《to be together | chase davenport/reader》six 〣 his hand on my waist



I hated Spike. I really did, with every single fiber of my being. I was honestly lucky that Y/N was actually understanding of the situation. We both agreed she needed a couple days to cool off, and she sent me a text on Saturday night that we were fine.

It was a huge relief.

After worrying about her mental state all weekend, I nearly forgot to worry about the dance. But there it was, popping back into my brain. I should ask her.

I needed to ask her.


Mission Creek High School


9:05 a.m.

This day was long.

And it hadn't even started.

I sat down on one of the benches, absentmindedly humming to myself. I watched people for a while, checking my phone every now and again.

And avoided Trent at all costs.

Sure, I wasn't the strongest, but I didn't think I was 'weak' enough to become his next victim. Apparently, as it seems I am most times, I was wrong. He saw me as fair game. Nobody was going to stop him. He was the tyrant of the social hierarchy in his mind.

I wanted to kill him.

You think after so many times of saying no, a person would just give up, but nope. He just keep asking, and asking, and asking. I shook my head, attempting not to worry too much. The dance was ages away, he'd find someone else far more shallow and naive to go with him.

I bit my lip, glancing up to the door out of habit, seeing Chase enter the school. I smiled gently.

Chase tended to lift my mood.

I got up & we talked for a bit, apparently closer than I originally thought.

"Get a room!" Leo shouted, walking past us. I blushed slightly.

"Good morning to you too, Leo." I muttered. My gaze turned back to Chase, who was blushing slightly.

"Y/N?" He wouldn't meet my eyes, and I frowned slightly.

"Yeah?" I answered quickly, feeling my heart speed up. We were going to break up. We had to be breaking up. He sounded nervous, and he wouldn't make eye contact. I should've known this was going to happen.

"Do you..." He took a deep breath, "Do you want to go to the dance with me?"



Oh wow.

Good job, self, you completely misread the situation again.

He cringed, "Sorry, sorry. I know it was stupid, you probably weren't even planning to go anyway, and-"

"Correction, she wasn't planning to go with you."

That made me freeze. Did he really just...


"Trent." I took deep breath, turning around to face him. We made eye contact, and I raised an eyebrow.

"I would much prefer to attend the dance with Chase. Chase, who I have already previously established that I enjoy his company to, would be my choice. Not, under any circumstances, you. You are just a wanna be. You stack up your ego so high to push away every single negative thing in life, and it's going to come crashing down. The students you think are weaker, the students you treat like toys, they are either going to break. Or they are going to come back stronger, and you're going to be left in the dust thinking 'what happened?' I will tell you right now what happened. You were never stronger. You were always the most miserable in the room. You were always the weakest. So, maybe think about that the next time you attempt to put somebody down in order to try and climb ahead. Have fun in college."

I smiled sarcastically, and I could see his fists clench and unclench. Well, that was one thing I had going for me.

I definitely made him question his life choices.


Trent and Chase both stared at me as I walked away from the situation. I couldn't handle both of them at once. However, as I walking away, I did take a glance from the corner of my eye.

Trent was walking away muttering to himself and Chase was just standing there.

Alright then.

I guess my job was done.



Mission Creek High School


9:15 a.m.


She was...

I had super smarts, and even I was having a hard time comprehending it.

She had destroyed Trent.


How did I end up with her?

That, I supposed, was a question for the ages.

I glanced down at my phone, a text from Y/N.

'Yes, I will go to the dance with you.'


A grin made its way onto my face.

I was actually going to the dance with Y/N.


Audrey's Car


7:55 p.m.

I smoothed out my dress for what had to be the fiftieth time. Audrey noticed this, and rolled her eyes.

"Y/N, for the last time, you look beautiful. You're going to have fun, okay?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath.


Audrey smiled, which made me smile too.

The car pulled up to the school, and I slowly opened the door. I stepped out with my converse (heels made it too hard to balance) and took one final glance at Audrey.

I closed the door, and she rolled the window down.

She drove away, shouting "Go have fun!"

I blushed slightly, smoothing out my dress. How many was that, sixteen? I was going to set a record.

I stepped into the school & walked to the gym door. Here it was. I was going to the dance.

I was going to the dance with Chase.

I tried to steady my breathing as I opened the door.

My eyes took in the scene in front of me as I stepped in.


People everywhere.

How did they even fit this many people?

I finally found Bree by the refreshment table, and walked over to her. She was one of the few people I actually knew by name in this sea of students. I tapped her on the shoulder, interrupting her conversation with Owen. They were pretty cute together, I could see it.

She turned around, smiling brightly, "Hey, best friend."

I chuckled, "Hey, best friend."

Bree looked over my shoulder, before her eyes fell back to me.

"There's Chase. Go get 'em, Tiger."

I blushed slightly but obliged. I turned around, walking toward my... boyfriend. That always felt weird to me.


He was obviously looking for me, so I interlocked our fingers. He glanced over at me, and we both grinned.

"Do you want to dance?"

I nodded cautiously. I didn't really dance, but hey. I was going to have fun, like Audrey said.

We walked out onto the dance floor right as a slow song came on. Just my luck right?

He put his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder. It just stayed like that for a while.

It was nice.

Soon enough, we started dancing more to the music, and that was nice too. Everything with Chase was nice. He was just... nice.

I glanced at him just as he glanced at me. I started leaning in cautiously.

Stop, my brain screamed, stop. You're going to ruin everything.

He leaned in.

We met in the middle.

It was better than I could have thought. It wasn't desperate. It wasn't urgent.

It was just nice.

His lips were soft.

We pulled away after a second, blushing and laughing.

"Maybe, we could do that more?"

I nodded, "I think I'd like that."



Davenport Estate


9:10 p.m.

I felt a little creepy having Y/N asleep on my couch.

She had fallen asleep in the car on the way back from the dance, and I couldn't find the heart to wake her. She probably got zero sleep at her own house. I just wanted to make sure she was rested.

I realized I didn't even know her address, so I couldn't even do anything about it.

Tasha walked in, smiling gently at the pair of us.

"I'll go get some pillows and blankets for her." Tasha said, and I thanked her before she went off to get them.

I just looked at her.

She looked so calm. I... knew I was into her, but it was weird. She made me feel happy most days.

It was hard to wrap my mind around.

Tasha walked back downstairs, pillows and blankets in hand.

"Head off to sleep, Chase. I'll take care of her."

I nodded.

Please, Spike, don't screw anything up.


(4) Messages from Audrey



'Please tell me you're safe.'



Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you guys would like, comment on this chapter what pet names you enjoy. However, I am going to try and be more sparing on pet names in the future, since they're a little weird for me. Love you guys. xoxo

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