《to be together | chase davenport/reader》fourteen 〣 need to know


Chase rubbed the back of his neck, and I leaned against my head against the back of the elevator. That little awkward dork. I loved him.

The elevator doors slid open, and I grabbed Chase's hand, walking through. The living room was empty, so I plopped down on the couch, dragging Chase with me.

"Bionic." Chase muttered after a tense beat of silence.

I slowly nodded, "Bionic, that's right."

He just shook his head, chuckling slightly. "It's just, um-"

"Hard to believe?" I supplied, and he nodded.

"It just feels weird."

I shook my head, "Doesn't have to be." After I said this, I turned on a movie. Chase's gaze slid to me, before he raised an eyebrow. "(Y/N)..."

"Yes?" I questioned, before stopping him, "You're right. We can't start this movie without some popcorn."

Chase just watched me pause the movie and get up, before he shook his head again. "(Y/N), we should talk, I'm serious."

"So am I." The only sound for a couple minutes was the popping of the buttery snack that was seeming more and more appetizing as time went on. Chase wanted to talk, and I knew that. However, he didn't need to know most of the stuff he thought he needed to know.

I had told him everything I had to share, why couldn't he understand that? A small 'ding' informed me that the popcorn was finished, and I whipped around to remove it from the microwave. I rummaged around for a bowl, before opening the package, and dumping all the fluffy kernels into the bowl. Once I glanced up, Chase was gone.

My heart dropped, and I realized the elevator was silent.

Chase had gone out. Where? Who knows.

But it was because of me.

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