《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 26


My eyes widen as Killian stares down at me, a smirk plastered on his face.

His blonde hair looked messy, and he had the usual silver lip ring on. He had on a white untucked, collared shirt, with a red tie, with a pair of black trousers.

My eyes land on the triangular bulge under the hem of his shirt, and my eyes widen.

Is that a gun?

I look back up at him, and he smirks, his dark eyes, glinting.

"Well.. look who we found." He chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

He leans down slightly, his eyes never leaving mine, his toxic scent entering my nose.

"What am I here for?" He smirks, his hand reaching up to my face but I take a step back.

"Look at her, she looks like she's gonna shit herself." I hear a deep chuckle behind him, and I look and see that it's his little minion, Kian, grinning down at me.

Half of his hair has grown back and he doesn't have the white cast on his nose anymore.


I glare at him, before looking back at Killian, who continues to stare at me, his face straightened.

"You can't try anything..." I lick my dry lips. "Cuz.." I feel my throat dry out.

"Cuz I-I'm not coming back." I turn around, but suddenly feel his hard grasp on my wrist, and I purse my lips, trying to tug away.

A moment later it's our turn to order, and Cara turns to look at me.

Her eyes trails to my wrist, then to Killian and Kian.

"Uh.. hello?" She cocks a brow.

Killian's lips twitch up into smirk.

"Cara, right? Layla's told me so much about you." He tells her.

She looks at me for a moment, and I force on a smile. She turns to him again.

"Really? You guys friends or something?" She questions, I open my mouth but Killian lightly pinches my skin.

"Yeah, she–"

"Uh, excuse me?" The girl at the till calls out, irritated.

"Sorry." Cara quickly turns, making our order.

I quickly try to tug away, but Killian tightens his grip and pulls, causing me to crash into his chest.

He leans down so we're eye level and I scowl, my breath hitching slightly at the close proximity.


"Get off me." I hiss, craning my neck, making sure Cara's not looking, but then I feel a grasp on my chin, and I'm turned back to him, meeting his electrifying blue eyes.

"Maybe next time I should go a little harsher on you. You don't seem to realise who's boss here." He spits, his minty breath fanning my lips, his sharp jaw clenched.

I let out a breath, and his eyes drop down to my lips before my eyes again.

"Killian, p-please. I don't want a next time, I'm happy here and..." I trail off when his eyes darken further, and I gulp visibly.

"You belong to me." He growls and my eyes widen.

"I-I do not! I–" I let out a gasp, as he pulls away, his heavy form pushing me slightly, causing me to stumble back.

"You'll regret leaving, soon enough." He mutters, his blue eyes piercing through mine before both him and his minion leave.

I calm my hectic breathing, before I slowly turn around, jumping slightly when I see Cara in front of me with food in her hands.

"Ready?" She asks. I force on a smile, nodding.

We walk over to an empty table and sit down, we begin to eat in silence. I look away from my food, chewing, and catch Cara staring at me.

"What?" I mumble, swallowing.

She rolls her eyes. "That was Killian, wasn't it?" She asks, and I tense up.

A slow smirk makes it's way to her face and I sigh.

"Okay, yes it was."

"Damn." She leans closer, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"He's one sexy mother fu-"

I scoff, throwing a chip at her. "You're disgusting."

She laughs. "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing." my face falls.

"He looks like a nice guy," she smiles.

No." I scoff. "I hate him."

"He's too hot to be a kidnapper." She sighs, dreamily.

"He's friends with my parents." I sigh. "And shut up. He's ugly."

"What really?" She exclaimed. "The friends part." She states and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. I don't know anything else–"

"We have to think of a plan." She cuts me off as she eats more fries. Her eyes dazed.

"Off the how sexy he is topic. We need to keep you safe." She sighs.


I narrow my eyes.

"The police won't work. My parents–"

"Don't worry, we can protect you. Me, Kaleb and Donald. Like that movie, the three musketeers? When they save puss in the boots?" Her brows furrow mid-sentence, her mouth gaping in confusion and I scoff.

"No, I don't think so." I continue shoving chips in my mouth and she rolls her eyes, waving it off.

"You get it."

I nod, my face sinking again. Cuz deep down I knew he'd find me again.


"Fucks sake Cara!" I yell, bursting out of the kitchen glaring at her.

She just blabbed the whole thing about Killian.

"What?" She looks back at me, innocently.

"That's it. I'm calling the fucking police." Donald bursts, standing up, flipping his phone out.

"NO!" I scream, anger already bubbling within me.

"This is getting out of hand, Layla. You need to take action." Kaleb snaps, standing up.

Donald begins to dial and panic floods through me.

"Donald you fucking do it and I–"

"NO!" Donald shouts. "FOR ONCE BE SERIOUS!"

Keeping them safe is more important, Killian's dangerous and he'll easily get out of it. And once he does. There's a big chance he'll hurt my friends.

Tears prick my eyes. "You call them and I swear I'll never speak to you guys again." My voice cracks.

There's silence for a few moments, while I take deep breaths to calm myself down.

"I'm getting sick of this drama. Really, I am. And we all know it's going to be one big fucking waste of a time. The guy is fucking loaded! As quick as he's in, he's out. Money is all the government care about, and you know it. And for him it's probably like buying a piece of candy. That's how rich he is! And after that you think he'll stop? What evidence do you fucking have anyway?"

All three of them don't speak, And I blow out a breath.

"Put the phone down, Donald." I stare at him.

"I'm sorry Layla... but I care about you and I need you to be safe." His eyes water slightly and I shake my head, anger fuelling me once again.

"You didn't fucking listen to me." I growl.

"STOP BEING SO FUCKING SELFISH!" Kaleb burts and I snap my eyes to him, gritting my teeth. His face is red with anger, his hand raking through his hair furiously.


"We're just trying to help you and there's no use in you yelling at us like that, yes what you said may be true but it's better than just doing nothing!" Kaleb stares at me, crossing his arms, his voice lowering slightly.

My nostrils flare, as I begin to breathe hectically.

"No. Kaleb. There is no 'may' here. We all know it is going to be just like that. And I only yelled–"

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" He yells louder, throwing his arms up.


He takes a deep breath, turning his back towards me.

"You need to learn to trust people and not turn against them." He says quieter.

"You just don't fucking realise." I grit out, quietly.

"Calling the police doesn't just waste time but it can also put me in an even worse position. Not only me but you guys as well- think about it, we don't know what he's capable of and by the looks on how carefree he is, it's obvious he's gotten away with a lot of things." I turn away.

"This isn't about trust. It's about safety. I know you guys mean well but trust me on this, calling the police will do nothing but put me-ALL of us in an even bigger risk.." I finish and with that, I trudge upstairs and into my room.


Right. Guys. This is the third time I'm editing this chapter. And I get that it can get confusing on why Layla doesn't want to call the police, but just think of how Killian may be able to escape that and then end up coming after her friends too. Which would happen if I did decide to write about it. But I didn't. (Honestly don't know why so many people are getting so pissed about it. Oof)

And also if he gets arrested the story would be over.


Hope you understand and enjoy the rest of the story cuz it does get better. Any more problems or confusions don't hesitate to message me. :) 💓

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