《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》7


The rumors spread around school just like a wild fire, everyone talked about my current relationship with Jake, every sentence that included me had something to do with Jake.

Every pair of eyes that saw me would start to speak about it, "y/n's with Jake", "oh, how lucky" was what they all would say, "she's so lucky, if she breaks his heart i'll kill her"

The classroom was pretty silent, everyone was minding their own business finishing some class work except for those who were talking.

"y/n?" I turned my head towards Karina which who was right beside me, "what?" I frown my brows and continued to write in my book, "isn't it the second day? you guys actually seem like a couple"

I smiled listening to her, yeah, she's right, we did seem like a couple and it made me think, maybe they were right? maybe, jake will actually end up liking me?

I looked around the class and saw Jake sitting across the room due to our seating arrangement. Karina was my seat mate making it pretty hard to avoid 'Jake' as our conversation topic.

Jay, Karina, Minju and Sunghoon might be our biggest fans and shippers.

I'm not quite mad at them tho, i'm happy they ship us because if it weren't for them? These two weeks would've never been a thing.

I felt someone tapping my shoulders and I turned my head towards the person, "where's Jake?" Sunghoon asked me with his eyebrows furrowed together.

My head and Karina's shot towards the direction of his seat and noticed his disappearance, "jay, do you know where he is?"

Jay looked up from the table and shook his shoulders, "maybe his locker?", i nodded my head and thought about where he could've gone, i then suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom and took that as an advantage to go and find Jake.

"hey, i'm going to the bathroom" I excused myself and put the blue blazer around my self waking out of the class.


"excuse me"

I searched around the large school for a while looking at every corner and noticing that i've only seen two people, one was the lady who worked in the office and the other was a girl in our class.

The girl was Yuna, she was a pretty, talented and smart girl in our class, she's loved by most people at school because of her lovable personality, she was our friend too so i didn't mind her.

We exchanged hello's and smiles until I saw Jake sitting on one of the couches by the library, slowly i approached him, "what are you doing here?" i asked

sitting beside him.

Jake smiled at me and brought his arms around my shouders pulling me close by him, "well, you've gotta skip class sometimes right?" he chuckle making me nod my head.

I noticed soemthing different though, something quiet odd, I knew that Jake wears a specific cologne because he's worn it's he was 15 but he didn't smell like that.

He smells like vanilla perfume.

I don't have vanilla perfume. I use coconut scented perfume, i used to wear vanilla perfume but that was around a year ago.

As I slowly thought of all the possibilities i started to feel my heart sink to my toes, I was going to ask him what exactly he was doing before but I remembered that this morning Karina and Minju and I were spraying perfume at eachother at the store we visited before school and i did hug Jake several times.

"let's get back to class, i'm going to the bathroom now" I awkwardly stood up and cleared my throat walking away from the guy.

I sat inside one of the bathroom stalls and felt a really sick feeling in me, like a horrible guy feeling, kind of like i knew something was gonna happen.

I looked through my phone and pressed on the group chat with Minju and Karina and I so I could text them and ask them to come over to where I was.


Minju, Karina, come to the bathroom please, it's urgent

Sent to Karina, Minju 11.17

Patiently waiting, I quickly washed my hands and started to lean on the wall waiting for the two to come over to the bathrooms.

The door slowly opened revealing Karina's head and Minji's above, "y/n? are you alright?", I looked down and shook my head so they wouldn't see my said face.

"jake" the two came rushing in, I felt someone's fingers on my chin and pulled my chin up, "what? what's wrong with Jake?"

"i think he is seeing someone, he smells like vanilla perfume and I wear coconut scented perfume. I- I think the girl is Yuna"

Karina gasped a little and Minju let out a "what?" that echoed across the whole entire empty bathroom, i nodded my head a bit fighting the tears that were going to flood out of my eyes.

"no, no, no, y/n, that's no right, it might've been the both of us since we sprayed random perfume on you"

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head a little sighed, "i guess so"

I slowly gave them a faint smile reassuring them, even if i smiled you could still clearly the sadness in me. "come here" Karina said opening his arms wide open.

I fell into her arms and slowly let the tears fall out.

Jake and I walked into a convenience store that was close by to our school to get ourselves an afternoon snack and drink.

"hey y/n, i actually have to tell you something"

"something really important actually", "sure what is it Jakey?" I raised one of my brows at him as I looked at the soda's in the isle.

Jake stayed silent for a while making me think that this was gonna be really really bad. "but can everything between us stay the same?"

I turned around to him and chuckled, "what? just say it, it can't be that bad right?" Jake started to stutter and scratch his neck.

"y/n, i like Yuna, I've liked her for a while now, but this shouldn't change anything about out relationship though, it shouldn't bother you too right, i mean, after all this is a dare right?"

I chocked on my saliva and turned towards jake.

"jake? if you love me? why do you have a crush yuna?" I asked him feeling my throat hurt a little from trying to hold back tears.

"well- I"

Jake was about to say something but I cut him off before he could say anything else that could hurt my feelings even more.

"hey, i think it's actually time for me to go now" I said trying to show I was crying and threw the soda can and bubble gum packet that I was holding towards Jake.

"wait y/n"

I stormed out of the convenience leaving Jake standing there on his own.

I cried loudly making everyone around me stare at me like i'm some kind of weirdo.

which i was

I felt some rain droplets fall onto me while I let myself cry due to defeat from Jake's words

After a while of walking i finally arrived at my house and quickly got into my room only to see Sunghoon sitting on my bed.

"what the hell are you doing here?" I frowned to Sunghoon who was staring at his phone.

"you promised to hangout remember? i got here a while before and your brother let me in" He said taking his eyes off his phone and looking towards me.

Sunghoon frowned and quickly got up, "what wrong? why are you crying?" He asked me while I just shook my head.

"i'll tell you more after I take a shower okay"

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