《Shades of Red |Karl Heisenberg x child reader|》Episode 10 || Blood
(Y/N)'s POV
I sat up quickly as a bump jostled me awake.
"Duke? Where are we? What happened?"
The small wagon slowly creeped to a stop. I looked around at the crowded space, a large owl rug occupied the entire floor.
"I'm afraid (Y/N) that Lord Heisenberg has made an ill decision... He has tried to take on Mother Miranda alone."
I pulled myself out of the wagon to a dry field. A giant metal building stood behind us, it looked like Heisenberg's factory...
"Would you, dear (Y/N) put Ethan in the back."
He pointed to a limp body laying in the middle of the field. Blood pooled around it.
"Duke... what happened?"
I walked slowly towards the person. A bloody hole was dug into his chest. The yellow jacket Ethan had was stained with blood.
My eyes stung. I hadn't known him for even a week but I felt awful. We were doing this mission to save his child, but now... who would take care of her...?
"He will be fine... I'm afraid there is a lot more to him then you know. Just put him in the back, you will see him later. When the time is ready, of course."
I glaced over towards the Duke, confused. He just nodded and pointed towards Ethan.
With a few groans I finally had Ethan in the back of the wagon, blood was smeared on my hands and clothes.
"Now (Y/N) I suggest you head back to the castle, unfortunately everyone is in danger."
My heart started pounding in my chest as I imagined what could be happening.
I turned towards the castle, looming far in the distance, before the Duke spoke up.
"Oh and you might want some extra help. I'm sure you will need all four of the lords for this fight..."
I nodded before running down the worn path to the castle.
|Time Skip|
Quickly I knew what was wrong. The windows were broken in and parts of the roof had fallen off.
That's when I heard the roars, and looked up to see four mutated monsters.
Miranda, Alcina, Donna, and Heisenberg...
(I know Donna doesn't have a monster form but for this she does).
Even though Miranda was smaller than Alcina and Heisenberg she was still doing damage.
Every once in a while she would disappear and reappear behind one of them to stab them with her claws.
At that moment I knew what the Duke had meant, as tears started falling down my face.
I ran down the path to the reservoir, heart pounding in my ears and tears falling with every step.
|Time Skip|
I yelled as loud as I could, choking as my breath hitched.
After a few seconds lord Moreau crawled out of the water, a worried look on his face when he saw me.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay? Did Heisenberg do something to you?"
He grabbed my shoulders examining me.
"I need help... We need y-your help. Heisenberg did something and now Miranda's gonna kill all of them and she killed Ethan. I'm scared, I don't wanna lose them."
My voice broke and I let my head hang as tears dripped down.
"Don't worry... Mother can't do that, I won't let her hurt you. You're my friend."
He had a small smile planted on his face, which made me smile through my tears.
I nodded as I started to pull him back towards the castle, before he stopped.
"I think... Ethans friends are here too. I saw them, they might help too."
He pulled me down to a few sinking houses. A few hushed voices came from inside, before cutting off as we got closer.
Moreau pointed inside before backing up, it looked like he was scared of them.
I took a hesitant step inside, the place looked empty.
Then an arm was wrapped around my throat from behind. Without thinking I grabbed it and warmed my hand. The sleeve started smoking then the person behind me yelped.
I was let go and I backed up, only to be tackled by another person, a gun pressed against my temple.
They looked like soldiers, goggles covering their eyes.
"Who are you?" A voice from behind me asked.
A tall man leaned against the wall, gun in hand. He looked like the leader.
"We need help!" I choked out from under the soldiers arm. "I'm a friend of Ethan's."
The man scoffed before walking forward.
"Where is he? Why do you need help? And how'd you know we were here?"
I coughed a little, the smell of the rotten wood digging its way to my brain.
"We're trying to take down Miranda, he... told me to find you, and my friend knew where you were. We need help... before it's too late."
Another tears dripped down my face. The gun still pressed into my temple, as he shook his head.
I heard Moreau say something outside, but didn't catch exactly what it was.
My heart started pounding again as images of the fight flashed through my head again.
"Fine. If you're trying to take down that bitch too, we'll help."
He gave the soldier a signal and the gun was removed.
The soldier helped me up and I wiped away the few tears that stained my face.
"Follow me, and hurry. We don't have much time."
It must have been a weird sight, a tiny kid followed by six or seven soldiers and a mutated lord, but it wasn't as weird as running through the town full of black growing trees.
Masses of black moldy trees grew out of just about everywhere, almost tripping me a few times.
Lycans loomed overhead, waiting for something to happen.
Halfway to the castle I stopped, dead in my tracks.
Directly in the middle of the village sat the largest black mass. A tangle of pulsating roots and limbs.
I wanted to gag.
"That might be a problem..." I mumbled. "Chris would you stay here, and keep an eye on that?" I pointed towards the mass.
He nodded and I pulled Moreau down the path towards the ruined castle.
"Oh Mother Miranda, why....?"
Moreau stood outside the door, examining the castle walls, now crumbling.
His expression was hard to read but he seemed genuinely upset. Then he turned to me...
"Let's go (Y/N), Mother Miranda can't do this."
I led slowly into the building, the sounds of screeching from before seemed like a distant memory.
The castle was dealthy quiet. My stomach turned at the thought of what had happened.
We slowly entered the main hall, and the scent of iron filled my nose.
Heisenberg leaned back on the grand staircase, bandages rapped his abdomen. The cloth slowly turning a bright red as his blood leaked through.
Donna sat silently, her veil nowhere to be seen. Her face gorgeous, except for the blood covering it. A small gash bled out from her forehead.
Angie layed behind Donna. Her small face looked torn at the seems.
Alcina was nowhere to be found, and neither were her daughters.
Slowly I walked over towards Heisenberg. Moreau stayed by the door, but watched from a distance.
"(Y/N)! Thank goodness you're okay! Wait, are you okay? You're shaking..."
My eyes stung. I was so overwhelmed.
I landed a swift smack across his face before pulling him in a tight hug.
He grunted as I pressed on his wound, but hugged back.
"I'm-I'm sorry. I should have waited... I ruined the plan and now..." He sighed as he sat back down on the step. "I just... I just didn't want you to get hurt."
I sat down next to him, he looked so distracted and distraught. It was hard not to feel bad about it.
Slowly I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder. He flinched before calming down.
"I didn't want you to get hurt either... but that doesn't mean that you're not an idiot."
Heisenberg's pained chuckled filled the grand hall.
"Where are the others...?" I asked looking around for Dani, Cassandra, Bela, and their mother.
"Their down in the cellar, that bitch Miranda broke the windows so... they had to hide. Alcina's down there with them."
I looked at the mess all around us. The windows spilled broken glass at their base. Parts of the roof had collapsed and littered the ground.
Slowly, Heisenberg leaned back, on the stairs, with a sigh.
Blood soaked into the bandages as he moved, staining them completely.
"What are we going to do now...?" My words came out weaker than I intended.
Quietly, he stood up, groaning with the effort. He walked halfway across the room, before motioning for me to follow.
No words were spoken as we walked through the halls, down to the cellar. Heisenberg limping, using the walls as support.
Soon I heard the familiar buzzing of the girls... accompanied by crying.
"They're in there..." He whispered
Slowly I walked through the door, there were barrels of blood everywhere.
I turned back toward him. "Aren't you coming?"
He shook his head and let out another pained laugh, grabbing his bloody side. "I'm afraid they wouldn't want me in there... Alcina is, umm, not happy with me, at the moment."
With that I walked deeper into the cellar, my shoes turning a deeper red with every step.
Then the buzzing got louder, and I realized the girls heard me.
"HEISENBERG! WE TOLD YOU TO LEAV- Oh... (Y/N), It's just you... sorry." Cassandra spoke, lowering her blade.
"I'm glad you're okay." Dani pulled me into a tight hug, and I could see dried tears staining her face.
"Where's Alcina? Is she okay?"
Bela turned away from me and I could hear her soft sobbing.
Dani shook her head softly before pulling me around the corner. Cassandra quietly pulled Bela after us.
Lady Dimitrescu sat on one of the beds in the cellar. She had bandages around her, similar to Heisenberg's.
One wrapped around her shoulder. The other wrapped tightly around her neck. The elegant white dress she usually dawned, was now blood-soaked.
She looked up at me from where she was sitting. Pain and anger filled her eyes.
"(Y/N)... I guess that fucking imbecile got what he wanted? You were left unharmed."
I nodded sitting across from her. The words stung, knowing everyone got hurt because Heisenberg wanted me safe.
"Once I clean myself up, I'm going to hang him upside-down and skin him for all the pain he has caused..."
"NO!... I-I mean you can't! Then we won't be able to stop Miranda..."
She scoffed looking down at me. "Dear, look at me, does it look like I'll be killing Miranda anytime soon?"
I hung my head. I didn't know what to do and I was lost. This whole mission... Everyone got hurt because of me.
"I need help... please. We have Lord Moreau and Heisenberg and some of Ethan's friends... Please we stand a chance now! I just need your help. I know it's my fault that this whole thing went wrong and you got hurt, but I promise... I will fix this. Please..."
Lady D moved towards me, but I didn't move my head.
Slowly she reached out and put her hand on my chin.
"Little one, it is not your fault that we got hurt. We were protecting ourselves, as much as we were protecting you. I would... I would love to help you, but I can't, not right now in this condition..."
She lifted my chin to make me look in her eyes. A soft smile playing on her lips.
"(Y/N)?" Bela asked from the doorway, she wasn't crying anymore, but her face was still etched in pain. "Couldn't you help her? Like... close her cuts? Whats it called, um..."
"Cauterize." Dani spoke up from behind her.
"Yeah!... Can't you do that? So mother stops bleeding at least..."
I didn't know if I could but I nodded, and moved closer to Lady D.
She carefully unwrapped the bandages, on her neck. Exposing a gruesome sight. I couldn't even see where the gash was.
"Oh mother!" Bela gasped as she turned to run out of the room.
I wiped the blood away with my sleeve, leaving the main cut in line of sight. Alcina winced as I touched the wound.
"Its alright Mother..." Cass flew in and held onto her mother's hand. I could tell both of them were close to tears.
Slowly I warmed my hand. It was barely glowing, but just hot enough...
"Sorry... this is gonna hurt."
She nodded for me to continue, gritting her teeth.
My hand collided with the skin on her neck and she immediately sucked in air.
The smell of burnt flesh filled the air and I heard someone gag behind me.
The skin on her neck began to close at a dealthy slow pace, and the bleeding gradually slowed. Until it stopped completely.
I looked up and I removed my hand. Lady Dimitrescu... she had tears running down her face, makeup smeared.
She opened her bloodshot eyes and glanced at me. A small nod from her and I pulled at the bandages on her shoulder.
Bit by bit I closed the gash again. The room was heating up and the smell was almost worse than Heisenbergs factory.
I was slightly tired but not enough to pass out.
Alcina sighed before letting go of her daughters hand. She looked relieved and in pain at the same time.
"Mother? How do you feel...?" Cass asked. I didn't realize she was crying as well.
"I feel like I need some wine..." She groaned and stood up. "You girls stay here. I can't risk losing you... Now I have to go make amends with my... brother."
She pulled me out and down the halls towards were I had left Heisenberg.
He was sitting down against the wall, head back and hat down over his eyes.
"Karl... You owe me. You owe us, but that will have to wait. We have a monster to kill."
I helped him up and saw his slight smile.
"Huh? Well... Let's go get that bitch Miranda!" He groaned as he yelled, but that didn't stop him from running up the stairs towards where the others were waiting.
Note from Author
Guys I can't wait for what's gonna happen! I have so many things I want to write for this story, but you'll have to wait for that. ;) Anyways... I hope you enjoyed and have a good day or night or whatever.
Sincerely your Author:)
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