《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》15


I sat on my bed staring at my phone, waiting for my brother to finish getting ready so we could go to school.

"day 9" i thought to myself, "i wonder how different things would be if Jake would just like me back" i chuckled.

"but that's impossible, i can't change how he feels"

A pout grew on my face and i turned my head to look out the window. I admired the pale blue sky filled with white fluffy clouds while i kept the same pout in my lips.

I looked down to my small desk calendar and noticed all the X's i've drawn on my calendar marking 9 exactly days.

I've always hoped and hoped that one day everything will change and i'm going to wake up with Jake having a crush on me instead of Yuna.

I guess it is quite sad considering the fact that he probably doesn't really care about the date, or even worse forgot about it.

I turned away from the window and quickly jumped onto my bed snuggling into my blanket. "today's the day" I thought to myself"

"Today's the day Jake's going to go to go up against Jungwon,". Suddenly I frowned to myself, "why am I so censored over this? they're friends?," But deep inside, I felt like something was going to go wrong, i'm not exactly sure what it is but i feel like it.

"y/n, come one, let's go," I heard a knock on my door I quickly jumped out of my bed and rushed over to my study desk to grab my bag which was filled with school books.

My brother and I walked downstairs to quickly get a quick breakfast which I decided to eat a Pop-Tart, I quickly shoved it into the toaster while my brother went to the bathroom.


Deep inside I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen but I decided to push those feelings away as I didn't want to ruin the day for myself.

After my pop tart was out of the toaster and my brother was back, the two of us headed outside of the house and made our way to school.

"y/n, i've got a question for you," I turned my head towards Daniel and raised my brow, "what is it?" I say while chewing on my Pop tart.

"Are you excited to watch Jungwon and Jake go up against each other today,". I turn my head towards him and chuckled, "i guess? why's that"

He paused for a second, "well, its like they're playing soccer against each other and who ever wins gets to date you" Daniel says while laughing loudly cause everyone to stare.

I started to blush a bit and started to chuckle along with him, "Shut up, I don't even like them, besides, Jake likes Yuna"

Daniel widened his eyes and turned towards me, "you idiot, you just proved you like him, just admit it already"

I stayed silent for a second because if I had to be honest, he was right, I still liked him, but one side of me is also starting to develop feelings for Jungwon.

"No, I don't like any of them, Clearly Jake is with Yuna and Jungwon goes to another school, I have to get to him better" I smiled trying to cover up the fact that I just lied about not liking them.

"How bout Sunghoon?" I hear him say with a confident tone, "what? sunghoon?" i say confused because i've never thought of him in that way.

"you're so clueless y/n? that guy obviously likes you and everyone in this world can see that? the way he makes sure you're home safe at night, the way he's always there for you when you're sad/happy"


Daniel's words struck me for a second, "did he like me I thought to myself?" "no way"

"no way, that's what best friends do for right? besides, he's like my brother and i've known him since we were baby's or something" I say with full confidence.

"you idiot, you're so clueless, you're gonna regret it one day y/n", I stared at him for a second, "what do you know about relationship's Daniel? you're 14"

"well y/n, definitely more than you"

I scoffed at him and parted ways as I made my way to my locker, on the way though, I saw Karina, Minju, Jake, Jay and Sunghoon all huddled up, without hesitation I walked up to them and said my hello.

"hey guys, what's happening?". my eyes scammed them and saw 2 cans of face-paint with the school's color on it, "hey y/n, we're gonna go around and we're gonna paint people's faces for the soccer game!" Jay said confidently which you only responded with a nod.

"i'll be right back, i'm gonna go and put my stuff in my locker"

I walked off from the group and looked around the school, it was covered with banners with the school's slogan and colors while all the other students were wearing the school's color.


I turned my head around and saw Jake running towards me with a can paint, "hey" I smiled to him continued walking to my locker.

"I kinda wanted to pain something on your face if that's alright with you?" he says hey shyly, I arrived at my locker and giggled at him, "why not?"

I shoved my things inside the locker and gave him my full attention, I felt his cold finger cupping my left cheek as I felt the paint in my face.

I didn't know what he was doing but it took longer than usual, "it looks so messy" i heard him say in between laughs.

"there you go, i hope you like it"

I turned around and grabbed my phone to open the camera so I could see what he drew on my face.

He drew two hearts on both of my cheeks.

I blushed furiously and turned towards him again, "Thanks Jake"

"all good, you look really cute you know?"

hey luvs! i'm so sorry that i haven't posted in our a month, i've been really busy with school and i've been getting so much homework, since we're having a term break in a week, I'll start to be more active! once again i'm sorry ❤️👑

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