The silence of the empty factory filled with the pounding of my heart in my ears.
"Wait what? You wanted to go with them? But why.... where would you even go?"
The kid sighed and I felt someone add another brick to the stack on my back.
"Well, I wanted to maybe explore the world. Learn how to live outside of this village... I think I would like it."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"If you want to go... I can't stop you. Just please come back. We'll all be here when you come back, just promise me you will."
I opened my eyes to meet theirs. Tears starting to form around the edge.
Quietly I stood up, my arms spread out for a hug.
"Of course I'll come back. I couldn't leave you alone to have all the fun." The kid wrapped around me like I was about to die. A tight warm hug.
"Alright... get off me you're gonna make me cry."
I pushed the kid off and wiped my face. A soft, sad smile on my lips.
"They're leaving in the morning, so I guess that means I am too."
We stood there awkwardly before I opened my arms again, a knot in my throat.
"Thank you, kid. I'll see you in the morning... and we will all see you off."
The hug lasted longer than expected, but it wasn't awkward. Finally though they pulled away, my tears leaving dark spots on the sleeve.
"I'll... I'll see you in the morning."
I nodded and then they walked off. Wiping my face I sat down and finished the cup of, now cold tea.
Silently I walked down the hall to my new room.
A bed sat in the middle, the first bed I've owned in a while. I changed and climbed in, not ready for tomorrow.
(Y/N)'s POV
I walked outside, my face damp with tears. Mia was waiting for me.
"What'd he say?"
She held my arm as we walked down the road.
"I get to leave... to go out on my own."
She smiled and we finally made it to their house. A small on on the edge of the village.
Ethan was on the steps, boxes around him. Rose sat in a bouncer on the ground.
"We're already to leave! In the morning, I mean..."
We all made our way inside the almost empty house. Rose's giggling filled the rooms.
"Don't worry. You can come back anytime, kid. This is what you wanted."
I nodded, as I went upstairs to one of the bedrooms. The only thing left was the half-striped bed.
Without a word I fell back on it. This was my decision... so why did it feel so wrong?
I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up to a knock on the door.
"We'll be leaving soon, if you want to go say goodbye to everyone." Mia's soft voice spoke from behind the door.
An uneasy feeling crept into my stomach, but I walked out of the house.
Before I even got to the middle of the village, I heard people. Half the villagers were crowded around, and infront of them all was everyone. All the people I didn't know how to say goodbye to.
The three girls flew around me, the summer weather making it warm enough for them to be out without any extra layers.
"I can't believe you're leaving!" Cass basically screamed.
"We're gonna miss you so much... who's gonna read with me now?" Dani was hanging off my arm, almost upside-down, tears dripping into the dirt.
Bela hovered infront on me, "You better come visit us, and tell us all about everything."
The girls all hugged me, almost crushing my ribs, then ran off behind their mother.
Donna, Angie, and Moreau came up next.
Moreau crying holding a small basket. From the looks of it, it was a bunch of movies.
"You are gonna need these! Or you... you'll miss out of movie night!"
He pushed the basket into my arms and almost ran away crying.
Donna held Angie in her arms. The red string that tied her together replaced with ribbons and tape from the kid's.
"We are crying! You are mean... leaving and making us cry."
Angie all but jumped in my arms and I hugged her there until she calmed down.
"We'll miss you!"
Donna gave me a tight hug then walked off, Angie crying over her shoulder.
Finally the two goodbyes I had been dreading.
Alcina and Heisenberg stood shoulder to shoulder, well shoulder to waist, waiting for me.
I walked forward and Alcina met me. She knelt down for a hug.
"You take care of him... okay?"
She nodded and pulled me into a tighter hug. "Thank you (Y/N), you helped do something I wasn't even sure was possible."
She gave me a kiss on the forehead as she stood, walking behind me to the rest of the group.
Heisenberg stood his hands behind his back. His hat covering his eyes.
"I guess this is goodbye, kid... and I'm trying not to look at you because I know I'll fucking start crying infront of everyone..."
"God dammit, come here..." He pulled me into the tightest, most bone-crushing hug I had gotten. His face pressed against my shoulder, tears soaking my shirt.
"I'm gonna miss you, kid. Don't forget it."
I pulled the hat off his head and sat it on mine. "I'm taking this with me, so you know I have to come back."
He started crying again, but I couldn't tell if it was because I was leaving or if it's because I took his hat.
"I'll be back. I promise you that."
I walked off towards where Ethan was waiting, so I didn't start crying again, turning only to wave.
Ethan pulled me down the road until we got to the small car, packed with everything.
"Are you ready?" He asked as we buckled up, ready for the journey ahead.
Rose giggled in agreement as the car pulled off, me waving out the window.
It wasn't even a minute later thag we stopped. A familiar wagon blocking the way. Without a word, I jumped out.
"Ah, (Y/N), you've grown."
The Duke opened the doors to his wagons, his wares hanging around him.
"I thought I wouldn't get to see you before I left, Duke."
He pulled out his ledger, the edge of an envelope hanging from the side.
"I always go where the consumers need me... and you might need this." He handed me the small envelope. "This is yours, of course."
"Thank you, for... for everything Duke. I don't know how you do it, but you're always where you need to be."
Slowly he moved his wagon out of the way and I went back to the car, envelope in hand.
I waved a final goodbye and we pulled down the road. Out into the big world. The envelope sitting cold in my lap. I wasn't ready to open it and I don't know if I would be anytime soon.
Note from Author
Ahhhhh! This is the last main episode but there's gonna be a short one after this as kinda an epilogue. I love this story so much but I would am so glad it's over. I've been going crazy on how to write the ending so I'm glad this came out how I wanted it to.
Also the next episode is gonna come out like right after this since its gonna be really short... Anyways love you guys and hope you enjoyed.
Sincerely your Author :)
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