《Atama ✓ tk》十一


"That certainly is some bad weather", Taehyung's father sighed, getting out of his drenched coat. He hung his hat on the coatrack too and slipped out of his shoes. The maids immediately welcomed him while maid Mary disappeared to warm up dinner.

It was currently 11 pm and the storm still hadn't stilled. Taehyung's father had gotten back from the art gallery which displayed a few of his works. He was in a good mood, even though the weather wanted him to think otherwise.

"Can someone inform Taehyung I'm back?", he asked the maids while he placed himself down at the dinner table. The women shared a few glances before the fifty year old Eunseo cleared her throat.

"Young master is already fast asleep but if you want we can wake him up?", she spoke up. The man's eyes widened and he quickly looked back up at the maids, leaving his steak for what it was.

"He's already asleep? But he usually can't fall asleep during a storm", he said confused.

"Seems like he can", maid Ji-hye smiled, "Jungkook's presence really seems to calm him".

The other maids gave the woman a glare and she quickly shut up. Taehyung's father dropped his chopsticks and abruptly stood up, his chair scraping against the wooden flooring.

"You're telling me Jungkook is with him right now?", he asked sternly, "Why isn't he at his own house?"

The maids glanced between each other again before maid Mary finally took the lead, "Young master didn't allow him to go home and invited him to stay here because of the storm".

"So where is he sleeping?", the man asked, trying not to clench his fists in front of the women.

When no answer came except for pained looks, Taehyung's father immediately understood the situation. He gritted his teeth and glared at maid Eunseo, "Bring Jungkook here".


She awkwardly looked at the floor and said, "That would wake up the young master too".

"And why's that?", he spoke slowly but with a menacing undertone.

Maid Mary sighed and crossed her arms, wishing the man would stop acting so rude, "Because they're cuddling. If we wake up Jungkook, his disappearance will immediately wake up the young master too".

The women got startled by the sudden thud that resonated through the dining room. Taehyung's father had brought his fist down onto the wooden table. He retracted his hand and quickly walked upstairs, not sparing the maids another glance.

"Why can't he just be happy for them?", maid Su-Bin whispered, feeling deflated after this little scene.

Maid Eunseo sighed, "I have no idea. Master is really protective over his son".

"But that wouldn't make him react this way", maid Mary frowned, "Something else is wrong.

Taehyung's father stomped up the stairs and halted at his son's door. He doubted for a moment before opening the door slightly, a stripe of light landing in the dark room. He was sure he didn't want to see this with his own eyes, but his curiosity got the best of him.

The maids were right though. They were cuddling in bed, sleeping peacefully together. Even though the sight would make every parent coo, it only made the man bubble with anger.

Maid Ji-A who had been making the Master's bed, was surprised to see the said man standing at Taehyung's door. When she tried passing him, he stopped her by grabbed the maid by the arm.

"The moment Jungkook wakes up I want you to sent him to my office", he commanded her and the youngest maid quickly nodded her head, a little afraid of the dark aura that suddenly surrounded her Master.


The man closed the bedroom door and disappeared into his own room, already preparing the stern speech he was going to give the gardener as soon as the boy woke up the next day.

You won't hurt my son Jeon Jungkook. I knew employing you would come with a lot of risks. Your mother practically begged me to accept you. I only did so because she used to be good friends with my wife. I could accept every risk you bring, except the risk of you hurting my son.

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